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Feb 12th, 2017
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  1. if (A_PtrSize != 8)
  2. {
  3. MsgBox, You are not running 64-bit version of Autohotkey L, reinstall correct version. Script will now terminate.
  4. ExitApp
  5. }
  6. if not A_IsAdmin
  7. {
  8. Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
  9. ExitApp
  10. }
  12. class _ClassMemory
  13. {
  14. static baseAddress, hProcess, PID, currentProgram
  15. , insertNullTerminator := True
  16. , readStringLastError := False
  17. , isTarget64bit := False
  18. , ptrType := "UInt"
  19. , aTypeSize := { "UChar": 1, "Char": 1
  20. , "UShort": 2, "Short": 2
  21. , "UInt": 4, "Int": 4
  22. , "UFloat": 4, "Float": 4
  23. , "Int64": 8, "Double": 8}
  24. , aRights := { "PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS": 0x001F0FFF
  25. , "PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS": 0x0080
  26. , "PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD": 0x0002
  27. , "PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE": 0x0040
  31. , "PROCESS_SET_QUOTA": 0x0100
  32. , "PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME": 0x0800
  33. , "PROCESS_TERMINATE": 0x0001
  34. , "PROCESS_VM_OPERATION": 0x0008
  35. , "PROCESS_VM_READ": 0x0010
  36. , "PROCESS_VM_WRITE": 0x0020}
  38. __new(program, dwDesiredAccess := "", byRef handle := "", windowMatchMode := 3)
  39. {
  40. if this.PID := handle := this.findPID(program, windowMatchMode)
  41. {
  42. if dwDesiredAccess is not integer
  43. dwDesiredAccess := this.aRights.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | this.aRights.PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | this.aRights.PROCESS_VM_READ | this.aRights.PROCESS_VM_WRITE
  44. if this.hProcess := handle := this.OpenProcess(this.PID, dwDesiredAccess)
  45. {
  46. this.readStringLastError := False
  47. this.currentProgram := program
  48. if this.isTarget64bit := this.isTargetProcess64Bit(this.PID, this.hProcess, dwDesiredAccess)
  49. this.ptrType := "Int64"
  50. else this.ptrType := "UInt"
  51. if (A_PtrSize != 4 || !this.isTarget64bit)
  52. this.BaseAddress := this.getModuleBaseAddress()
  54. if this.BaseAddress < 0 || !this.BaseAddress
  55. this.BaseAddress := this.getProcessBaseAddress(program, windowMatchMode)
  57. return this
  58. }
  59. }
  60. return
  61. }
  63. __delete()
  64. {
  65. this.closeHandle(this.hProcess)
  66. return
  67. }
  69. version()
  70. {
  71. return 2.6
  72. }
  74. findPID(program, windowMatchMode := "3")
  75. {
  76. if windowMatchMode
  77. {
  78. mode := A_TitleMatchMode
  79. StringReplace, windowMatchMode, windowMatchMode, 0x
  80. SetTitleMatchMode, %windowMatchMode%
  81. }
  82. WinGet, pid, pid, %program%
  83. if windowMatchMode
  84. SetTitleMatchMode, %mode%
  85. return pid ? pid : 0
  86. }
  87. openProcess(PID, dwDesiredAccess)
  88. {
  89. return DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", dwDesiredAccess, "Int", False, "UInt", PID, "Ptr")
  90. }
  91. closeHandle(hProcess)
  92. {
  93. return DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProcess)
  94. }
  95. read(address, type := "UInt", aOffsets*)
  96. {
  97. if !this.aTypeSize.hasKey(type)
  98. return "", ErrorLevel := -2
  99. if DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Ptr", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, type "*", result, "Ptr", this.aTypeSize[type], "Ptr",0)
  100. return result
  101. return
  102. }
  103. readRaw(address, byRef buffer, bytes := 4, aOffsets*)
  104. {
  105. VarSetCapacity(buffer, bytes)
  106. return DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Ptr", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, "Ptr", &buffer, "Ptr", bytes, "Ptr", 0)
  107. }
  108. readString(address, sizeBytes := 0, encoding := "UTF-8", aOffsets*)
  109. {
  110. bufferSize := VarSetCapacity(buffer, sizeBytes ? sizeBytes : 100, 0)
  111. this.ReadStringLastError := False
  112. if aOffsets.maxIndex()
  113. address := this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*)
  114. if !sizeBytes
  115. {
  116. if (encoding = "utf-16" || encoding = "cp1200")
  117. encodingSize := 2, charType := "UShort", loopCount := 2
  118. else encodingSize := 1, charType := "Char", loopCount := 4
  119. Loop
  120. {
  121. if !DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Ptr", address + ((outterIndex := A_index) - 1) * 4, "Ptr", &buffer, "Ptr", 4, "Ptr", 0) || ErrorLevel
  122. return "", this.ReadStringLastError := True
  123. else loop, %loopCount%
  124. {
  125. if NumGet(buffer, (A_Index - 1) * encodingSize, charType) = 0
  126. {
  127. if (bufferSize < sizeBytes := outterIndex * 4 - (4 - A_Index * encodingSize))
  128. VarSetCapacity(buffer, sizeBytes)
  129. break, 2
  130. }
  131. }
  132. }
  133. }
  134. if DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Ptr", address, "Ptr", &buffer, "Ptr", sizeBytes, "Ptr", 0)
  135. return StrGet(&buffer,, encoding)
  136. return "", this.ReadStringLastError := True
  137. }
  138. writeString(address, string, encoding := "utf-8", aOffsets*)
  139. {
  140. encodingSize := (encoding = "utf-16" || encoding = "cp1200") ? 2 : 1
  141. requiredSize := StrPut(string, encoding) * encodingSize - (this.insertNullTerminator ? 0 : encodingSize)
  142. VarSetCapacity(buffer, requiredSize)
  143. StrPut(string, &buffer, StrLen(string) + (this.insertNullTerminator ? 1 : 0), encoding)
  144. return DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Ptr", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, "Ptr", &buffer, "Ptr", requiredSize, "Ptr", 0)
  145. }
  146. write(address, value, type := "Uint", aOffsets*)
  147. {
  148. if !this.aTypeSize.hasKey(type)
  149. return "", ErrorLevel := -2
  150. return DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Ptr", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, type "*", value, "Ptr", this.aTypeSize[type], "Ptr", 0)
  151. }
  152. writeRaw(address, pBuffer, sizeBytes, aOffsets*)
  153. {
  154. return DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr", this.hProcess, "Ptr", aOffsets.maxIndex() ? this.getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*) : address, "Ptr", pBuffer, "Ptr", sizeBytes, "Ptr", 0)
  155. }
  156. pointer(address, finalType := "UInt", offsets*)
  157. {
  158. For index, offset in offsets
  159. address := this.Read(address, this.ptrType) + offset
  160. Return this.Read(address, finalType)
  161. }
  162. getAddressFromOffsets(address, aOffsets*)
  163. {
  164. return aOffsets.Remove() + this.pointer(address, this.ptrType, aOffsets*)
  165. }
  166. getProcessBaseAddress(windowTitle, windowMatchMode := "3")
  167. {
  168. if (windowMatchMode && A_TitleMatchMode != windowMatchMode)
  169. {
  170. mode := A_TitleMatchMode
  171. StringReplace, windowMatchMode, windowMatchMode, 0x
  172. SetTitleMatchMode, %windowMatchMode%
  173. }
  174. WinGet, hWnd, ID, %WindowTitle%
  175. if mode
  176. SetTitleMatchMode, %mode%
  177. if !hWnd
  178. return
  179. return DllCall(A_PtrSize = 4
  180. ? "GetWindowLong"
  181. : "GetWindowLongPtr"
  182. , "Ptr", hWnd, "Int", -6, A_Is64bitOS ? "Int64" : "UInt")
  183. }
  184. getModuleBaseAddress(module := "", byRef aModuleInfo := "")
  185. {
  186. if (A_PtrSize = 4 && this.IsTarget64bit)
  187. return -4
  188. if (module = "")
  189. mainExeFullPath := this.GetModuleFileNameEx()
  190. if !moduleCount := this.EnumProcessModulesEx(lphModule)
  191. return -3
  192. loop % moduleCount
  193. {
  194. moduleFullPath := this.GetModuleFileNameEx(hModule := numget(lphModule, (A_index - 1) * A_PtrSize))
  195. SplitPath, moduleFullPath, fileName
  196. if (module = "" && mainExeFullPath = moduleFullPath) || (module != "" && module = filename)
  197. return this.GetModuleInformation(hModule, aModuleInfo) ? aModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll : -5
  198. }
  199. return -1
  200. }
  201. setSeDebugPrivilege(enable := True)
  202. {
  203. h := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x0400, "Int", false, "UInt", DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId"), "Ptr")
  204. DllCall("Advapi32.dll\OpenProcessToken", "Ptr", h, "UInt", 32, "PtrP", t)
  205. VarSetCapacity(ti, 16, 0)
  206. NumPut(1, ti, 0, "UInt")
  207. DllCall("Advapi32.dll\LookupPrivilegeValue", "Ptr", 0, "Str", "SeDebugPrivilege", "Int64P", luid)
  208. NumPut(luid, ti, 4, "Int64")
  209. if enable
  210. NumPut(2, ti, 12, "UInt")
  211. r := DllCall("Advapi32.dll\AdjustTokenPrivileges", "Ptr", t, "Int", false, "Ptr", &ti, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
  212. DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", t)
  213. DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", h)
  214. return r
  215. }
  216. isTargetProcess64Bit(PID, hProcess := "", currentHandleAccess := "")
  217. {
  218. if !A_Is64bitOS
  219. return False
  220. else if !hProcess || !(currentHandleAccess & (this.aRights.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | this.aRights.PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION))
  221. closeHandle := hProcess := this.openProcess(PID, this.aRights.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION)
  222. if (hProcess && DllCall("IsWow64Process", "Ptr", hProcess, "Int*", Wow64Process))
  223. result := !Wow64Process
  224. return result, closeHandle ? this.CloseHandle(hProcess) : ""
  225. }
  226. suspend()
  227. {
  228. return DllCall("ntdll\NtSuspendProcess", "Ptr", this.hProcess)
  229. }
  231. resume()
  232. {
  233. return DllCall("ntdll\NtResumeProcess", "Ptr", this.hProcess)
  234. }
  236. getModules(byRef aModules, useFileNameAsKey := False)
  237. {
  238. if (A_PtrSize = 4 && this.IsTarget64bit)
  239. return -4
  240. aModules := []
  241. if !moduleCount := this.EnumProcessModulesEx(lphModule)
  242. return -3
  243. loop % moduleCount
  244. {
  245. this.GetModuleInformation(hModule := numget(lphModule, (A_index - 1) * A_PtrSize), aModuleInfo)
  246. aModuleInfo.Name := this.GetModuleFileNameEx(hModule)
  247. filePath := aModuleInfo.Name
  248. SplitPath, filePath, fileName
  249. aModuleInfo.fileName := fileName
  250. if useFileNameAsKey
  251. aModules[fileName] := aModuleInfo
  252. else aModules.insert(aModuleInfo)
  253. }
  254. return moduleCount
  255. }
  257. getEndAddressOfLastModule(byRef aModuleInfo := "")
  258. {
  259. if !moduleCount := this.EnumProcessModulesEx(lphModule)
  260. return -3
  261. hModule := numget(lphModule, (moduleCount - 1) * A_PtrSize)
  262. if this.GetModuleInformation(hModule, aModuleInfo)
  263. return aModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll + aModuleInfo.SizeOfImage
  264. return -5
  265. }
  266. GetModuleFileNameEx(hModule := 0)
  267. {
  268. VarSetCapacity(lpFilename, 2048 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
  269. DllCall("psapi\GetModuleFileNameEx"
  270. , "Ptr", this.hProcess
  271. , "Ptr", hModule
  272. , "Str", lpFilename
  273. , "Uint", 2048 / (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
  274. return lpFilename
  275. }
  276. EnumProcessModulesEx(byRef lphModule, dwFilterFlag := 0x03)
  277. {
  278. size := VarSetCapacity(lphModule, 4)
  279. loop
  280. {
  281. DllCall("psapi\EnumProcessModulesEx"
  282. , "Ptr", this.hProcess
  283. , "Ptr", &lphModule
  284. , "Uint", size
  285. , "Uint*", reqSize
  286. , "Uint", dwFilterFlag)
  287. if ErrorLevel
  288. return 0
  289. else if (size >= reqSize)
  290. break
  291. else size := VarSetCapacity(lphModule, reqSize)
  292. }
  293. return reqSize // A_PtrSize
  294. }
  296. GetModuleInformation(hModule, byRef aModuleInfo)
  297. {
  298. VarSetCapacity(MODULEINFO, A_PtrSize * 3), aModuleInfo := []
  299. return DllCall("psapi\GetModuleInformation"
  300. , "Ptr", this.hProcess
  301. , "Ptr", hModule
  302. , "Ptr", &MODULEINFO
  303. , "UInt", A_PtrSize * 3)
  304. , aModuleInfo := { lpBaseOfDll: numget(MODULEINFO, 0, "Ptr")
  305. , SizeOfImage: numget(MODULEINFO, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
  306. , EntryPoint: numget(MODULEINFO, A_PtrSize * 2, "Ptr") }
  307. }
  308. hexStringToPattern(hexString)
  309. {
  310. AOBPattern := []
  311. hexString := RegExReplace(hexString, "(\s|0x)")
  312. StringReplace, hexString, hexString, ?, ?, UseErrorLevel
  313. wildCardCount := ErrorLevel
  315. if !length := StrLen(hexString)
  316. return -1
  317. else if RegExMatch(hexString, "[^0-9a-fA-F?]")
  318. return -2
  319. else if Mod(wildCardCount, 2)
  320. return -3
  321. else if Mod(length, 2)
  322. return -4
  323. loop, % length/2
  324. {
  325. value := "0x" SubStr(hexString, 1 + 2 * (A_index-1), 2)
  326. AOBPattern.Insert(value + 0 = "" ? "?" : value)
  327. }
  328. return AOBPattern
  329. }
  330. stringToPattern(string, encoding := "UTF-8", insertNullTerminator := False)
  331. {
  332. if !length := StrLen(string)
  333. return -1
  334. AOBPattern := []
  335. encodingSize := (encoding = "utf-16" || encoding = "cp1200") ? 2 : 1
  336. requiredSize := StrPut(string, encoding) * encodingSize - (insertNullTerminator ? 0 : encodingSize)
  337. VarSetCapacity(buffer, requiredSize)
  338. StrPut(string, &buffer, length + (insertNullTerminator ? 1 : 0), encoding)
  339. loop, % requiredSize
  340. AOBPattern.Insert(NumGet(buffer, A_Index-1, "UChar"))
  341. return AOBPattern
  342. }
  343. modulePatternScan(module := "", aAOBPattern*)
  344. {
  345. MEM_COMMIT := 0x1000, MEM_MAPPED := 0x40000, MEM_PRIVATE := 0x20000
  346. , PAGE_NOACCESS := 0x01, PAGE_GUARD := 0x100
  348. if (result := this.getModuleBaseAddress(module, aModuleInfo)) <= 0
  349. return "", ErrorLevel := result
  350. if !patternSize := this.getNeedleFromAOBPattern(patternMask, AOBBuffer, aAOBPattern*)
  351. return -10
  352. if (result := this.PatternScan(aModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll, aModuleInfo.SizeOfImage, patternMask, AOBBuffer)) >= 0
  353. return result
  354. address := aModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll
  355. endAddress := address + aModuleInfo.SizeOfImage
  356. loop
  357. {
  358. if !this.VirtualQueryEx(address, aRegion)
  359. return -9
  360. if (aRegion.State = MEM_COMMIT
  361. && !(aRegion.Protect & (PAGE_NOACCESS | PAGE_GUARD)) ; can't read these areas
  362. && aRegion.RegionSize >= patternSize
  363. && (result := this.PatternScan(address, aRegion.RegionSize, patternMask, AOBBuffer)) > 0)
  364. return result
  365. } until (address += aRegion.RegionSize) >= endAddress
  366. return 0
  367. }
  368. addressPatternScan(startAddress, sizeOfRegionBytes, aAOBPattern*)
  369. {
  370. if !this.getNeedleFromAOBPattern(patternMask, AOBBuffer, aAOBPattern*)
  371. return -10
  372. return this.PatternScan(startAddress, sizeOfRegionBytes, patternMask, AOBBuffer)
  373. }
  374. processPatternScan(startAddress := 0, endAddress := 0x7FFFFFFF, aAOBPattern*)
  375. {
  376. address := startAddress
  377. MEM_COMMIT := 0x1000, MEM_MAPPED := 0x40000, MEM_PRIVATE := 0x20000
  378. PAGE_NOACCESS := 0x01, PAGE_GUARD := 0x100
  379. if !patternSize := this.getNeedleFromAOBPattern(patternMask, AOBBuffer, aAOBPattern*)
  380. return -10
  381. while address <= endAddress
  382. {
  383. if !this.VirtualQueryEx(address, aInfo)
  384. return -1
  385. if A_Index = 1
  386. aInfo.RegionSize -= address - aInfo.BaseAddress
  387. if (aInfo.State = MEM_COMMIT)
  388. && !(aInfo.Protect & (PAGE_NOACCESS | PAGE_GUARD))
  390. && aInfo.RegionSize >= patternSize
  391. && (result := this.PatternScan(address, aInfo.RegionSize, patternMask, AOBBuffer))
  392. {
  393. if result < 0
  394. return -2
  395. else if (result + patternSize - 1 <= endAddress)
  396. return result
  397. else return 0
  398. }
  399. address += aInfo.RegionSize
  400. }
  401. return 0
  402. }
  403. rawPatternScan(byRef buffer, sizeOfBufferBytes := "", startOffset := 0, aAOBPattern*)
  404. {
  405. if !this.getNeedleFromAOBPattern(patternMask, AOBBuffer, aAOBPattern*)
  406. return -10
  407. if (sizeOfBufferBytes + 0 = "" || sizeOfBufferBytes <= 0)
  408. sizeOfBufferBytes := VarSetCapacity(buffer)
  409. if (startOffset + 0 = "" || startOffset < 0)
  410. startOffset := 0
  411. return this.bufferScanForMaskedPattern(&buffer, sizeOfBufferBytes, patternMask, &AOBBuffer, startOffset)
  412. }
  413. getNeedleFromAOBPattern(byRef patternMask, byRef needleBuffer, aAOBPattern*)
  414. {
  415. patternMask := "", VarSetCapacity(needleBuffer, aAOBPattern.MaxIndex())
  416. for i, v in aAOBPattern
  417. patternMask .= (v + 0 = "" ? "?" : "x"), NumPut(round(v), needleBuffer, A_Index - 1, "UChar")
  418. return round(aAOBPattern.MaxIndex())
  419. }
  420. VirtualQueryEx(address, byRef aInfo)
  421. {
  423. if (aInfo.__Class != "_ClassMemory._MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION")
  424. aInfo := new this._MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION()
  425. return aInfo.SizeOfStructure = DLLCall("VirtualQueryEx"
  426. , "Ptr", this.hProcess
  427. , "Ptr", address
  428. , "Ptr", aInfo.pStructure
  429. , "Ptr", aInfo.SizeOfStructure
  430. , "Ptr")
  431. }
  432. patternScan(startAddress, sizeOfRegionBytes, byRef patternMask, byRef needleBuffer)
  433. {
  434. if !this.readRaw(startAddress, buffer, sizeOfRegionBytes)
  435. return -1
  436. if (offset := this.bufferScanForMaskedPattern(&buffer, sizeOfRegionBytes, patternMask, &needleBuffer)) >= 0
  437. return startAddress + offset
  438. else return 0
  439. }
  440. bufferScanForMaskedPattern(hayStackAddress, sizeOfHayStackBytes, byRef patternMask, needleAddress, startOffset := 0)
  441. {
  442. static p
  443. if !p
  444. {
  445. if A_PtrSize = 4
  446. p := this.MCode("1,x86:8B44240853558B6C24182BC5568B74242489442414573BF0773E8B7C241CBB010000008B4424242BF82BD8EB038D49008B54241403D68A0C073A0A740580383F750B8D0C033BCD74174240EBE98B442424463B74241876D85F5E5D83C8FF5BC35F8BC65E5D5BC3")
  447. else
  448. p := this.MCode("1,x64:48895C2408488974241048897C2418448B5424308BF2498BD8412BF1488BF9443BD6774A4C8B5C24280F1F800000000033C90F1F400066660F1F840000000000448BC18D4101418D4AFF03C80FB60C3941380C18740743803C183F7509413BC1741F8BC8EBDA41FFC2443BD676C283C8FF488B5C2408488B742410488B7C2418C3488B5C2408488B742410488B7C2418418BC2C3")
  449. }
  450. if (needleSize := StrLen(patternMask)) + startOffset > sizeOfHayStackBytes
  451. return -1
  452. if (sizeOfHayStackBytes > 0)
  453. return DllCall(p, "Ptr", hayStackAddress, "UInt", sizeOfHayStackBytes, "Ptr", needleAddress, "UInt", needleSize, "AStr", patternMask, "UInt", startOffset, "cdecl int")
  454. return -2
  455. }
  456. MCode(mcode)
  457. {
  458. static e := {1:4, 2:1}, c := (A_PtrSize=8) ? "x64" : "x86"
  459. if !regexmatch(mcode, "^([0-9]+),(" c ":|.*?," c ":)([^,]+)", m)
  460. return
  461. if !DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", m3, "uint", 0, "uint", e[m1], "ptr", 0, "uint*", s, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
  462. return
  463. p := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, "ptr", s, "ptr")
  464. DllCall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", p, "ptr", s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", op)
  465. if DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", m3, "uint", 0, "uint", e[m1], "ptr", p, "uint*", s, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
  466. return p
  467. DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr", p)
  468. return
  469. }
  471. {
  472. __new()
  473. {
  474. if !this.pStructure := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0, "Ptr", this.SizeOfStructure := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 48 : 28, "Ptr")
  475. return ""
  476. return this
  477. }
  478. __Delete()
  479. {
  480. DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", this.pStructure)
  481. }
  482. __get(key)
  483. {
  484. static aLookUp := A_PtrSize = 8
  485. ? { "BaseAddress": {"Offset": 0, "Type": "Int64"}
  486. , "AllocationBase": {"Offset": 8, "Type": "Int64"}
  487. , "AllocationProtect": {"Offset": 16, "Type": "UInt"}
  488. , "RegionSize": {"Offset": 24, "Type": "Int64"}
  489. , "State": {"Offset": 32, "Type": "UInt"}
  490. , "Protect": {"Offset": 36, "Type": "UInt"}
  491. , "Type": {"Offset": 40, "Type": "UInt"} }
  492. : { "BaseAddress": {"Offset": 0, "Type": "UInt"}
  493. , "AllocationBase": {"Offset": 4, "Type": "UInt"}
  494. , "AllocationProtect": {"Offset": 8, "Type": "UInt"}
  495. , "RegionSize": {"Offset": 12, "Type": "UInt"}
  496. , "State": {"Offset": 16, "Type": "UInt"}
  497. , "Protect": {"Offset": 20, "Type": "UInt"}
  498. , "Type": {"Offset": 24, "Type": "UInt"} }
  500. if aLookUp.HasKey(key)
  501. return numget(this.pStructure+0, aLookUp[key].Offset, aLookUp[key].Type)
  502. }
  503. __set(key, value)
  504. {
  505. static aLookUp := A_PtrSize = 8
  506. ? { "BaseAddress": {"Offset": 0, "Type": "Int64"}
  507. , "AllocationBase": {"Offset": 8, "Type": "Int64"}
  508. , "AllocationProtect": {"Offset": 16, "Type": "UInt"}
  509. , "RegionSize": {"Offset": 24, "Type": "Int64"}
  510. , "State": {"Offset": 32, "Type": "UInt"}
  511. , "Protect": {"Offset": 36, "Type": "UInt"}
  512. , "Type": {"Offset": 40, "Type": "UInt"} }
  513. : { "BaseAddress": {"Offset": 0, "Type": "UInt"}
  514. , "AllocationBase": {"Offset": 4, "Type": "UInt"}
  515. , "AllocationProtect": {"Offset": 8, "Type": "UInt"}
  516. , "RegionSize": {"Offset": 12, "Type": "UInt"}
  517. , "State": {"Offset": 16, "Type": "UInt"}
  518. , "Protect": {"Offset": 20, "Type": "UInt"}
  519. , "Type": {"Offset": 24, "Type": "UInt"} }
  521. if aLookUp.HasKey(key)
  522. {
  523. NumPut(value, this.pStructure+0, aLookUp[key].Offset, aLookUp[key].Type)
  524. return value
  525. }
  526. }
  527. Ptr()
  528. {
  529. return this.pStructure
  530. }
  531. sizeOf()
  532. {
  533. return this.SizeOfStructure
  534. }
  535. }
  537. }
  539. ; Хуйня для работы с памятью кончилась, теперь сам скрипт.
  541. IfNotExist, User.ini
  542. {
  543. defaultIni .= "[variables]`n"
  544. defaultIni .= "BF_Key=RButton`n"
  545. defaultIni .= "SpamFlaskKey1=Q`n"
  546. defaultIni .= "SpamFlaskChek1=1`n"
  547. defaultIni .= "SpamFlaskChek2=1`n"
  548. defaultIni .= "SpamFlaskChek3=1`n"
  549. defaultIni .= "SpamFlaskChek4=1`n"
  550. defaultIni .= "SpamFlaskChek5=1`n"
  551. defaultIni .= "CorruptedBloodChek=1`n"
  552. defaultIni .= "CorruptedBloodCharges=1`n"
  553. defaultIni .= "CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1=1`n"
  554. defaultIni .= "CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2=1`n"
  555. defaultIni .= "CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3=1`n"
  556. defaultIni .= "CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4=1`n"
  557. defaultIni .= "CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5=1`n"
  558. defaultIni .= "FrozenAilmentsChek=1`n"
  559. defaultIni .= "ShockAilmentsChek=1`n"
  560. defaultIni .= "BurningAilmentsChek=1`n"
  561. defaultIni .= "AilmentFlaskChek1=1`n"
  562. defaultIni .= "AilmentFlaskChek2=1`n"
  563. defaultIni .= "AilmentFlaskChek3=1`n"
  564. defaultIni .= "AilmentFlaskChek4=1`n"
  565. defaultIni .= "AilmentFlaskChek5=1`n"
  566. defaultIni .= "LowhpLevel=50`n"
  567. FileAppend, %defaultIni%, User.ini, UTF-16
  568. }
  570. readFromFile()
  572. global BF_Key
  574. global SpamFlaskKey1
  575. global SpamFlaskKey2
  576. global SpamFlaskChek1
  577. global SpamFlaskChek2
  578. global SpamFlaskChek3
  579. global SpamFlaskChek4
  580. global SpamFlaskChek5
  582. global CorruptedBloodChek
  583. global CorruptedBloodCharges
  584. global CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1
  585. global CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2
  586. global CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3
  587. global CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4
  588. global CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5
  590. global FrozenAilmentsChek
  591. global ShockAilmentsChek
  592. global BurningAilmentsChek
  593. global AilmentFlaskChek1
  594. global AilmentFlaskChek2
  595. global AilmentFlaskChek3
  596. global AilmentFlaskChek4
  597. global AilmentFlaskChek5
  599. global LowhpLevel
  601. SetBatchLines, -1
  602. SetFormat, IntegerFast, dec
  604. ProcessExist(Name){
  605. Process,Exist,%Name%
  606. return Errorlevel
  607. }
  609. If ProcessExist("PathOfExile_x64Steam.exe")
  610. {
  611. cliexe:= "PathOfExile_x64Steam.exe"
  612. }
  613. Else If ProcessExist("PathOfExile_x64.exe")
  614. {
  615. cliexe:= "PathOfExile_x64.exe"
  616. }
  617. global cliexe
  618. basePtrPattern:=[0x40, 0x53, 0x48, 0x83, 0xEC, 0x50, 0x48, 0xC7, 0x44, 0x24, 0x20, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0x44, 0x24, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x05]
  619. global poe := new _ClassMemory("ahk_exe " . cliexe, "", hProcessCopy)
  620. PatternIsAt:=poe.modulePatternScan(cliexe, basePtrPattern*)-poe.BaseAddress
  621., "UInt")+PatternIsAt+0x1E
  622. global, "Int64", 0x8, 0xf8)
  623. global, "Int64")
  624. global, "Int64", 0x8, 0xf8, 0x38)
  625. global IngameState:=frameBase
  626. readPlayerStats(byRef PlayerStats){
  627. if(cliexe == "PathOfExile_x64Steam.exe"){
  628., "Int64")
  629., "Int64")
  630. }
  631. if(cliexe == "PathOfExile_x64.exe"){
  632., "Int64")
  633., "Int64")
  634. }
  635., "Char")
  636. global isProperInGame:=inGameNumber*100/100
  637. if(isProperInGame > 2)
  638. {
  639., "Int64")
  640., "Int64", 0x18)
  641. poe.readRaw(LPLifeComponent, LifeStructure, 0xB8)
  644., "Int64")
  645., "Int64")
  646. global BuffAmount:=((BuffListEnd-BuffListStart)/8)
  647. PlayerStats.BuffAmount:=((BuffListEnd-BuffListStart)/8)
  649. Loop, %BuffAmount%
  650. {
  651.*8), "Int64", 8)
  652., "Int64", 0)
  653. BuffNameStr:=poe.readString(BuffNamePtr, length:=0, encoding := "utf-16")
  654. PlayerStats.BuffName[A_Index]:=BuffNameStr
  656. PlayerStats.BuffCharges[A_Index]:=BuffCharges
  657., "Float")
  658. PlayerStats.BuffTimer[A_Index]:=BuffTimer
  659. }
  660. curHP:=NumGet(LifeStructure, 0x54, "UInt")
  661. curCI:=NumGet(LifeStructure, 0xB4, "UInt")
  662. maxCI:=NumGet(LifeStructure, 0xB0, "UInt")
  663. resHP:=NumGet(LifeStructure, 0x60, "Uint")
  664. maxHP:=NumGet(LifeStructure, 0x50, "UInt")
  665. curMana:=NumGet(LifeStructure, 0x84, "UInt")
  666. resMana:=NumGet(LifeStructure, 0x90, "Uint")
  667. maxMana:=NumGet(LifeStructure, 0x80, "UInt")
  668. if(maxHP>0 and curHP>0)
  669. {
  670. PlayerStats.hpres:=resHP*100/100
  671. PlayerStats.hp:=(curHP*100)/100/maxHP*100
  674. }
  675. else
  676. {
  677. PlayerStats.hp:=0
  680. }
  681. }
  682. }
  684. RandSleep(x,y) {
  685. Random, rand, %x%, %y%
  686. Sleep, %rand%
  687. }
  689. dropDownTable = Q|W|E|R|T|RButton
  691. Gui Add, Button, x333 y2 w70 h20 gupdateEverything, Сохранить
  692. Gui Add, Tab2, vTab x4 y2 w400 h396 -wrap, Фласки|Абилки
  693. Gui, Tab, 1
  694. yset:=30
  695. Gui Add, GroupBox, x7 y%yset% w190 h75, Прожать все фласки:
  696. yset+=17
  697. Gui Add, Hotkey, vSpamFlaskKey1 x15 y%yset% w80 h21, %SpamFlaskKey1%
  698. yset+=17
  699. Gui Add, Text, x15 y%yset%, Фласки для использования:
  700. yset+=17
  701. xset:=7
  702. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vSpamFlaskChek1 Checked%SpamFlaskChek1%, 1
  703. xset+=30
  704. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vSpamFlaskChek2 Checked%SpamFlaskChek2%, 2
  705. xset+=30
  706. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vSpamFlaskChek3 Checked%SpamFlaskChek3%, 3
  707. xset+=30
  708. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vSpamFlaskChek4 Checked%SpamFlaskChek4%, 4
  709. xset+=30
  710. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vSpamFlaskChek5 Checked%SpamFlaskChek5%, 5
  712. yset+=30
  713. Gui Add, GroupBox, x7 y%yset% w190 h120, Блиды/Порченая кровь:
  714. yset+=17
  715. Gui Add, Checkbox, x15 y%yset% vCorruptedBloodChek Checked%CorruptedBloodChek%, Снимать автоматически
  716. yset+=17
  717. Gui, Add, Text, x15 y%yset%, Cтаков для снятия порченой крови:
  718. yset+=17
  719. Gui, Add, Slider, x7 y%yset% w160 h25 gGuiUpdate Range1-20 vCorruptedBloodCharges +ToolTip, %CorruptedBloodCharges%
  720. Gui, Add, Text, x165 y%yset% w20 vCorruptedBloodChargesUpdate, %CorruptedBloodCharges%
  721. yset+=26
  722. Gui Add, Text, x15 y%yset%, Фласки для использования:
  723. yset+=20
  724. xset:=7
  725. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vCorruptedBloodFlaskChek1 Checked%CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1%, 1
  726. xset+=30
  727. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vCorruptedBloodFlaskChek2 Checked%CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2%, 2
  728. xset+=30
  729. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vCorruptedBloodFlaskChek3 Checked%CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3%, 3
  730. xset+=30
  731. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vCorruptedBloodFlaskChek4 Checked%CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4%, 4
  732. xset+=30
  733. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vCorruptedBloodFlaskChek5 Checked%CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5%, 5
  735. yset+=26
  736. Gui Add, GroupBox, x7 y%yset% w190 h120, Аилменты:
  737. yset+=17
  738. Gui Add, Checkbox, x15 y%yset% vFrozenAilmentsChek Checked%FrozenAilmentsChek%, Снимать Заморозку/Frozen
  739. yset+=17
  740. Gui Add, Checkbox, x15 y%yset% vShockAilmentsChek Checked%ShockAilmentsChek%, Снимать Шок/Shock
  741. yset+=17
  742. Gui Add, Checkbox, x15 y%yset% vBurningAilmentsChek Checked%BurningAilmentsChek%, Снимать Горение/Burning
  743. yset+=17
  744. Gui Add, Text, x15 y%yset%, Фласки для использования:
  745. yset+=20
  746. xset:=7
  747. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vAilmentFlaskChek1 Checked%AilmentFlaskChek1%, 1
  748. xset+=30
  749. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vAilmentFlaskChek2 Checked%AilmentFlaskChek2%, 2
  750. xset+=30
  751. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vAilmentFlaskChek3 Checked%AilmentFlaskChek3%, 3
  752. xset+=30
  753. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vAilmentFlaskChek4 Checked%AilmentFlaskChek4%, 4
  754. xset+=30
  755. Gui Add, Checkbox, Right x%xset% y%yset% vAilmentFlaskChek5 Checked%AilmentFlaskChek5%, 5
  757. yset:=30
  758. Gui Add, GroupBox, x205 y%yset% w190 h90, Фласки лоу хп/ес:
  759. yset+=17
  760. Gui Add, Text, x215 y%yset%, Минимум ХП/ЕС:
  761. yset+=17
  762. Gui, Add, Slider, x205 y%yset% w160 h25 gGuiUpdate Range1-100 vLowhpLevel +ToolTip, %LowhpLevel%
  763. Gui, Add, Text, x365 y%yset% w20 vLowhpLevelUpdate, %LowhpLevel%
  765. Gui, Tab, 2
  766. yset:=30
  767. Gui Add, GroupBox, x7 y%yset% w130 h45, BladeFlurry Key
  768. yset+=15
  769. Gui Add, ComboBox, vBF_Key x15 y%yset% w100 h120, %dropDownTable%
  771. Menu, Tray, Add, Настройки POEShrek, showgui
  772. Gui, Show,, Settings
  774. IfExist, User.ini
  775. {
  776. Iniread, BF_Key, User.ini, variables, BF_Key
  777. BF_Key_var := BF_Key
  778. GuiControl, ChooseString, BF_Key, %BF_Key_var%
  779. }
  782. ;DEBUG GUI
  783. Gui, 2:Add, GroupBox, x5 y0 w300 h300 , Статистика
  784. ypos := 25
  785. Gui, 2:Add, Text, x15 y%ypos% w155, Мана
  786. Gui, 2:Add, Edit, Disabled vMaxMANAvar x140 y%ypos% w150, nope
  787. ypos := 25
  788. Gui, 2:Add, Text, x15 y%ypos% w155, Buff Amount
  789. Gui, 2:Add, Edit, Disabled vBuffAmountvar x140 y%ypos% w150, nope
  790. ypos += 25
  791. Loop, 8
  792. {
  793. Gui, 2:Add, Text, x15 y%ypos% w155, Buff %A_Index% Название
  794. Gui, 2:Add, Edit, Disabled vBuff%A_Index%Namevar x140 y%ypos% w150, nope
  795. ypos += 25
  796. Gui, 2:Add, Text, x15 y%ypos% w155, Buff %A_Index% Заряды
  797. Gui, 2:Add, Edit, Disabled vBuff%A_Index%Chargesvar x140 y%ypos% w150, nope
  798. ypos += 25
  799. Gui, 2:Add, Text, x15 y%ypos% w155, Buff %A_Index% Время
  800. Gui, 2:Add, Edit, Disabled vBuff%A_Index%Timervar x140 y%ypos% w150, nope
  801. ypos += 25
  802. }
  804. ;Gui, 2:Show,,DEBUG
  807. PlayerStats:=Object()
  808. BF_timer:=0
  809. Flask_timer:=0
  810. Loop
  811. {
  812. readPlayerStats(PlayerStats)
  813. IfWinActive, Path of Exile ahk_class POEWindowClass
  814. {
  815. PlayerHP:=PlayerStats.hp
  819. if (GetKeyState(SpamFlaskKey1, "P") and A_TickCount - Flask_timer > 500)
  820. {
  821. FlaskSpam()
  822. Sleep, 4000
  823. }
  825. loop, %BuffAmount%
  826. {
  827. BuffTimer:=PlayerStats.BuffTimer[A_Index]
  828. BuffCharges:=PlayerStats.BuffCharges[A_Index]
  830. If (InStr(playerstats.BuffName[A_Index], "puncture") and A_TickCount - Flask_timer > 500)
  831. {
  832. if (A_TickCount - Flask_timer > 500)
  833. {
  834. ;FIX
  836. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1
  837. {
  838. Sendinput, {1 Down}
  839. Sendinput, {1 Up}
  840. }
  841. RandSleep(0,100)
  842. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2
  843. {
  844. Sendinput, {2 Down}
  845. Sendinput, {2 Up}
  846. }
  847. RandSleep(0,100)
  848. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3
  849. {
  850. Sendinput, {3 Down}
  851. Sendinput, {3 Up}
  852. }
  853. RandSleep(0,100)
  854. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4
  855. {
  856. Sendinput, {4 Down}
  857. Sendinput, {4 Up}
  858. }
  859. RandSleep(0,100)
  860. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5
  861. {
  862. Sendinput, {5 Down}
  863. Sendinput, {5 Up}
  864. }
  865. RandSleep(0,100)
  866. Flask_timer := A_TickCount
  867. }
  868. continue
  869. }
  870. }
  872. loop, %BuffAmount%
  873. {
  874. BuffTimer:=PlayerStats.BuffTimer[A_Index]
  875. BuffCharges:=PlayerStats.BuffCharges[A_Index]
  877. If (CorruptedBloodChek and InStr(playerstats.BuffName[A_Index], "corrupted_blood"))
  878. {
  879. if (BuffCharges>=%CorruptedBloodCharges% and A_TickCount - Flask_timer > 500)
  880. {
  881. ;FIX
  883. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1
  884. {
  885. Sendinput, {1 Down}
  886. Sendinput, {1 Up}
  887. RandSleep(0,100)
  888. }
  889. RandSleep(0,100)
  890. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2
  891. {
  892. Sendinput, {2 Down}
  893. Sendinput, {2 Up}
  894. }
  895. RandSleep(0,100)
  896. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3
  897. {
  898. Sendinput, {3 Down}
  899. Sendinput, {3 Up}
  900. }
  901. RandSleep(0,100)
  902. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4
  903. {
  904. Sendinput, {4 Down}
  905. Sendinput, {4 Up}
  906. }
  907. RandSleep(0,100)
  908. if CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5
  909. {
  910. Sendinput, {5 Down}
  911. Sendinput, {5 Up}
  912. }
  913. Flask_timer := A_TickCount
  914. }
  915. continue
  916. }
  917. }
  919. ;AILMENTS
  920. loop, %BuffAmount%
  921. {
  922. BuffTimer:=PlayerStats.BuffTimer[A_Index]
  923. BuffCharges:=PlayerStats.BuffCharges[A_Index]
  925. If (FrozenAilmentsChek and InStr(playerstats.BuffName[A_Index], "frozen")) || (BurningAilmentsChek and InStr(playerstats.BuffName[A_Index], "ignited")) || (ShockAilmentsChek and InStr(playerstats.BuffName[A_Index], "shocked"))
  926. {
  927. if (BuffCharges>=%CorruptedBloodCharges% and A_TickCount - Flask_timer > 500)
  928. {
  929. ;FIX
  931. if AilmentsFlaskChek1
  932. {
  933. Sendinput, {1 Down}
  934. Sendinput, {1 Up}
  935. RandSleep(0,100)
  936. }
  937. RandSleep(0,100)
  938. if AilmentsFlaskChek2
  939. {
  940. Sendinput, {2 Down}
  941. Sendinput, {2 Up}
  942. }
  943. RandSleep(0,100)
  944. if AilmentsFlaskChek3
  945. {
  946. Sendinput, {3 Down}
  947. Sendinput, {3 Up}
  948. }
  949. RandSleep(0,100)
  950. if AilmentsFlaskChek4
  951. {
  952. Sendinput, {4 Down}
  953. Sendinput, {4 Up}
  954. }
  955. RandSleep(0,100)
  956. if AilmentsFlaskChek5
  957. {
  958. Sendinput, {5 Down}
  959. Sendinput, {5 Up}
  960. }
  961. Flask_timer := A_TickCount
  962. }
  963. continue
  964. }
  965. }
  967. loop, %BuffAmount%
  968. {
  969. BuffTimer:=PlayerStats.BuffTimer[A_Index]
  970. BuffCharges:=PlayerStats.BuffCharges[A_Index]
  972. If InStr(playerstats.BuffName[A_Index], "charged_attack")
  973. {
  974. if(BuffCharges>=6 and A_TickCount - BF_timer > 500)
  975. {
  976. BFRelease()
  977. BF_timer := A_TickCount
  978. }
  979. continue
  980. }
  981. }
  982. }
  984. IfWinExist, DEBUG
  985. {
  987. GuiControl,2: , MaxMANAvar , %MaxMANAvalue%
  988. BuffAmountvalue:=%BuffAmount%
  989. GuiControl,2: , BuffAmountvar , %BuffAmountvalue%
  991. Loop, %BuffAmount%
  992. {
  993. BuffName%A_Index%value:=PlayerStats.BuffName[A_Index]
  994. value:=BuffName%A_Index%value
  995. GuiControl,2: , Buff%A_Index%Namevar , %value%
  996. BuffCharges%A_Index%value:=PlayerStats.BuffCharges[A_Index]
  997. value:=BuffCharges%A_Index%value
  998. GuiControl,2: , Buff%A_Index%Chargesvar , %value%
  999. BuffTimer%A_Index%value:=PlayerStats.BuffTimer[A_Index]
  1000. value:=BuffTimer%A_Index%value
  1001. If (value=2139095040)
  1002. {
  1003. GuiControl,2: , Buff%A_Index%Timervar , Infinite
  1004. }
  1005. Else
  1006. {
  1007. GuiControl,2: , Buff%A_Index%Timervar , %value%
  1008. }
  1009. Sleep, 1
  1010. }
  1012. }
  1013. }
  1015. FlaskSpam()
  1016. {
  1018. if SpamFlaskChek1
  1019. {
  1020. Sendinput, {RButton Down}
  1021. Sendinput, {RButton Up}
  1022. }
  1024. RandSleep(0,100)
  1026. if SpamFlaskChek1
  1027. {
  1028. Sendinput, {1 Down}
  1029. Sendinput, {1 Up}
  1030. }
  1032. RandSleep(0,100)
  1034. if SpamFlaskChek2
  1035. {
  1036. Sendinput, {2 Down}
  1037. Sendinput, {2 Up}
  1038. }
  1040. RandSleep(0,100)
  1042. if SpamFlaskChek3
  1043. {
  1044. Sendinput, {3 Down}
  1045. Sendinput, {3 Up}
  1046. }
  1048. RandSleep(0,100)
  1050. if SpamFlaskChek4
  1051. {
  1052. Sendinput, {4 Down}
  1053. Sendinput, {4 Up}
  1054. }
  1056. RandSleep(0,100)
  1058. if SpamFlaskChek5
  1059. {
  1060. Sendinput, {5 Down}
  1061. Sendinput, {5 Up}
  1062. }
  1064. }
  1066. BFRelease()
  1067. {
  1068. if not BF_Key == "RButton"
  1069. {
  1070. if GetKeyState(%BF_Key%, "P")
  1071. {
  1072. Sendinput, {%BF_Key% Up}
  1073. RandSleep(0,100)
  1074. Sendinput, {%BF_Key% Down}
  1075. }
  1076. else
  1077. {
  1078. Sendinput, {%BF_Key% Up}
  1079. RandSleep(0,100)
  1080. }
  1081. }
  1082. else
  1083. {
  1084. if GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
  1085. {
  1086. Sendinput, {RButton Up}
  1087. RandSleep(0,100)
  1088. Sendinput, {RButton Down}
  1089. }
  1090. else
  1091. {
  1092. Sendinput, {RButton Up}
  1093. RandSleep(0,100)
  1094. }
  1095. }
  1096. }
  1099. readFromFile(){
  1100. global
  1101. IniRead, BF_Key, User.ini, variables, BF_Key %A_Space%
  1103. IniRead, SpamFlaskKey1, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskKey1 %A_Space%
  1104. IniRead, SpamFlaskKey2, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskKey2 %A_Space%
  1106. IniRead, SpamFlaskChek1, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek1 %A_Space%
  1107. IniRead, SpamFlaskChek2, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek2 %A_Space%
  1108. IniRead, SpamFlaskChek3, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek3 %A_Space%
  1109. IniRead, SpamFlaskChek4, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek4 %A_Space%
  1110. IniRead, SpamFlaskChek5, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek5 %A_Space%
  1112. IniRead, CorruptedBloodChek, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodChek %A_Space%
  1113. IniRead, CorruptedBloodCharges, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodCharges %A_Space%
  1114. IniRead, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1 %A_Space%
  1115. IniRead, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2 %A_Space%
  1116. IniRead, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3 %A_Space%
  1117. IniRead, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4 %A_Space%
  1118. IniRead, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5 %A_Space%
  1120. IniRead, FrozenAilmentsChek, User.ini, variables, FrozenAilmentsChek %A_Space%
  1121. IniRead, ShockAilmentsChek, User.ini, variables, ShockAilmentsChek %A_Space%
  1122. IniRead, BurningAilmentsChek, User.ini, variables, BurningAilmentsChek %A_Space%
  1123. IniRead, AilmentFlaskChek1, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek1 %A_Space%
  1124. IniRead, AilmentFlaskChek2, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek2 %A_Space%
  1125. IniRead, AilmentFlaskChek3, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek3 %A_Space%
  1126. IniRead, AilmentFlaskChek4, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek4 %A_Space%
  1127. IniRead, AilmentFlaskChek5, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek5 %A_Space%
  1129. IniRead, LowhpLevel, User.ini, variables, LowhpLevel %A_Space%
  1131. Return
  1132. }
  1133. submit(){
  1134. updateEverything:
  1135. global
  1136. Gui, Submit
  1137. IniWrite, %BF_Key%, User.ini, variables, BF_Key %A_Space%
  1139. IniWrite, %SpamFlaskKey1%, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskKey1 %A_Space%
  1141. IniWrite, %SpamFlaskChek1%, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek1 %A_Space%
  1142. IniWrite, %SpamFlaskChek2%, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek2 %A_Space%
  1143. IniWrite, %SpamFlaskChek3%, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek3 %A_Space%
  1144. IniWrite, %SpamFlaskChek4%, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek4 %A_Space%
  1145. IniWrite, %SpamFlaskChek5%, User.ini, variables, SpamFlaskChek5 %A_Space%
  1147. IniWrite, %CorruptedBloodChek%, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodChek %A_Space%
  1148. IniWrite, %CorruptedBloodCharges%, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodCharges %A_Space%
  1149. IniWrite, %CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1%, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek1 %A_Space%
  1150. IniWrite, %CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2%, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek2 %A_Space%
  1151. IniWrite, %CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3%, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek3 %A_Space%
  1152. IniWrite, %CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4%, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek4 %A_Space%
  1153. IniWrite, %CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5%, User.ini, variables, CorruptedBloodFlaskChek5 %A_Space%
  1155. IniWrite, %FrozenAilmentsChek%, User.ini, variables, FrozenAilmentsChek %A_Space%
  1156. IniWrite, %ShockAilmentsChek%, User.ini, variables, ShockAilmentsChek %A_Space%
  1157. IniWrite, %BurningAilmentsChek%, User.ini, variables, BurningAilmentsChek %A_Space%
  1158. IniWrite, %AilmentFlaskChek1%, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek1 %A_Space%
  1159. IniWrite, %AilmentFlaskChek2%, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek2 %A_Space%
  1160. IniWrite, %AilmentFlaskChek3%, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek3 %A_Space%
  1161. IniWrite, %AilmentFlaskChek4%, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek4 %A_Space%
  1162. IniWrite, %AilmentFlaskChek5%, User.ini, variables, AilmentFlaskChek5 %A_Space%
  1164. IniWrite, %LowhpLevel%, User.ini, variables, LowhpLevel %A_Space%
  1166. readFromFile()
  1167. Gui, 1:Show,, Settings
  1168. return
  1170. showgui:
  1171. Gui, 1:Show,, Settings
  1172. return
  1174. showgui2:
  1175. Gui, 2:Show,, DEBUG
  1176. return
  1178. GuiUpdate:
  1179. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  1181. GuiControl, , CorruptedBloodChargesUpdate, %CorruptedBloodCharges%
  1182. GuiControl, , LowhpLevelUpdate, %LowhpLevel%
  1183. return
  1184. }
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