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Feb 26th, 2015
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  1. 02-27 04:57:47.315: E/lotsman.kanonier_v2.database.DatabaseHelper(8254): Upgrade database from 2 to new 4
  2. 02-27 04:57:47.316: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'pos'
  3. 02-27 04:57:47.320: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `pos`
  4. 02-27 04:57:47.321: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'chain'
  5. 02-27 04:57:47.322: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `chain`
  6. 02-27 04:57:47.323: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'sku'
  7. 02-27 04:57:47.325: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `sku`
  8. 02-27 04:57:47.325: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'reportitem'
  9. 02-27 04:57:47.328: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `reportitem`
  10. 02-27 04:57:47.328: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'customvalues'
  11. 02-27 04:57:47.330: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `customvalues`
  12. 02-27 04:57:47.330: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'media'
  13. 02-27 04:57:47.331: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `media`
  14. 02-27 04:57:47.331: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'contract'
  15. 02-27 04:57:47.332: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `contract`
  16. 02-27 04:57:47.332: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'employee'
  17. 02-27 04:57:47.333: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `employee`
  18. 02-27 04:57:47.333: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'photo'
  19. 02-27 04:57:47.334: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `photo`
  20. 02-27 04:57:47.334: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'project'
  21. 02-27 04:57:47.335: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `project`
  22. 02-27 04:57:47.335: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'coordinates'
  23. 02-27 04:57:47.336: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `coordinates`
  24. 02-27 04:57:47.336: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'reviewreason'
  25. 02-27 04:57:47.337: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `reviewreason`
  26. 02-27 04:57:47.337: I/TableUtils(8254): dropping table 'report'
  27. 02-27 04:57:47.338: I/TableUtils(8254): executed drop table statement changed 0 rows: DROP TABLE `report`
  28. 02-27 04:57:47.338: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'report'
  29. 02-27 04:57:47.355: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `report` (`cheatReason` VARCHAR , `cheated` SMALLINT , `comment` VARCHAR , `contactPerson` VARCHAR , `contract_id` integer references contract(col_id) on delete cascade , `date` VARCHAR , `deliveryStatus` VARCHAR , `dirty` VARCHAR , `employee_id` integer references employee(col_id) on delete cascade , `endTime` VARCHAR , `expected` VARCHAR , `reportId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `inRange` SMALLINT , `locStatus` SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 , `mediaStatus` VARCHAR , `notes` VARCHAR , `operator_id` BIGINT , `penalty` VARCHAR , `percentageDifference` VARCHAR , `pos_id` integer references pos(col_id) on delete cascade , `project_id` integer references project(col_id) on delete cascade , `rateDate` VARCHAR , `rateNotes` VARCHAR , `rateStatus` VARCHAR , `reportStatus` INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , `reported` VARCHAR , `review_id` BIGINT , `reviewStatus` VARCHAR , `skuAbsenceReason` VARCHAR , `startTime` VARCHAR , `supervisor_id` integer references employee(col_id) on delete cascade , `techInfo` VARCHAR )
  30. 02-27 04:57:47.355: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'pos'
  31. 02-27 04:57:47.363: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `pos` (`address` VARCHAR , `addressLine` VARCHAR , `chain_id` BIGINT , `coordinates_id` BIGINT , `posId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `items_id` BIGINT )
  32. 02-27 04:57:47.363: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'chain'
  33. 02-27 04:57:47.370: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `chain` (`chainId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `title` VARCHAR )
  34. 02-27 04:57:47.370: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'sku'
  35. 02-27 04:57:47.371: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `sku` (`skuId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR , `photo_id` BIGINT , `plu` VARCHAR , `productGroup` VARCHAR )
  36. 02-27 04:57:47.371: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'reportitem'
  37. 02-27 04:57:47.379: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `reportitem` (`face` INTEGER , `hotline` VARCHAR , `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `ordered` INTEGER , `price` DOUBLE PRECISION , `report_id` BIGINT , `sku_id` integer references sku(id_col) on delete cascade , `specialPrice` SMALLINT , `stockAvaliability` INTEGER , `warehouse` INTEGER , `zone` VARCHAR )
  38. 02-27 04:57:47.379: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'customvalues'
  39. 02-27 04:57:47.383: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `customvalues` (`category` VARCHAR , `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `max` VARCHAR , `min` VARCHAR , `name` VARCHAR , `report_id` BIGINT , `reportItem_id` BIGINT , `requiresPhoto` VARCHAR , `value` VARCHAR )
  40. 02-27 04:57:47.383: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'media'
  41. 02-27 04:57:47.385: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `media` (`added` VARCHAR , `category` VARCHAR , `contentType` VARCHAR , `creationDate` VARCHAR , `file` VARCHAR , `filename` VARCHAR , `mediaId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `location` VARCHAR , `report_id` BIGINT , `contentUploaded` SMALLINT , `deleted` SMALLINT )
  42. 02-27 04:57:47.387: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'contract'
  43. 02-27 04:57:47.390: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `contract` (`contractId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `title` VARCHAR )
  44. 02-27 04:57:47.390: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'employee'
  45. 02-27 04:57:47.393: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `employee` (`empId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR , `title` VARCHAR )
  46. 02-27 04:57:47.393: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'geolocation'
  47. 02-27 04:57:47.397: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `geolocation` (`accuracy` FLOAT , `coordinates_id` BIGINT , `date` VARCHAR , `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `posId` BIGINT DEFAULT 0 , `reportId` BIGINT , `type` VARCHAR )
  48. 02-27 04:57:47.397: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'photo'
  49. 02-27 04:57:47.400: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `photo` (`etag` VARCHAR , `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `url` VARCHAR )
  50. 02-27 04:57:47.400: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'project'
  51. 02-27 04:57:47.404: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `project` (`projectId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `title` VARCHAR )
  52. 02-27 04:57:47.404: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'reviewreason'
  53. 02-27 04:57:47.405: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `reviewreason` (`contract_id` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR , `penalty` VARCHAR )
  54. 02-27 04:57:47.405: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'review'
  55. 02-27 04:57:47.406: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `review` (`reportId` BIGINT , `id_col` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `reviewDate` VARCHAR , `reviewReason` VARCHAR , `reviewer_id` integer references employee(col_id) on delete cascade )
  56. 02-27 04:57:47.406: I/TableUtils(8254): creating table 'coordinates'
  57. 02-27 04:57:47.407: I/TableUtils(8254): executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE `coordinates` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `latitude` DOUBLE PRECISION , `longitude` DOUBLE PRECISION )
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