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Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. [2:05] NGB Vices: Hey, can i ask you a question.
  2. [2:06] Stampapa: shoot
  3. [2:06] NGB Vices: Do you think i should keep players who kinda bitch at times.
  4. [2:07] Stampapa: well depends on what kind of bitching
  5. [2:07] NGB Vices: Two players on the team..
  6. [2:07] Stampapa: what
  7. that tells me nothing
  8. [2:08] NGB Vices: and it was more they were being dicks in general.
  9. and how apparently i am wrong and shit..
  10. Because i said Solo Q rank doesn't mean shit.
  11. [2:10] Stampapa: well it doesnt really until you hit the highest tiers
  12. people who dont see it like that just havent played enough to see the big picture
  13. [2:11] NGB Vices: i said i don't even play Solo Q anymore since it toxic and doesn't mean shit anymore.
  14. [2:11] Stampapa: well now thats wrong
  15. i agree with them on that
  16. [2:12] NGB Vices: How?
  17. Solo Q, doesn't mean anything.
  18. This game is Team Based.
  19. Not
  20. Solo.
  21. [2:12] Stampapa: while its teambased its an incredibly important skill to be able to 1 man carry
  22. [2:13] NGB Vices: Okay, thats were you are wrong a bit.
  23. [2:13] Stampapa: yea solo queue is toxic it always will be acting like its a problem wont fix it because that wont change
  24. the reason you play solo queue is to practice for yourself. you need to be able to do all you can possibly do to win the game yourself since its 1v9
  25. going into solo queue expecting to behave like a 5's team is just an ideal
  26. [2:14] NGB Vices: And i do..
  27. JJ told me to ask you about your compulsive liar diagonis?
  28. [2:16] Stampapa: thats just jj being jj
  29. yea so get your head outta the clouds and be a little more pragmatic is all im trying to say. gotta see things for what they are
  30. [2:18] NGB Vices: I do.
  31. But still i don't think solo que means anything.
  32. [2:19] Stampapa: if you did you wouldent be thinking solo queue should act like ranked 5's do
  33. [2:19] NGB Vices: I don't.
  34. I mean my rank got fucked from the getco.
  35. [2:20] Stampapa: you said it does
  36. [2:20] NGB Vices: No?
  37. My rank doesn't say my true skill tbh.
  38. [2:22] Stampapa: yea but saying you deserve a rank and actually grinding through to get there are very different things. and this grinding through is basically everything i explained about 1 man carrying earlier
  39. [2:22] NGB Vices: i never said i deserve a rank.
  40. I don't think of anything like that...
  41. [2:25] Stampapa: My rank doesn't say my true skill tbh.
  42. essenstially is what you are saying
  43. [2:25] NGB Vices: Stamp you honestly understand shit the wrong wa.y
  44. [2:27] Stampapa: i guess i do
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