

Mar 28th, 2015
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  1. [b]WWF TItle
  2. Triple Threat Elimination
  3. [url=""]Foley[/url] vs [url=""]Taker[/url] vs [url=""]Kane[/url][/b]
  5. Foley started out by Cactus Clotheslining Kane to the floor, before going wild with a chair on Taker until Kane is able to recover and Big Boots it into his face. Kane took the advantage, working over Taker by the ringpost while Foley recovered, grabbed a stop sign from under the ring, and smashed it into Kane's back, knocking him over the barricade and allowing Taker to take the advantage
  6. Taker worked over Foley while Kane recovered in the crowd, before nailing the Last Ride!
  8. 1...2...2.9! Taker then dragged Foley to his feet for a Tombstone, but Kane bounded over the barricade into the ring and stopped the Tombstone, before whipping Taker to the turnbuckle and hitting the top rope chokeslam.
  10. [b]1...2...3! The Undertaker has been eliminated[/b]
  12. Foley and Kane brawled to the outside, Foley clotheslined the both of them into the crowd, and they brawled there before Kane was able to Big Boot Foley right over the barricade! Kane worked over Foley a bit more until Foley was able to whip him into the ringpost and roll him back into the ring to set up the corner cannonball. Foley dragged Kane to the center and went for the double arm DDT, but Kane was able to reverse it into a Northern Lights!
  14. 1...2...2.9, Foley kicks out! Kane dragged Foley to the corner for the corner chokeslam, but Foley reversed it into a Double Arm DDT from the top!
  16. [b]1...2...3! Foley is still your wWF Champion[/b]
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