
There is always a choice Chapter one

Sep 17th, 2014
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  1. >You were taking a stroll through the park after a long day at work, when you stumble upon a Pegasus in a box.
  2. >She was orange with a pinkish mane and small, underdeveloped wings.
  3. "Why are you in that box?"
  4. >"Because I'm sick and poor, sir. This is my home."
  5. >You frown then, watching her stare dejectedly into a puddle from the storm that was just beginning to pass.
  6. >Next to her box is a small sign made of card board that reads “will do anything for bits”
  7. >"Did you... Want to make a purchase?"
  8. "Are you propositioning me?"
  9. >She looks back up to you, bewilderment in her eyes.
  10. >"Y-yes?"
  11. >You shake your head gently and give her a disappointed 'tsk, tsk, tsk.' before kicking her sign over.
  12. >The cardboard hastily absorbs the puddle she'd been staring into, hopelessly smearing the ink
  13. >She doesn't react beyond a small whimper and a little scoot further into her box as you walk away.
  14. >You think about the poor pony in her little box for a long while afterwards.
  15. >You get a late lunch at the Sugarcube Corner, dealing with Pinkie Pie’s usual antics, and grab an ice cream cone
  16. >You're strolling back through the park, on your way home.
  17. >The ice cream cone in your hand is four scoops of brightly colored, sprinkle coated diabetes.
  18. >Something possess you to stop by the little mare in her box again.
  19. "What's the most humiliating thing they've paid you to do?"
  20. >She flinches at the sound of your voice, startled.
  21. >She scowls up at your indifferent green face.
  22. >"None of your business."
  23. >You remember that her sing had said “anything”
  24. >Reaching into your pocket, you produce 3 bits and drop them between her hooves.
  25. >She stares at the coins a long while before taking them.
  26. >"Some mares paid me once to..."
  27. >Her voice trails off as she relives the memories, but you say nothing.
  28. >You simply lick at your ice cream, you're a pretty patient guy.
  29. >"They paid me to use a strap on to rut them."
  30. >Mid lick, you stop.
  31. "That's it?"
  32. >"No."
  33. >She swallows then, steeling herself.
  34. >"They shared me, used me like a toy. An entire week of Estrus, being passed from house to house." She looks up at you, expecting some reaction but finding none.
  35. >"I-It was my season too."
  36. >Oh, didn't expect that.
  37. >"When I... When I climaxed accidentally they would punish me for ruining the fantasy that they'd paid good bits for."
  38. >Her jaw is tight, brow furrowed. Tears cling to the corners of her eyes as she relives it all.
  39. >"The worst of it was on the final day. The unicorn used her magic to pin me down and lock me into a stockade. I don't know where the buck she'd gotten it from..."
  40. >The tears start to fall.
  41. >You remain silent and let her try to compose herself, and watch as she fails.
  42. >"They dragged me down to the Everfree. Apparently they'd invited a select few individuals to some kind of orgy to end Estrus with a bang."
  43. >She smiles at her dumb pun, you do as well. Her tears don't stop, however
  44. >"They'd brought me there to be used as an object. They fixed the stockade to a stake in the ground and invited any of the stallions present to use me as they pleased"
  45. >She sniffles, clenching her eyes shut as she wipes her tears away and takes a deep, quivering breath
  46. A few long moments of emotional silence pass by while you simply enjoy your ice cream and wait.
  47. >You are not sure what the ending of this story is but you can tell it was not a good one for her…
  48. >Finally, without looking up at you she asks, "You're not just going to leave it be, are you?"
  49. "No."
  50. >"Buck you."
  51. "Not what I paid for."
  52. >She angrily wipes her eyes again before pressing on, voice thick with emotion…
  53. >"Not one. Not one stallion touched me that night. I had to listen to them have their way with every other pony there while they laughed at me. The poor, pathetic freak. All night I had to listen to them laugh at me and buck behind my back."
  54. >She's speaking through clenched teeth now, fresh tears running down her face in glistening rivulets.
  55. >"I climaxed to the sound of it. I was humiliated. I wanted to die, but I couldn't stop myself from having an orgasm as I listened to the other mares squealing."
  56. >This was not the ending you had imagined…and it made you feel more uncomfortable than you imagined it would, but you kept a plain face
  57. "Why didn't they take you?"
  58. >She looks up, surprised by your small frown and sad tone of voice.
  59. >"Don't make me say it..."
  60. >Once more, you wait. Patience sure does come in handy sometimes.
  61. >With a sigh she pushes herself up onto her hooves and scoots out of her box, eyes closed.
  62. >"Who would want to rut a blank flank?"
  63. >A quick glance confirms that she did indeed lack a Cutie Mark.
  64. >She was obviously in her early twenties and it was certainty unusual for her not to have one
  65. >"My whole life it's been the same, I'm a freak. Even now only the most desperate stallions will buy me."
  66. >”Even my childhood friends have Cutie marks and have abandoned me…”
  67. "Why not get a job?"
  68. >"What job am I supposed to get? I have no talent!"
  69. >You squat down, making yourself eye level with her.
  70. "You have no Cutie Mark," you correct her.
  71. "Which is a trait that most species seem to get along fine without."
  72. >She opens her mouth to protest, but seems incapable of finding the words.
  73. >Straightening back up, you take one last lick of your ice cream cone before holding it out to her.
  74. "You always have choices, you're just making bad ones right now."
  75. >She simply stares at you, tear stained eyes wide with puzzlement.
  76. >She takes the ice cream cone, struggling to hold it awkwardly with her front hooves.
  77. >”Why are you doing this?” She asks, seemingly unable to understand your harshness quickly followed by acts of kindness
  78. >You stand there and ponder her question
  79. >Truth be told, you didn’t understand yourself…
  80. >You just saw her in her little box, looking like she had no life in her at all, and you had to act
  81. >Unusual for you, to say the least!
  82. >She licks the ice cream, just as you were a moment ago, waiting for you to answer.
  83. >It seems you are not the only one who can be patient.
  84. “I am not entirely sure… I just saw a bit of myself in you I guess...”
  85. >You think back to when you first arrived in Equestria almost three years ago
  86. >To say you had a hard time in the beginning would be an understatement!
  87. >You were initially mistrusted and hated by the general pony community.
  88. >It didn’t help that you spoke different languages.
  89. >Finally, Purplesmart, as you knew her back then, helped you to learn the language and things got a little better.
  90. >The ponies were still apprehensive, but they were coming around
  91. >Than you met Princess Celestia and Princess Luna…
  92. >They were very cautious at first, going so far as to lock you up in the dungeons of Canterlot until they were convinced you were trustworthy
  93. >It took a month of this, but you were able to win them over
  94. >You were returned to Ponyville and were greeted by your only friends in existence at the time, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle
  95. >You refused help form either of them when it came to housing and chose to live on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest
  96. >You had little luck when it came to jobs, but you saved up every bit you earned from the odd jobs you did until you had a stroke of luck that on even Celestia herself could predict…
  97. >You met Vinyl Scratch, and you two hit it off immediately!
  98. >You were always a kinda chill guy which seemed to compliment her insane party going nature
  99. >After a while of awesome friendship, she asked you some personal questions
  100. >”What do you do for work Anon?” She asked one day at lunch
  101. “I actually don’t have a regular job I just do whatever I can” You quietly admitted
  102. >She looks at you incredulously, “And you didn’t think to ask for a job?!?!”
  103. >After that she hired you on as her personal assistant which paid quiet well
  104. >When she heard you were homeless not a week after that she was even angrier!
  105. >She insisted on helping you have a house built and contacted a fan of hers who did contracting and would help.
  106. >They had the house built in two months flat
  107. >Fucking magic…
  108. >Now you are the security advisor for Vinyl and help her keep her concerts under control
  109. >You snap back from your little reminiscing session and notice the ice cream you had given her was almost gone
  110. >You must have been standing there for a hot minuet
  111. >”Are you ok” she asked, some concern touching her face
  112. “Yeah, just remembering some old stuff…”
  113. >She finishes the ice cream cone off and picks up the bits you had given her
  114. >”Here… I will give you three bits to hear about that stuff!”
  115. >You stare at the bits for a moment before laughing and pocketing them
  116. “Hehehe, sure, I can deal with that! What’s your name little lady?”
  117. >She looks down at the ground before saying, “Scootaloo…”
  118. >You remember hearing that name before but you can’t place it.
  119. “Well Scootaloo, my story is much longer than yours, hows about you come back to my house and I can tell you my story in comfort?”
  120. >You say this with a completely straight face and she nods
  121. >From inside her box she pulls out a scooter that looks to be a few sizes too small
  122. >Not waiting for any other answer, you take off at a brisk pace with Scootaloo following behind
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