
Shamu Kernel FC

Nov 29th, 2014
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  1. I/DreamController( 959): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
  2. I/PlayMovies( 5645): HomeActivity.onSyncStateChanged:354 Sync state 8, null
  3. E/native ( 959): do suspend true
  4. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5645): getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection
  5. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5645): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
  6. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5645): getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
  7. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5645): getTextAfterCursor on inactive InputConnection
  8. E/bm ( 1264): onStartInput event aborted: could not obtain extracted text (class
  9. D/audio_hw_primary( 325): adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=off
  10. E/audio_a2dp_hw( 325): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  11. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  12. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  13. I/com.rcreations.ipcamviewer( 3456): *** screen off
  14. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from com.facebook.katana
  15. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 2427): Removing a connection that never existed!
  16. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 4805): Removing a connection that never existed!
  17. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 4805): Removing a connection that never existed!
  18. I/BatteryStatsImpl( 959): Resetting battery stats: level=100 status=5 dischargeLevel=100 lowAmount=0 highAmount=0
  19. I/PowerManagerService( 959): Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)...
  20. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 959): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$2@2205377e)
  21. W/Binder ( 1114): Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.
  22. W/Binder ( 1114): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method '' on a null object reference
  23. W/Binder ( 1114): at
  24. W/Binder ( 1114): at
  25. W/Binder ( 1114): at
  26. W/Binder ( 1114): at
  27. W/Binder ( 1114): at$1.onScreenTurnedOn(
  28. W/Binder ( 1114): at$Stub.onTransact(
  29. W/Binder ( 1114): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  30. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 959): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  31. I/DisplayPowerController( 959): Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
  32. V/ActivityManager( 959): Display changed displayId=0
  33. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  34. D/SurfaceFlinger( 247): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6a62000
  35. D/qdhwcomposer( 247): hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
  36. I/DisplayManagerService( 959): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": 1440 x 2560, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 460, 494.27 x 492.606 dpi, appVsyncOff 7500000, presDeadline 12666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  37. V/ActivityManager( 959): Display changed displayId=0
  38. I/PlayMovies( 5645): HomeActivity.onSyncStateChanged:354 Sync state 2, 9DBB01DB07656CAC09014BC877026BEE2D348B0E
  39. E/AccountManager( 5645): Listener was not previously added
  40. D/audio_hw_primary( 325): adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=on
  41. E/audio_a2dp_hw( 325): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  42. I/iu.Environment( 1907): update battery state; isPlugged? false*
  43. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): Starting service, intent=Intent { (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED}]
  44. E/native ( 959): do suspend false
  45. I/iu.UploadsManager( 1907): num queued entries: 0
  46. I/iu.UploadsManager( 1907): num updated entries: 0
  47. I/iu.SyncManager( 1907): NEXT; no task
  48. W/ActivityManager( 959): Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{} from pid=5645, uid=10112 that is not exported from uid 10062
  49. I/MusicLeanback( 5203): Conditions not met for autocaching.
  50. I/MusicLeanback( 5203): Stop autocaching.
  51. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  52. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): WorldUpdater received intent Intent { (has extras) } with receiverAction android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
  53. D/BrcmNfcJni( 1382): RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
  54. D/BrcmNfcJni( 1382): RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
  55. D/BrcmNfcJni( 1382): RoutingManager::commitRouting
  56. I/ValidateNoPeople( 959): skipping global notification
  57. D/BrcmNfcJni( 1382): RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
  58. I/PlayMovies( 5645): HomeActivity.onSyncStateChanged:354 Sync state 3, 9DBB01DB07656CAC09014BC877026BEE2D348B0E
  59. I/EntropyMixer( 959): Writing entropy...
  60. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  61. I/DisplayPowerController( 959): Unblocked screen on after 172 ms
  62. I/iu.Environment( 1907): update battery state; isPlugged? true*
  63. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  64. I/iu.UploadsManager( 1907): num queued entries: 0
  65. I/iu.UploadsManager( 1907): num updated entries: 0
  66. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): Starting service, intent=Intent { (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED}]
  67. I/iu.SyncManager( 1907): NEXT; no task
  68. I/MusicLeanback( 5203): Conditions not met for autocaching.
  69. I/MusicLeanback( 5203): Stop autocaching.
  70. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  71. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 1907): Start processing all media
  72. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 1907): Start processing media store URI: content://media/external/images/media
  73. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 1907): Start processing media store URI: content://media/external/video/media
  74. D/MtpService( 1136): updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
  75. D/MtpService( 1136): addStorageLocked 65537 /storage/emulated/0
  76. D/MtpService( 1136): updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
  77. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 1907): Start processing media store URI: content://media/phoneStorage/images/media
  78. D/MtpService( 1136): starting MTP server in MTP mode
  79. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 1907): Start processing media store URI: content://media/phoneStorage/video/media
  80. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 1907): Finished generating fingerprints; 0.022 seconds
  81. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 1907): numSeen=83 numGenerated=0 numDeleted=0 numFailed=0
  82. D/MtpService( 1136): addStorageLocked 65537 /storage/emulated/0
  83. I/qdhwcomposer( 247): handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1
  84. D/qdhwcomposer( 247): hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
  85. D/SurfaceControl( 959): Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 234ms
  86. I/DreamManagerService( 959): Gently waking up from dream.
  87. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  88. I/art ( 959): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 73385(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 18(345KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 30MB/46MB, paused 1.050ms total 81.025ms
  89. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  90. I/com.rcreations.ipcamviewer( 3456): *** screen on
  91. E/WifiStateMachine( 959): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0.00 rxSuccessRate=0.00 targetRoamBSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 RSSI=-54
  92. E/WifiStateMachine( 959): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "Pretty Fly For A Wifi 5GHZ"WPA_PSK with 5745,2412,2462
  93. I/wpa_supplicant( 1285): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
  94. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): No GCM registration ID
  95. I/DreamManagerService( 959): Leaving dreamland.
  96. I/DreamController( 959): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
  97. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#0#=[InactiveReason{mVersionCode=0, mIdentifier=12, mName='LocationDisabled'}]}
  98. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  99. D/GCoreFlp( 2053): Unknown pending intent to remove.
  100. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): Unbound from all location providers
  101. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  102. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): WorldUpdater received intent Intent { (has extras) } with receiverAction android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
  103. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): No GCM registration ID
  104. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#0#=[InactiveReason{mVersionCode=0, mIdentifier=12, mName='LocationDisabled'}]}
  105. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  106. D/GCoreFlp( 2053): Unknown pending intent to remove.
  107. I/GCoreUlr( 2053): Unbound from all location providers
  108. W/CastMediaRouteProvider( 1907): addOrUpdateDevice: device: "Living Room" (82a3b88457ec9a6e91d20ca32e052a59) applicationName: null
  109. D/PlayMovies( 5645): MediaRouteManager.onRouteAdded:141 new route added
  110. D/PlayMovies( 5645): MediaRouteManager.maybeRestoreRoute:189 sessionRestore routeId:
  111. W/CastMediaRouteProvider( 1907): addOrUpdateDevice: device: "Bedroom" (5e1009141609d9b8b7fd03fe07e575db) applicationName: null
  112. D/PlayMovies( 5645): MediaRouteManager.onRouteAdded:141 new route added
  113. D/PlayMovies( 5645): MediaRouteManager.maybeRestoreRoute:189 sessionRestore routeId:
  114. I/PlayMovies( 5645): HomeActivity.onSyncStateChanged:354 Sync state 7, 9DBB01DB07656CAC09014BC877026BEE2D348B0E
  115. E/WifiStateMachine( 959): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=2.55 rxSuccessRate=2.48 targetRoamBSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 RSSI=-55
  116. I/wpa_supplicant( 1285): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
  117. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  118. I/PowerManagerService( 959): Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)...
  119. D/SurfaceFlinger( 247): Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0xb6a62000
  120. D/qdhwcomposer( 247): hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0
  121. I/DisplayManagerService( 959): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": 1440 x 2560, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 460, 494.27 x 492.606 dpi, appVsyncOff 7500000, presDeadline 12666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state OFF, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  122. V/ActivityManager( 959): Display changed displayId=0
  123. I/qdhwcomposer( 247): handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0
  124. D/qdhwcomposer( 247): hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0
  125. D/SurfaceControl( 959): Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 266ms
  126. I/DreamManagerService( 959): Entering dreamland.
  127. I/PowerManagerService( 959): Dozing...
  128. I/DreamController( 959): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
  129. I/PlayMovies( 5645): HomeActivity.onSyncStateChanged:354 Sync state 8, null
  130. E/native ( 959): do suspend true
  131. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5645): getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection
  132. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5645): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
  133. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5645): getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
  134. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5645): getTextAfterCursor on inactive InputConnection
  135. E/bm ( 1264): onStartInput event aborted: could not obtain extracted text (class
  136. D/audio_hw_primary( 325): adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=off
  137. E/audio_a2dp_hw( 325): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  138. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  139. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  140. I/com.rcreations.ipcamviewer( 3456): *** screen off
  141. I/PowerManagerService( 959): Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)...
  142. I/DisplayPowerController( 959): Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
  143. I/DisplayManagerService( 959): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": 1440 x 2560, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 460, 494.27 x 492.606 dpi, appVsyncOff 7500000, presDeadline 12666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  144. D/SurfaceFlinger( 247): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6a62000
  145. D/qdhwcomposer( 247): hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
  146. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 959): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$2@2205377e)
  147. W/Binder ( 1114): Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.
  148. W/Binder ( 1114): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method '' on a null object reference
  149. W/Binder ( 1114): at
  150. W/Binder ( 1114): at
  151. W/Binder ( 1114): at
  152. W/Binder ( 1114): at
  153. W/Binder ( 1114): at$1.onScreenTurnedOn(
  154. W/Binder ( 1114): at$Stub.onTransact(
  155. W/Binder ( 1114): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  156. V/ActivityManager( 959): Display changed displayId=0
  157. I/PlayMovies( 5645): HomeActivity.onSyncStateChanged:354 Sync state 2, 9DBB01DB07656CAC09014BC877026BEE2D348B0E
  158. E/AccountManager( 5645): Listener was not previously added
  159. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 959): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  160. I/DisplayPowerController( 959): Unblocked screen on after 84 ms
  161. D/audio_hw_primary( 325): adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=on
  162. E/audio_a2dp_hw( 325): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  163. D/BrcmNfcJni( 1382): RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
  164. D/BrcmNfcJni( 1382): RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
  165. D/BrcmNfcJni( 1382): RoutingManager::commitRouting
  166. E/native ( 959): do suspend false
  167. W/ActivityManager( 959): Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{} from pid=5645, uid=10112 that is not exported from uid 10062
  168. I/PlayMovies( 5645): HomeActivity.onSyncStateChanged:354 Sync state 3, 9DBB01DB07656CAC09014BC877026BEE2D348B0E
  169. D/BrcmNfcJni( 1382): RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
  170. I/qdhwcomposer( 247): handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1
  171. D/qdhwcomposer( 247): hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
  172. D/SurfaceControl( 959): Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 236ms
  173. I/DreamManagerService( 959): Gently waking up from dream.
  174. I/DreamManagerService( 959): Leaving dreamland.
  175. I/DreamController( 959): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
  176. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  177. D/PowerManagerService( 959): acquireWakeLock: ignoring request from
  178. I/com.rcreations.ipcamviewer( 3456): *** screen on
  179. E/WifiStateMachine( 959): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0.00 rxSuccessRate=0.00 targetRoamBSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 RSSI=-60
  180. I/wpa_supplicant( 1285): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
  181. W/CastMediaRouteProvider( 1907): addOrUpdateDevice: device: "Bedroom" (5e1009141609d9b8b7fd03fe07e575db) applicationName: null
  182. W/CastMediaRouteProvider( 1907): addOrUpdateDevice: device: "Living Room" (82a3b88457ec9a6e91d20ca32e052a59) applicationName: null
  183. D/PlayMovies( 5645): MediaRouteManager.onRouteAdded:141 new route added
  184. D/PlayMovies( 5645): MediaRouteManager.maybeRestoreRoute:189 sessionRestore routeId:
  185. D/PlayMovies( 5645): MediaRouteManager.onRouteAdded:141 new route added
  186. D/PlayMovies( 5645): MediaRouteManager.maybeRestoreRoute:189 sessionRestore routeId:
  187. V/ActivityManager( 959): Display changed displayId=0
  188. I/ActivityManager( 959): Killing 5158:com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity/u0a76 (adj 15): empty #17
  189. W/art ( 959): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.activityIdleInternal( from waiters=0 for 106ms
  190. W/libprocessgroup( 959): failed to open /acct/uid_10076/pid_5158/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
  191. I/PlayMovies( 5645): HomeActivity.onSyncStateChanged:354 Sync state 0, null
  192. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 5645): Removing a connection that never existed!
  193. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 5645): Removing a connection that never existed!
  194. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 5645): Removing a connection that never existed!
  195. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 5645): Removing a connection that never existed!
  196. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 5645): Removing a connection that never existed!
  197. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 5645): Removing a connection that never existed!
  198. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 5645): Removing a connection that never existed!
  199. W/IdleConnectionHandler( 5645): Removing a connection that never existed!
  200. W/OpenGLRenderer( 1460): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: OH, destroying layer...
  201. W/OpenGLRenderer( 1460): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: OH, destroying layer...
  202. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{d7325e9 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-508,51 #7f0b003e app:id/widget_name} during layout: running second layout pass
  203. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{aca526e V.ED.... ......ID 522,2-587,49 #7f0b003f app:id/widget_dims} during layout: running second layout pass
  204. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2c56cd0f V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-508,51 #7f0b003e app:id/widget_name} during layout: running second layout pass
  205. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{3c0a119c V.ED.... ......ID 522,2-587,49 #7f0b003f app:id/widget_dims} during layout: running second layout pass
  206. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{1c4f37a5 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-508,51 #7f0b003e app:id/widget_name} during layout: running second layout pass
  207. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{1f4d277a V.ED.... ......ID 522,2-587,49 #7f0b003f app:id/widget_dims} during layout: running second layout pass
  208. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{183d2b2b V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-508,51 #7f0b003e app:id/widget_name} during layout: running second layout pass
  209. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{374ab88 V.ED.... ......ID 522,2-587,49 #7f0b003f app:id/widget_dims} during layout: running second layout pass
  210. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{3820a921 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-508,51 #7f0b003e app:id/widget_name} during layout: running second layout pass
  211. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{9f64146 V.ED.... ......ID 522,2-587,49 #7f0b003f app:id/widget_dims} during layout: running second layout pass
  212. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{7e14f07 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-508,51 #7f0b003e app:id/widget_name} during layout: running second layout pass
  213. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{276cf834 V.ED.... ......ID 522,2-587,49 #7f0b003f app:id/widget_dims} during layout: running second layout pass
  214. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{293db65d V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-508,51 #7f0b003e app:id/widget_name} during layout: running second layout pass
  215. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{5c52bd2 V.ED.... ......ID 522,2-587,49 #7f0b003f app:id/widget_dims} during layout: running second layout pass
  216. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{3eb9d4a3 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-508,51 #7f0b003e app:id/widget_name} during layout: running second layout pass
  217. W/View ( 1460): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2cfb63a0 V.ED.... ......ID 522,2-587,49 #7f0b003f app:id/widget_dims} during layout: running second layout pass
  218. W/OpenGLRenderer( 1460): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: lb, destroying layer...
  219. I/ActivityManager( 959): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[720,1280][720,1280]} from uid 10086 on display 0
  220. I/ActivityManager( 959): Start proc for activity pid=6050 uid=1000 gids={41000, 9997, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
  221. I/IndexDatabaseHelper( 6050): Using schema version: 115
  222. I/IndexDatabaseHelper( 6050): Index is fine
  223. D/Index ( 6050): Locale 'en_US' is already indexed
  224. D/OpenGLRenderer( 6050): Render dirty regions requested: true
  225. D/Atlas ( 6050): Validating map...
  226. D/DashboardSummary( 6050): rebuildUI took: 75 ms
  227. I/Adreno ( 6050): EGLInit: QTI Build: 10/14/14, 40a273b, I86da836d38
  228. I/OpenGLRenderer( 6050): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  229. D/OpenGLRenderer( 6050): Enabling debug mode 0
  230. I/ActivityManager( 959): Displayed +555ms
  231. D/TaskPersister( 959): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=140_task.xml
  232. I/ActivityManager( 959): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  233. D/SubSettings( 6050): Launching fragment
  234. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): FATAL EXCEPTION: IncreasingRingMinVolumePreference.CallbackHandler
  235. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): Process:, PID: 6050
  236. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method '' on a null object reference
  237. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at
  238. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at
  239. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at
  240. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at
  241. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at
  242. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at
  243. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  244. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  245. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at
  246. W/ActivityManager( 959): Force finishing activity
  247. W/ActivityManager( 959): Force finishing activity
  248. I/OpenGLRenderer( 959): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  249. I/Process ( 6050): Sending signal. PID: 6050 SIG: 9
  250. W/BroadcastQueue( 959): Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{39c84a4b u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED} to ReceiverList{3fcb88a4 6050 remote:34b71b37}: process crashing
  251. I/WindowState( 959): WIN DEATH: Window{10e83a2f u0}
  252. I/WindowState( 959): WIN DEATH: Window{3a353a6b u0}
  253. I/ActivityManager( 959): Process (pid 6050) has died
  254. W/InputMethodManagerService( 959): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 6050 uid 1000
  255. I/ActivityManager( 959): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[720,1280][720,1280]} from uid 10086 on display 0
  256. I/ActivityManager( 959): Start proc for activity pid=6084 uid=1000 gids={41000, 9997, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
  257. I/IndexDatabaseHelper( 6084): Using schema version: 115
  258. I/IndexDatabaseHelper( 6084): Index is fine
  259. D/Index ( 6084): Locale 'en_US' is already indexed
  260. D/OpenGLRenderer( 6084): Render dirty regions requested: true
  261. D/Atlas ( 6084): Validating map...
  262. D/DashboardSummary( 6084): rebuildUI took: 74 ms
  263. I/Adreno ( 6084): EGLInit: QTI Build: 10/14/14, 40a273b, I86da836d38
  264. I/OpenGLRenderer( 6084): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  265. D/OpenGLRenderer( 6084): Enabling debug mode 0
  266. I/ActivityManager( 959): Displayed +491ms (total +5s906ms)
  267. I/ActivityManager( 959): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  268. D/SubSettings( 6084): Launching fragment
  269. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): FATAL EXCEPTION: IncreasingRingMinVolumePreference.CallbackHandler
  270. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): Process:, PID: 6084
  271. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method '' on a null object reference
  272. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at
  273. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at
  274. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at
  275. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at
  276. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at
  277. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at
  278. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  279. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  280. E/AndroidRuntime( 6084): at
  281. W/ActivityManager( 959): Force finishing activity
  282. W/ActivityManager( 959): Force finishing activity
  283. I/OpenGLRenderer( 959): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  284. I/Process ( 6084): Sending signal. PID: 6084 SIG: 9
  285. W/BroadcastQueue( 959): Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{15722ace u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED} to ReceiverList{2ecc941b 6084 remote:20a5de2a}: process crashing
  286. I/WindowState( 959): WIN DEATH: Window{3f480882 u0}
  287. I/WindowState( 959): WIN DEATH: Window{72e7c0f u0}
  288. I/ActivityManager( 959): Process (pid 6084) has died
  289. W/InputMethodManagerService( 959): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 6084 uid 1000
  290. D/ConnectivityService( 959): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 56
  291. D/ConnectivityService( 959): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  292. D/ConnectivityService( 959): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
  293. D/ConnectivityService( 959): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  294. D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 1114): CM callback handler got msg 524290
  295. D/TaskPersister( 959): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=143_task.xml
  296. ^X^Z
  297. [1]+ Stopped adb logcat
  298. david@kofftop:~$ adb reboot recovery
  299. david@kofftop:~$
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