
Rainbow's weekly session

Sep 5th, 2012
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  1. Rainbow slowly closed the front door once her precious cargo cleared the opening not wanting to give her object of affection any advance notice. She locked the door with the deadbolt and chain ensuring no one would interrupt her plans tonight. Slipping back in the harness, she slowly pulled the cart through her quiet home particularly pleased that she had remembered to oil the wheels this morning so they didn’t make any of the horrible squeaking or squealing noises giving her away like they did last time. As she made her way to the bedroom, she felt that familiar pang of guilt, of responsibility for her friend’s condition, the condition that led to her getting a house on Ponyville’s solid turf, the same condition that led to their weekly sessions. Her guilt evaporated almost instantly once she pushed the bedroom door open and laid her eyes upon her pet project.
  3. A mass of pink flab took up a sizable portion of the spacious bedroom. Rainbow’s cloud bed was empty, the room’s occupant had long since given up on trying to fit on the relatively tiny piece of furniture, especially after breaking the bed frame the first two times. Rainbow hopped out of her harness and approached her massive friend’s face. Even though the mass of pony was laid out on her enormous belly, her face came nose to nose with Rainbow’s. The pegasus twitched involuntarily at the mass of flabby folds her friend had become over the last two months of living together. She felt that familiar needy feeling between her legs, already wet and aching for attention, but she knew hunger was the best seasoning, and the longer she put it off, the more delicious the payoff would be. She finally walked up the pink pony’s head and stroked her double chins gently with her hoof.
  5. “Mmmmmm, yes, I’d love more pie…”
  7. Rainbow stifled her laughter. She always found it adorable when she talked in her sleep like that. She stroked her friends chin again; this time a little stronger until she was rewarded with two blue orbs and a soft smile shining back at her.
  9. “Looks like my very special somepony brought back some scrum-de-licious treats with her.” Pinkie purred, still in a sleepy haze.
  11. “What kind of special somepony would I be if I let you waste away? I brought some of those zap apple fritters you like so much this time,” Rainbow told her pudgy friend. Her face flushed crimson as Pinkie leaned forward and dropped her a quick kiss on the lips. Rainbow felt that twitch again down below. She told herself it would only be a little bit longer before she could sate herself, for now, her friend needed all the sweets she could put away. Rainbow walked behind the cart and pushed it right up to Pinkies face. Already she could see the stars dancing in her friend’s eyes as she gazed at the mountain of pastries sitting before her.
  13. “Well? What are ya waiting for,” Rainbow asked already knowing the answer to the question.
  15. “Pleeeease,” Pinkie pleaded with her.
  17. Rainbow let out a feigned sigh of frustration. She knew what Pinkie really wanted was for her to hoof feed her the first pastry of the binge. Of course, if she was going to have to fight for her enjoyment, she wanted Pinkie to struggle a little too.
  19. “Oh, all right, here ya go,” Rainbow said picking out a plump almost over stuffed cream filled éclair. She gingerly dangled it in front of Pinkie’s mouth and waited as the pink pony lined up her mouth with the delicious treat. With one quick snap of her jaw, she bit through the end of the éclair and downed the piece in an instant. Immediately she wrapped her mouth around the pastry and started sucking out the cream swallowing over and over again to make sure none of it spilled out. Rainbow watched in fascination as the cream went down her throat in bulges directly into the pit her stomach had become, her massive body quivering with each swallow. With the éclair now nearly empty, Pinkie swallowed the rest of it with one bite sending it down as well.
  21. “Thanks a whole bunch Rainbow. I love it when you feed me like that. I feel like the most important pony in the world when you do,” Pinkie said, her face flushing crimson.
  23. “You are the most important pony in the world to me,” Rainbow purred back.
  25. Pinkie just giggled in that seductively cute way she always did during their sessions, and started in on the rest of the treats.
  27. “Rainbow,” Pinkie said in between bites, “I could use some help back there if you don’t mind.”
  29. Finally she could get a little release! She walked slowly around the circumference of the massive pony reaching her hoof out and pushing into the pink mass of fat and flesh as she made her way to the pink pony’s rear. She couldn’t help but laugh as Pinkie’s cutie mark no longer resembled three balloons, and instead, now looked like three beach balls on her bloated flank. She pushed her hoof into her swollen rump and felt the give beneath her hoof making her all the wetter beneath her tail. Right now though, the situation wasn’t about her needs, it was about Pinkie’s, and pushing the pink pony’s Poofy tail out of the way revealed her dripping marehood, begging for release. Fortunately, she knew the pink pony well enough to know how to please her in that special way only she could. She leaned forward into Pinkie’s dripping marehood and gave a slow and steady lick around the Pony’s lips eliciting a sensual moan.
  31. “Mmmmmm, yes… a bit more…” Pinkie pleaded.
  33. Rainbow smiled to herself at gaining Pinkie’s approval, not that she was would fail, but that she had pleased her greatly. If there was one thing the pegasus knew, it was that if you pleased, Pinkie, Pinkie would please you. She went back into Pinkie’s marehood, determined not to pull out until she had accomplished her goal. As she dragged her tongue all over the pink pony’s sensitive bits, she started rubbing her own swollen Parts against the flab beneath Pinkie’s tail leaving a wet streak on the pink fur. As she continued her Her mission of pleasure, she could hear Pinkie’s noisy eating in between excited moans. With each bite it seemed like the pink pony’s massive body bloated more and more outward encroaching on Rainbow’s already limited space.
  35. “Ooooh, Oooooh, OOOH! Almost there!” Pinkie moaned out in ecstasy.
  37. Rainbow gave one last lick encompassing the flabby pony’s nub and was rewarded with a splash of juices causing her to flinch.
  39. “OH! R, Rain-BOOOOOOOOOOW!” Pinkie squealed out at the top of her lungs.
  41. The needy pegasus Waited as patiently as she could while the pink pony caught her breath.
  43. “Rainbow… they feel a little tight down there, you wouldn’t happen to be thirsty, would you?”
  45. Looking down below Pinkie’s still twitching tail, she spied her swollen breasts, burgeoning and leaking with an immense amount of milk. This was the reason Rainbow skipped breakfast and lunch today at work. Her growling stomach yearned for the sweet milk barely being held back in the pink pony’s massive breasts. As soon as Pinkie’s swollen nipple touched Rainbow’s tongue, a steady stream of milk squirted into her mouth. She swallowed hurriedly to keep up with the speedy flow of milk draining into her mouth. It was a pity really, Pinkie’s milk tasted like cream and strawberries as it washed over her tongue and she chided herself for not remembering to bring a bucket to keep some for later.
  47. “Rainbow, the other one please!”
  49. Reluctantly, she let the nipple in her mouth pop out and let the still slightly swollen breast hit the ground with an audible slosh as she moved to the other one, needy for release. Just like the first one, as soon as the nipple touched her mouth it squirted a steady stream into Rainbow’s mouth while she desperately tried to keep up and failed as a few drops of the pinkish milk dribbled down her chin. She felt her stomach sag bit by bit as the flow continued unabated. It seemed like there was much more here than last time and the pegasus wasn’t sure she could handle it. As she swallowed gulp after gulp and felt her belly dip lower and lower towards the ground, she reached a hoof beneath her legs again, trying to sate that hunger. The stream slowed and soon tapered off completely allowing her a moment to rest. Looking at the sagging breast, she could tell she gave the second one more attention than the first which still had a decent amount left jiggling inside it’s flabby confines. Looks like she would have some for later after all as her swollen belly made it clear she wouldn’t be able to handle another drop at the moment. Frustration soon overshadowed her contentedness as her need for pleasure over took her once again.
  51. “I can’t wait anymore, Pinkie!” The swollen pegasus marched back towards the immobile mare’s head which now overlooked an empty wagon. She climbed over the wagon’s side and scooted up to the edge facing Pinkie’s mouth and lay on her back. “It’s time for dessert!”
  53. Pinkie didn’t need any more coaching than that. She buried her head into the pegasus’ crotch and went to town slurping and smacking wildly as Rainbow fell into her own personal palace of pleasure.
  55. “Oh Celestia, keep it going Pinkie!” Rainbow moaned out. While the pink mare enjoyed her careful and considerate attention, Rainbow was all about speed, something the pink pony picked up on moths ago. Rainbow kicked her right rear leg against the edge of the wagon involuntarily as Pinkie dove into her like a can of whipped cream.
  57. “Pinkie, oh Pinkie, P, PUH, PINKIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!” Rainbow screamed out as she came to her peak. She laid there panting and groaning in the afterglow as she recovered from one of the best climaxes in her entire life. Looking toward He pink friend, she realized her swollen belly obscured everything but her deep blue eyes. She slowly sat up and saw Pinkie’s prize winning smile come into view, covered by her own juices and the crumbs and fillings of the pastries that had their turn before her. With no hesitation, Rainbow pushed her lips into Pinkies, enjoying the feeling of her flabby cheeks giving under the pressure she put into the kiss. After what felt like minutes, they finally parted their lips and stared into each other’s smile completely lost in love.
  59. “I think I could go for seconds,” Pinkie purred softly.
  61. Rainbow smiled to herself, it wouldn’t be long before she needed a bigger cart.
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