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#chimpire runs /r/crackertown - 2015-08-06

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Aug 25th, 2015
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  1. [13:23:07] <Suspook>
  2. [13:23:07] <Suspook>
  3. [13:23:08] <Shaniquaa> [REDDIT] CrackerTown survives while CoonTown is banned!!!!! (self.CrackerTown) [NSFW] | 1 points (100.0%) | 0 comments | Posted by ExposeRacists | Created at 2015-08-06 - 13:22:50
  4. [13:23:08] <Shaniquaa> [REDDIT] CrackerTown survives while CoonTown is banned!!!!! (self.CrackerTown) [NSFW] | 1 points (100.0%) | 0 comments | Posted by ExposeRacists | Created at 2015-08-06 - 13:22:50
  5. [13:31:10] <Suspook> they are celebrating on /r/crackertown
  6. [13:32:13] <Melisandre_> I bet they won't ban crackertown
  7. [13:48:27] <minibeepReborn> suspook i cant vote down on crackertown
  8. [13:48:45] <Suspook> i run crackertown
  9. [13:49:00] <Suspook> im promoting crackertown hugely now
  10. [13:49:11] <Suspook> that crackertown exists while coontown is banned
  11. [13:49:45] <coco> Crackertown is ran by whites, plus there's no reverse racism on reddit
  12. [13:50:04] <Suspook> coco: crackertown existing is proof of reverse racism
  13. [13:50:19] <FJ> Crackertown should go full #whitegenocide
  14. [13:50:32] <Suspook> FJ: im going to make crackertown go completely white genocide
  15. [13:51:39] <Suspook> ok ill make you approved submitter on crackertown
  16. [13:58:08] <minibeepReborn> subscribe to crackertown. its like coontown but you have to hate on white peope. we can get it more known. calls to murder of white men is allowed
  17. [14:00:23] <minibeepReborn> join white hate on crackertown. show reddit the double standard
  18. [14:12:46] <Suspook> alghazi: they kept crackertown up
  19. [14:13:01] <Suspook> crackertown is actively calling for white genocide at this point
  20. [14:27:09] <Suspook> regg: did you see /r/crackertown
  21. [14:31:55] <minibeepReborn> suspook whats the point of crackertown needing approval to post ?
  22. [14:35:13] <minibeepReborn> suspook can i promote crackertown on some black activist places ?
  23. [15:56:32] <Suspook> crackertown is promoting white genocide
  24. [16:25:54] <Suspook> crackertown isnt even quarantined
  25. [23:10:07] <polguy> there is a subreddit called r/crackertown?
  26. [23:39:03] <Suspook> also /r/crackertown isnt even quarantined
  27. [23:39:38] <Hanz> time to go post some goodies to /r/crackertown
  28. [23:39:55] <Plebbit> Crackertown be raysiss
  29. [23:40:44] <Hanz> crackertown is rayciss
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