
Fond Farewell

Jun 17th, 2013
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  1. >From the first time you came to this land, things have always been different, than from back home.
  2. >In this world of magic, talking animals and evil forces that need the occasional vanquishing, nothing seemed impossible.
  3. >Turns out you were right, because along the way, you met an extraordinary mare. It's been so long, but you remember that day well.
  4. >It was during Nightmare Night, and you both reached for the same cup of punch. That was the ice breaker you never planned, but thankful to this day for it.
  5. >It started small, a little back and forth, some witty banter, jokes that fell flat, but she didn't seem to mind.
  6. >Before either of you knew it, it was time to go home. But neither of you felt like doing that.
  7. >So under the statue of Nightmare Moon, the two of you star gazed, and talked the night away.
  8. >From there, things slowly started building up. Meeting for little brunches, going to the movies, and sometimes, just hanging back at home.
  9. >With each passing week, the tension inside you built up. You wanted to hold her, to whisk her off her hooves, and go riding into the sunset.
  10. >But there were some lingering...reservations. For all you knew, she could just have saw you as a good friend. You had not seen any other couples besides horses, so that subject was a bit of a taboo to you.
  11. >But the nights were so cold, and you felt so alone.
  12. >This turmoil inside you didn't go unnoticed by her, but she didn’t point it out at the time. >However, that all changed one day, during on particular bout of lamenting during a movie. She leaned in and asked, “What was wrong?”
  13. >You tried to play it off, and made a joke about how awful the movie was, but that wasn’t enough.
  14. >She places her hoof over your hand, and wanted you to open up to her.
  15. >Thoughts of all the things you would do to her in bed, and the life you two could share, filled your head at that moment.
  16. >Gripping the armrest, you tried to suppress these thoughts, but instead, you swallowed any last reservations you had, looked her in the eyes and said.
  17. “I think I love you.”
  18. >Her first reaction wasn’t a pleasant one; she quickly pulled back her hoof, and gasped. This wasn’t a happy gasp, but one of genuine fear.
  19. >With only the sounds of the theater, you look at her expecting a reaction. It took what felt like hours, but she motioned you to come close.
  20. >Face to face, she whispered to you, “I don’t know what to say.”
  21. “Just tell me how you feel.”
  22. >”Conflicted.”
  23. “That’s ok, I am too.”
  24. >”I..”
  25. >It was ballsy, but you gave her a peck on the cheek. It surprised her, but she didn’t seem to be upset. Going for broke, you slowly went for her mouth.
  26. >There, in the dark, the two of you had your first kiss.
  28. >From there, things progress at a snails pace. Neither of you wanted to break a taboo, but you both couldn't ignore the feelings that were there.
  29. >So there was more time spent at home, kissing, or at the movies cuddling in the way back, anything where the two of you could be alone.
  30. >But the most memorable of all, was a little dinner date, on a warm summer night. Feeling like going the extra mile, you took her over to Canterlot, for a little wine, and some dine.
  31. >Swapping stories over an elegant meal, the tension between you two was thick. You’ll never know for sure what sparked it, maybe it was the wine, the night, or maybe the two of you just felt that it was time.
  32. >But when you looked into her eyes after she finished off a glass, and saw that sparkle in them, she noticed you too.
  33. >Asking for the check, you wrapped up dinner, and went to a hotel. The butterflies of anticipation fluttered all over your stomach, as they hand you the room key. Giddy, and giggling, the two of you raced one another up the steps.
  34. >Finally reaching the room, you rushed in, locked the door, and threw her onto the bed.
  35. >Crawling over her, and eye to eye, you kissed her long and hard before getting the light.
  36. >There, in the dark of the room, and with the warm summer’s night, turning into a hot, steamy fling, the two of you cemented what you felt for one another.
  38. >After that, the two of you came out, so to speak. Prepared for the backlash, you approached her family. Together, you told them. Some took it well, others not, but in the end, they wished you the best.
  39. >Moving in was naturally the next step, and it did make for easier access. She always hated that joke.
  40. >First came love, check, then came marriage, check, now came Anon with a baby carriage, double check.
  41. >Two, two young, healthy baby foals, and enough of a handful to keep you out of the bedroom for years.
  42. >Despite all their annoyances, you wouldn’t trade them for the world. From here, time flew by. The carefree days of cuddling on the couch, were replaced with hectic scrambles for dressing them for school, and getting their lunches ready.
  43. >From foal, to filly, to filly, to mare. It seemed to go by in minutes, but from small little children, to full grown mares, they packed up, and left the nest.
  44. >It was sad to watch them go, but you knew they had their own lives to live. Not only that, but you and her had much catching up to do.
  45. >It wasn’t obvious at first, but about 2 weeks in, you noticed something. She was getting old, her tail didn’t swish like it used to, and her eyes were more tired.
  46. >Things went back to a crawl, in some cases, literally. She moved slower, and things that would have been easy, now proved to be difficult.
  47. >It wasn’t all bad though, she seemed to do better when the kids dropped by…with kids of their own.
  48. >It was all happening so fast, you didn’t want to acknowledge it, but deep down, you knew what was coming.
  49. >There were days when you would sit on the couch with her buried into your chest. You would rub her neck, and put on a tough front, while she struggled to breathe. You told her it would be all right, that she was just winded.
  50. >There was no going out, there were no playful races to see who could finish their chores, it was just you, and her.
  51. >Then one day, it was just you.
  52. >After the funeral, you sat in an empty room, by her coffin. You didn’t want to leave, but the guy had to clean up. Some of her family gave you shit about not showing at her burial, but, saying good bye was too hard.
  54. >Your kids, kids, kept in touch. Apparently it was getting harder and harder for them to come over. You told them not to worry, and made it a point to visit them. When they too passed, life had lost it meaning.
  55. >The local kids had something of a ghost story of you, some said it was bad luck to see you in a cemetery. Others said you were some kind of being beyond their understanding. Really you were just lonely, and wanted to visit your family.
  56. >You started going at night, to avoid the prying eyes of the towns folk, and so less ponies could hear you cry.
  57. >One night, a voice called out to you, it was Princess Luna. In her, she offered herself as a comfort to you; she too understood the price of longevity, and what it was to feel alone.
  58. >To this day you regret kissing in front of her grave, but Luna was a comfort you could not have lived without.
  59. >You didn’t want to be seen as unfaithful, despite her passing long ago, so again, you were forced to keep this relationship a secret.
  60. >Not that Luna minded, she was naturally, a secretive, and reserved mare to begin with.
  61. >There were however, the occasional hiccups of Celestia catching you leaving her room, or being seen too close.
  62. >Still, being with her brought some much needed joy in your life. She was much more soft spoken, and timid that you were used to, but she made for a wonderful partner none the less.
  63. >Days, to weeks, to months, and years. Time just flew by, and soon, you were started to notice things.
  64. >Luna still looked, and sounded amazing. But you, your movements began to get sluggish. Getting up in the morning was harder, and harder, pretty soon, you couldn’t breathe as easily either.
  65. >Father Time had come full circle for you. Lying with Luna on the bed, she holds you and comforts you.
  66. >”It’s gonna be all right Anon.”
  67. “It’s not.”
  68. >Each word is heavy, and you need to catch your breath between sentences.
  69. “I told my wife the same thing…I’m not gonna be all right.”
  70. >”Optimistic as always.”
  71. >The voice you heard was not Luna, but a mare you had not heard in a long time. Suddenly you’re in a hazy Ponyville, mares and stallions walk by you, completely at ease in their own business.
  72. >Looking around, you look at your hands, and see they are tight, and without wrinkles. You are you again.
  73. >You smile, and begin to cry, before looking forward and seeing her. She was just like she was when you first saw her. Youthful, vibrant, and full of life, nothing like how she was when you last saw her.
  74. >You can’t bring yourself to look at her; you look at the ground, before trying to sneak a peek. She is still standing there, “What? Didn’t think you’d ever see me again?”
  75. >Getting chocked up, you try to wipe away your tears.
  76. “I’m so sorry.”
  77. >”Its ok, haha don’t worry.” She wipes away her own tears before sniffling, “We’re together again.”
  78. >Turning around, she begins to walk away before looking back, “C’mon sweetie, everyone is waiting.”
  79. >Cleaning your face with your shirt, you jog over to meet her. Back in the castle, your old body cracks a visible smile, before lowering into an indifferent position.
  80. >Luna’s horn stops glowing as she picks herself up, and drapes a sheet over your body. Sniffling, she turns around, and walks out of her room.
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