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Nov 13th, 2015
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  1. When I said "all day friday," I didn't mean I would literally sit on the forums or ps or irc all day, I'm sure you can understand that. I meant I would be available if you let me know when we could play. Instead, the only attempt you made to schedule with me at all was to say you'd be free in 6 hours. I message you 5 minutes after that 6 hours (I don't appreciate you insinuating that I waited until you logged off to contact you, but whatever)... as I said, I was out, and there'd be no point in me seeing "ok, ill be on in 40 minutes at the time we decided." But that's ok, i miss the scheduled time by 5 minutes, we have an extension anyway. Then you didn't even reply to my next message trying to reschedule. Maybe I don't understand the proper etiquette for scheduling fights. I was under the impression that you were required to respond, guess that shows my inexperience. You also never let me know what timezone you're in, so there's also that.
  3. I understand exams and work and shit are important so I obviously don't expect you to be available to play whenever I want, but don't try to act like your time is worth more than mine. I just submitted my thesis, gave a seminar, and had a thesis defence. Note that I'm not saying my time is more important than your's either. You could spend all day watching TV and I'd still respect the value of your time. If my times were awkward for you, you could've said "these times are awkward for me, can we try to organise something else?"
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