

Mar 28th, 2015
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  1. While standing over the battered body of Bart Gunn, Hunter grabs a microphone. β€œThis is what happens to anyone who crosses the Power Trip. Cross us, and I am your judge, jury, and executioner. Last year some fool tried to prove himself my equal, and now his brains are so addled, he's wrestling in that garbage promotion we're not allowed to talk about. Bart Gunn, you are far from the best at wrestling. [i]I'm[/i] the best at wrestling! I am the ultimate destroyer! I am the one true diamond in this industry! I am the mind of the Power Trip, and now, as you and that idiot in that garbage fed know, I am the Cerebral Assassin. Don't come back.” He walks out, letting paramedics see to Gunn.
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