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a guest
Nov 19th, 2013
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  1. Schizo
  2. Weapon rules: You can only use the fists ur dad gave you.
  3. Armor rules: Can't wear armor
  4. Skills rules: Unarmed, Medicine, Survival, Science
  5. S.P.E.C.I.A.L rules: Do what u want, but I would put a lot of points into endurance and strength if you even wanna stand a chance
  6. Perks/traits rules: anything that boosts dmg to unarmed and makes you tankier and helps with use of drugs
  7. Food/drugs/healing rules: use any type of healing, drugs, or food to stay alive
  8. Companion rules: fuck companions, u dont get along well with others
  9. Gameplay rules:
  10. - You cannot wear armor, use only the fists u start with.
  11. - Take drugs to make yourself stronger, faster or healthier.
  12. - Try not to get addicted to drugs, so use drugs wisely.
  13. - Go to quarry junction and fight deathclaws lvl, record it, and if you kill one then u r god.
  14. Required mods: no mods
  15. Difficulty rules: Very Hard
  16. Completion rules: by lvl 30, if you can kill 6 deathclaws at the same time with no armor and only fists then you have completed this run.
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