
fuck and make up ok

Jan 5th, 2016
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  1. [01:48 PM] Bobby-Fulbright is still not sure what to think about Simon's mental state, even after more than a week of putting up with it. On the one hand, it's absolutely perfect that the guy's forgotten all about the Phantom and has gone back to seeing him only as 'Bobby Fulbright'. It's like those weeks of strife never happened and that's better for Kujaku too. On the other hand, it's probably a good thing that he can't get frustrated- well, not unless he reaches a certain breaking point, anyway. Having to explain certain things over and over again could be considered quite tiring. Helping Simon up and down three flights of stairs whenever necessary could be considered quite tiring as well.
  3. Soon, they'll move into their own house with no stairs whatsoever. They can settle into a life of normalcy and he can forget about the Phantom altogether. Not that the others would. People like Tori and Pliskin, they won't ever forget, but there isn't much they can do about it, is there? He hopes not.
  5. ANYWAY, it's nighttime and Bobby is getting into bed after another long day of having to juggle his fulltime job with his parttime jobs of parent, partner and caretaker of the handicapable. He's dressed in a boxershort and a tank top, and he is exhausted.
  7. [01:55 PM] Simon-Blackquill can't hardly even remember what the past few days... weeks...? Have been like. Everything seems like it's been in a haze, it takes more energy to even move around due to his damn leg, and when Bobby hasn't been at home he's had to look after Kujaku; rewarding, but the most tiring task of all.
  9. He's in Bobby's bed right now, under the covers and hardly dressed at all -- nothin' here but black briefs.
  11. [02:00 PM] Bobby-Fulbright sidles up to Simon once he's pulled the blankets up to his neck all the way, wrapping an arm around the man's torso and resting his face against his shoulder in an attempt to get comfortable. Mmh, this is ideal.
  13. [02:04 PM] Simon-Blackquill shifts the slightest bit and sighs into Bobby's hair, nuzzling the top of his head gently. "Having you next to me makes it all worth my while..." he whispers tiredly, sighing again.
  15. [02:08 PM] Bobby-Fulbright has missed claims like that. They still feel a little empty, considering how fast Simon tossed Bobby aside and attempted to claim none of their time together was real, but he finds that he enjoys hearing them all the same. He smiles against Simon's shoulder. "Mmmmh, same here."
  17. [02:10 PM] Simon-Blackquill grins so wide he's surprised at himself and the tug of his lips is actually a little painful. "There's nothing better than hearing you say things like that... I'll never tire of it," he replies, pressing a kiss to his partner's head.
  19. [02:12 PM] Bobby-Fulbright shifts his weight slightly to rest some more of it against Simon's chest, the arm around his torso moving downwards so he can stroke the opposite hip. "I could say the exact same thing to you, you know..."
  21. [05:03 PM] Simon-Blackquill presses himself into Bobby's touch ever so slightly. "Oh... can you? Would you like to say that, then?" He teases, breathing deeply and relaxing a little as a result.
  23. [05:06 PM] Bobby-Fulbright is more than willing to oblige. His hand continues to stroke Simon's hip as he speaks. "I'll never tire of having you next to me, and... I'll never tire of hearing you say that you feel the same way."
  25. [05:13 PM] Simon-Blackquill sighs deeply, letting out a pleasant little hum of delight after Bobby utters those words. But he doesn't entirely know what to say, now. "Thank you..." is all he whispers, then presses his hip into the stroking further, and his bad leg twitches after he makes that movement, but Simon doesn't act as if he notices it at all.
  27. [05:32 PM] Bobby-Fulbright breathes a content sigh of his own, nuzzling Simon's shoulder. He doesn't need to be thanked for something like that, he's sure.
  29. [05:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill decides to elaborate a bit with the silence... "...Thank you for being here for me during this. Thank you for continuing to help, even now. You've done so much for me."
  31. [05:41 PM] Bobby-Fulbright shakes his head lightly. "It's no problem. It means I get to spend more time with you. Besides... You'd do the same for me, right?"
  33. [05:44 PM] Simon-Blackquill nuzzles Bobby's hair. "Of course... Yes, I suppose that is exactly what it means. Now it makes me wonder if you've organised it all on purpose... Just to keep me here in your grasp," he says lowly, voice thick with sarcasm.
  35. [05:52 PM] Bobby-Fulbright gasps, shifting the position of his hands slightly to push away from Simon. "H-hah?! What are you saying?! That would be the most selfish, unjust thing a person could do!"
  37. Bobby Fulbright will be Bobby Fulbright, and he 'doesn't get sarcasm'.
  39. [05:55 PM] Simon-Blackquill laughs for quite some time, and reaches out for him. "Settle down, love, it was nothing but a joke," he remarks, trying to get their little 'moment' back. "You could never commit such an injustice, naturally."
  41. [06:12 PM] Bobby-Fulbright hesitates for a moment, then settles down again and puts his arm back around Simon's torso. He's still pouting, though. "That wasn't a very funny joke..."
  43. [06:15 PM] Simon-Blackquill chuckles and presses a kiss to Bobby's cute pouty cheek. "My apologies, then."
  45. [06:17 PM] Bobby-Fulbright keeps huffing a little longer, but at least he makes himself more comfortable by pressing himself up against Simon again.
  47. [06:20 PM] Simon-Blackquill keeps on chuckling throughout Bobby's huffs, kissing his other cheek once he's calmed down some. "I only hope it hasn't been too much for you to handle. I'm not referring to just myself, here."
  49. [06:26 PM] Bobby-Fulbright doesn't immediately respond. There's roughly five seconds in which he seems to be mulling it over. "...It's tiring, but it's not too much. Besides, things will get easier once we move."
  51. [06:31 PM] Simon-Blackquill nods. "Mm... well, in the meantime... is there anything you'd like from me right now?" He looks down at the two of them. "...In bed, on top of me?" Come on Bobby. 8)
  53. [06:39 PM] Bobby-Fulbright catches the hint. Not even he is stupid enough to miss it. Some little voice in the back of his head wonders whether it's okay to accept after everything that's happened, but then rationality tells him that it's really not too different from anything else he's been doing with Simon after everything that's happened. In the ethical sense, anyway. "Mmmh, are you sure you're up for something like that? If your leg's still giving you trouble..."
  55. [06:42 PM] Simon-Blackquill shakes his head and nuzzles Bobby gently. "It's the least I could do for you after all the both of us have been through, is it not? A chance to relax and enjoy one another..." He starts appreciatively running his hands over his partner's body as he says this. "Keep my leg out of the way and we'll do just fine."
  57. [06:53 PM] Bobby-Fulbright hums quietly at the feeling of Simon's hands. ... There's totally nothing wrong with accepting that offer, right? If Simon insists... If it's just as much for his sake as Bobby's... Yeah, it's fine. "O-oh... Well, if you're sure..." he mumbles, sidling himself even closer so he can catch Simon's lips in an actual kiss.
  59. [07:02 PM] Simon-Blackquill lets his hands slide around Bobby's undergarments and gently tug at them, while keeping his kiss rather tiredly reciprocated. He's concentrating on trying to keep track of where his leg will be when he closes his eyes, as he's going to make his best effort to keep it out of the way himself.
  61. [07:13 PM] Bobby-Fulbright , on the other hand, is totally focused on that kiss. He's come to find that, in the grand scheme of things, he prefers kissing and cuddling over actual sex. Not that he'd reject the sex, but he doesn't exactly need it. He slides himself atop Simon a little more, both hands moving to the man's shoulders.
  63. [07:18 PM] Simon-Blackquill tugs just a little bit more until Bobby's hands are on his shoulders -- that makes Simon start running his own hands up and down Bobby's back instead. Alright, if he wants to cuddle, Simon will do just that, humming into their kiss next.
  65. He then moves to try and direct Bobby in a way that he wouldn't bother his bad leg, which only... places Bobby right on top of him.
  67. [07:25 PM] Bobby-Fulbright will gladly move to any direction Simon guides him into, honestly. He does, however, try to make sure his own legs don't cause any sort of unfortunate collisions. He needs to find just the right spot where they won't be in the way, which ultimately ends with one of them between Simon's own legs. Ah well.
  69. [07:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill is just fine with that, for the time being. If they moved slowly and carefully, his leg would be fine the entire time. ...Which sort of leaves Simon to have to do things the way Bobby prefers them, doesn't it. He brings Bobby into a tight, close embrace, deepening their kiss.
  71. [07:42 PM] Bobby-Fulbright definitely prefers it like this. It's illogical, really. Usually, the Phantom prefers to get everything over with as quickly and efficiently as possible. Is it Bobby Fulbright's preferences overriding this, or the Phantom himself making an exception? He can't quite tell. It probably doesn't matter. While he does rub himself up against Simon's good leg to some degree, most of his focus is on the deepened kiss. He'd quite like to play with Simon's tongue for a little bit.
  73. [08:20 PM] Simon-Blackquill is more than happy to provide a tongue for Bobby to play with, already trying to press it into his partner's mouth. With each move he makes he tries to remember how long it's been since he last felt it... but it's no use, no answer comes to him. It's a shame...
  75. [08:29 PM] Bobby-Fulbright sucks at Simon's tongue for a while before pressing his own against the bottom of it. Then he tilts his head to try and deepen the kiss as much as possible, the side of his nose rubbing against Simon's. Meanwhile, his hands run down the man's sides to get to his waist.
  77. [12:11 PM] Simon-Blackquill continues to try and remember just how long it's been... of course, he does remember being imprisoned for years, so he knows that his perception of time is all mixed up to begin with. Adding amnesia to it just makes it a huge mess that he eventually gives up on, shoving the thoughts from his mind. He belatedly lets out a groan into their deepened kiss, and his hands resume movement, running over Bobby's sides. It's clear he's no longer distracted.
  79. [12:19 PM] Bobby-Fulbright is still rubbing Simon's sides in return. He's still lightly rubbing himself up against Simon's leg, too. It's a little too easy for him to get 'excited' over nothing, these days, so his arousal is already growing. After a quiet little whimper, he breaks the kiss and begins to mouthe Simon's throat instead.
  81. [12:24 PM] Simon-Blackquill is only vaguely aware of Bobby's growing erection, as well as the increasing presence of his own. He's paying far more attention to the amazing sensation of lips to his throat -- something that makes him tilt his head back, makes the gentle touches to Bobby's sides turn into a bit of playful scratching, makes him press his hips into Bobby's.
  83. [12:32 PM] Bobby-Fulbright groans loudly when Simon presses into him. The increased pressure to his groin, along with the scratching, is so terribly arousing. His left hand trails upwards to stroke the other side of the man's neck, even as he continues his kissing near Simon's collarbone.
  85. [12:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill wasn't exactly expecting Bobby to get so loud so soon... but that just makes it that much more exciting. His scratches get the slightest bit rougher for a moment while he enjoys the kissing along his collarbone, then he presses right into Bobby's hips again, hoping to hear another sound like that.
  87. [12:42 PM] Bobby-Fulbright does indeed produce another sound like that, though a little quieter this time. Stupid sexy Simon, unleashing stupid raw lust within him. It never used to be like this. Still, he withdraws with a smile, just far enough to speak, his lips still lingering near the man's throat. "Mmmh, that feels great..."
  89. [01:00 PM] Simon-Blackquill continues that motion, then, using his hands to bring Bobby closer, increasing the friction. "I'm glad... Care to take things a little further and eliminate these pesky clothes of ours?" He asks softly, grinding into him with more force just to emphasize how the fabric is getting in the way, even if it's just their underwear, now.
  91. [01:04 PM] Bobby-Fulbright hums softly at Simon's actions, pressing his nose against the side of the man's neck. Hnnh, the clothes really are getting to be a bit pesky, aren't they? His free hand moves to the waistband of Simon's underpants. "That sounds like a really good idea."
  93. [01:08 PM] Simon-Blackquill laughs and grinds into Bobby a little bit more before pausing his actions so his briefs could be removed. He has no problems with Bobby being the one to do it -- it'd probably be a bit easier that way, with his leg being how it is. Meanwhile, his own hands start playing with the fabric of Bobby's tank top, sliding underneath it to stroke his skin.
  95. [01:15 PM] Bobby-Fulbright would love to keep enjoying Simon's hands on his torso, but he's going to have to make his way downward if he wants to properly remove Simon's underpants. ...Yup, sorry. Time to move down south and slide the underwear towards Simon's feet.
  97. [01:23 PM] Simon-Blackquill withdraws his hands to let Bobby do this, glancing down to watch, still a little cautious about his leg getting in the way. He's plenty hard by now, and the foot of his bad leg twitches as the underwear's tugged downward, but there aren't any other problems, fortunately.
  99. [01:56 PM] Bobby-Fulbright takes extra care not to agitate the bad leg as he slides the underwear along it. The last thing he wants to do is somehow hurt Simon. The waistband of the underpants is flexible enough to ensure some extra space. Once that's finally done and the briefs are tossed aside, he gets started on removing his tank top to reveal his torso. There's a new scar that joined the collection, but it's barely visible. Tori's necromancy healed it so well that the only reminder of being shot is one small, raw circle on his chest and another directly across it, on his back.
  101. [02:04 PM] Simon-Blackquill is honestly a little surprised, here. Bobby's got some scarring? He has no memory of ever seeing this. But he makes it a point not to mention them and instead starts to run his hands over Bobby's chest and torso as soon as they're exposed, grinning widely as his fingers press against muscle. "...You look good like this..."
  103. [02:23 PM] Bobby-Fulbright smiles at the compliment, tenderly placing his own hands atop Simon's the moment the tank top is discarded. He's made a point of it in the past not to let Simon get too good a look at his naked body, but that seems pointless now. It's not like the man will remember too much of it, if at all. Still, he puts in some effort to look a little flustered about it. "You... really think so?"
  105. [02:37 PM] Simon-Blackquill is completely taken in by the man's behaviour, his wide grin widening further when he realises he's got Bobby flustered! "Of course I do," he replies, stroking Bobby's chest and licking his lips. "I want to appreciate every inch of your amazing body," he mutters, looking into Bobby's eyes seductively.
  107. [02:46 PM] Bobby-Fulbright breathes a quiet little chuckle, his eyes straying to the far wall for a few seconds before returning to Simon's own. "W-well, then... I won't stop you," he murmurs, his hands slowly sliding down Simon's wrists and along his arms. "But... I'll appreciate yours too, if that's okay."
  109. [02:52 PM] Simon-Blackquill nods gently, deciding to take one of Bobby's hands into his own, while the other lovingly strokes along his torso, trying to avoid paying particular attention to scarring -- he'll just pretend it isn't there for the time being. "I'd quite like it if you did..."
  111. [02:58 PM] Bobby-Fulbright squeezes Simon's hand for a moment, still smiling in a slightly flustered sort of way. Then he leans down to press a kiss against Simon's neck again, his other hand still on the man's arm. "Then... It's a deal."
  113. [03:16 PM] Simon-Blackquill squeezes Bobby's hand right back and closes his eyes when his neck is kissed again. "Mmmh," is all Simon can murmur, before he's back to pressing his arousal up against Bobby, while his free hand is still stroking and rubbing over Bobby's exposed body.
  115. [03:25 PM] Bobby-Fulbright still hasn't removed his boxers, damn. He should've taken care of that before moving back in. ...Ah well. He'll get to it when he gets to it, then. For now, he'll rub himself up against Simon and continue the breathy mouthing of his neck.
  117. [04:23 PM] Simon-Blackquill is more than fine with this arrangement for the time being... as he can't do much about it anyway. But he's got a nice, mostly-naked boyfriend body to play with, so he'll be fine. A nice, mostly-naked boyfriend that happens to be mouthing his neck again and making him squirm in delight under the attention. He's back to tilting his head backward, now blindly laying his affections over Bobby's body, paying particular attention to his chest and biceps now...
  119. [04:41 PM] Bobby-Fulbright will be sure to press his mostly-naked body up against Simon's as much as possible, while avoiding the bad leg for the most part. His biceps are sure to move in Simon's hand just a bit as his muscles tense, his hands stroking his partner's arm and neck before slowly moving downwards, towards his hips.
  121. [04:50 PM] Simon-Blackquill moves his hips a little along with the hands that met them, while his hand gets distracted by tensing biceps, ooh. Time to squeeze that muscle while it tightens. After he's satisfied there, Simon's attention moves to Bobby's neck and shoulder, and his fingers start massaging him there. He's completely unaware that his leg is twitching slightly, but the movement only lasts a moment so it's not particularly worrying.
  123. [04:59 PM] Bobby-Fulbright moans loudly at the feeling of Simon's hands massaging him. He takes notice of the twitching- it's a little hard to miss- but as it halts on his own, he ends up dismissing it as nothing. While one hand stays on the man's hip, the other hand moves to his own boxers so he can try to slide them down as far as possible.
  125. [05:02 PM] Simon-Blackquill looks up at Bobby when he hears that moan, giving him one of those shit-eating grins of his, and massages him further... until he notices that Bobby's trying to tug his boxers down. Simon brings his hands down, places them over Bobby's own, then moves to slide the boxers off himself.
  127. [05:08 PM] Bobby-Fulbright can't see the shit-eating grin, as his face is pretty much buried against the crook of Simon's neck. The continued massage is all he really cares about at this point. ...Whiiich is discontinued to help with the boxers. "Mmh, no. I've got it," he mutters against Simon's throat, before sitting up a bit to extend his reach.
  129. [05:10 PM] Simon-Blackquill takes his hands away, then -- if Bobby's got it, he's got it -- and goes back to his massage from before. He's sure that's why Bobby is intent on getting rid of these himself, after all. Maybe he'd be rewarded with more delicious moans if he keeps this up...
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