

Aug 21st, 2011
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  1. On that matter, some words on Serp's skills that he made already, because it's feedback no?. Yea.. I figured that much skills are more interesting when they give you an "ability" not just a higher dice poll which just matters compared to any other enemy. 40XP at the beginning is ok as long that what you did intend. But more and more into it there will be nothing to new to take any more, So I think at least you should consider some kind of bonuses on higher dots...
  3. *Animate is ok, but it is very based on giving just a Magic + Mind based attack/actions and some minor electronic stuff, that I honestly do not know if it's that useful...
  4. *Barrier is ok, there is nothing wrong with it atm.
  5. *Explosion is interesting, though it is just an upgraded version of Manifest (Or downgraded? It only works better when there is a lot of enemies really...). Also why not merge with manifest?
  6. *Finale Is really underpowered, enough said that it costs 2 corruption and a cooldown, for only two dice for a dot in this skill. A lot more gives hotblood or any other special attack. Also why not merge with manifest?
  7. *Heal Is not really good or bad, it lacks really the development, since it kinda heals (Onto the actual damage a girl can take it is not very helpful), but costs a lot to do any major change in battle. It is more useful outside the battle honestly...
  8. *Hideout Is interesting, but you really would like to fight another girl with 10 bonus dices? Honestly it could be better to merge it with heal, since bonus dices in your own hideout is kinda useful if you want just to battle there, there is no other benefit from that.
  9. *Hot Blood Is the new OP, It can give you the most bonus dice (So far I noticed) out of things (Only if it involves heart that is...). Other than that, getting dots into it, gives you potentially an advantage not only just for normal dices, but any skills you might be wanting to take above this one. It is just too versatile to which it just gives you dices towards everything honestly...
  10. *Influence, Merge with telepathy.
  11. *Magic Skill is kinda meh, because not only you need a high magic to do anything magical, but also magic skill, which makes all the point of magic more costly than just having all other stats high, while having magic on minimum and still do a lot of stuff. It is basically forcing all the magic heavy builds to be even more frail.
  12. *Manifest Is potentially the new OP, Get magic + dots in this skill for one corruption point. For an attack yes, but you would be able to dodge or clash it then as well, considering mostly equal stats of everyone. Add this to hotblood, for two corruption you can get a lot from this really, or just invest in this skill and forget that Clash was ever there. Now I think for the most part this is actually better than explosion, since it does not force you to have at least two targets, split the damage or cost a lot more than one dot per dice. Also it uses your own magic stat, which you probably will increase over time anyway. Thus in general it can provide a lot more dice than explosion, however Explosion itself is still better on very late game and on groups of enemies, a lot of enemies that is....
  13. *Regeneration Would be useful, but it only works when near dead. Thus it hardly works for sustain, but how about just taking successes on regeneration of each individual point(I guess that is not possible)? Anyway A lot of heart and Body will give you also a lot of health and health below your normal, thus can work with this skill (Even that it does not guarantee you to get anything from this skill). On the other note high dots in this skill are going to be interesting, since making it "potentially work". This is also the issue that players do not have a "healing ability" that is equal to the potential damage taken in this game, making it kinda useless to hardly regenerate anything...
  14. *Retribution is potentially the new OP, but it requires you Magic + Mind, while clashing uses two other stats, Body and Heart. It is just free damage, on top of any teleport action you can preform. Potentially you could work this skill out with other abilities you might have, like telekinesis or something, that also uses mind and magic. But one downfall of this skill is that when it is good, no one is really going to be smart enough just to target you all the time for you to use it.
  15. *Telekinesis is a mystery indeed. It allows you substitute Body for Magic and "make" Mind + Magic actions (because there is nothing stated that you can't?). Depending on what you can actually switch Body for Magic, it can be very useful, for example clashing, dodging or cooperate. Such things possible she would no longer need a high Body, since Magic could do things for her instead. What this is going is that Body would no longer be needed and you could potentially invest in other things, and still have a high dice poll at almost everything.
  16. *Telepathy Merge with Influence, there is no need for having them separated. Rest it is ok, as well Influence is ok too.
  17. *Teleport Is enough said something that everyone taken I think... otherwise if there was something to fix it, not removing it, I would go with that.
  18. *Ward Is kinda a useful skill that is hard to benefit from. Of course you can get protection, but you also need to not attack at the same time? It is kinda strange this way that it does not help in the way of protecting that much...
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