
The End (Bittersweet)

Apr 18th, 2016
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  1. We were running in the forest when the news reached our ears.
  2. Everything was going to be erased. Our structures, our belongings, us... All of it was going to be gone in 30 minutes. Perhaps even less.
  4. The two of us made it back to the tower. We could hear ponies everywhere, cursing at the skies. They didn't get a single bit of notice beforehand. They didn't know why their world was going to end so suddenly. All they did know was that they were afraid. Of losing everything they had worked for, and losing their friends and loved ones. Said friends and loved ones gathered together for their last moments together, in separate groups. Most of them sad, the rest of them scared. This was truly the end of days.
  6. Then, she had an idea.
  8. It was supposed to be for us and us only. But I understood that if nothing was going to exist in a short time, it didn't really matter. She brought them all to the top floor of our tower. Everypony who didn't come were either sleeping or preferred to spend their last minutes by themselves. I respected that, and I had hoped that she did as well.
  10. Couples gathered together, hooves around each other in perfect harmony. Happy faces and warm smiles filled the air. The sadness that had just existed seemed to dissipate. I trotted over to the edge of the tower and looked out into the lake below us. Thinking. We can still be happy about the end, can't we? All that an end means is a chance for a new beginning. Every wall gives you the chance to see what's on the other side.
  12. ...Perhaps leaving this world isn't as scary as it seems.
  14. She called me over to join the group after a few minutes had passed. They were about to take a group picture with an old camera they'd found one day. How could I refuse? Before the picture was taken, two ponies came up to the top floor where we were gathered. It seems they missed the memo earlier and got here just in time. I hadn't interacted with these ponies as much as the rest, but you didn't have to be close to either of them to know that they were more than just friends. I was happy for them. The mayor of our land set the camera timer, and we all got into our positions.
  16. So there we sat. Me, with her. The farmer pony with their significant other beside us, as well as a stallion I hadn't talked with much on the other side of us. The two late lover ponies were in front of us, sitting closely together. Beside them, the pony I knew liked to draw a lot was fast asleep, and beside her, the mayor. Behind her, a pair of two ponies. One I had interacted with a small bit, the other one I hadn't properly met before. You would think from an outside point of view this photograph would mean just about as much as any. That's how normal it was. As if the painful inevitability of our demise was as relevant as a single drop of rain on a window.
  18. With devilishly comedic timing, the camera snapped just as a grey crack broke through the sky behind it, sending a thundering sound through the air. It didn't take long before it started expanding across the sky in front of us. The mayor said they hoped we enjoyed our time together. A statement that acted as a kind of last goodbye to us all. Or at least, I assumed so. I looked at everypony around me. They all had a grin on their face. Damn straight, if we're going out, we're going out smiling.
  20. The crack erupted once more, growing larger than ever, even growing to the ground. Obliterating everything in it's path, and replacing it with a stale, grey void. The fissure was extending towards us, covering many miles in each second. β€œSo this is it?” I thought to myself, β€œThis is all we had worked for?”
  22. I could have been more distressed and angry about our inevitable death. But perhaps it needed to happen. Perhaps we'd pop out into a different realm together, living happily ever after until time itself screeched to a halt. That doesn't sound too scary, does it? No, I don't believe so. We'd all be soaring soon. That's more than we've ever been doing. We've built towers that can barely hope to touch the sky. But now getting to it will be easier than ever.
  23. I closed my eyes. It was all going to be over soon. At any moment, we would all simply cease to exist.
  24. And I think I could speak for most when I say... I was alright with that.
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