
Cirra and Adenine ATE

Jul 24th, 2013
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  1. 01[07:05] <Kain> 0,14 Green with Envy
  2. 03[07:05] * Kain is now known as Cirra
  3. 01[07:07] <Cirra> In keeping with her busy schedules, Adenine has arranged the auctioned date with Cirra to be in Treno. What day you ask? Well... It's still the fourth! Maybe she's in two places at once? Maybe she's just -really- efficient with her time? Who can tell.
  4. 01[07:10] <Cirra> Adenine shows up to the upscale south-town restaurant dressed in a spare suit, meeting the Green Mage outside. For those of you who forgot, Cirra has short, brown hair with glasses, and brown eyes. She's wearing a backless green gown and already a bit tipsy, hiding away a tiny, empty bottle of something or another.
  5. 01[07:11] <Cirra> "Well, hello there, cutie-pie~" she waves as the time mage gets closer.
  6. 01[07:11] <Cirra> Adenine: "Let's -please- keep this professional?"
  7. 01[07:12] <Cirra> "And what's the fun in that? You'll stress yourself to death if you don't have a little fun with your life, you know... In any case..." she gets the doors. "Ladies first?"
  8. 01[07:12] <Cirra> Adenine: "What the hell are you, then?"
  9. [07:13] <Aori_Radidjiu> (Oh boy oh boy oh boy)
  10. 01[07:13] <Cirra> "Oh. Not much of a sense of humor?" she frowns, and enters, a bit disappointed.
  11. 01[07:13] <Cirra> Adenine follows in behind. "That was a suspiciously evasive answer."
  12. [07:14] <Aori_Radidjiu> (I think I'll burst into flames if she turns out ot be a trap)
  13. 01[07:14] <Cirra> "I'm offended! I assure you I am not hiding any dark secrets like you're implying..."
  14. 01[07:15] <Cirra> "You read into too much." :<
  15. 01[07:15] <Cirra> Adenine: "If you say so." They have a seat at one of the tables, and Cirra picks up one of the menus.
  16. 01[07:16] <Cirra> "Furthermore, what's the matter? You seem so angry! You should loosen up a bit, or people won't be as inclined to drop money the next time one of these things happen..."
  17. 01[07:16] <Cirra> Adenine: "Nothing's the matter."
  18. 01[07:17] <Cirra> "Something certainly -is-! You can tell me." she leaaans in across the table. "I'll keep your innermost secrets preciously hidden away~"
  19. 01[07:18] <Cirra> Adenine: "Are... look, are you hitting on me?" she leans a way, a bit disturbed.
  20. 01[07:18] <Cirra> "Maaaybe! This -is- supposed to be a date, isn't it?" she gives a bit of a sly smile.
  21. 01[07:20] <Cirra> Adenine: "I auctioned off my time, not anything else. Like I said, I would greatly prefer to keep this professional. Besides, I'm not even in to girls, sorry."
  22. 01[07:20] <Cirra> Adenine: "Can we talk about something else?"
  23. 01[07:21] <Cirra> "You're the one who brought this topic up." she frowns.
  24. 01[07:22] <Cirra> "But very well, if you insist. Are you interested in magic, miss Adenine?"
  25. 01[07:23] <Cirra> Adenine: "I'm a Time Mage myself."
  26. 01[07:25] <Cirra> "A good school! But a bit of a limited one, especially if you don't train yourself correctly. I practice the Green arts, myself."
  27. 01[07:25] <Cirra> Adenine: "...Green?" she frowns.
  28. 01[07:26] <Cirra> "It's my own special school of magic formed off of my research, it focuses solely on changing the state of things, whether beneficially or negatively, borrowing a bit from each major discipline."
  29. 01[07:28] <Cirra> Adenine: "So you're like one of those alternative medicine hipsters that thinks their new system is better than a couple thousand years of established and well-documented science?"
  30. 06[07:29] * Cirra looks scandalized. "Heavens, no. I have put considerable amount of effort into proving the validity of Green Magic. Results speak better than words in any case."
  31. 01[07:31] <Cirra> "You know, you strangely remind me of Elizabeth. Skeptical, goal-oriented..."
  32. 01[07:31] <Cirra> Adenine: "I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not." she says flatly.
  33. 01[07:31] <Cirra> Adenine: "Where the hell is the waiter? Can we get some service, over here?"
  34. 01[07:32] <Cirra> Cirra's mind seems to wander at that, but she snaps out of it after a second. "Oh! Anyway, are you not interested in my discipline?"
  35. 01[07:33] <Cirra> Adenine: "...I have to admit the -idea- is interesting, why are you asking?"
  36. [07:33] <Aori_Radidjiu> (She'd like some "service")
  37. 01[07:34] <Cirra> Cirra: "Given that Gale and I are sticking in town near Elizabeth to watch over each other during this... unique time of crisis, I figure I have quite a bit of spare time. I could offer you some private lessons, if you like...?"
  38. 01[07:34] <Cirra> Adenine: "God, stop with the innuendo already."
  39. 01[07:34] <Cirra> "Pardon?"
  40. 01[07:34] <Cirra> Adenine: "You keep doing it!"
  41. 01[07:35] <Cirra> "I'm sorry, but I can't really help it if your mind is in the gutter." she frowns.
  42. 01[07:35] <Cirra> Adenine: "If MY mind is- ...ugh, forget it." The water finally comes over and they order their dinner.
  43. 01[07:36] <Cirra> Adenine: "What's the catch? Why are you wanting to teach me anything?"
  44. 01[07:37] <Cirra> "Well, it's simple, isn't it? The more the discipline and theory of Green Magic spreads, the more sample data I'll have, which means I can rely much much less on anecdotes. And you seem like an ambitious person willing to accept innovations..."
  45. 01[07:38] <Cirra> Cirra: "And honestly, even if you're not interested, that doesn't mean I don't think you're cute~ But I promise to behave if you're willing to learn."
  46. 01[07:39] <Cirra> Adenine narrows her eyes a moment, considering this.
  47. 01[07:39] <Cirra> On one hand, this could be big and potentially useful to Theta.
  48. 01[07:40] <Cirra> On the other, she'd have to put up with private lessons from Cirra.
  49. 01[07:40] <Cirra> Adenine: "Keep any flirtatious remarks to yourself, and I'm in."
  50. 01[07:41] <Cirra> Cirra beams. "Excellent! See? I'm quite capable of 'keeping things professional'. You still need to loosen up, though."
  51. 01[07:42] <Cirra> Adenine: "That's why I'm dating Theta now." she says as a matter of fact.
  52. 06[07:42] * Cirra puts a hand to her mouth. "You're -seeing- someone and you volunteered for a date auction? Scandalous."
  53. 01[07:42] <Cirra> Adenine: "Auctioned my time, nothing more." she repeats in a more annoyed tone.
  54. 01[07:43] <Cirra> "I'm just teasing you, don't take it so personal!"
  55. 01[07:43] <Cirra> "I'm certainly in no position to judge anyone."
  56. 01[07:44] <Cirra> Adenine grumbles for a moment, seeming at a loss for words at that.
  57. 01[07:45] <Cirra> "We should try to get along together! After all, we'll be seeing each other quite a bit in the future, won't we?"
  58. 01[07:45] <Cirra> Adenine: "What do you mean?"
  59. 01[07:46] <Cirra> "I volunteered to work at the school, didn't I? And there's certainly no way you don't have your hands in that, considering."
  60. 01[07:47] <Cirra> Adenine: "..." she pales a bit as she realizes the green mage is right. "You're not legally beholden to that given th at we can't generally accept favors at an auction..."
  61. 01[07:48] <Cirra> "Nonsense, I insist, it'll be grand! I do have a degree of teaching from Alexandria's Sorcery Academy..."
  62. 01[07:48] <Cirra> Adenine: "...That just means you're qualified to teach about certain magical subjects, doesn't it? This is more of a practical arts school..."
  63. 01[07:49] <Cirra> "My qualifications are more diverse than that." she chides. "I'll be happy to show you all of the proper documentation..."
  64. 01[07:49] <Cirra> Adenine: "... (What have I gotten myself into...)"
  65. 01[07:49] <Cirra> </ATE>
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