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Nov 21st, 2014
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  1. What did you do this year that you have never done before? Clean a friend’s vomit off of his own face.
  2. What was the smartest decision you made this year? I decided not to skip more than 13 days.
  3. What one word best sums up and describe your last year experience? Meh.
  4. What are you most happy about completing? High school, of course.
  5. What was the biggest risk you took? I didn’t really take any risks.
  6. What are you most grateful for this past year? The tech building ping pong table.
  7. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Not failing.
  8. What do you wish you had done more of? Staying awake in class.
  9. What do you wish you had done less of? Procrastination.
  10. Knowing what you know now, if you could write a letter to yourself that would travel back in time so that you would receive it at the start of high school, what advice would you give your younger self? Yo, what’s up younger me. This is older you. Ja’nee is insane, don’t date her. Ask Melody out sophomore year before she becomes a lesbian. Hit Roman harder your junior year. Get your license earlier.
  11. Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life in high school? Steve. Vishnu. Caleb.
  12. Did anyone close to you give birth? No.
  13. Did anyone close to you die? Yes.
  14. What important relationship improved the most? The relationship between me and the internet.
  15. What important relationship suffered the most? None of my relationships suffered.
  16. Whose behavior merited celebration? Mine did! I’m a good boy!
  17. Whose behavior made you appalled? Vishnu’s, last Friday.
  18. How had you positively influenced a child this year? I told my neighbor to curse less often.
  19. What well known person dead or alive influenced you the most this year? Steve.
  20. Who made you laugh the most this year? Vishnu.
  21. Did you suffer illness or injury? Nope.
  22. What decision did you do to become healthier? I quit smoking.
  23. What was your favorite exercise this year? Skateboarding.
  24. What was your favorite meal? Sushi.
  25. What restaurant did you eat at most often? Sakegura.
  26. What medications are you currently taking? None.
  27. Did you have any surgeries this year? No.
  28. How did you manage your stress this year? By not being stressed.
  29. What was your biggest health achievement this year? I drank more water.
  30. What do you wish you would have done differently in regards to your health this year? Nothing.
  31. What was your biggest financial decision this year? Quitting my job.
  32. What was the best thing you bought for yourself this year? Shoes.
  33. Because of this past year, what do you believe is your purpose? I don’t have a purpose. No one does.
  34. What is one word that describes your relationship with your faith (as you define it) this year? If you do not have a faith, describe your philosophy. I’m a skeptic nihilist.
  35. Where did you find the most peace and calm this year? My house after Steve’s house.
  36. What was the most loving service you performed last year? I don’t remember.
  37. What is your biggest piece of unfinished business? Steve’s house.
  38. What is the greatest lesson you have learned this year? The power of Steve makes everything okay.
  39. What was the best part of this year? What was the lesson learned? Last Friday at Steve’s house. The lesson learned: Keep Vishnu away from pink liquids.
  40. What was the worst part of this year? What was the lesson learned? Last Friday at Steve’s house. Lesson learned: Seriously, keep Vishnu away from pink liquids.
  41. What date from this year will remain etched upon your memory and why? Last Friday at Steve’s house, because reasons I’m not obligated by law to discuss.
  42. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year? Steve’s house.
  43. What slowed you down this past year? Traffic.
  44. What was the best way you used your time this past year? I played more video games.
  45. What were you doing on most Saturday mornings this past year? Sleeping.
  46. During this past year, what were you doing at 3pm during the weekdays? Getting comfortable.
  47. How did you spend your Sunday evenings this past year? Watching Game of Thrones.
  48. What person(s) occupied most of your time? Probably Vishnu or Cassidy.
  49. What was your bedtime and wake up time? I don’t know anymore. I woke up any time between 4 and 6:30. I slept any time between midnight and never.
  50. If you had more time to invest in this past year what would you do with it? More reading.
  51. I want a 'do-over' with.... I don’t want any do-overs.
  52. I missed... How should I know what I missed? I missed it.
  53. I would use a magic wand to change... Nothing. I wouldn’t change anything.
  54. I want to repeat... Last Friday at Steve’s house.
  55. I was embarrassed by... Last Friday at Steve’s house.
  56. I lost.... A lot of money.
  57. I gained... New found insight on he who is Vishnu.
  58. I regret... Hesitating to do a few things my Freshman year.
  59. I am thankful for... Not dying just yet.
  60. I felt most alive when... I’m alone, probably on my bed, thinking about doing something but not doing a thing.
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