

Nov 14th, 2013
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  1. *** Faminepulse joined #site19
  2. 17:47 Echo "Who fucked up the line of departure time?"
  3. 17:47 Faminepulse guys
  4. 17:47 Faminepulse idea
  5. 17:47 Echo "Nobody."
  6. 17:47 tahunu Gah.
  7. 17:47 Reject scandinner you should probably stop biting your computer then
  8. 17:47 Faminepulse bring extinct species back to life, turns out its anomalous
  9. 17:47 Echo "Who the shit dropped the 203 shot that knocked the mosque's minaret over?"
  10. 17:47 Faminepulse gogoo
  11. 17:47 Reject my friend bit through his ipod a couple years ago because he lost in a game
  12. 17:47 Roget Scandinner seriously anything with teeth messes me up
  13. 17:47 Echo "Nobody."
  14. 17:47 tahunu Faminepulse: ...Vampires from blindsight?
  15. 17:47 Scandinner roget good, good
  16. 17:47 Roget Faminepulse tasmanian devils - actually a powerful cognitohazard
  17. 17:48 Faminepulse tahunu, what is your meaning
  18. 17:48 tahunu My meaning is GO REED BLINDSIGHT
  19. 17:48 Faminepulse Roget, that thars a foundation in future sci fi thingy
  20. 17:48 tahunu disintegrates
  21. 17:48 Silber I'm so anxious about teeth that I can't smile in the mirror
  22. 17:48 *** tahunu is now known as tahugamin
  23. 17:48 Annalea Echo: I got that >_>
  24. 17:49 Roget Faminepulse can I write this
  25. 17:50 Echo TITLE: Shortwave Radio Oddity Roundup
  26. VIEWS: 29881
  27. FAVES: 0
  28. RATING: 4
  29. RATERS: 441
  30. UPLOADED: J. Roz
  31. TITLE: Shortwave Radio Oddity Roundup
  32. VIEWS: 29881
  33. FAVES: 0
  34. RATING: 4
  35. RATERS: 441
  36. UPLOADED: J. Roz
  37. 17:50 Nala Echo: Shortwave Radio Oddity Roundup by J. Roz (14 m 30 s) - - published Sun Jan 6, 2013 - 4.96/5.00 (441.0, +437/-4), 29,881 views
  38. 17:50 Faminepulse go ahead, i was putting it out there
  39. 17:50 tahugamin gdata. y u gdata? :V
  40. 17:50 MonkeyBomb Why are shortwave radio broadcasts so freaky.
  41. 17:50 Annalea Hmmm.
  42. 17:51 Annalea .g test
  43. 17:51 Nala Annalea: (Create Tests for Organizational Training and Certification Programs ...) provides a complete software solution for creating online tests and managing enterprise and specialist certification programs, in up to 22 languages.
  44. 17:51 Annalea Interesting.
  45. 17:51 Annalea It's November
  46. 17:51 Faminepulse Roget, are you gonna make it memetic tasmanian devils
  47. 17:51 Annalea and the Google Search API still works.
  48. 17:51 Echo MonkeyBomb: Cuz numbers stations
  49. 17:51 Roget Faminepulse I dunno
  50. 17:51 MonkeyBomb doesn't feel safe anymore.
  51. 17:51 Roget My current idea isn't working out and I like this one
  52. 17:51 Faminepulse because im thinking more something further back
  53. 17:51 Roget Just "resurrect extinct species, it turns out to be anomalous"
  54. 17:52 *** Bouncl quit (Quit: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuu)
  55. 17:52 Faminepulse like the wooly mammoth, and it turns out it was never resurrected to public knowledge because OMG ANOMALOUS BAG IT
  56. 17:52 tahugamin My mind has forever associated November with Poppies :|
  57. 17:52 Roget Faminepulse okay i write this
  58. 17:53 Faminepulse doesnt have to be a mammoth, i just think thats a neat idea
  59. 17:53 Faminepulse but yeah go nuts i look forward to it
  60. 17:53 Echo Annalea: Listen how cute she sounds <3
  61. 17:53 Echo TITLE: US Military Emergency Action Message (EAM) - 8.992MHz USB
  62. VIEWS: 62252
  63. FAVES: 0
  64. RATING: 3
  65. RATERS: 74
  66. UPLOADED: SignalHacker2k8
  67. TITLE: US Military Emergency Action Message (EAM) - 8.992MHz USB
  68. VIEWS: 62252
  69. FAVES: 0
  70. RATING: 3
  71. RATERS: 74
  72. UPLOADED: SignalHacker2k8
  73. 17:53 Nala Echo: US Military Emergency Action Message (EAM) - 8.992MHz USB by SignalHacker2k8 (1 m 21 s) - TITLE: US Military Emergency Action Message (EAM) - 8.992MHz USB
  74. VIEWS: 62252
  75. FAVES: 0
  76. RATING: 3
  77. RATERS: 74
  78. UPLOADED: SignalHacker2k8
  79. TITLE: US Military Emergency Action Message (EAM) - 8.992MHz USB
  80. VIEWS: 62252
  81. FAVES: 0
  82. RATING: 3
  83. RATERS: 74
  84. UPLOADED: SignalHacker2k8
  85. - published Sat Aug 21, 2010 - 3.92/5.00 (74.0, +54/-20), 62,252 views
  86. 17:53 Faminepulse also im kind of getting inspired by the future timeline blog
  87. 17:54 tahugamin "Species used to go extinct. Now they go on hiatus."
  88. 17:54 Faminepulse tie in the caveman era foundation
  89. 17:54 tahugamin I just quoted a fictional quote from a fictional book in a fictional book.
  90. 17:54 *** Beaver quit (Quit: Leaving)
  91. 17:54 tahugamin Quoteception? :P
  92. 17:54 Annalea >_>
  93. 17:54 Annalea that echo
  94. 17:54 FlameShirt ...
  95. 17:54 Roget Faminepulse the CKG gathering thing?
  96. 17:54 Annalea is like
  97. 17:54 Annalea weirding me out
  98. 17:54 Faminepulse Roget, kind of joking
  99. 17:54 Echo ?
  100. 17:55 Annalea the echo in the sound
  101. 17:55 Echo Ah
  102. 17:55 Annalea the acoustic echo
  103. 17:55 Annalea reminds me a little of the PA announcer from Half Life 2
  104. 17:55 Faminepulse but that could turn out to be bang your head on the wall so stupid its good
  105. 17:55 Annalea .y half life 2 announcer
  106. 17:55 Nala Annalea: Half Life 2 Overwatch City Voice by greenpeacekiller52 (8 m 55 s) - Show YouTube video ( info... - published Tue Aug 25, 2009 - 4.96/5.00 (445.0, +441/-4), 70,793 views
  107. 17:55 Roget Faminepulse I'mma do it
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