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a guest
Sep 26th, 2014
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  1. //new
  2. 5 "dedicatedServerInterface"
  3. 5 "set' + 'Damage"
  4. 5 "\"Logic\" createUnit _array;"
  5. 5 "hint \"Server Anti-Hack is OFF. Rejoin Server Now\";"
  6. 5 "[6300,7700,0]"
  7. 5 "group (" !"_mygrp = group ("
  8. 5 ", 27000"
  9. 5 "Sound_Alarm"
  10. 5 "Sound_Alarm2"
  11. 5 "val = [.1,1.5,.2]"
  12. 5 "BoxObject"
  13. 5 "dafonz"
  14. 5 "_fonzy"
  15. 5 "_troll"
  16. 5 "_sharky"
  17. 5 "Phonza"
  18. 5 "gible"
  19. 5 "freddieshacks"
  20. 5 "{_box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 5];} forEach _inventory;"
  21. 5 "{_box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 50];} forEach _items;"
  22. 5 "{_box addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach _backpacks;"
  23. 5 "_freddiesobject addweaponCargoGlobal"
  24. 5 "_freddiesobject"
  25. 5 "_freddiesuniqueid"
  26. 5 "_freddiesuniqueid, true"
  27. 5 "\"Tank\",\"Wheeled_APC\",\"Tracked_APC\"]"
  28. 5 "_bagfordel"
  29. 5 "nice antihack"
  30. 5 "\"Bo\"+\"_FAB\"+\"_250\""
  31. 5 "\"B\"+\"o\"+\"_\"+\"F\"+\"A\"+\"B\"+\"_\"+\"2\"+\"5\"+\"0\""
  32. 5 "_x setDamage 1"
  33. 5 "nearestObjects [[6325.6772,7807.7412]"
  34. 5 "\"HelicopterExplobig\", \"HelicopterExploSmall\""
  35. 5 "\"HelicopterExplobig\",\"HelicopterExploSmall\""
  36. 5 "\"HelicopterExploSmall\", \"HelicopterExplobig\""
  37. 5 "\"HelicopterExploSmall\",\"HelicopterExplobig\""
  38. 5 "_classname = \"HelicopterExploBig\";"
  39. 5 "_fck select"
  40. 5 "BattleFieldClearance"
  41. 5 "_codeAHOFF"
  42. 5 "_first in"
  43. 5 "sleep _refillTime;"
  44. 5 "_commands"
  45. 5 "_agent setDamage 1"
  46. 5 "_unit createUnit"
  47. 5 "createUnit _array"
  48. 5 "[_pos, _grp, \";\" +"
  49. 5 "\"+ \""
  50. 5 "\" +\""
  51. 5 "\"+ \""
  52. 5 "\" +\""
  53. 5 "\" + \""
  54. 5 "\" + \""
  55. 5 "\" + \""
  56. 5 "\"+ \""
  57. 5 "'+ '"
  58. 5 "'+ '"
  59. 5 "' +'"
  60. 5 "' + '"
  61. 5 "' + '"
  62. 5 "' + '"
  63. 5 "'+ '"
  64. 5 "\"+\""
  65. 5 "'+'"
  66. 5 "+ \";\""
  67. 5 "+\";\""
  68. 5 "+ \";\"]"
  69. 5 "+\";\"]"
  70. 5 "], \"Logic\"]"
  71. 5 "],\"Logic\"]"
  72. 5 "player addBackPack \"DZ_Backpack_EP1\";"
  73. 5 "player addweapon \"BAF_AS50_scoped\";"
  74. 5 "player selectWeapon \"BAF_AS50_scoped\";"
  75. 5 "closeDisplay ="
  76. 5 "forceEnd ="
  77. 5 "{rJIPREQUEST" !"!isNil {rJIPREQUEST}"
  78. 5 "RUSTLER"
  79. 5 "Ruslter"
  80. 5 "Systems Online"
  81. 5 "HangenderRE"
  82. 5 "vilegaming" !="vilegaming_hack_detected = 'vilegaming_hack_detected';publicVariableServer 'vilegaming_hack_detected';"
  83. 5 "v.i.l.e"
  84. 5 "Lystic"
  85. 5 "setDammage"
  86. 5 "compile toString"
  87. 5 "@TheWarZ"
  88. 5 "beeeh"
  89. 5 "dayz-injector-menu"
  90. 5 "Shadowy_NONRE"
  91. 5 "_cute"
  92. 5 "_stuff"
  93. 5 "_vgmenu"
  94. 5 "_x addMagazineCargoGlobal [\"ItemBriefcase100oz\", 750];"
  95. 5 "_agent2 = createAgent [\"Bandit\""
  96. 5 "{ _agent addWeapon _x; _agent addWeapon _x; _agent addWeapon _x;_agent addWeap"
  97. 5 "+ 1; }]do{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine;"
  98. 5 "_func4"
  99. 5 "_genVar"
  100. 5 "_rand60"
  101. 5 "_first_term"
  102. 5 "_skarmory"
  103. 5 "\";\"+"
  104. 5 "_salamence"
  105. 5 "Init RE"
  106. 5 "Nigger"
  107. 5 "\"You\""
  108. 5 "selectedItemCountLeft = lnbText"
  109. 5 "[[\"Man\",\"Air\",\"Car\",\"Motorcycle\",\"Tank\",\"Ship\",\"StaticWeapon\"],250000]"
  110. 5 "action_crate1"
  111. 5 "_dummyveh"
  112. 5 "], 40000])"
  113. 5 "(getPosATL player) nearObjects [\"Man\", 200];"
  114. 5 "(nearestObject [player, \"Rabbit\"])"
  115. 5 "try saving"
  116. 5 "\"FunctionsManager\", 10000000]) select 0"
  117. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar\",50];"
  118. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar10oz\",50];"
  119. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar\",50];"
  120. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar10oz\",50];"
  121. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemBriefcase100oz\",50];"
  122. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar\",500];"
  123. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar10oz\",500];"
  124. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar\",500];"
  125. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar10oz\",500];"
  126. 5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemBriefcase100oz\",500];"
  127. 5 "rJIPrequest =" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'"
  128. 5 "call player_humanityMorph"
  129. 5 "(createGroup sideLogic)"
  130. 5 "_g = createGroup sidelogic;"
  131. 5 "_u = _g createUnit ["
  132. 5 "_u = _g createUnit [\"Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager\",[0,0,0],[],0,\"NONE\"];"
  133. 5 "_MissionZBoar"
  134. 5 "10000000]) select 0"
  135. 5 "join _Editor;"
  136. 5 "_Editor ="
  137. 5 "\"F\"+\"u\"+\"n\"+\"c\"+\"t\"+\"i\"+\"o\"+\"n\"+\"s\"+\"M\"+\"a\"+\"n\"+\"a\"+\"g\"+\"e\"+\"r\""
  138. 5 "Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager"
  139. 5 "allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager'"
  140. 5 "allmissionobjects \"FunctionsManager\""
  141. 5 "], \"FunctionsManager\"]"
  142. 5 "],\"FunctionsManager\"]"
  143. 5 "\"Functions\" + \"Manager\""
  144. 5="\"Manager\""
  145. 5 "\"Fuck server\""
  146. 5 "c\"+\"reateGroup"
  147. 5 "cr\"+\"eateGroup"
  148. 5 "cre\"+\"ateGroup"
  149. 5 "crea\"+\"teGroup"
  150. 5 "creat\"+\"eGroup"
  151. 5 "create\"+\"Group"
  152. 5 "createG\"+\"roup"
  153. 5 "createGr\"+\"oup"
  154. 5 "createGro\"+\"up"
  155. 5 "createGrou\"+\"p"
  156. 5 "\"Rcon (run twice)\""
  157. 5 "'by Douggem'"
  158. 5 "taskHint ['Nuke incoming, take cover!',[1,0,0,1],'taskNew'];"
  159. 5 "taskHint ['Open your mouth my cock is going in',[1,0,0,1],'taskNew'];"
  160. 5 "taskHint ['LOL NICE ANTIHACK! Your shitty server just got fucked. Have a nice day!',[1,0.05,0.55,1],'taskNew'];"
  161. 5 "Nuke incoming, take cover!"
  162. 5 "Open your mouth my cock is going in"
  163. 5 "LOL NICE ANTIHACK! Your shitty server just got fucked. Have a nice day!"
  164. 5 "_epochGuard = (_epochGroup)"
  165. 5 "\"Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager\""
  166. 5 "'Hel'+'icopterE'+'xplobig'"
  167. 5 "\"Hel\"+\"icopterE\"+\"xploBig\""
  168. 5 "Spawned exploding sheep on all"
  169. 5 "create\"+\"Unit"
  170. 5 "dayz_spawnPos =" !"dayz_spawnPos = getPosATL player" !"dayz_spawnPos = _debugPos;"
  171. 5 "_newUnit = _class"
  172. 5 "_unit = _grp create\"+\"Unit [_type, _itemPos, _class];"
  173. 5 "_unit = _grp createUnit [_type, _itemPos, _class];"
  174. 5 "[_type, _itemPos, _class]"
  175. 5 "_engineered"
  176. 5 "[] spawn {player addMagazine"
  177. 5 "[] spawn {player addWeapon"
  178. 5 "_objectBB"
  179. 5 "(typeOf player) create"
  180. 5 "_hitMemoryBB"
  181. 5 "_compCenter"
  182. 5 "_compList"
  183. 5 "Key [%1] added to inventory!"
  184. 5 "_object = \"Medbox0\" createVehicle (position player);"
  185. 5 "vehicle player addaction"
  186. 5 "respawn_west" !="getMarkerPos \"respawn_west\"" !="getMarkerpos 'respawn_west';"
  187. 5 "attachTo [_hitObjectBB"
  188. 5 "_DMG = 0; exitWith{};"
  189. 5 "addvehicle.sqf"
  190. 5 "cutText [\"Starting Spawn...\", \"PLAIN DOWN\"];"
  191. 5 "createVehicleLocal _fck"
  192. 5 "setDamage 0.9" !="_tree setDamage 0.99;"
  193. 5 "\"T\"+\"i\"+\"tle\"+\"Te\"+\"xt\""
  194. 5 "\"P\"+\"LA\"+\"IN\"+\" \"+\"D\"+\"O\"+\"W\""
  195. 5 "SeCeReTz"
  196. 5 "Razzler"
  197. 5 "Ru$tler"
  198. 5 "= (createGroup east);"
  199. 5 "[[1000,10,0],_group"
  200. 5 "slave = this; re_slave = group this;"
  201. 5 "_expl" !"private [\"_fl\",\"_sm\",\"_expl\",\"_dr\",\"_tv\",\"_i\",\"_wave\",\"_splash\",\"_velz\",\"_v\",\"_int\",\"_t\""
  202. 5 "testsphere1"
  203. 1 "spawn player_humanityMorph" !="[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] spawn player_humanityMorph;" !="[dayz_playerUID, dayz_characterID, _model] spawn player_humanityMorph;"
  204. 1 "createVehicleLocal _position" !"_spawnveh createVehicleLocal _position" !="_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !="_tag = \"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal _position;"
  205. 1 "player addweapon _result;"
  206. 5 "FunctionsManager" !="_logic = _group createUnit [\"FunctionsManager\", [0,0,0], [], 0, \"none\"];"
  207. 1 "_grp" !"createGroup" !="BIS_OO_grpLogic" !="BIS_OO_grp"
  208. 1 "createDialog" !"\"createDialog\"" !"='STR';" !"createdialog \"EpochDeathBoardDialog\";" !"createdialog \"TraderDialog\";" !"createdialog \"ComboLockUI\"" !"createdialog \"SafeKeyPad\";" !"createDialog \"RscDisplayGenderSelect\";" !"createDialog \"RscDisplaySpawnSelecter\";" !"createDialog 'RscDisplayCraftingMenu';" !"createDialog 'DRN_DIALOG';" !="createDialog \"R3F_LOG_dlg_contenu_vehicule\";"
  209. 1 "createDisplay" !"\"createDisplay\"" !"='STR';"
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