

Mar 9th, 2015
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  1. # Building
  3. ##General
  5. For builds, check [this page]( While building in Smite is very situational, grappul offers a nice basic build that off of which
  6. you can base your own, optimized build. If you want me to go into details on a certain item / on all of them simply say so and I will.
  8. ##Useful items
  9. **Hastened Fatalis:** HF is pretty good on Vamana. Wonderful with his ult aswel and for getting off AAs after applying your 3. It's not always the best choice though. If the enemy team has lots of escapes HF often doesn't do all that much work and you might be better off with another item.
  11. **Sprint / Curse:** Vamana has wonderful teamfight potential but only in certain situations. His ult is very easily countered by enemies with more movementspeed or a good escape. To counter this you can either slow them down (using curse) or speed yourself up (with sprint) so that you can get off your basic attacks.
  13. #Skills
  15. ##Skilling
  16. Keep in mind that everyone has their own preferences and that the "best" way to skill is the one that best suits your playstyle. There are, however, some basic guidelines that are worth following, which are what I'll try to list below.
  18. ###Priority
  19. 3>2>4>1
  20. ###First five levels
  21. 3-2-1/3-1/3-4
  22. ###General
  24. Don't skill until the very second that you're going to use it. Keep your skillpoint ready incase the enemy tries to invade / your team needs you. Be ready to put a point in your escape ability if you need to get out quick: it's better to
  25. lose out on a little bit of earlygame power instead of giving away first blood.
  27. ##Sleeping Giant
  28. Vamana's passive has two different aspects to it. Firstly hand it works similar to Runeforged Hammer - it converts a part of his phys protections into power. Secondly it extends the duration of your ult if you're getting attacked.
  29. ##Clear the Path
  30. A wonderful escape ability if used correctly. You run forward, do damage and knock anyone you hit up. Has a relatively long cooldown that does not decrease when leveling this ability. *Note: Enemies can only be hit once by this ability*
  32. ##Armored Umbrella
  33. A simple cone shaped damage ability. Pretty good to clean up waves if your 3 doesn't suffice / is on CD. Has a decent range.
  35. ##Umbrellarang
  36. This ability (combined with his 2) is what makes Vamana the Warrior with the best clear. You throw your umbrella infront of you in a line, damaging and applying a slow to anyone you hit. The umbrella returns after reaching max distance and does the same ammount of damage and applying the same slow on it's way back. *Note: While it does refresh the slow on a target already affected by this ability, it does not stack.*
  38. ##Colossal Fury
  39. Insanely useful ult. Vamana turns into a giant, has AOE basic attacks, more protections, power and HP5. The duration is extended if Vamana is attack while he's in his colossal form.
  41. #Tips
  43. ##General
  44. Vamana has the best lane clear out of all the warriors. This means that you'll be able to outpush your enemy in the early game. His strenghth isn't huge burst damage but rather sustain - you continiously poke the enemy, force him under his tower (making him lose gold) and hopefully win your lane. Kills are definitely a possiblity but not necessarily your goal - if you outpush the enemy and get down a tower you've more than done your job.
  46. One thing to know about Vamana is that he - more so than most warriors - has the ability to change a losing fight into a winning one. Both in a teamfight aswel as a 1 vs 1 scenario. He's also able to tower dive realtively soon, as his ult gives him enough survivability and a chance at getting back up to decent health afterwards.
  48. ###Passive
  49. ####Physical Protections
  50. Due to your passive, you gain power from building protections. If you've also built Runeforged, it might be worth getting another physical defense item with a good passive (e.g. Breastplate of Valor) - you'll get damage out of it, protections against the enemy solo laner (if he's phyiscal), Jungler and ADC and it works wonderfully in conjunction with your ult.
  51. ####Extended ult duration
  52. This can be used in two ways:
  54. a) if your opponent is not aware of your passive, you can use this to chase them continiously in your ult, maybe even going as far as to stepping into their skills on purpose to extend the duration of your ult
  56. b) if your opponent is aware of your passive, you can use it to zone. They'll most likely not attack you unless they think that they can kill you, so you can use it to keep them away.
  58. ###Clear the Path
  59. ####Agressive
  60. Your 1 can be used offensively if you're playing agressive / want to secure a kill. It has a pretty long duration and while the damage is nothing exceptional, the knock up is what you want to use this skill for. The knock up makes it easier to hit your 3 initially, which in turn, makes it easier to hit your 2 due to the slow.
  62. It can also be used to interrupt your enemies in a teamfight. Due to the long duration, you can run through multiple enemies to stop them from using their skils or even just to distract them. It's also good to make them waste buff / active duration (e.g. knocking up an Artemis while her 2 is up, so that she can't fully utilize it).
  64. ####Defensively
  65. Your 1 is a pretty good escape. Even if your opponent is body blocking you can still pass him and for the duration of the knock up, they're unable to stop you / go after you with their own skills. The only downside to this skill is that can be CC'd out of it. As such, you have to be careful when you use it and either wait for them to put their CC on CD, or get close enough to knock them up before they can CC you out of your skill.
  67. ###Armored Umbrella
  68. There's not really too much to this skill. It does good damage and has decent range, so it can be used both to help with clearing waves aswel as poking / finish off enemies who camp under their tower.
  70. ###Umbrellarang
  71. This is your main source of damage (other than AAs) aswel as your waveclear. It hits twice and has a very good range. The umbrella returns to you in a straight line after reaching it's max distance, so you can place yourself in such a way as to hit someone with it twice / hit him on the way back even if you missed originally. Don't forget about the slow either: It's great as a set up for your ult (tag them, go into your ult, smash them to pieces as they're slowed) or just to get AAs off (especially if you have Hastened Fatalis). During laning phase, try to not put it on cooldown if there's a wave incoming as you'll otherwise lack in terms of wave clear.
  73. ###Colossal Form
  74. This is what makes Vamana so good. There's multiple aspects to this ability and plenty of uses.
  75. ####In a teamfight
  76. In a teamfight, your job is to deal massive damage. If you have spring or curse (which you should) it should be relatively easy to keep up with at least one enemy, and your HP5 and the additional protections allow you to survive anything they might throw at you. Don't be afraid of chasing down the enemy ADC: if he attacks you he increases the duration of your ult and with enough protections you should be able to kill him and he runs from you you've just removed one of the main sources of damage the enemy team might have.
  77. ####In lane
  78. ####1 vs 1
  79. Solo lane - during the early stages of the game - is all about outpushing your enemy. As such, sustain and lane clear is what you need. Your ult provides both. If you're low on health you can go into your ult to use the HP5 it gives aswel as use the AOE AAs to outpush the enemy. While you shouln't waste your ult, you shouldn't be afraid of using it for sustain and lane advantage - that's your job! You can also use it when being chased - get around a corner, use your ult to heal up and get back in the fight.
  80. ####When getting ganked
  81. When you're being ganked, your ult might be a better way to escape than your 1 is. The protections and HP5 help, but the main reason why you'd want to use your ult in such a situation is that you're CC immune during it. This can also be used preemptively to block incoming CC (e.g. you've pushed the enemy Baka under tower and you hear a Thor ult incoming. If you use your 1 Thor can stun you out of it or simply block your path with his wall. Using your ult you could counter the stun and give yourself enough survivability to get out).
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