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Sep 28th, 2016
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  1. god dammit flatline
  3. the beginning:
  4. --------------
  5. 5:46 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: why u gotta call me out like that marquis
  6. 5:46 PM - wassup wittit: what?
  7. 5:46 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: u know what
  8. 5:46 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: smh
  9. 5:46 PM - wassup wittit: the thread?
  10. 5:46 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: yes
  11. 5:46 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: i thought we wer cool ..
  12. 5:46 PM - wassup wittit: lmao..
  13. 5:46 PM - wassup wittit: :3...
  14. 5:46 PM - wassup wittit: :3....
  15. 5:46 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: .............................................
  16. 5:46 PM - wassup wittit: :3..........................................................................
  17. 5:47 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: stop
  18. 5:47 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: this
  19. 5:47 PM - wassup wittit: 3:
  20. 5:47 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: cease ur memery
  21. 5:47 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: I SAID CEASE
  22. 5:47 PM - wassup wittit: ok
  23. 5:47 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: good job
  24. 5:47 PM - wassup wittit: :|
  25. 5:47 PM - wassup wittit: i am sorry
  26. 5:48 PM - wassup wittit: i will just callout rain then
  27. 5:48 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: Yes.
  28. 5:48 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: Correct answer .
  29. 5:48 PM - wassup wittit: but first let me watch dbz abridged
  30. 5:48 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: k
  32. hours later:
  33. ------------
  34. 9:06 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: u havent changed it yet .....
  35. 9:06 PM - wassup wittit: LMAO
  36. 9:06 PM - wassup wittit: u caught me
  37. 9:06 PM - wassup wittit: i wasnt going to change it
  38. 9:06 PM - wassup wittit: :3...
  39. 9:06 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: disrespect ......
  40. 9:06 PM - wassup wittit: FINE im changing
  41. 9:07 PM - wassup wittit: happy?
  42. 9:08 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: this is not what i requested...
  43. 9:08 PM - wassup wittit: god ur NEEDY
  44. 9:08 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: do not slander me...
  45. 9:08 PM - wassup wittit: fixed
  46. 9:08 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: why am i typing like this
  47. 9:08 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: i only do it to you
  48. 9:08 PM - wassup wittit: lmao
  49. 9:08 PM - wassup wittit: i dunno
  50. 9:08 PM - wassup wittit: happy now?
  51. 9:09 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: i request...
  52. 9:09 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: all mentions of my name...
  53. 9:09 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: to be removed....
  54. 9:09 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: or suffer my curse...
  55. 9:09 PM - wassup wittit: ok its gone
  56. 9:09 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: that means the whole line fuckboi
  57. 9:09 PM - wassup wittit: GOD
  58. 9:09 PM - wassup wittit: UR FUCKING NEEDY
  59. 9:10 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: u know it boy
  60. 9:10 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: get me groceries
  61. 9:10 PM - wassup wittit: no D:<
  62. 9:10 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: wow that was racist i apologize
  63. 9:10 PM - wassup wittit: happy now?
  64. 9:10 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: yes
  65. 9:10 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: thank you dishsoap...
  66. 9:10 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: now return the slab........
  67. 9:10 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: or face my curse.................
  68. 9:11 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: suffer...what the fuck ever....
  69. 9:11 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: were you about to correct me...........
  70. 9:11 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: smh.............
  71. 9:11 PM - wassup wittit: no
  72. 9:11 PM - wassup wittit: :3.
  73. 9:12 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: god ur a weeb
  74. 9:12 PM - wassup wittit: :(
  75. 9:12 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: may god almighty smite thou with massive force.........
  76. 9:12 PM - sir flathud of flatshire: *goes to furry convention to spread the word of our lord.....*
  77. 9:12 PM - wassup wittit: PFFFFFFFFFF
  79. :3
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