
Weaver Dice Fight: Witch + Raguel vs Plateau

Nov 8th, 2015
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  1. [16:14] <Strategist14> I suppose we roll initiative
  2. [16:15] <Raguel> do we do 1d20s?
  3. [16:15] <Plateau> roll 1d20
  4. [16:15] <`DICE> Plateau rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=9 ]{9}
  5. [16:15] <Plateau> wait what mod?
  6. [16:15] <Strategist14> S'a d6
  7. [16:15] <Strategist14> Weaverdice uses d6
  8. [16:15] <Plateau> oh
  9. [16:15] <Raguel> also, we never did work out the mechanical benefits to my powers, did we strat?
  10. [16:15] <Plateau> roll 1d6 then
  11. [16:15] <`DICE> Plateau rolled 1d6 then [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
  12. [16:15] <Strategist14> Nope
  13. [16:15] <Strategist14> Probably shoulda
  14. [16:15] <Aberrant> roll 1d6 even though this is kinda pointless for me i guess
  15. [16:15] <`DICE> Aberrant rolled 1d6 even though this is kinda pointless for me i guess [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
  16. [16:16] <Aberrant> thanks dice
  17. [16:16] <Raguel> roll 1d6
  18. [16:16] <`DICE> Raguel rolled 1d6 [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
  19. [16:16] <Raguel> big numbers baby
  20. [16:16] <Plateau> dicks
  21. [16:16] <Raguel> I guess we'll just wing it then, strat.
  22. [16:16] <Witch> Roll 1d6
  23. [16:16] <`DICE> Witch rolled 1d6 [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
  24. [16:17] <Plateau> Raguel is the one interested in justice punching me right?
  25. [16:17] <Strategist14> Yes
  26. [16:17] <Plateau> thats unfortunate
  27. [16:17] <Raguel> I'm the big angel dude.
  28. [16:17] <Witch> < add athletics mod >
  29. [16:17] <Witch> ?
  30. [16:18] <Plateau> mine is +1 so it doesnt really matter
  31. [16:19] <Strategist14> ((No mods unless someone put points into Reflex))
  32. [16:19] <Strategist14> ((I think))
  33. [16:19] <Plateau> ((nope))
  34. [16:19] <Plateau> ((i didnt at least))
  35. [16:20] <Alice> roll 1d6
  36. [16:20] <`DICE> Alice rolled 1d6 [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
  37. [16:21] <Strategist14> Turn order is Raguel, Plateau, Alice, Witch
  38. [16:21] <Strategist14> ====== START ======
  39. [16:21] <Aberrant> (( do i even count
  40. [16:21] <Strategist14> ((Until we get confused and need to consult the rulebook))
  41. [16:22] <Raguel> Alright, so can I reach him and do a thing in one turn?
  42. [16:22] <Strategist14> Yeah sure
  43. [16:22] <Witch> < This is why we need a grid >
  44. [16:22] <Plateau> ((oh my))
  45. [16:22] <Witch> < What actions do we have in a turn? >
  46. [16:22] <Raguel> Alright, I run up and grab him, trying to take the gun away from him.
  47. [16:23] <Raguel> Or, just a straight up grapple for the moment I guess, I'm not too sure how this all works.
  48. [16:23] <Strategist14> ((Here we go with the grapple rules))
  49. [16:23] <Raguel> ((I'm sorry?))
  50. [16:24] <Strategist14> ((Roll a d6, plus the two highest of your Brawn, Athletics, and Dexterity. Plateau does the same with a +2 bonus))
  51. [16:25] <Plateau> ((i get a 2 bonus on top?))
  52. [16:25] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  53. [16:25] <Plateau> roll 1d6+2+2
  54. [16:25] <`DICE> Plateau rolled 1d6+2+2 [ 1d6=1 ]{5}
  55. [16:25] <Plateau> fuck tits
  56. [16:25] <Aberrant> (( Niiiiiiiiiice
  57. [16:27] <Plateau> (( hey raguel))
  58. [16:27] <Plateau> ((u there))
  59. [16:27] <Raguel> ((I'm figuring out my mods))
  60. [16:27] <Raguel> roll 1d6+2+1
  61. [16:27] <`DICE> Raguel rolled 1d6+2+1 [ 1d6=2 ]{5}
  62. [16:28] <Plateau> lol
  63. [16:28] <Plateau> ((do we reroll?))
  64. [16:28] <Strategist14> ((Sure, let's go with that))
  65. [16:28] <Plateau> roll 1d6+2+2
  66. [16:28] <`DICE> Plateau rolled 1d6+2+2 [ 1d6=4 ]{8}
  67. [16:28] <Raguel> roll 1d6+2+1
  68. [16:28] <`DICE> Raguel rolled 1d6+2+1 [ 1d6=1 ]{4}
  69. [16:28] <Raguel> ((wow, ok))
  70. [16:29] <Aberrant> ((Diiiiiiiiiiice
  71. [16:29] <Aberrant> (( <3
  72. [16:29] <Plateau> "Hey ok actually I probably deserved that."
  73. [16:29] <Strategist14> Plateau expertly parries, and Raguel is now off-balance
  74. [16:29] <Plateau> "Sorry, wanted to remove any variables in this case."
  75. [16:29] <Plateau> "My name is Plateau."
  76. [16:29] <Plateau> I catch Raguel if he's about to fall over.
  77. [16:30] <Plateau> "I'm a rogue, and I'd like for you to help me find some targets."
  79. [16:35] <Aberrant> (( i change my mind raguel is my favorite
  80. [16:35] <Plateau> "Uh, no problem?"
  81. [16:36] <Raguel> "WITCH!" I call back to her, "IT WOULD APPEAR WE HAVE MISJUDGED THIS NEW ARRIVAL!"
  82. [16:36] <Witch> < Is it Witch's turn yet? >
  83. [16:36] <Plateau> ((fights off, you can talk mate))
  84. [16:36] <Raguel> <combat's kind of over?>
  85. [16:36] <Plateau> ((plus talking is a free action
  86. [16:36] <Strategist14> ((If the fighting is over I guess turns don't matter anymore))
  87. [16:36] <Witch> < I want to shoot him >
  88. [16:36] <Plateau>
  89. [16:36] <Raguel> <I guess you can, but I mean, it would be odd.>
  90. [16:37] <Strategist14> ((Then sure, your turn))
  91. [16:37] <Witch> < How do I roll to hit with a gun? >
  92. [16:37] <Plateau> uncool man
  93. [16:37] <Strategist14> ((Well, he's the one with the gun))
  94. [16:37] <Aberrant> (( *glares at plateau*
  95. [16:37] <Aberrant> (( that gun doesnt belong to u sonny
  96. [16:38] <Strategist14> ((Otherwise, Dex versus his dodge/withstand roll))
  97. [16:38] <Strategist14> ((I think))
  98. [16:38] <Witch> Roll 1d6+2
  99. [16:38] <`DICE> Witch rolled 1d6+2 [ 1d6=6 ]{8}
  100. [16:38] <Plateau> ((just dex?))
  101. [16:38] <Aberrant> (( fucking rekt
  102. [16:38] <Plateau> ((yeah thats not cool man))
  103. [16:38] <Plateau> roll 1d6
  104. [16:38] <`DICE> Plateau rolled 1d6 [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
  105. [16:38] <Plateau> ((lol))
  106. [16:39] <Strategist14> ((Dodging or resisting?))
  107. [16:39] <Plateau> ((resist))
  108. [16:39] <Strategist14> ((Add your Guts mod))
  109. [16:39] <Plateau> ((-1))
  110. [16:39] <Aberrant> (( 2 guts master race aww yiss
  111. [16:39] <Witch> < It's the paper shooters >
  112. [16:40] <Witch> < If that makes a difference >
  113. [16:40] <Strategist14> Yeah you get hit
  114. [16:40] <Plateau> ((wait how many points did you guys get))
  115. [16:40] <Plateau> ((for skills))
  116. [16:40] <Strategist14> ((Double Intelligence score))
  117. [16:40] <Aberrant> (( Knowledge*
  118. [16:41] <Strategist14> ((Same difference))
  119. [16:41] <Witch> Plateau is filled with the sudden realization that his legs are broken, and that there is clearly no way for him to flee
  120. [16:41] <Plateau> ((is it my turn?))
  121. [16:41] <Strategist14> ((Sure))
  122. [16:41] <Plateau> ((also how much damage do i take?))
  123. [16:41] <Raguel> ((I don't even know what's happening))
  124. [16:41] <Strategist14> ((None))
  125. [16:41] <Witch> < no damage >
  126. [16:42] <Plateau> ((oh))
  127. [16:42] <Plateau> "Oh fuck what..."
  128. [16:42] <Strategist14> BASICALLY, Witch just launched a piece of paper at Plateau which broke his legs
  129. [16:42] <Aberrant> (( or at least makes him feel like he broke his legs
  130. [16:42] <Plateau> I project two columns that connect at Witch's gun and crush it.
  131. [16:42] <Plateau> Then I crush the other gun that I have.
  132. [16:42] <Plateau> Then I box myself in
  133. [16:42] <Plateau> "What the fuck are you doing, I come in peace."
  134. [16:43] <Plateau> "You broke my fucking legs!"
  135. [16:43] <Plateau> ((also end0)
  136. [16:43] <Witch> "I think you fully well owe us an explanation for trying to interrupt us here"
  137. [16:44] <Plateau> "Is that worth breaking my legs?"
  138. [16:44] <Plateau> ((do i actually manage to break the guns?))
  139. [16:44] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  140. [16:44] <Aberrant> (( gatling si going to be piiiiiiiiiissssssseeeeeeeddddd
  141. [16:44] <Plateau> ((lol im teamed up with him now
  142. [16:44] <Witch> < What? He broke *my* guns? >
  143. [16:44] <Plateau> ((he most definitely will not))
  144. [16:44] <Plateau> ((just the one you're holding))
  145. [16:45] <Strategist14> ((And the one he took as well))
  146. [16:45] <Strategist14> ((One gun down each))
  147. [16:45] <Witch> < They're strapped to the underside of Witch's arm >
  149. [16:45] <Plateau> "I agree!"
  150. [16:45] <Plateau> "I just want to help."
  151. [16:45] <Plateau> "Oh god, I can't even be a hero anymore."
  152. [16:46] <Plateau> "I can't even walk."
  153. [16:46] <Alice> I take this moment to point out to Plateau that he kind of owes me about twelve-hundred dollars right about now.
  154. [16:46] <Plateau> ((what?))
  155. [16:47] <Witch> < Use IC direct quotes only >
  156. [16:47] <Strategist14> A tentative voice emerges from Witch's pocket
  157. [16:48] <Morrigan_> "Um... Hi Plateau."
  158. [16:48] <Plateau> "H-hello?"
  159. [16:48] <Plateau> "Who is talking?"
  160. [16:48] <Plateau> "And why do I owe someone money?"
  161. [16:48] <Morrigan_> "This is, uh, Morrigan."
  162. [16:48] <Plateau> "Good to meet you Morrigan?"
  163. [16:49] <Morrigan_> "Can you maybe put the walls down?"
  164. [16:49] <Morrigan_> "I mean, if that's okay."
  165. [16:49] <Plateau> "Unless whoever shot me gives up their guns,"
  166. [16:49] <Plateau> "The walls are staying up."
  167. [16:49] <Plateau> "I already have broken legs."
  168. [16:49] <Morrigan_> "Witch, um. Can you also put the launchers away?"
  169. [16:50] <Witch> "They're part of the costume"
  170. [16:50] <Witch> "They don't detach easily or quickly"
  171. [16:50] <Morrigan_> "Oh, right, uh."
  172. [16:50] <Morrigan_> "Promise not to... shoot people?"
  173. [16:51] <Witch> "I won't shoot him again"
  174. [16:51] <Plateau> "Raguel, can you also make sure she won't shoot me?"
  175. [16:51] * Witch stares daggers at Plateua
  176. [16:51] <Plateau> ((its through a wall of whatever your floors are made of))
  177. [16:51] <Strategist14> ((Pavement, you're outside))
  178. [16:52] <Alice> I stare down at Witche's pocket, where the voice is coming from. "Morrigan?"
  180. [16:52] <Plateau> "Thanks Raguel."
  181. [16:52] <Raguel> "YOU ARE WELCOME!"
  182. [16:52] <Morrigan_> "Y-yes?"
  183. [16:52] <Plateau> I lower the wall behind me.
  184. [16:52] <Plateau> Then crawl out a bit.
  185. [16:52] <Plateau> Then raise myself on a throne of pavement.
  186. [16:52] <Plateau> Also because I have no functioning legs.
  187. [16:53] <Plateau> I then drop all the walls.
  188. [16:53] <Alice> "You uh... Said you wanted to talk?"
  189. [16:53] <Morrigan_> "Um. What?"
  190. [16:53] <Plateau> "Yes, I do."
  191. [16:53] <Plateau> "The only reason I intervened, is because I,"
  192. [16:54] <Plateau> I point at myself.
  193. [16:54] <Plateau> "am not a very informed citizen of the local heroes."
  194. [16:54] <Plateau> "So imagine what I saw:"
  195. [16:54] <Plateau> "One giant angel guy."
  196. [16:55] <Plateau> "Staring down a spooky lady, with a crazy looking gun inbetween them."
  198. [16:55] <Alice> I shake my head at Plateau. "I wasn't talking to you, Mr. Weapon Destroyer."
  199. [16:55] <Plateau> "Oh"
  200. [16:56] <Plateau> ((the -1 social stats doing work))
  201. [16:57] <Aberrant> (( wait till you see aberrant with her -2 social stat
  202. [16:58] <Witch> "..."
  203. [16:59] * Koan bursts out the front door dressed in a facemask and a striped sweater
  204. [16:59] <Koan> "NOBODY MOVE!"
  205. [16:59] <Witch> Witch groans loudly
  206. [16:59] <Plateau> "What?"
  208. [16:59] <Plateau> "He's not even armed?"
  209. [16:59] <Koan> "Oh."
  210. [16:59] <Koan> "Never mind then. Who's- nothing."
  211. [16:59] <Koan> "I wasn't saying anything. Carry on."
  212. [17:00] <Raguel> "THE STRANGER AND THIS NEWCOMER," I gesture to plateau, "HAVE ENTERED NEGOTIATIONS!"
  213. [17:00] * Koan absconds back inside
  214. [17:00] <Alice> I raise my hand awkardly into the air. "Um... Does anyone know where I could talk to Morrigan that isn't through this persons weird talking pocket?"
  215. [17:00] <Morrigan_> "I, I don't, um. Not really?"
  216. [17:00] <Morrigan_> "Phones are, they're good, if that's okay."
  217. [17:01] <Alice> "I don't know what your phone number is."
  218. [17:01] * Witch hands the phone to Alice, it's still on speaker
  219. [17:01] <Alice> "Oh. Thank you."
  220. [17:03] <Morrigan_> "H-hi."
  221. [17:03] <Alice> "Oh. Thank you."
  222. [17:03] <Alice> (( oops
  223. [17:04] <Alice> "Um... Hello?" I take the phone off of speaker, and put it up to my ear for some privacy.
  225. [17:06] <Plateau> "Yes, so ok."
  226. [17:06] <Plateau> "I recently found a partner with which to work with."
  227. [17:06] <Plateau> "Now, I want to know who I can fight."
  228. [17:07] <Plateau> "Villianous capes and the like."
  229. [17:07] <Plateau> "I guess it doesn't really matter anymore because my fucking legs are broken."
  230. [17:07] <Alice> I continue my conversation with Morrigan, standing off somewhere to the side while all these weirdos do their thing. "Uh... That's my name, yea. Did you want to talk?"
  231. [17:07] <Witch> Witch sighs and mutters
  232. [17:07] <Witch> "You're legs aren't broken. Curaga"
  233. [17:08] <Witch> The rune's effects dissipate
  234. [17:08] <Plateau> I make two poles that allow me to do monkey bars across the pavement.
  235. [17:08] <Plateau> As I am swinging, I feel my legs return.
  236. [17:08] <Plateau> "Ah."
  237. [17:08] <Plateau> "Well."
  238. [17:10] <Alice> "Didn't you leave a message for me on the computer... A website, I can't remember the url." I say into the phone, occasionally looking up from my conversation to see that no-ones found any interest in destroying any more of my expensive equipment in the meantime.
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