
ugh ugh ugh

Jan 27th, 2014
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  1. Trainers can, of course, Switch their Pokémon in battle, which returns their current active Pokémon into its Poké Ball and sends out another Pokémon to take its place. This is often done as one action but can also be broken up into separate Recall and Release actions.
  3. A full Pokémon Switch requires a Standard Action and can be initiated by either the Trainer or their Pokémon on their respective Initiative Ticks. A Trainer cannot Switch or Recall their Pokémon if their active Pokémon is out of range of their Poké Ball's recall beam - 8 meters. During a League Battle, Trainers are generally considered to always be in Switching range. Trainers may Switch out Fainted Pokémon as a Shift Action.
  5. Whenever a Trainer performs both a Recall and a Release Action in the same round during a League Battle, such as a simple Switch, they forfeit all further Command Actions for the remainder of the Round unless the Switch was forced by a Move such as Roar or if they were Recalling and replacing a Fainted Pokémon.
  7. Recall and Release actions can also be taken individually by a Trainer as Shift Actions. A Trainer may also spend a Standard Action to Recall two Pokémon or Release two Pokémon at once.
  9. If a Trainer has a Command Action available, a Pokémon may act during the round it was released. If the Pokémon's Initiative Tick has already passed, then this means they may act immediately.
  11. ---
  13. Trainers can, of course, Switch their Pokémon in battle, which returns their current active Pokémon into its Poké Ball and sends out another Pokémon to take its place. This is often done as one action but can also be broken up into separate Recall and Release actions.
  15. A full Pokémon Switch requires a Standard Action and can be initiated by either the Trainer or their Pokémon on their respective Initiative Ticks. A Trainer cannot Switch or Recall their Pokémon if their active Pokémon is out of range of their Poké Ball's recall beam - 8 meters. During a League Battle, Trainers are generally considered to always be in Switching range. Trainers may Switch out Fainted Pokémon as a Shift Action.
  17. Whenever a Trainer Switches Pokémon during a League Battle they cannot Command the Pokémon that was Released as part of the Switch for the remainder of the Round unless the Switch was forced by a Move such as Roar or if they were Recalling and replacing a Fainted Pokémon. Interrupts may still be used but consume the next round's Command Action as usual.
  19. Recall and Release actions can also be taken individually by a Trainer as Shift Actions. Recalling and then Releasing by using two Shift Actions in one Round still counts as a Switch, even if they are declared as separate actions. A Trainer may also spend a Standard Action to Recall two Pokémon or Release two Pokémon at once.
  21. If a Trainer has a Command Action available, a Pokémon may act during the round it was released. If the Pokémon's Initiative Tick has already passed, then this means they may act immediately.
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