

Dec 29th, 2016
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  1. Drunk Bug Trikal Cardinalis says, in a feral tongue, "Just want to know what you think for organic
  2. conflict without mechanical means that you mentioned and I look forward to group changes with this
  3. class, although not extremely excited about having to spend 1400 credits to insure we have that
  4. support role filled."
  5. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  6. Oleis, the Infused says, "Well, organic conflict is typically the result of adversarial roleplay.
  7. You sort of shoe-horned its purpose and genesis into wars (and I do agree that wars get griefy
  8. without mechanical guidelines and boundaries), but we're entirely neglecting the idea of just
  9. getting into a fight with someone your character doesn't like very much."
  10. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  11. Oleis, the Infused says, "It loops back to our conversations in previous meetings and elsewhere
  12. about neutrality and polarization."
  13. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  14. Oleis, the Infused says, "Polarization and tethers are important because to make this game alive,
  15. you need to hate the other side enough to kill them. That doesn't mean that every character has to
  16. be hardcore aligned with his or her tether, but it does mean that you can't be so friendly as to not
  17. want to murder them without a ylem reward."
  18. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  19. Drunk Bug Trikal Cardinalis says, in a feral tongue, "My character can pretty easily decide he
  20. doesn't like anyone from enorian or duiran, but that's still going to turn into griefy, like when I
  21. waged my two man war on Duiran with Akara, that turned into a lot of just bad feelings."
  22. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  23. Oleis, the Infused says, "Well, no, I'm referring to interacting with another person and having a
  24. fight."
  25. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  26. Oleis, the Infused says, "Not killing lightsiders because they're lightsiders."
  27. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  28. Drunk Bug Trikal Cardinalis says, in a feral tongue, "Yeah for me that's not realistic though.
  29. "
  30. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  31. Oleis, the Infused says, "Also, to avoid getting this twisted, Wayfarers kill people with axes.
  32. They're not supportive in nature, though they have a couple support-oriented abilities."
  33. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  34. Mazarine scurries in, ready to badger.
  35. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  36. A supple purple shell of berry juice has formed around Mazarine.
  37. Oleis, the Infused says, "They're more on the brutal murder side of things."
  38. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  39. Mazarine touches a mindseye tattoo.
  40. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  41. Oleis, the Infused says, "Http:// for
  42. those who don't frequent the forums."
  43. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  44. Drunk Bug Trikal Cardinalis says, in a feral tongue, "Not liking someone isn't really a good way for
  45. someone of higher caliber PvP."
  46. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  47. Drunk Bug Trikal Cardinalis says, in a feral tongue, "And the people who are competitive with me end
  48. up being people I spend most time around due to practicing combat, regardless of size because of our
  49. smaller playerbase."
  50. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  51. Nenelos uses Deathlore Fortify.
  52. Nenelos calls aloud as he positively glows with vitality.
  53. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  54. Oleis, the Infused says, "I may have been lost in the nuance of your question, then. "organic" PvP
  55. refers to something that happens without a mechanical impetus like Foci. In that sense, organic PvP
  56. really CAN only come from roleplay."
  57. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  58. Oleis, the Infused says, "PvP practice and opportunities in general are WELL-spurred by mechanical
  59. impetus, and we intend to provide more of that, like Foci, Orrery, and an eventual War System.
  60. "
  61. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  62. Drunk Bug Trikal Cardinalis says, in a feral tongue, "But you say I should be polarized to want to
  63. kill without the reward of ylem, yet not kill just because they're lightsiders?"
  64. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  65. Oleis, the Infused says, "If you admittedly don't engage in a lot of roleplay, I can't expect you to
  66. find meaning in that distinction."
  67. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  68. Drunk Bug Trikal Cardinalis says, in a feral tongue, "I'm not really seeing the middle ground where
  69. the organic PvP comes into play where I'm not just the jackass who runs around and murders all of
  70. the city leaders."
  71. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  72. Drunk Bug Trikal Cardinalis says, in a feral tongue, "I engage in roleplay just not with the enemy.
  73. "
  74. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  75. Wylliam uses Woodlore Conceal.
  76. Wylliam steps into the shadows, concealing his identity within the darkness.
  77. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  78. Alathesia slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception.
  79. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  80. Alathesia uses Deathlore Shroud.
  81. Alathesia utters a guttural phrase as she lifts her soulstone. An inky-blackness pours forth to
  82. quickly envelop her form, hiding it from sight.
  83. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  84. Oleis, the Infused says, "The long and short of my view on this topic is that getting more players
  85. involved with combat, at every skill level, is beneficial to the state of PvP in that it gives more
  86. potential targets and more opportunities for antagonistic roleplay. The burden is on players and my
  87. consistent enforcement of PvP rules to maintain boundaries and keep the experience fun."
  88. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  89. Oleis, the Infused says, "In the interest of time, I'm going to move on, but feel free to hit me up
  90. on forums or privately if I'm still leaving something out."
  91. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  92. Oleis, the Infused says, "Teani, please."
  93. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  94. Shadow Warden Teani Tash'Vetra says, in a feral tongue, "My question was sort of already touched on,
  95. so I'm just going to mention this..."
  96. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  97. Shadow Warden Teani Tash'Vetra says, in a feral tongue, "I think too many in this game are too set
  98. on the need to win all the time. It's bad to lose, even if you don't lose anything really. It can be
  99. difficult to find someone who is on -just- the right level for you to have a conflict with to make
  100. it fun for both sides. Trikal is in a league of his own, so if he RP'd a scene and developed a sense
  101. of dislike for one person, it's quite likely it might end up feeling like grief for that other
  102. person because they stand less of a chance to retaliate. Unless they bring other people, which makes
  103. some people itch to bring just one more person into the conflict to tip the balance. In Trikal's
  104. case, this might be fine, but I'm not certain everyone is on the same page. I wonder if there's a
  105. way to find that balance for everyone without some push from Admin to a more positive attitude.
  106. "
  107. H:102.94% M:100.00% [cdb] [eb] |S:100|xp 3.51% (m/c/in)
  108. Shadow Warden Teani Tash'Vetra says, in a feral tongue, "Would generally be good for people to
  109. accept that you can lose."
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