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- The journal of Private Randolph, 3rd company Black Phoenix Mercenary company
- _____________________________________________________________________________________
- It was a cold autumn. The mercenary band I was in, known as the Black Phoenixes, marched across the open steppe. We were cold, hungry, weak and defeated. Our company was employed by a local lord to attack a rivals Keep. A large battle ensued and left us in total dismay, our once strong force of 2000 was decimated into a mere 200. Because of our failure the Lord refused us pay and exiled us from his lands. We walked miles through lawless badlands, fighting off bandits and beasts with little food or rest. Our journey came to an end when we found a small farming community. We paid what was left of our coffers to rent out a farm for shelter and food. However we still had problems, specifically the issue of payment. Most of the remaining men were threatening desertion because they hadn't been paid in months, and the officers couldn't figure out how to earn money due to none of the farmers having an interest in hiring mercs. However, they heard a rumor about a Dragon treasure keep in a mountain a few miles north of the town. They figured that we were too weak to slay whatever Dragon was guarding the loot, but they figured it could be possible to sneak in and steal a small amount of valuables. They decided that I was best suited for the job, due to my limited spying experience. They sent me off with 5 bags, 2 canteens of water and a few breads. I was worried for my safety, but remembered I was the only hope for my comrades.
- It took me a day to get to the foot of the mountain, by then I was exhausted, but I pushed on. It took me hours to find the cave where the treasure was, but eventually I came across it. Upon entry I noticed the cave was lit, and warm. There were torches lit on the walls that led deeper into the cave. I followed them until I reached a massive room in the center. It was filled with piles of gold, exotic statues and expensive tableware, among other things. However, I soon noticed something else. On top of the largest mound of treasure was the slept the dragon guardian. It wasn't large, it looked around the size of a lion or a tiger, it was black with a white underside, and it had patches of white on its face. I carefully made my way around the treasure pile. I took out a sack and began piling loot into it carefully, trying to silence the clanks the precious metals made. Slowly for what seemed like ages I filled up 3 bags with gold, jewels and other riches. I got up and began sneaking, but then something caught my eye: near where the dragon rest was a jewel of such beauty. Light shined off of it in a magnitude of irresistible colors. I set down my other bags and began climbing up the treasure pile to get to the jewel. I crawled at such a slow pace as to not make a single sound, for I knew I was a dead man if the dragon were to wake up. I reached the top and made a reach for the gem. I was shaking in anxiousness as my hand neared the gem, until finally I grasped it, and pulled it towards me. I admired it in the light, feeling satisfied with my accomplishment, however, this victory was short lived. During my admiration I brought the gem at an angle which shined a bright light into my eye. In my disarray I slid off the treasure pile, creating a panic of clanking metals and shattering porcelain.
- As I got my bearings back from the fall, I was met with a shock: before me stood the dragon, awake and standing tall. The dragon spoke in a feminine voice, "Greetings, human!" The terror that ran through me caused me to head straight towards the exit, but as I ran the beast took flight and landed in front of the passage. "Why the rush to leave?" the creature spoke to me in a curious tone. I was silenced with fright, afraid of what my fate was to be. I managed to force out a few words "A-are you... g-gonna k-k-kill-" I was cut off abruptly by the dragon. "Kill a human visitor who isn't throwing spells at me or trying to take off my head with a big sword? I would never!" It got onto all its legs and began walking me deeper into the cave. I was so scared I followed along without hesitation, knowing attempted escape may lead to a worse fate. I was lead into a large room cut out from the cave, and to my surprised, almost resembled a den of a human noble. She set me down upon a chair and asked me "Do you wish to have a drink?" I mumbled a yes an she walked towards two large kegs and began pouring me a drink. "What's your name, human?" she asked, and I responded in a meek quietness "Randolf." "What a nice name. I like to go by a human name, Alexandra, it sounds much nicer than my dragon name." She handed me a drink and sat down on the floor. "I think most parts of human culture are nicer than dragon culture. Us dragons tend to be so beastly and uncivilized." She took a drink from her own cup and I followed suit. The bizarreness of this scene made me feel more frightened than before, as I sunk into my chair. She continued "but where are my manners? Tell me, what brings you to my cave? And you can be honest." I stuttered "I-I'm a member of a mercenary band and we're without any money, so my o-officers sent me h-h-here to steal...." I hesitated for a moment "...some of you t-treasure." "So you're a simple thief? Well that's better than being a dragon slayer for certain." she laughed and got closer to me. "Well, I suppose we both want something from each other if that's the case. I have a deal for you, I'll let you carry as much treasure as you can out of my cave, if you do something in return for me."
- This deal sparked my interest immediately, and without thought I blurted out "Whatever it is, I shall do it!" She looked at me with a joyous smile "Excellent!" she exclaimed, and embraced me with her scalie body. "Now, my favor I ask of you is, oh how do I put this?" she said while putting a talon upon her chin "Since I was first able to fly, I've always been fascinated with the life of the civilized races. Your beautiful cities, your arts and music, your great monuments, and your adventurers. Whenever I can, I try to spy upon you humans, and I occasionally take some of artifacts as keepsakes..." I interrupted "Occasionally?", and pointed at all the various treasures and other items around the room. "Well, I am 200 years old. It tends to stack up after a while! But anyways, there's always been one aspect of your culture that's always intrigued me the most." She put her head down, almost like she was embarrassed. "You humans take something as menial as mating, and turn it into something so... passionate." The fear that was leaving me returned at full force, this time in a more disgusted manner. "Humans practice so many odd mating techniques that look so much fun! Stuff that dragons males would never do. Humans even look each other in the eyes while they mate!" She continued to speak in an excited tone, but I blocked it out. I was dreading what I had gotten myself into, and was thinking death would have been a preferable option to what was go down. "So" she said, in a more held together tone, "I suppose you can guess what I wish for you to do with me." "Y-Yes." "Very well! Follow me, I've set aside an area just in case I ever got a chance to do this." She grasped my hand with her talon and began escorting me towards another passage in her cave. I interrupted "May I have a couple of drinks before then? I'm a bit nervous." "Oh of course you can! Just don't drink too much, I've noticed alcohol can affect your kinds virility." she replied, letting out a bit of a laugh. I sucked down two more cups of mead before I followed her into the chamber.
- Inside the chamber was a bed that looked like it once belonged to royalty. I sat down upon it to find the mattress was soft and firm, and the sheets were made of soft linen. The frames were decorated with many elaborate carvings illustrating battles and feasts. After me came the dragon Alexandra, who took up much of the space on the large bed. "I took this from a king maybe 50 years ago." she said, grinning. "He got quite a fright when I flew down upon the wagon carrying it." "Uh huh" I replied, still nervous. "Firstly I want to try kissing." she demanded, as she grasped me and brought me close to her. I hesitated, but slowly moved to her muzzle, and planted a single kiss on her before pulling away. She instantly pulled me back again into a deep kiss.. I was repulsed, but something felt strangely good about it. I continued kissing her, and eventually brought us into a tight embrace. She stopped kissing for a second "Oh my, this is quite good!" she exclaimed, before going back into a kiss. I felt myself beginning to feel aroused, which frightened me because of how not normal it was. But I ignored it and went back to work. Suddenly I felt a warmth touch my leg. I looked down to see that she was humping my leg. I let her continue as she let out loud, roarish moans between our kissing. She eventually stopped and looked at me in a seductive way. "I've been wanting to try this next thing too." she said and she began slithering down to my crotch. She told me to pull down my pants, and I did what she told. She grasp my semi-erect member and began stroking lightly. I closed my eyes and let out some heavy exhales. I then felt her long tongue brush up and down upon it. I felt ashamed at my enjoyment but I ignored it as I grasped her and began leading her across my shaft. Put began using her hole mouth and the warmth made me shake in pleasure. I sat back and let her work her strange magic upon me. She sucked with my joy, smiling and giggling as she did. After some of this she stopped sucking and brought her head towards my balls. She began running her tongue across them whilst stroking me. She then began licking from the balls all the way to the tip, covering my penis in warm, thick dragon spit.
- After a long time of oral, she stopped and crawled onto me. She embraced me in more kissing before she rolled over onto her back, looked at me and said "Please, put in me." I was a tiny bit hesitant, but I approached and put my penis in her. She was very tight, and very warm as well. She was also wetter than a human woman. I began thrusting in and out in a slow rhythm, while she began to moan and roar. She pulled me close and began kissing me. It then dawned on me that I wasn't just shagging a dragon, I was making love to one! I didn't care though, as the feeling was so exotic, so unknown that I ignored all feelings of disgust and hatred. I pulled off my shirt and embraced her, my skin touching her rough scales. She continued kissing, her long tongue tickling my mouth. I started going longer and deeper with my motions, her juices causing loud slapping noises every time I went in. She pulled away from our locked mouths and spoke "Oh this is fantastic! You humans mate very well. Are you enjoying this too?" "Yes." I responded, looking at her with lust and lovingness. She blew a cold breeze from her mouth into my face, and we continued our love making.
- She looked at me and spoke with a heavy breath. "I feel as though I shall reach climax soon!" said her, while she moan and growled, taken over by the passion and pleasure. "I wish for you to climax within me when I do..." she laid back and let me continue. I thrusted in quickly, causing an audible slapping sound from my testes hitting against her tail. Suddenly I felt a surge of liquid in her, as well as her vaginal muscles tightening and squeezing around me. She became wordless and looked in total enjoyment and pleasure, her mouth open, letting her long tongue fall out. I couldn't handle myself anymore and I shot my load deep within her. For a few seconds we both lay silent, looking at each other in the aftermath. We kissed some more before we both fell asleep.
- I awoke to the smell of goat being roasted on a pit of fire. I hate with her and we talked more about our lives and interests while having a sort of miniature feast. We finished eating and I went to get the treasure I came here for. Before I left, she told me "Whenever you are able, I would always enjoy another visit." I kissed her again and set off.
- It has been 5 years since, and whenever I am travelling through the area, I tell the officers I'm going to "steal" some treasure from her. If only they knew...
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