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Jan 10th, 2013
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  1. //walker start code
  3. //uses servo.h included with arduino 1.0 package
  4. #include <Servo.h>
  5. #include <IRremote.h> //non standard IRremote library from:
  7. //servo naming
  8. //Front or Back
  9. //Right or Left
  10. //Upper or Lower
  12. //pins choosen here
  13. //in the event of conflicts in numbering, use these
  14. #define FRU 11
  15. #define FRL 12
  16. #define FLU 9
  17. #define FLL 10
  19. #define BRU 4
  20. #define BRL 5
  21. #define BLU 6
  22. #define BLL 7
  24. //actual names for direct control
  25. //if you direct control, record the positions too
  26. Servo FRUs; //pin D11
  27. Servo FRLs; //pin D12
  28. Servo FLUs; //pin D9
  29. Servo FLLs; //pin D10
  30. Servo BRUs; //pin 4
  31. Servo BRLs; //pin 5
  32. Servo BLUs; //pin 6
  33. Servo BLLs; //pin 7
  35. //calibration parmaters
  36. //angle offset from each other for balancing
  37. const int FRUoff = 0-25;
  38. const int FRLoff = 0;
  39. const int FLUoff = 0-25;
  40. const int FLLoff = 0;
  41. const int BRUoff = 0+25;
  42. const int BRLoff = 0;
  43. const int BLUoff = 0+25;
  44. const int BLLoff = 0;
  45. //-1 for reversal, 1 for standard
  46. const int FRUrev = -1;
  47. const int FRLrev = -1;
  48. const int FLUrev = 1;
  49. const int FLLrev = 1;
  50. const int BRUrev = -1;
  51. const int BRLrev = 1;
  52. const int BLUrev = 1;
  53. const int BLLrev = -1;
  55. //this changes the speed of the bot
  56. //Don't plan on this being the actual speed since all servos move concurrently to reach destination at the same time
  57. //Only uses integar math still
  58. float degreesPerStep = 4;
  59. int stepTime = 25;
  61. //holds the servo positions for smoothing movement
  62. int servoPos[8]; //order [FRU, FRL, FLU, FLL, BRU, BRL, BLU, BLL]
  64. //commands go in this
  65. //TODO list commands
  66. //main command: ['g',FRU, FRL, FLU, FLL, BRU, BRL, BLU, BLL] sets all servos to the positions specified
  67. //ints passed as chars over serial, offset by 90 for unsigned
  68. int inByte = 0; // incoming serial byte default
  71. //IR stuff
  72. int RECV_PIN = 2; //IR decoder on pin D2!!
  73. IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
  74. decode_results results;
  77. void setup()
  78. {
  79. FRUs.attach(FRU);
  80. FRLs.attach(FRL);
  81. FLUs.attach(FLU);
  82. FLLs.attach(FLL);
  84. BRUs.attach(BRU);
  85. BRLs.attach(BRL);
  86. BLUs.attach(BLU);
  87. BLLs.attach(BLL);
  89. //open serial comm
  90. Serial.begin(9600);
  92. stand(); //put it in a known position
  94. irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the IR receiver
  96. Serial.println("Finished Startup");
  97. }
  99. //takes name of servo and position and sets to that
  100. //approx -90 to 90 range
  101. //modified by calibration parameters
  102. //records the current servo position when modified
  103. int servoSet(int name, int pos)
  104. {
  105. switch (name){
  106. case FRU:
  107. FRUs.write(90+(pos+FRUoff)*FRUrev);
  108. servoPos[0] = pos;
  109. break;
  110. case FRL:
  111. FRLs.write(90+(pos+FRLoff)*FRLrev);
  112. servoPos[1] = pos;
  113. break;
  114. case FLU:
  115. FLUs.write(90+(pos+FLUoff)*FLUrev);
  116. servoPos[2] = pos;
  117. break;
  118. case FLL:
  119. FLLs.write(90+(pos+FLLoff)*FLLrev);
  120. servoPos[3] = pos;
  121. break;
  122. case BRU:
  123. BRUs.write(90+(pos+BRUoff)*BRUrev);
  124. servoPos[4] = pos;
  125. break;
  126. case BRL:
  127. BRLs.write(90+(pos+BRLoff)*BRLrev);
  128. servoPos[5] = pos;
  129. break;
  130. case BLU:
  131. BLUs.write(90+(pos+BLUoff)*BLUrev);
  132. servoPos[6] = pos;
  133. break;
  134. case BLL:
  135. BLLs.write(90+(pos+BLLoff)*BLLrev);
  136. servoPos[7] = pos;
  137. break;
  138. default:
  139. return 0;
  140. break;
  141. }
  142. return 1;
  143. }
  145. //IR decoding
  146. //These are captured codes from my IR transmittrer
  147. //hexbug spider channel A
  148. //this will output unrecognized codes over serial to capture your own if needed
  149. //hold button and disregard all values that aren't repearing
  150. //we're not aiming for perfect capture so some dropping is fine
  151. char getIR(){
  152. char result = '0';
  153. if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
  154. int value = results.value;
  155. switch (value){
  156. case 0xED5A0B2B:
  157. Serial.println("forward");
  158. result = 'F';
  159. break;
  160. case 0x324FBF0A:
  161. Serial.println("back");
  162. result = 'B';
  163. break;
  164. case 0x23B42182:
  165. Serial.println("right");
  166. result = 'R';
  167. break;
  168. case 0x4AAFE047:
  169. Serial.println("left");
  170. result = 'L';
  171. break;
  172. default:
  173. Serial.print("Bad code: ");
  174. Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
  175. break;
  176. }
  177. irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
  178. }
  179. return result;
  180. }
  182. //These step commands are copy overs from my python test script
  183. int forwardStep(){
  184. Serial.println("I'll try my best....");
  185. int stepAngle = -30; //this is the only change over walk, changes the direction of swivel
  186. int liftAngle = 25;
  187. int stepPos[8] = {0,40,0,40,0,40,0,40}; //start position
  189. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  190. stepPos[1] = stepPos[1]-liftAngle; //lift FR
  191. stepPos[7] = stepPos[7]-liftAngle; //lift BL
  192. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  194. stepPos[0] = stepPos[0]+stepAngle; //swivel FR forward
  195. stepPos[6] = stepPos[6]+stepAngle; //swivel BL forward
  196. stepPos[2] = stepPos[2]-stepAngle; //swivel FL back
  197. stepPos[4] = stepPos[4]-stepAngle;// swivel BR back
  198. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  200. stepPos[1] = stepPos[1]+liftAngle; //drop FR
  201. stepPos[7] = stepPos[7]+liftAngle;// #drop BL
  202. stepPos[3] = stepPos[3]-liftAngle;// #lift FL
  203. stepPos[5] = stepPos[5]-liftAngle;// #lift BR
  204. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  206. stepPos[0] = stepPos[0]-2*stepAngle;// #swivel FR back x2
  207. stepPos[6] = stepPos[6]-2*stepAngle;// #swivel BL back x2
  208. stepPos[2] = stepPos[2]+2*stepAngle;// #swivel FL forward x2
  209. stepPos[4] = stepPos[4]+2*stepAngle;// #swivel BR forward x2
  210. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  212. stepPos[3] = stepPos[3]+liftAngle;// #drop FL
  213. stepPos[5] = stepPos[5]+liftAngle;// #drop BR
  214. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  216. }
  217. int backwardStep(){
  218. Serial.println("I'll try my best....");
  219. int stepAngle = 30; //this is the only change over walk, changes the direction of swivel
  220. int liftAngle = 25;
  221. int stepPos[8] = {0,40,0,40,0,40,0,40}; //start position
  223. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  224. stepPos[1] = stepPos[1]-liftAngle; //lift FR
  225. stepPos[7] = stepPos[7]-liftAngle; //lift BL
  226. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  228. stepPos[0] = stepPos[0]+stepAngle; //swivel FR forward
  229. stepPos[6] = stepPos[6]+stepAngle; //swivel BL forward
  230. stepPos[2] = stepPos[2]-stepAngle; //swivel FL back
  231. stepPos[4] = stepPos[4]-stepAngle;// swivel BR back
  232. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  234. stepPos[1] = stepPos[1]+liftAngle; //drop FR
  235. stepPos[7] = stepPos[7]+liftAngle;// #drop BL
  236. stepPos[3] = stepPos[3]-liftAngle;// #lift FL
  237. stepPos[5] = stepPos[5]-liftAngle;// #lift BR
  238. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  240. stepPos[0] = stepPos[0]-2*stepAngle;// #swivel FR back x2
  241. stepPos[6] = stepPos[6]-2*stepAngle;// #swivel BL back x2
  242. stepPos[2] = stepPos[2]+2*stepAngle;// #swivel FL forward x2
  243. stepPos[4] = stepPos[4]+2*stepAngle;// #swivel BR forward x2
  244. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  246. stepPos[3] = stepPos[3]+liftAngle;// #drop FL
  247. stepPos[5] = stepPos[5]+liftAngle;// #drop BR
  248. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  249. }
  250. int turnRight(){
  251. int stepAngle = -30; //only changed here
  252. int liftAngle = 25;
  253. int stepPos[8] = {0,40,0,40,0,40,0,40};// #goto stand
  254. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  256. stepPos[3] = stepPos[3]-liftAngle;// #lift FL
  257. stepPos[5] = stepPos[5]-liftAngle;// #lift BR
  258. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  260. stepPos[2] = stepPos[2]+stepAngle;// #swivel FL forward
  261. stepPos[6] = stepPos[6]-stepAngle;// #swivel BL back
  263. stepPos[4] = stepPos[4]-stepAngle;// #swivel BR back
  264. stepPos[0] = stepPos[0]+stepAngle;// #swivel FR forward
  265. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  267. stepPos[3] = stepPos[3]+liftAngle;// #drop FL
  268. stepPos[7] = stepPos[7]-liftAngle;// #lift BL
  269. stepPos[5] = stepPos[5]+liftAngle;// #drop BR
  270. stepPos[1] = stepPos[1]-liftAngle;// #lift FR
  271. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  273. stepPos[2] = stepPos[2]-stepAngle;// #swivel FL back //oldx2
  274. stepPos[6] = stepPos[6]+stepAngle;// #swivel BL forward //oldx2
  275. stepPos[4] = stepPos[4]+stepAngle;// #swivel BR forward //oldx2
  276. stepPos[0] = stepPos[0]-stepAngle;// #swivel FR back //oldx2
  277. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  279. stepPos[7] = stepPos[7]+liftAngle;// #drop BL
  280. stepPos[1] = stepPos[1]+liftAngle;// #drop FR
  281. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  282. }
  283. int turnLeft(){
  284. int stepAngle = 30; //only changed here
  285. int liftAngle = 25;
  286. int stepPos[8] = {0,40,0,40,0,40,0,40};// #goto stand
  287. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  289. stepPos[3] = stepPos[3]-liftAngle;// #lift FL
  290. stepPos[5] = stepPos[5]-liftAngle;// #lift BR
  291. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  293. stepPos[2] = stepPos[2]+stepAngle;// #swivel FL forward
  294. stepPos[6] = stepPos[6]-stepAngle;// #swivel BL back
  296. stepPos[4] = stepPos[4]-stepAngle;// #swivel BR back
  297. stepPos[0] = stepPos[0]+stepAngle;// #swivel FR forward
  298. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  300. stepPos[3] = stepPos[3]+liftAngle;// #drop FL
  301. stepPos[7] = stepPos[7]-liftAngle;// #lift BL
  302. stepPos[5] = stepPos[5]+liftAngle;// #drop BR
  303. stepPos[1] = stepPos[1]-liftAngle;// #lift FR
  304. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  306. stepPos[2] = stepPos[2]-stepAngle;// #swivel FL back //oldx2
  307. stepPos[6] = stepPos[6]+stepAngle;// #swivel BL forward //oldx2
  308. stepPos[4] = stepPos[4]+stepAngle;// #swivel BR forward //oldx2
  309. stepPos[0] = stepPos[0]-stepAngle;// #swivel FR back //oldx2
  310. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  312. stepPos[7] = stepPos[7]+liftAngle;// #drop BL
  313. stepPos[1] = stepPos[1]+liftAngle;// #drop FR
  314. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  315. }
  317. //listens to the serial port for a array of locations and then sets the servos to that postion
  318. //this uses a default speed that may need to be changed
  319. //note that there is a 90 degree offset in the angle as sent over serial
  320. int go(){
  321. delay(100); //wait to make sure the rest of the command arrives
  322. int readDest[8];
  323. if (Serial.available() >= 8) { //read the array
  324. for (int i = 0; i<8; i++){
  325. readDest[i]; //90 degree shift since unsigned over serial
  326. }
  327. }
  328. else{
  329. Serial.println("Go command FUBAR -- NO DEAL!");
  330. return 0;
  331. }
  332. //space reserved for sanity checking...
  333. goTo(readDest, 10, 30);
  334. }
  336. //this was the test command
  337. //depreciated
  338. int flex(){
  339. for (int i = 15-45; i < 15+45; i+=5){
  340. int stepPos[8] = {i,40,i,40,i,40,i,40}; //start position
  341. goTo(stepPos, 10, 30);
  342. }
  343. }
  345. //reports the current servo positions over the serial
  346. int reportPos(){
  347. Serial.println("Current positions as follows");
  348. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
  349. Serial.println(servoPos[i]);
  350. }
  351. }
  353. //idiot proof error state condition
  354. //snaps direct to position
  355. //--may be rough on the bot
  356. int standOld(){
  357. servoSet(FLU, 0);
  358. servoSet(FRU, 0);
  359. servoSet(FLL, 40);
  360. servoSet(FRL, 40);
  361. servoSet(BLU, 0);
  362. servoSet(BRU, 0);
  363. servoSet(BLL, 40);
  364. servoSet(BRL, 40);
  365. }
  367. //goes to a desired position in a smooth action
  368. //disregards the legacy parameters -> users global variables and calculates
  369. int goTo(int desired[], int stepNumOld, int waitTimeOld){
  370. //we will now be ignoring the legacy stepNum and calculating our own
  371. int maxDelta = 0;
  372. for (int i = 0; i<8; i++){
  373. if (abs(servoPos[i]-desired[i]) >= maxDelta){
  374. maxDelta = abs(servoPos[i]-desired[i]);
  375. }
  376. }
  377. //disregard the old waitTime
  378. int waitTime = stepTime;
  379. int stepNum = maxDelta/degreesPerStep;
  380. //calculate step size
  381. int steps[8];
  382. steps[0] = (servoPos[0]-(desired[0]))/-stepNum;
  383. steps[1] = (servoPos[1]-(desired[1]))/-stepNum;
  384. steps[2] = (servoPos[2]-(desired[2]))/-stepNum;
  385. steps[3] = (servoPos[3]-(desired[3]))/-stepNum;
  386. steps[4] = (servoPos[4]-(desired[4]))/-stepNum;
  387. steps[5] = (servoPos[5]-(desired[5]))/-stepNum;
  388. steps[6] = (servoPos[6]-(desired[6]))/-stepNum;
  389. steps[7] = (servoPos[7]-(desired[7]))/-stepNum;
  391. //do the stepping
  392. for (int j = 0; j < stepNum; j++){
  393. servoSet(FRU, servoPos[0]+steps[0]);
  394. servoSet(FRL, servoPos[1]+steps[1]);
  395. servoSet(FLU, servoPos[2]+steps[2]);
  396. servoSet(FLL, servoPos[3]+steps[3]);
  397. servoSet(BRU, servoPos[4]+steps[4]);
  398. servoSet(BRL, servoPos[5]+steps[5]);
  399. servoSet(BLU, servoPos[6]+steps[6]);
  400. servoSet(BLL, servoPos[7]+steps[7]);
  401. delay(waitTime);
  402. }
  404. //set direct to account for error
  405. servoSet(FRU, desired[0]);
  406. servoSet(FRL, desired[1]);
  407. servoSet(FLU, desired[2]);
  408. servoSet(FLL, desired[3]);
  409. servoSet(BRU, desired[4]);
  410. servoSet(BRL, desired[5]);
  411. servoSet(BLU, desired[6]);
  412. servoSet(BLL, desired[7]);
  414. }
  416. //puts the servos all in a safe standing position
  417. int stand(){
  418. int standPos[8] = {0,40,0,40,0,40,0,40};
  419. goTo(standPos, 10, 30);
  420. }
  422. //sets the bot down on it's belly
  423. int down(){
  424. int downPos[8] = {0,-45,0,-45,0,-45,0,-45};
  425. goTo(downPos, 10, 30);
  426. }
  428. //the ascii commands are converted to ints on the serial
  429. //comparison is done vs their equivalent number
  430. int takeCommand(int input){
  431. switch (input){
  432. case 115: //ascii 's' for stand
  433. Serial.println("standing up");
  434. stand();
  435. break;
  436. case 100: //ascii 'd' for sit Down
  437. Serial.println("belly flop");
  438. down();
  439. break;
  440. case 114: //ascii 'r' for report
  441. Serial.println("report");
  442. reportPos();
  443. break;
  444. case 101: //ascii 'e' for error state
  445. Serial.println("idiot proofing");
  446. standOld();
  447. break;
  448. case 102: //'f' for forward step
  449. forwardStep();
  450. break;
  451. case 116: //'t' for test pose
  452. flex();
  453. break;
  454. case 103: //'g' for go - it is anticiated this will be the main command
  455. go();
  456. break;
  457. //for the IR stuff
  458. //hard coded steps for remote control
  459. case 70:
  460. forwardStep();
  461. break;
  462. case 66:
  463. backwardStep();
  464. break;
  465. case 82:
  466. turnRight();
  467. break;
  468. case 76:
  469. turnLeft();
  470. break;
  471. default: //this will tell you the code of what you entered if you listen on the serial
  472. //Serial.print("I don't know what this means:");
  473. // Serial.println(input);
  474. return 0;
  475. }
  476. }
  478. void loop()
  479. {
  480. //This uses IR control
  481. //takeCommand(getIR());
  482. //getIR();
  484. // this uses serial control
  485. if (Serial.available() > 0) {
  486. // get incoming byte:
  487. inByte =;
  488. takeCommand(inByte);
  489. Serial.println("got it"); //an ack that includes a 'g' is needed for the simple interface
  490. }
  491. }
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