
(AiE/FR) My Special Somepony - Part 2 [Ending 1 - Love]

Feb 13th, 2014
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  1. prose:
  3. --------------
  4. >>Recommended Listening:
  5. >Her eyes are closed and lips outstretched as you stand outside Fluttershy's home in the pale moonlight.
  6. >Without hesitation, you press yours against hers and place your hand behind her head.
  7. >The two of you share a deep, passionate kiss.
  8. >Tongues did not dance inside each other's mouths.
  9. >A trail of saliva did not trail between your lips and hers.
  10. >There was only the feeling of warmth in your heart that flowed through the rest of your body.
  11. >For a moment, you felt like you were flying.
  12. >Your lips feel the electricity between you and the yellow pegasus.
  13. >A pony that you wouldn't have given the time of day a few days ago.
  14. >The two of you pull away nearly simultaneously, her face a fresh color of blush.
  15. >"I love you Anon... I always have."
  16. >You move some of her hair behind her ear wile staring into her beautiful cyan pools, shimmering in the light of Luna's daily miracle.
  17. "I... love you too Shy."
  18. >Her eyes begin to water a little and she buries herself inside of your dress clothes.
  19. >The two of you stand outside in the chilly evening air.
  20. >"Would you... stay the night?"
  21. >You look down at her.
  22. >"N-not like that... I mean... just cuddle?"
  23. >You smile and kiss her on the lips.
  24. "Of course." you say warmly.
  25. >You open the door for her and she steps inside.
  26. >Following Fluttershy to her bedroom had you wondering if you were in the dream.
  27. >Everything felt so perfect.
  28. >Everything was so finally... right.
  29. >Years of feeling alone in another world away from Earth, was ended on this night.
  30. >Hearts and Hooves night.
  31. >Fluttershy crawled into her bed, but left one side open.
  32. >Kicking off your shoes and unbuttoning your shirt, you slip in the covers beside her.
  33. >She looks up at you and you wrap your arms around her, her warm fur quickly heating the bed.
  34. >"If I wake up... will you be gone?"
  35. >You kiss her on the head.
  36. "Of course not Shy."
  37. >She rests her face in your bare chest and you rest your head on a pillow, looking down at her gently rest.
  38. >With your heart feeling full and for the first time since you came to Equestria, no longer alone, you drift off to sleep.
  39. >So, on Hearts and Hooves day, you not only found love of your life... but you found one of your closest friends.
  40. >And if you had the chance to do it all over again...
  41. >You would do it the same way.
  42. >So that you could feel the way you feel right now.
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