

Oct 17th, 2014
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  1. Goldust(C) vs The Undertaker
  2. WWF Title
  4. Goldust looked the Undertaker up and down to begin the match before scurrying to the outside after Undertaker offered a test of strength. He conferred with DiBiase for a while as the ref counted. At 5, Undertaker stepped over the ropes and began to stalk towards Goldust, who then ran to the other side of the ring before slipping back in. Undertaker entered the ring again, and Goldust slipped right back out, idling at commentary for a bit. He takes the chair usually accompanied by Piper, now left empty in his absence.
  6. "Well, uh, it seems the champion is joining us at commentary. I'll bow out while he consults with you."
  7. "Thank you, Gene. Well, Goldust, it's certainly not standard procedure for a wrestler to join the commentary team during a match. Why a-"
  8. "Hush, JR, this is my commentary track. The opinions and statements given here do not necessarily represent those of the World Wrestling Federation, a-"
  10. Goldust's time at commentary is cut short by a tope from the Undertaker from the ring to the commentary table, crashing right into Goldust! As the Undertaker has entered and left the ring, the ref restarts the count.
  12. 1...2... Both Taker and Goldust are laid out in the ruins of commentary as the crowd begins a HOLY SHIT chant. Goldust gets to his feet first, with the help of Ted DiBiase. 4...5...6... Goldust clambers back into the ring. 7... Undertaker sits up. At the count of 9, Undertaker re-enters the ring, met with a flurry of strikes from Goldust. He shrugs these off, and knocks Goldust silly with a hook before hitting the ropes and going for his flying clothesline. Goldust has it scouted, however, and pulls the ref into the way of the clothesline, laying him out. As Taker gets back to his feet, DiBiase throws a chair to the Silver Screen Sensation. Goldust takes the chair, and waffles Taker in the head, prompting a pop from the Hammerstein crowd. Taker is knocked loopy, but not downed. As Goldust prepares another strike, the lights go red and the familiar music plays.
  14. "WHY, JR, THAT HAS TO BE KANE! IT JUST MUST BE KANE!" Yes, Kane walks down the aisle, Paul Bearer by his side. He enters the ring, and whips Taker to the turnbuckle. He puts Taker on the top, grabs his neck and leg, and chokeslams The Undertaker to the mat! Goldust goes for the cover as Kane and Bearer walk away.
  16. 1...2...3. Goldust smirks to the crowd as he holds his title aloft.
  18. "Why, JR, we have witnessed a grave injustice tonight, if you will pardon my wordplay."
  19. "Yes, Gene, just like the good book said, Kane has proven that he is not his brother's keeper!"
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