
Mushoku Tensei LN3EC Asura Princess and the Angel of Miracle

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. Asura Princess and the Angel of Miracles
  3. Asura Kingdom's capital city Ars was the largest and most populous city in the world.
  4. The white palace stood in center of this grand city, considered the most beautiful of the world.
  5. The castle, "Silver Palace."
  6. Yet despite its flawless exterior, the inside the palace was constantly tainted by political strife.
  7. Only lies, deceit, and mutual exploitation amongst the nobilities.
  8. From early morning until the depth of night.
  9. Supposedly it gotten to the point when no one could be trusted within the palace.
  10. The Fittoa Region Disaster also had a strong impact on this political struggle.
  11. This story was about the origin of that struggle.
  13. ---
  15. Aside from residences for the royalties, the Silver Palace also contain many flower gardens.
  16. A collection of red flowers of every varieties at the Rose Garden.
  17. A collection of black flowers of every varieties at the Peony Garden.
  18. A collection of blue flowers of every varieties at the Hydrangea Garden.
  19. And also, a collection of white flowers of every variety.
  20. Commonly known as the "White Lily Garden".
  21. This Lily Garden was a favorite of a particular individual.
  22. That individual was Ariel Anemoi Asura.
  23. The second princess of Asura Kingdom.
  24. Borne of Queen said to be a peerless beauty, she inherited her good looks and gold-blond hair. From her father the King, she inherited said to be most beautiful voice in history. As a minor she already brimmed with charisma, she had the support of the citizens of the Capital whom acclaimed her the most beautiful princess.
  25. This princess had a habit, spending three times a day in the White Lily Garden, having tea.
  26. The princess would always sit by the white table in the White Lily Garden and quietly enjoy her tea time, with her guardian knight and magician standing guard.
  27. Her adorable and attractive figure teased the heartstrings of men and women alike.
  28. Like a fairy out of fairy tales, an existence beyond comprehension nor reproach.
  29. Of course, when the princess enjoyed the White Lily Garden, no one would approach her.
  30. No one would share a drink with her.
  31. The princess would sit by her lonesome, only exchanging brief words with her guards during the brief afternoon tea.
  32. Her Guardian Knight was an equally dashing gentleman, a sufficient compliment to the beautiful princess.
  33. With bright maroon hair, sharp chins, pointy nose, well defined facial features.
  34. His name, Luke Notus Greyrat.
  35. Second son of Philemon Notos Greyrat, one of the four great lords of the land, a capable, a dashing young knight already intermediate in Sword God Style.
  36. All noble youngsters knew of him.
  37. Not yet fifteen, but he already talking circles around women, a handsome men capable of entertaining and capturing a girl's heart.
  38. He's the most popular boy of his generation.
  39. In contrast, the guardian magician comparatively older.
  40. Even though he's older, but in honestly he was barely an adult, maybe 16, 17 at most.
  41. Although not as dashing as Luke, objectively, he's handsome in his own right. A little on the thin side, but also quite a looker.
  42. He had an unique temperment about him, complimenting well with the two hotties attached to him, helped making the trio even more irreproachable. His name was Derrick Redbat.
  43. The third son of the famed Redrat house, an advanced ranked magician hailed from historic Asura Magic Academy.
  44. What were the topics of their conversation?
  45. It's a popular topic to speculate by the young people of the castle, but no one ever found out.
  46. Today too, these three also came to the White Lily Garden, enjoying a steady conversation.
  47. "... So, what color was it?"
  48. Ariel's voice echoed in the serene garden.
  49. So beautiful her voice, it had been described akin to "the melodies of silver bells".
  50. "A brilliant pink... but a tinge of orange."
  51. Before the beauty and across the table, stood Luke spoke in a crisp voice.
  52. A little sharp, his voice still had yet to drop, but already it sounded rather handsome and pleasant, a worthy match to his gentlemanly appearance.
  53. "..."
  54. The Guardian Magician Derrick listened in silence.
  55. His face carried a little gloom, as he effort to follow the conversation.
  56. "I still prefer them more porcelain white, preferably with a brilliant cherry peak."
  57. "But Ariel-sama, what about a little concave in the center?"
  58. "What, Luke? You like to have it caved in?"
  59. Seeing Ariel's surprise, Luke calmly replied.
  60. "Well, I just like them big, so how the rest appears is of little consequence to me."
  61. "Sigh... Luke has no appreciation."
  62. Ariel could only sigh, and Luke shrugged in response.
  63. So what were these two really discussing?
  64. "Okay, what about the newcomer maid Sarisha?"
  65. "Shy and sensitive, pretty good."
  66. Nothing in particular.
  67. Luke was just chatting about the colors of the breasts he had recently caught.
  68. "Really...? In that case, I got to find a way to get her into my bedchamber."
  69. "As you wish, shall I lend a hand?"
  70. "Really? YOu'll so easily discard a girl you only so recently bedded?"
  71. "Because Sarisha's breasts are a little below my strike zone."
  72. Aisha and Luke.
  73. Despite their proper appearance, both were extremely lecherous and vulgar.
  74. A plurality of the palace maids and noble daughters within the palace had already fell to their grubby hands.
  75. "It can't be helped that bullying cute girls excites me so. I bet Sarisha would make the most seductive sound."
  76. Only a few in the palace was in the known, but Ariel was a sadistic beast that ate men and women alike.
  77. All the nobles of Asura Kingdom were common in their extreme perversions, Ariel was no exception.
  78. Although Luke didn't share her extreme, he simply was fond of large breasts.
  79. Using their appearance and gossip as cover, they lived a life of hedonism inside the palace of intrigue.
  80. Fundamentally, their hobbies were not particularly out of line for Asura nobility and royalty.
  81. Or rather, a great many of the nobles had even more extreme perversions.
  82. In its long four hundred year plus history, Asura Kingdom was a land unknown to hunger or war. It had became a place where toying with others was a status symbol.
  83. Ariel and Luke may be young, but they had already acquired this sort of noble taste.
  84. Yet---
  85. "Ariel-sama, Luke, that kind of wanton perversion... Is it really proper?"
  86. Derrick was a man of common sense.
  87. The Redbat family was mere middle class noble in this region, thus disconnected from the decance of inner palace.
  88. So how did he end up carrying the heavy burden as "Second Princess Guardian Magician"? It was purely due to his exemplary grades in the magic academy, since a noble knowning advance magic was of great value.
  89. "Luke... You should really spend more time learning skills appropriate for a noble."
  90. "That's right, Luke. Why are you always like this? You better learn how to read a girl's mood, or else you won't be so popular anymore."
  91. Their belittling rebuttal only made Derrick sigh.
  92. "No, Ariel-sama. One day you'll become an important figure in Asura Kingdom. May I remind you that such worthless banter and vulgar pervesion are beneath your station."
  93. It was Ariel's turn in sigh, when she heard Derrick's speech.
  94. "Hey, Derrick. You keep saying that, but I'm merely a Second Princess."
  95. "Indeed, and you're high up in the line of succession, a future candidate to the throne."
  96. "I have two older brothers above me, and a sister to boot. My older sister had been married off, but my brothers were already in desperate struggle for the throne. As long as they're present, being Queen is impossible for me."
  97. "No, you're the child of the first consort, only you have the bloodright to inherit the throne."
  98. "Quiet, Derrick."
  99. Ariel ordered Derrick to cease.
  100. "If your speech reached my brothers ears, and they sent assassins. Then what? Already there're more and more nobles trying to come to my side to take advantage..."
  101. "As long as Ariel-sama are willing to take on the fight, I'll be more than happy to sacrifice my life with assassins if need be."
  102. "Derrick, scary words like that are not to say. I know well what hopes you have for me... but after persuading me with those words, won't you just abandon me as soon as the real fight begin?"
  103. "What...!"
  104. Derrick's eyes bugged out.
  105. His entire body shaken with rage, his face solemn, his fists clenched tight.
  106. "Listen to me, Derrick. I don't need to be Queen. I'm already satisfied. Tea time in the garden and a carefree life has suffice. Regardless, I really have no chance against my older brothers. Given the circumstance, it would be foolish to involve myself in my brother's political struggles."
  107. Ariel had already seen through the core of Derrick's lecture.
  108. Even if she held rank in the line of succession, whether in age or allies she's beneath to her brothers. The chance of victory was slim. Rather, it would be wiser to just give up on the throne now and just enjoy life. Even without the throne, as the world's foremost kingdom's princess, she certainly would enjoy the lap of luxury.
  109. "Forget it..."
  110. Derrick couldn't untangle the knot in his heart, but could offer little rebut, and with those words he left the scene.
  111. Ariel and Luke shrugged as they watch him take his leave, and return to their conversation of palace ladies' nipple colors.
  113. ----
  115. But Derrick wasn't abandoning his duty as Guardian Magician.
  116. He was merely heading to the toilet.
  117. Both Derrick and Luke were responsible for Ariel's safety, but being human, they must relieve their bodily functions. So when necessary to do so, one would inform the other and going to finish quickly. Ultimately, men's most vulnerable moment was when they're lest guarded, in this world or the last.
  118. While sexually provocative, Ariel had no inclination on this point, and certainly prefer not to let the topic spoil her afternoon tea.
  119. Thus, Derrick took the opportunity to think in privacy.
  120. "Sigh..."
  121. He recalled their prior conversation.
  122. Ariel seemed completely uninterested in the throne.
  123. Even so, Derrick still wished for Ariel to ascend to the throne.
  124. It wasn't that Derrick was convinced that Ariel's other brothers, the first and second prince, were wholly unqualified as king. They certainly could continue their glorious predecessor's legacies.
  125. But it won't be enough.
  126. If one of the princess become king, Asure Kingdom would just continue rotting from within. The ugly political bickering between the aristocracies would remain a drag on the country's progress. Maybe even allowing for other nations to intervene.
  127. Asura Kingdom was a country unknown to hunger.
  128. The belief remained that now matter how corrupt the nobles, how taxed the pesants, the citizens would never go hungry. But instead discontent would only build, and only matter of time before someone arise to take advantage, to agitate for a great rebellion or even civil war.
  129. The country remained on a standstill.
  130. Of course, magic and technology had both advanced. But Kingdom of Dragon King had already surpassed them in techology due south, and the Magic Trifecta had already surpass them in magic due north. While Asura Kingdom still held overwhelming advantage in other areas, would that advantage held for a hundred years... No, not even fifty years.
  131. Kingdom of Dragon King in the south had always eyed at those bountiful land of Asura Kingdom hungrily.
  132. The present Asura Kingdom, seemingly secured in its border by the mountain ranges, held no fear of invasions. But fifty years later? If the more technologically advanced Kingdom of Dragon King invade, then what? And what if the more magically advanced Magic Trifecta attacked in a joint invasion from the north?
  133. "If it was Ariel-sama, she could have done something..."
  134. Derrick believed Ariel had the capability to solve this quagmire.
  135. He remembered his first meeting with Ariel.
  136. Several years ago, at a coming of age banquet hosted by the king himself.
  137. Back then, Derrick had just graduated from the magic academy. While he didn't graduate cumma sum laude, he was graded very highly. It was already decided that he'll join the Asura Kingdom Magic Society in a few month's time.
  138. Derrick knew while he's capable, he was no extraordinary magician.
  139. At that moment, an adorable little girl appeared before him.
  140. Back then, Ariel had yet to reach maturity, but merely participated in the banquet as a honored guest.
  141. Although young, her congratories were brilliant, even outshining the valedictorian himself with her intellect.
  142. Afterwards, as he readied to work at the Magic Society, his father offered "the position of Second Princess Guardian Magician is vacant, don't put your hopes up, but want me to recommend you?" Without a moment of doubt he took the offer.
  143. And Ariel was also an ambitious woman. Even though it appeared that she just lull away time drinking tea in the day, and fooling around with maids at night, in truth she had been diligently developing her persona and social circles, and worked hard to improve herself.
  144. If Ariel ascend to the throne, and put her whole heart into strengthening the nation, then Asura Kingdom could certainly advance. Even finally achieving complete dominion of the Central Continent won't be a mere dream.
  145. Because, ultimately, Ariel wield an unsurpassed charisma.
  146. The Magic Academy and Magic Society both were nests of counter-culture and gathered many nobles with objections against the current government.
  147. Despite that, not one of them criticise Ariel.
  148. That's why she certainly would become a monarch beloved by the people, just as her ancestor Kaunis Freean Asura that led humanity after the Laplace Wars was.
  149. There're many who would throw down their lives for Ariel.
  150. Derrick among them.
  151. To be belittled for that, of course Derrick felt rather muffed.
  152. "Sure, there's no risk to her life, living this lifestyle... But this... is no different from those corrupt nobles..."
  153. Perhaps Ariel did not want to carry so many people's expectations.
  154. Was he picked as her Guardian Magician, precisely because she thought he won't forcefully place that burden on her?
  155. Even though Ariel never said so, maybe she in fact dislike him...
  156. "Sigh..."
  157. Just as Derrick was depressing himself with such thoughts, a tiny voice wormed itself into his ear.
  158. "Well?"
  159. Sounds like a conversation behind the toilet.
  160. "Princess Ariel---"
  161. "---- kill ---"
  162. From those muffled voices, Derrick could only made out those alarming words. Instantly he planted his ear against the wall with his complete attention.
  163. "You mean Grabell-sama really considers Ariel-sama a threat?"
  164. "That's right, her popularity with the people cannot be trifled with. Grabell-sama had once lamented that even though the princess rarely makes public appearance, her fame already far surpassed his."
  165. "That is indeed strange... Even though she might publically act this way now, maybe secretly had already been plotting for the throne."
  166. "Since she couldn't win a direct confrontation, she worked behind the scene instead... you're saying?"
  167. Derrick furrowed his brows over those words.
  168. Ariel indeed was popular with the people. Part of it was her natural, god-given charisma, but moreso was how often she graced them with her presence compared to the First Prince. Compared to the prince who only paid attention to the going-ons inside the palace rather than outside, she oft involved herself outside the palace.
  169. Like attending the dedication of a new bridge over Alteil River and be the first person to cross it. Or sat as honored guest at Magic Academy's Great Magic Tournament, and personally hand out bonquets and prizes to teh winner, and even granting them the honor of kissing her hand.
  170. It's because that she avoided these events unrelated to the current political struggle that gained the renown and approval of the people.
  171. "If that's the case..."
  172. "Indeed, how troubling."
  173. "... Better to cut the snake at the head."
  174. "For Grabell-sama, and for the kingdom's sake. With them in consideration I had already made preparations."
  175. "Hahah, you're certainly 'thorough' per usual."
  176. Derrick was ready to eliminate those two right there, but he quashed that urge.
  177. Those outside are likely nobles in the First Prince Faction. They're a bunch capable of burning money for whatever aims, and no shame in whatever underhand deeds. When cornered, they're the kind to weasel out of it by throwing someone else under the bus. Scums like them are a dime a dozen.
  178. So little good would come out of Derrick using magic to eliminate them.
  179. Much rather, once the words get out that the Second Princess Guardian Magician murdered a First Prince Faction noble, and that Ariel was hostile, only relentless attacks from Grabell would follow.
  180. Honestly, Derrick thought it won't be bad if this slowly pushed Ariel toward the throne. But if Ariel lacks the fight in her and stayed passive, her situation would only grow increasingly desperate, until she's no more than a cornered mice.
  181. So he gave up the urge to kill and left the restroom.
  182. Regardless, he had to resolve his current predicament.
  183. Those nobles said they already made preparations. In that case, in the next few days, Ariel, or her guardians Luke and Derrick would be targeted. Something will happen.
  184. Would it be an assassin? Or by poison?
  185. He should hurry and inform Ariel of this, as well as stay vigilant, while encourage her to take on the fight.
  186. With those thoughts swirling, Derrick rushed back to White Lily Garden. While walking, he retrieved from his sleeves his magic wand, readied to face any attack.
  187. "... When was my last fight?"
  188. The Magic Academy curriculum included regular mock battles. He also often dueled his classmates, sometimes in group battles of three to five.
  189. In his first year, he also join several forest expeditions with his instructor or adventurers to have real battle experience against magical beasts.
  190. It's not like he had never killed before. He have had killed an opponent in mock battle in accident. When he undergo testing as Guardian Magician, he was ordered to execute prisoners on the death row, to test whether he's up for the job when the chips are down.
  191. Even so, any assassin they sent capable of dealing with Luke and Derrick would certainly be experts.
  192. A real struggle for life and death. That thought quivered his hand.
  193. "Could I really protect her highness? No..."
  194. Showing an unease, but Derrick quickly steadied his resolve.
  195. But what they didn't know was...
  196. In that moment at Fittoa Region, the Metastasis Event just occurred.
  198. ---
  199. "Ariel-sama... Eek!"
  200. Derrick just returned to the White Lily Garden, only to witness an outrageous situation.
  201. From the depth of White Lily Garden, the section known as Hibiscus Forest trotted out on two legs, a gigantic boar.
  202. Terminate Boar.
  203. By itself a mere D-grade creature, but in large numbers they could be relentless in their attack, which upped their difficulty to C, even B-grade. Usually, one would only encounter them in the depth of forest. At times, due to how fast they could multiply, they sometimes would venture out of the forest and stole off livestock and even young children.
  204. Long time ago, a small village were attacked a sounder of twenty Terminate Boars and completely annihilated. That incident made Terminate Boar notorious throughout Asura Kingdom.
  205. Similar to the Supard Tribe, when village children that lived by forests get in trouble, the adults would warn them with "If you don't go to sleep now a giant boar would eat you!"
  206. Derrick was well aware of the terrible beast that is Terminate Boar, and familiar of its size and shape.
  207. "How the..."
  208. Even so, how could a magical beast show up here?
  209. This is the palace, where the world's foremost royalties, the Asuras, reside.
  210. That may be, so why would a magical beast show up here of all places?
  211. Oh right, the conversation he just overheard. Pray tell this was a setup by those nobles... No, impossible. Sneaking magical beasts into the palace would be impossible for mere nobles. It'd be impossible even for upper ministers!
  212. What Derrick didn't know was, this Terminate Boar and Fittoa Region Teleport Disaster were related. It was just teleported over.
  213. "Ah!"
  214. With his thoughts still in turmoil his attention shifted to Ariel. Ariel and Luke deep in their conversation were completely unaware of the Terminate Boar. Even though the magical beast had already set its sights on Ariel, its eyes gleaming toward its prey.
  215. Derrick began to run.
  216. Reciting incantations as he ran.
  217. Simultaneously, the Terminate Boar also made its move. Perhaps it had noticed Derrick or something else altogether, barging through the vegitations it charged straight at Ariel.
  218. (Too late!)
  219. Derrick stopped his incantation.
  220. "Ariel-sama! Run!"
  221. "Eh?"
  222. Hearing Derrick's scream, Ariel made a sound of confusion, but instantly stood up. Only then did she finally noticed the gigantic body rushing at her. She hurriedly leaped out the way and fell on the ground.
  223. The Terminate Boar smashed into a tree in the garden, after splitting it, it turned around.
  224. Derrick took that moment to squeeze himself between Ariel and the beast.
  225. Witnessing before him the monstrous body of the boar.
  226. Its mouth salivating, its sharp eyes piercing through Derrick.
  227. What did the magician planned to do? With such a short distance between them, against such a large magical beast. With the enemy so close, he could never finish his incantation in time.
  228. And Derrick did not try.
  229. Instead, he only lifted his arms and shout.
  230. "Luke! I'll leave the rest to you!"
  231. Next instance, Derrick received the Terminate Boar's fist and flew off.
  232. Every bone shattered, his organs smashed, his blood scattering in the wind.
  233. Finally, he landed on the interior wall some five meters away, severing his vertebrate.
  234. "Curses..."
  235. Could he consider it lucky that he had yet to lose consciousness?
  236. Or unlucky?
  237. (Ah... So this is my end?)
  238. Derrick came to realize his approaching death.
  239. And also, how it felt to die.
  240. He understood his wounds were fatal.
  241. (I seem to remember others had died of similar wounds...)
  242. Fear, Derrick did not feel, perhaps out of shock, that his mind couldn't comprehend.
  243. From the corner of his eyes, he made out Luke unsheathing his sword and charging at the boar.
  244. (Luke, you idiot... This isn't a fight you could win... Oh, I see. Because the gate is on the other side, they couldn't make a break for it...)
  245. Derrick scanned the area with his eyes.
  246. (Ariel-sama... Is Ariel-sama okay?)
  247. A careful look, and he noticed while confused, Ariel shown no fear, but rather rushing to his side.
  248. "Derrick...! Oh, good heavens... Someone get a healer, immediately!"
  249. Hearing Ariel yell so anxiously, Derrick could only force these words with his remaining strength,
  250. "Ugh... Rather... that... please... highness.. run... cough, cough..."
  251. "Derrick! Stop talking! Someone, anyone! "
  252. "Cough... Don't... Ariel-sama... I'm... helpless..."
  253. "Please don't... hang in there!"
  254. Seeing Ariel on the verge of tears, Derrick felt an unexpected happiness.
  255. Because he always assumed Ariel and Luke had despised him.
  256. So unreasonably, despite the situation, he felt some happiness flown in his chest.
  257. "See... I told you... I... did not.. run away.."
  258. Those words gave Ariel a shock.
  259. Looking at him with a entirely different expression, at her dedicated, loyal Guardian Magician that would never stood again.
  260. "Derrick..."
  261. "Ariel-sama... This is my final request... Please... become Queen.... Make Asura great again... Ugh!"
  262. A broken ribs pierced through his lung, and Derrick coughed out a mouthful of fresh blood.
  263. Ariel watched him, silently...
  264. And silently she nod, then turned around.
  265. Before Ariel stood a monstrous boar.
  266. Luke had already been flung off somewhere, could only watch in despair.
  267. "..."
  268. Ariel glared harshly on the creature.
  269. "I don't know where you're from, but I'll one day sit on the throne of Asura Kingdom! I will not die in this place! Withdraw!"
  270. No matter how loud her demand, a wild beast would never understand a word.
  271. What it saw before it appeared to be the most delicious meal in the world, the beast snort from excitement. One step, and other, slowly approaching Ariel.
  272. Seeing this scene, Derrick could only prayed.
  273. As a follower of Milis, he prayed to the heavens.
  274. (Please, god, I pray to you to aid us in our current predicament. Take my life as exchange, please help Ariel, whose existence this world cannot be without.)
  275. His prayer failed to reach the heavens.
  276. Derrick understood as well. Saint Milis was an incredible individual, the savior of the world... Yet, even Derrick understood how little prayer meant in this desperate situation.
  277. Even so, still he prayed.
  278. Ariel was within striking range of the Terminate Boar.
  279. The magical beast punched down with its fist.
  280. In that moment, his prayers were answered!
  281. "--- Ahhhhhhh!"
  282. With that voice, an angel fell from heaven.
  283. A tatterly dressed, youthful looking white haired angel.
  284. "Agh... Ahghgghhga!"
  285. Desperately, half crazed, pitifully she cried out as she extended both hands towards the Terminate Boar. The beast's upper boast blew off.
  286. (Ah... Thank you, god.)
  287. Witness the scene before him, Derrick shed a final tear.
  288. (Please continue to protect Ariel-sama.)
  289. With a serene feeling, his life ended.
  290. ----
  291. The Metastasis Event resulted in the death of a magician. That event helped Ariel Anemoi Asura resolve herself.
  292. What path would Ariel take from that day forth? And what of Luke?
  293. What about the angel that fell from heaven---
  294. Those stories, we'll leave until next time.
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