
Born from the Void (Spider-Shimmer)

May 21st, 2016
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >And if great power came with great responsibility, your better be getting some more compensation for this shit
  3. >You blasted at the red and blue bitch with your purple bolts, and every fucking time
  4. >EVERY
  6. >TIME
  7. >she dodged them
  8. >Fucking spiders
  9. >You decided now would be the time to pull out the big guns, and brought your hands together, charging a great orb of energy
  10. >Naturally, they would think it's a bomb and get close, trying to knock your hands apart
  11. >that's where the trap came in
  12. >You held your hands high, orb growing in your palms as the building crumbled around you, your wild shots having knocked out supports.
  13. >A web was slung at your wrists, tying them together, then your ankles, sticking you to the ground
  14. >It didn't matter, all she had to do was get close...
  15. >THERE!
  16. >you swung your hands down in a great arc, the orb unspooling, revealing it was in fact a Tether, and this shot didn't miss
  17. >The pulsating purple line was attached directly to Spider-Woman's chest, freezing her in place and opening a gate to the Void Between Worlds beneath her, which began clawing at her ankles, slowly dragging her down
  18. >You grinned, victory at last in hand!
  19. "How does it feel to have a hole ripped in your chest, Spider-Woman!? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO DIE!?"
  20. >Spider-Woman's eyes widened.
  21. >Oh shit
  22. >That was your normal voice, wasn't it
  23. >"Anon?"
  24. >Oh for fucks sake, she knew you
  25. >You played it off, giggling, still giddy as the portal and the tether tore at her body, her suit slowly dissolving into the Void, revealing tanned skin... wait
  26. >Spider-Woman's mask was torn away, revealing flowing red and yellow locks of hair and bright green eyes that glistened with tears of pain and sadness
  27. >Sunset Shimmer
  28. >Your girlfriend
  29. >Void damn it all, it was too late to try and save her, she was almost all the way into the portal!
  30. >Under your mask, your own tears began to flow, and you recalled what brought you to this place...
  32. >Six Months Earlier...
  33. >You are Anon, average student extraordinaire
  34. >And you are currently dying
  35. >Who knew that purple girl's magic demon portal power thing hurt when it hit you directly?
  36. >As it was, there was currently a portal to some other world in your chest, and at it's edges was a bright purple line, slowly widening as it dissolved you
  37. >You lie on the ground, writhing in pain, as that bright purple identified itself:
  38. >The Void Between Worlds, where nothing from mortal realms is allowed to exist.
  39. >It called out for your soul, something new to devour, even if it was minuscule
  40. >The bright, searing line that spread across your chest intensified, and you knew, right then and there, you were going to die.
  41. >If it didn't hurt so much, you would contemplate what that meant
  42. >No more school
  43. >No more crazy shit happening to you
  44. >No more friends.
  45. >No more family.
  46. >No more Happiness, or emotion at all
  47. >Just Non-Existence
  48. >Under normal conditions, your will to live wouldn't really matter
  49. >This time alone though, you fought with all your might, pulling yourself up through the pain, so at the very least you might die standing.
  50. >And the Void noticed
  51. >The voice with no voice rang in your head, giving you an offer:
  52. >It would spare you, grant you power even, but only if you repaid the debt, with interest.
  53. >Interest with the Void accumulated quickly.
  54. >In your desperation, you accepted, not even realizing what that meant.
  55. >The hole in your chest was sealed in an instant, filled instead with raw energy, straight from the depths of the Void
  56. >As Sunset Shimmer gathered the power of her friends and defeated the purple girl, you stood on the sidelines, watching the portals close. The Void Between Worlds had sealed them, but it had left something of itself behind.
  57. >You held it inside yourself.
  58. >Around you, the people cheered, the girl had returned to her normal form, and the school was a mess.
  59. >You just stared ahead, your mind filled with knowledge of what your choice meant.
  60. >You stood in that courtyard for a few hours, your mind whirling as the Void filled your mind with knowledge accumulated by another who had made such a deal, or perhaps had been born in the Void, you didn't quite get that, how could something be BORN in the Void?
  61. >Regardless, now you were technically Voidborn as well, which meant a few things.
  62. >Firstly, as promised, the Void had granted you power, you would have to figure out what that power did on your own, but with the knowledge that had been consumed by the Void it shouldn't be hard
  63. >Second, in order to avoid the Void consuming YOU, you had to consume for it. You had been "assigned" something to consume. Some Voidborn assimilated knowledge into the void, others simple matter, you on the other hand...
  64. >You had to consume Souls.
  65. >You would have to kill people to survive
  66. >It was too late to change your mind about it now though, if you did, you would die, simple as that.
  67. >The third, somewhat important thing imparted to you was simple: the more you consumed in the Void's name, the more power it would grant you, in a constant feedback loop of consumption until you could summon other Voidborn into this world and consume it whole
  68. >That was... not a pleasant thing to think about
  69. >But it would keep you alive, and it's not like it was asking you to kill people you knew, just people in general.
  70. >These facts in mind, you looked up, realizing the moon was high in the sky
  71. >Then you looked down, and realized your fingers were emitting purple lights
  72. >You had thankfully gone unnoticed in the chaos following the attack, otherwise that would be an awkward interrogation
  73. >You shook your hands, trying to get the purple stuff to go away so you could head home, your parents were probably worried about you.
  74. >Then you almost shot your foot off, a purple plasma launching out of your palm and landing next to it.
  75. "Holy shit!"
  76. >You jumped into the air, falling flat on your ass and staring at your hand.
  77. 'Okay', you thought, 'that's freaky, that is freaky as all fuck, how do I do it again'
  78. >You noticed the purple wisps of energy that had come from your fingertips were gone
  79. >You tried to recreate that feeling of the purple magic firing from your palm, but there was nothing.
  80. >You'd have to figure this out later, for now, you had to get home.
  81. >You pulled your phone out of your pocket, realizing it was almost midnight
  82. >Your stomach growled.
  83. >Shit, you hadn't eaten anything since before the magic thing went down.
  84. >You chuckled morbidly to yourself, here you were with the understanding that you would have to murder people frequently from now on, and all you could think of was getting some grub and falling into bed
  85. >God damn you're a sociopath
  86. >Regardless of your new responsibilities, you picked yourself up off the ground, and walked over to your car, which had thankfully not been torn apart by that magic girl's portals
  87. >Seriously you could see several cars in the part of the lot that was closer to the courtyard were cut into pieces cleanly
  88. >fucking crazy, but then, maybe you'd be able to do that later
  89. >You didn't know, apparently you were wrong about getting anything extra from the Void
  90. >Oh well
  91. >You fished your keys out of your pocket, pressing the unlock button and smiling at that familiar "Ker-thunk" of the locks opening
  92. >You opened the door on your shitty 1999 blue sedan, sliding into the driver's seat
  93. >sure, it wasn't much to look at, but it had decent mileage and you took decent care of it.
  94. >you pulled out of the lot, asking Google to find you the nearest open fast food place
  95. >Only McDonalds
  96. >Fuck, better than nothing
  97. >A quick drive through town later and you were munching on delicious salty fries on your ride back home.
  98. >You pulled into your gravel driveway, not surprised to see the house was quiet and there were no other cars.
  99. >Your parents weren't around very often.
  100. >You stepped through your front door, pulling the key out of the knob and greeting your cat, Cake
  101. >Your parents had chosen the name because you took too long to come up with one and he was a birthday present.
  102. >Not that his name mattered much to you, he was still your best friend, and leaped up onto your shoulder like he always did, curling his tail around your neck and nuzzling you
  103. "Hey there Cake, catch any mice?"
  104. >The cat purred in your ear, and you noticed a corpse lying against the trash can, where he always put them when he was done
  105. "Good boy! You get some treats"
  106. >You tossed the dead mouse into the trash, washing your hands, then you poured some treats onto the kitchen counter, smiling as your cat jumped off your shoulder and ate them all up
  107. >You set your bag of food on the coffee table in the living room and collapsed onto the couch, grabbing the remote and switching over to Netflix
  108. >A few hours later, the TV was off, the food was gone, and you were fast asleep on the couch, tears gently streaking down your cheeks from whatever nightmare you were experiencing.
  110. >You woke up to the sound of your phone blaring an alarm
  111. >Fuck you hated that they hadn't even had the decency to hold the games on a Friday
  112. >you blindly reached your hand out onto the table, eventually finding your phone and shutting it off, taking a quick stretch and feeling your back pop
  113. "Hnnnnnng"
  114. >You eventually opened your eyes, checking the time
  115. >6:31
  116. >Time to get ready for school
  117. >thankfully today was in fact Friday, after this you could come home and really relax...
  118. >Looking down at your hands as you stood up, you almost fell back down
  119. >They were glowing bright purple, tendrils of energy flowing around them, seeming to taste the air.
  120. >So that wasn't a dream
  121. >You're an indentured servant of the Void now
  122. >Fuck
  123. >you had to get rid of this, and you didn't want to destroy your house
  124. >Carefully, keeping your hands out in front of you and making sure not to shake them, you stepped into your backyard and pointed them up into the sky
  125. >You imagined that pulsating purple bolt firing from your hands, and the energy... complied?
  126. >With a sound straight out of a science fiction movie, something fast and purple burst from your hands, taking the glow with it, straight into the air.
  127. >It dissipated after a few seconds of travel, but it flew pretty damn far
  128. >Nice!
  129. >You giggled a bit, because who wouldn't get a little excited at using superpowers!
  130. >Granted, this seemed like a pretty shitty super power
  131. >It seemed to take at least a few hours to charge up
  132. >and it didn't seem to do much
  133. >...then you looked at your hands again
  134. "God damnit"
  135. >the purple glow was back, way faster now
  136. >Maybe it showed up when you wanted it to, now that you had fired something intentionally?
  137. >You thought about making the energy fade, and a few seconds later it did, though you could feel a strange tingling under your skin
  138. >Good enough.
  139. >You returned to your home, making sure Cake had food and water, then making preparations for school
  140. >Shit
  141. >Shower
  142. >You didn't have a beard
  143. >And off you went
  144. >You arrived at school a little early, like always
  145. >6:58
  146. >You stepped through the wreckage from the previous day's events, occasionally scratching at your hands to try and get rid of that tingling
  147. >It didn't help much, but you couldn't walk around school with glowing hands!
  148. >You headed to the cafeteria and picked up your breakfast, same as every school day
  149. >Trio of chocolate muffins and a cup of apple juice
  150. >You finished that shit off before Seven
  151. >In the back of your head, you could still feel that Voice with no Voice, calling you to take the souls of everyone around you
  152. >but you couldn't do that, one, you didn't know if you had the power, two, these were people you knew, some of them were even your friends
  153. >You stood up, it was time to get to class.
  154. >A few minutes of walking through the halls, listening to students talk about what had happened yesterday, and you arrived at your first class of the day
  155. >Chemistry
  156. >God you hated this class
  157. >You didn't have the best grasp of concepts like Moles, and pretty much all your labwork was "measure this water, now measure it with salt inside of it" and so on and so forth, boring shit
  158. >You sat down at your table, and a few moments later Sunset Shimmer joined you
  159. >"Hey, you okay after yesterday? I thought I saw you get hit with Twilight's laser things"
  160. >Sunset shimmer, one of your friends
  161. >You had been one of the few to actually accept her after she fucked up the school last year
  162. >Mostly because you hadn't been there that day and she didn't mind control you
  163. >Regardless, it turned out you two had a lot in common
  164. >Both kinda outcasts
  165. >Both kinda shy (though pre-demon, she wasn't)
  166. >Both kinda outcasts
  167. >Both want to make up for any mistakes you've made
  168. >Did you mention you were both outcasts?
  169. >She had her little circle of friends, but the school at large still didn't trust her.
  170. >You just didn't talk to people often enough to gain trust and friendship
  171. >Okay maybe you didn't have that much in common
  172. >But you were friends.
  173. "Yeah, I'm fine, it didn't hit me or anything, scared my pants off though"
  174. >It hurt a bit to lie like that, but you didn't want to tell her you were being forced to become a murderer
  175. >Even if you hadn't actually killed anyone yet
  176. >At that thought, the Void calls you once more, urging you to kill SOMEONE, take their soul and claim it for the Void
  177. >You ignore it, though you don't know how long it will wait before it decides to just kill you
  178. >The tingling was growing stronger with each passing minute, now that you thought about using it on anything at all.
  179. >You checked your hands, making sure they didn't glow
  180. >Nothing, thankfully
  181. >You let out a sigh
  182. >"What's wrong then? You look kinda down"
  183. >You look up
  184. "Nothing, I'm fine, just, you know, almost died falling into a magic portal to another world, kinda trying to get over that is all"
  185. >She scoots her chair closer wrapping an arm around you.
  186. >"Hugs make everything better, learned that one in Equestria"
  187. >You chuckle
  188. "You know, most of the time I forget you're actually a horse trapped in a human body"
  189. >By now the whole school probably knew about Sunset's past, Pinkie had a big mouth after all
  190. >"Pony, actually, but I understand why it's so easy to forget. A few years in a new body will make it feel more natural"
  191. >you pause, wondering if that applied to murder, then shake your head, double checking your hands for that glow
  192. "That's so weird to think about, I don't know if I could handle it the other way around"
  193. >"I imagine you could, you seem like you could adapt to stuff pretty easy"
  194. "Well I'm not a crying mess over almost dying, I guess that means I'm at least a bit adaptable?"
  195. >You lean into the hug, she was just a friend, but if society thought it was unacceptable to lean on a friend in a time like this, society could go fuck itself
  196. >At that moment, the bell rang, signaling class was about to start
  197. >You push away from the hug, pulling out your homework
  198. "Ready for hell?"
  199. >"Already here"
  200. >The hour passed by slowly
  201. >It was getting close to a big test, so your teacher was doing review shit
  202. >You payed attention as best you could, but every now and again you had to make sure your hands weren't glowing as the tingling intensified
  203. >Was that your power growing?
  204. >You didn't know, and wouldn't be able to find out until you had some relative privacy
  205. >But the only reason you even noticed it at this point was the fact that it was still growing.
  206. >You wondered if there was an upper limit to it
  207. >Probably not, it would probably only get worse until you unleashed it
  208. "Hey, Sunny?"
  209. >You poked her with the eraser side of your pencil, making her look at you
  210. >"Yeah?"
  211. "What did it feel like, when you became that angel thing?"
  212. >"I... I felt all tingly, full of energy, you know?"
  213. >You nod
  214. "Yeah, I think I do, like you can run forever, right?"
  215. >"...that's it exactly!... why are you asking?"
  216. "No reason, I just saw you do that and wanted to know how it felt to be an angel. Seriously, you had the wings and everything from what little I saw"
  217. >She chuckles
  218. >"Laying it on thick there, comparing me to an angel"
  219. >You smile
  220. "When it's a literal comparison, it's not really that special, I mean, you were literally glowing and flying and stuff, and I think there was a halo over your head, might be remembering that wrong though"
  221. >"That was probably my horn"
  222. >You're about to say something, but you notice a faint purple glow below your table and quickly sit on your hands, hiding it
  223. >"What are you doing?"
  224. "Umm"
  225. >you're saved by the bell, kinda
  226. >Now you have to make sure your hands aren't glowing
  227. "I'll uh, see you at lunch"
  228. She gives you a strange look
  229. >"...Okay, see you then!"
  230. >you breathe out a sigh as you're the last one left in the room
  231. >you have maybe four minutes to get to your next class
  232. >you pull out your hands
  233. >they're glowing a lot less than normal, but you can see it getting stronger
  234. >shit
  235. >you have no fucking clue what to do about this right now.
  236. >The Voice without a Voice was calling you out right now, urging you to do something with the power you were bottling up inside you
  237. >At this rate you're going to have to suck it up and kill someone here in the school like it's fucking Yandere simulator
  238. >You really don't want to do that though
  239. >You're having a hard enough time grappling with your morality on killing a stranger in a dark alley
  240. >But you got the feeling if you didn't do this soon, you'd be eaten by the Void
  241. >You had to suck it up
  242. >Kill or be killed, isn't that how the saying goes?
  243. >Not like you could hate yourself less for killing a stranger
  244. >You stared at your hands, feeling that tingling in the palms, almost like there was a video game controller vibrating at max speed in your hands
  245. >You sighed, packing up your belongings, you didn't have long left to get to class.
  246. >You went through the halls, there weren't as many people here now.
  247. >In fact, it was almost empty
  248. >You look up, watching the security cameras as you went
  249. 'could I blind those with my powers?'
  250. >Ducking around a corner, you found a hallway completely empty, except for one person
  251. >Flash Sentry
  252. >You hated him and his dudebro ways
  253. >it was almost like the Void was giving you an opportunity
  254. >You checked the hall, there were two security cameras, one at each end, and a broom closet
  255. >hmm
  256. >You put your hands in your pockets, hoping this worked the way you needed it to
  257. >Focusing your mind, you thought about making those cameras simply... stop working.
  258. >at one end of the hallway, two deep purple portals appeared, firing a pair of light pink projectiles that collided with the camera, causing a bit of smoke to come out of it
  259. >behind you, you focused your energy once more, though it took a few seconds this time for the same thing to happen
  260. >Both cameras were knocked out, you didn't have much time before someone came running, and you had to get to class
  261. >it was now or never
  262. >kill Flash Sentry
  263. >or die to the Void
  264. >Only one choice to make here...
  265. >Flash still hasn't noticed anything
  266. >You could still back down, go with your original plan of finding someone random to kill first
  267. >But Flash was a royal Douchebag, if you had to kill someone you know, it would be him.
  268. "Hey Flash!"
  269. >He turned, and you stopped thinking about anything, so you couldn't think yourself out of it.
  270. >It was too late to change course now, the adrenaline was pumping, your stomach had butterflies, your hands were glowing as you pulled them out of your pockets
  271. >"woooah dude, what's with the glowy stuff! Am I high again?"
  272. >His reaction made you angry for reasons you couldn't explain
  273. >He was about to die, and his last words would be "Am I high again?"
  274. >What kind of memory is that?
  275. "See you in the Void, asshole"
  276. >You brought your hands up to your eyes and then back down again in a quick motion, purple void energy launching from your hands in a bolt, directly into his heart
  277. >He gasped, clutching his chest, where his shirt began to dissolve, being eaten by the powers of the Void
  278. >He wasn't dead though
  279. >You threw another missile, grimacing
  280. >This one struck him in the hand that was covering his chest, splashing over it and making it vanish into the Void Between Worlds, slowly crawling down his arm
  281. >He opened his mouth, about to scream
  282. >you shut that up with a third bolt directly to the face, causing his head to dissolve into the Void
  283. >His throat began to bleed profusely as the body slumped to the ground
  284. >You summoned more energy from the Void, throwing it down onto the corpse to properly dispose of it
  285. >You couldn't fire very fast, maybe once every few seconds for the energy to gather properly, but it was enough, the body vanished, all traces of Flash Sentry were no more
  286. >Your hands stopped glowing, and you frowned, walking away quickly, keeping your hands in the pockets of your hoodie once more as you made your way to your next class, the bell ringing above you
  287. >You were late.
  288. >You passed by a few security guards on your way
  289. >Fortunately, they didn't stop you, they probably thought you just came from the bathroom or something
  290. >The adrenaline rush was calming down, your palms were getting sweaty from nervousness
  291. >What if they had seen the glow before the cameras were cut out?
  292. >What if they figured out Flash was dead?
  293. >Did you clean up all the blood?
  294. >Oh god if there was blood left behind you were screwed the last image those cameras got was of you and Flash alone in the hallway and now Flash is missing you made it too obvious!
  295. >You continued to panic like that as you stepped into your next class, Civics
  296. >Fortunately an easy class, so you had more mental capacity to put towards panicking
  297. >"Anon? Where have you been, you're not normally one for tardiness!"
  298. >Your teacher, Ms. Mare, was pretty chill about things, kept it relaxed, fun even, despite having you memorize all Forty Three presidents in order
  299. >Seriously, who needed to know that, sure it was history and all, bu-
  300. >The speaker crackled to life
  301. >"Flash Sentry please report to the front office, Flash Sentry to the front office"
  302. >You held your breath through the message, then let out a sigh of relief, it wasn't a call for you, they probably assumed Flash was trying to skip again or something.
  303. >Time passed by slowly once more, but this time you had no friends to keep you company.
  304. >You spent your time doing the classwork and keeping your ears peeled for any announcement to come down to the office
  305. >The Void seemed pleased with you, the buzzing in had vanished, in it's place was some... thing in the back of your head, giving you a rough idea of how much Void energy you had, much less aggravating, and far less pushy.
  306. >Now that you were a murderer, it wouldn't take as much convincing to kill again.
  307. >You had killed Flash Sentry
  308. >Yeah he was an asshole and a stoner
  309. >But you killed him.
  310. >You tried to justify it to yourself like that until the bell rang
  311. >It didn't work very well, at all.
  312. >You stood up, keeping your hands in your pockets as you headed out the door.
  313. >A hand grabbed your arm, and you stopped, suddenly very afraid.
  314. >"Anon, are you alright?"
  315. >You sighed with relief, it was just Ms. Mare checking on you
  316. "I'm fine, thanks, just a little off from what happened yesterday is all"
  317. >She nodded
  318. >"I imagine we all are a bit shaken up, but if you need to talk to someone about it, my door is always open!"
  319. >You smiled a bit, guilt still weighing heavy on your chest
  320. "Thanks, Ms. Mare, I'll uh, keep that in mind"
  321. >You gently pulled yourself out of her grip, and headed out the door once more, making your way to the Cafeteria, where Sunset would be waiting and you could pretend your problems amounted to being shaken up by the laser blasts that girl put out.
  322. >You still don't know her name, but if you did, you'd curse it
  323. >She was the reason you were like this, and even if she wasn't under her own control, if she hadn't hit you with that laser, the Void wouldn't have done anything to you, you'd have lived a normal life.
  324. >Now you were a murderer
  325. >You stepped into line at the cafeteria, grabbing a plate of popcorn chicken and potato wedges
  326. >Standard fare for a school lunch, thanks Obama
  327. >You moved quickly to the Rainboom's table, plopping your tray down next to Sunset
  328. "Hey, Sunny"
  329. >"Hey, Anon. Say, did you hear about those cameras that got busted? the whole school is talking about it!"
  330. >You blinked, sitting frozen for a second or two
  331. "Nope, not really, maybe a whisper or something, why?"
  332. >Applejack piped up
  333. >"Cause some people are saying there was magic involved!"
  334. >You groan, feigning annoyance, when instead your gut was full of the evil butterflies known simply as "Fear"
  335. "Didn't we just get done with a magic problem?"
  336. >Pinkie pipes of next
  337. "Well yeah, but there could be more magic hanging around and maybe Twilight shot someone and gave them super cool powers or something!"
  338. >God damnit Pinkie not now.
  339. >Fortunately, the others ignore it.
  340. >Lucky you
  341. >"That's a dumb thing to say Pinkie, Twilight's powers ripped a hole to equestria! It's not like that would give you super powers!... Though if I knew it did I'd have jumped right in front of one, because super powers would be AWESOME!"
  342. >Most of the others
  343. "So what about the Cameras? Like, I know they got taken out, but does anyone know what happened to them?"
  344. >Rarity spoke up
  345. >"Well Dear, they should be looking through the footage now! I do hope they catch the ruffian responsible, our school is dangerous enough as it is, what with the incidents that keep cropping up!"
  346. >Oh shit
  347. >Oh fuck
  348. >What if you're on those tapes right before they go off
  349. >They'll know it was either you or Flash so they'll bring you in
  350. >Fuck shit dick
  351. >You fucked up
  352. >You shake your head to try and free yourself from the fear, blinking a bit
  353. >"Hey, you sure you're okay?"
  354. >You not at Sunset
  355. "Yeah, just, still a little shaky I guess. Almost falling into another world will do that"
  356. >You shiver, remembering how cold it was when the Void ate at you, how painful it was to have parts of your torso be consumed like that.
  357. "...not being a fan of heights doesn't help either"
  358. >"This sounds like a call for a "You didn't die!" party!"
  359. >Pinkie pls
  360. >"That actually sounds like a good idea, it would probably help a lot of students cope after such a traumatic experience"
  361. You look up, finding the purple eyes of Princess Celestia looking down at you all past her boobs
  362. >Ohhh SHIT
  363. >"Oh, hi Principal Celestia!"
  364. >God dammit
  365. >"So would you let me host the party at the school?"
  366. >Celestia nodded
  367. >"You'll have to talk to Luna about scheduling it, but I'm sure next weekend would be available for such an event"
  368. >Pinkie jumped out of her chair, fists pumping in excitement "HEY EVERYONE! THERE'S GONNA BE A "YOU DIDN'T DIE!" PARTY NEXT WEEKEND!"
  369. >You covered your ears
  370. >Jesus she was loud
  371. >"Oh, before I forget, Anonymous, please come with me, Luna would like to ask you a few questions"
  372. >FUCK
  375. >You stand up, just a bit of fear showing
  376. "Did she say what she was going to be asking me about?"
  377. >"No, but I assure you that you're in no trouble"
  378. >You let out a sigh of relief, this didn't mean you were off the hook, but they probably wanted to know if you saw anything about the cameras
  379. >You take your last bite of lunch and grab your backpack, putting your hands back in your pockets
  380. "See you guys later, I guess"
  381. >They said their goodbyes, and you were led to the VP's office
  382. >Celestia opened the door
  383. >"Anonymous is here for you, sister"
  384. >"Good, let him in"
  385. >Luna's room was really dark, just a single desk lamp and the pale glow of a monitor, both directed away from you.
  386. >"Hello, Anon, have a seat please"
  387. >God damn this was intimidating
  388. >you blinked, realizing that even though it was dark, you could see perfectly, so you didn't even fumble when you grabbed the chair
  389. >"And there's the proof I needed"
  390. >You froze
  391. >Proof?
  392. "Proof?"
  393. >"The Void has many servants, Anonymous"
  394. >Oh shit
  395. >OH SHIT
  397. "What's the Void?"
  398. >Also known as "play dumb"
  399. >Not that it was hard, you still didn't know that much
  400. >She laughed
  401. >"The Void is what grants you your powers, of course!"
  402. "Powers?"
  403. >"Oh, I see, you're trying play dumb, please, do relax, we won't punish you for anything you've done, we are on the same team, after all!"
  404. >you slowly sank into the chair
  405. "...My Vice Principal works for the Void Between Worlds, that's not something I was expecting"
  406. >She broke out into a fit of giggles, evidently she had seen the look on your face
  407. >it was probably a really stupid look
  408. >Either that or the Void had driven her insane.
  409. >You didn't know which option was better here
  410. >She calmed down after a few moments, her short light blue hair bouncing a bit as she sat forward, now serious once more
  411. >"What do you consume for the Void?"
  412. >You paused for a second, the weight of your responsibility heavy on your chest once more.
  413. "I consume Souls."
  414. >She nodded
  415. >"That means you've already killed, the Void is not patient"
  416. >You sighed, there was no hiding it
  417. "Yes"
  418. >She smiled faintly, her lips turning up just at the corners
  419. >"And, pray tell, who was unfortunate enough to be sent to the Void?"
  420. >Might as well be honest, if she worked with the Void, she'd understand, right?
  421. >But you paused
  422. >What if she didn't like you killing her students and used whatever powers she had on you?
  423. >What if she simply had you arrested?
  424. >What if what if what if, there were too many things to think about here
  425. >So you just let your mouth take over, and get a piece of that weight off your chest
  426. "...Flash Sentry, I killed Flash Sentry"
  427. >She frowned now, her eyes narrowing
  428. >"I understand if you were pressured by the Void, but I would rather you not take your souls during the school day, the students are fearful enough as it is, even if they hide it through their 'unity'"
  429. >You nodded, slowly relaxing
  430. >She hadn't killed you or anything
  431. >Today was your lucky fucking day
  432. "I'll try to avoid that, but... if the Void tells me to do something I'll probably have to do it"
  433. >She sighed
  434. >"Well yes, of course, but my own goals require this school remain relatively intact"
  435. >Her own goals?
  436. >Did that mean what she consumed for the Void or something else?
  437. "...If you don't mind me asking, what do you destroy for the Void?"
  438. >That faint smile returned
  439. >"I am entitled to my secrets, little Voidborn, I may tell you at a later date, but for now... we must discuss how we will keep you a secret"
  440. "I'm already doing that though, there's not even a body!"
  441. >"Not from the world at large, that is quite simple, no, we need to ensure your identity is not discovered by those who directly oppose the Void's consumption of worlds"
  442. >There are people who know about the Voidborn?
  443. >That actually think they can fight it?
  444. >You would laugh if she didn't sound so serious
  445. "What's so dangerous about them? I mean, they're just normal humans, right?"
  446. >"No, Anon, they are not.."
  447. "So, the Void isn't the only source of crazy superpowers?"
  448. >"No, there are other sources of magic and strength, Egypt in particular has some rather irritating powers at it's command..."
  449. >She drew off, muttering something about alligators and jackals
  450. >Wait
  451. "So hold up, there are entire countries with magic powers?"
  452. >She scoffed
  453. >"Of course not, that would be ridiculous, it is simply that certain powers can only be found in certain locations!"
  454. >Oh
  455. >That made much more sense
  456. "So you say there are people out there who want to stop the Void... are they working together?
  457. >"No, thankfully, it would be much harder to claim this world if they were. Most work in small groups that do not know of each other's existence, but there's one in particular who worries us, for he carries the powers of the Void within him, and uses them to halt it's progress."
  458. >wat
  459. >no seriously wat
  460. >you could have taken the deal AND NOT KILLED ANYONE?
  461. "It's possible to do that?"
  462. >"This man appears to be a very... special case, he did not accept an offer from the Void, like most, instead, he stole the power from another, and the Void is not happy about that"
  463. >You sighed
  464. >Good to know you really didn't have a choice
  465. >Not that it made you feel any better.
  466. >"I imagine, given what the Void has tasked you with, you will eventually be forced to face him yourself. I wish you luck in that quest, and will help in any way I can, but for now, I do believe it is time for you to return to classes, I will give you a pass, do not worry"
  467. >you blinked, she had gone from "Senior Voidborn" to "Vice Principal" in less than an instant
  468. >That was fucking spooky
  469. >You stood, slinging your backpack over your shoulder once more and taking the small slip of paper from Luna
  470. "Thank you... say, can I ask you something?"
  471. >"hmm? Of course"
  472. "Well, I'm still trying to figure out my powers, I imagine I won't be able to do my job too well until I know what I can do, and I was wondering if you could help with that"
  473. >She nodded "I've been expecting a Voidborn to be in the student body for quite a while, I have a room prepared for just that, come back here after school and we will discover what you're capable of"
  474. >That made you pause
  475. >She'd been planning for something like this to happen?
  476. >That was... odd, how could she be so certain?
  477. >Or was she just the type of person who prepared for everything
  478. >You didn't know, but having a place to train your powers would be really useful
  479. >You smiled a bit, nodding "Alright, sounds good, I'll uh, see you then I guess"
  480. >She smiled back, returning to her normal work, whatever that was.
  481. >This was so fucking surreal
  482. >You stepped back out of the dark room, wincing as your eyes adjusted
  483. >You almost wanted to go back in that nice, cool, dark room
  484. >But you had to get to class
  485. >You walked quickly through the halls, making your way to your Geometry class
  486. >Mr. Discord was fun, even if he seemed to not care about his students on a personal level
  487. >You started to wonder how many other staff members were Voidborn
  488. >Was Ms. Mare?
  489. >Was Celestia?
  490. >What if Celestia wasn't Voidborn and didn't even know about Luna?
  491. >That'd be a trip
  492. >You made it to class
  493. >There was still Guilt.
  494. >As you sat down next to Applejack and pulled out your homework, the guilt weighed heavy on your chest
  495. >You had killed someone, even if it was to survive
  496. >You were going to have to kill again
  497. >If the Void was impatient as you thought, you would probably have to murder someone either tonight or Tomorrow
  498. >"Hey sugarcube, what'd Luna want to talk about?"
  499. >You blinked
  500. >If you lie, AJ will sniff it out like a fucking dog
  501. >If you told the full truth, well, that would be bad
  502. >So you went the middle way
  503. "She wanted to talk about what happened to me when that purple girl shot portals everywhere"
  504. >She frowned
  505. >"I thought you said nothing happened to ya"
  506. >shit
  507. >now you fucked up
  508. "I lied, because I didn't want anyone worrying about me"
  509. >She frowned harder
  510. >"Lying isn't the way to go, now tell me what happened"
  511. >You sighed
  512. >You still obviously couldn't tell her the full truth
  513. >So you gave another half truth
  514. "I got hit directly by one of her lasers, there was a hole in my chest leading to another world, okay? It hurt a lot is all"
  515. >Her eyes went wide as apples
  516. >"Yer telling me you almost became a portal to Equestria, and you're just fine with it?"
  517. "Well what else am I supposed to do!? Cry about it like some child? It hurt, yeah, it was traumatic, yeah, but I lived, in fact, there's not a scratch on me, so why should I be upset about it!?"
  518. >She shrunk back at your outburst
  519. >Shit, the stress was getting to you
  520. "Sorry, I just, I already talked about this with Luna and then y-"
  521. >She put a finger to your lips, shutting you up
  522. "Ah understand, sorry for pushing so hard, I just wanted to know if you was okay is all"
  523. >You sighed
  524. "Still, sorry, let's just get this work done, unless you've got something else to talk about while we do it?"
  525. >She nodded, a slight smile creeping up onto her tanned, freckled face
  526. "Well of course, there's always the topic of your thing for Sunset..."
  527. >Oh god dammit
  528. >You still regretted telling her about that
  529. >Yeah, you wanted to be more than friends.
  530. >But after recent events, you knew it wouldn't happen
  531. >You had several secrets to keep now
  532. >You were a servant of a fucking world spanning... entity? you honestly didn't know what the Void Between Worlds WAS, maybe you could ask Luna about that
  533. >You were a murderer
  534. >You would have to kill again
  535. >You shook your head slightly, trying to get yourself out of that guilt loop, making AJ stare
  536. >"It was just a joke, Anon, I know you don't like ta talk about that"
  537. >You sighed
  538. "I don't, but that's not why I'm shaking my head, just, bad thoughts is all"
  539. >She nodded sagely
  540. >"Alright then, I'll leave ya alone, you look like you've had enough today"
  541. >You chuckled, thinking of how lucky you were today, how many close calls you had
  542. >Almost got caught with glowing hands
  543. >Almost got caught murdering someone
  544. >Thought you were going to be questioned by Luna
  545. >It's been a rough day.
  546. "You could say that"
  547. >The hour past by quicker than you realized, and soon, you left AJ and moved on to your final class of the day:
  548. >Gym
  549. >Oh how you hated it
  550. >Fucking mandated classes
  551. >At least now you wouldn't have to deal with Flash in there
  552. >Because you killed him
  553. >You probably wouldn't get over that for a while
  554. >Maybe you never would
  555. >A part of you hoped you never would
  556. >Regardless, you dressed out in the locker room, listening to the gossip around you
  557. >Flash had gotten arrested
  558. >Flash had quit school
  559. >Flash had fucked up those cameras for a senior prank and got expelled
  560. >Seemed like the only thing everyone could talk about was that blue haired asshole.
  561. >It only made the guilt hurt more, knowing the truth
  562. "Flash is dead"
  563. >You hadn't even realized you said it, but it happened at the exact moment everyone shut the fuck up for .5 seconds, like they always did with gossip like this
  564. >As one, their heads turned your way
  565. >God dammit
  566. >Your big mouth just fucked you over hard.
  567. >The questions came
  568. >"How do you know?"
  569. >"Is he really dead?"
  570. >"Did you kill him?"
  571. >"Yeah, did you?"
  572. >You blink, those questions weren't what you expected
  573. >I mean, you knew stereotypical jocks were stupid
  574. >But this was a whole new level
  575. "No, no, I didn't fucking kill him, what would make you think that?"
  576. >"You're the one who said he was dead, asshole!"
  577. >You sigh, pushing down your guilt and hoping it didn't show on your face
  578. "I heard he got into some shit with the cops and pulled out a gun on them"
  579. >The crowd seemed placated by that
  580. >"Shit dude, you for real?"
  581. >You nodded, and so the conversation went, you pretended you had only heard this, not saw it for yourself, they ate it up, pretty soon the whole school would think Flash Sentry was a case of suicide by cop and the reason they didn't hear about it was Flash's father was on the corp, and wanted it kept hidden.
  582. >You hated how easy it was to lie to them
  583. >You were eventually called out of the locker room by your coach and put through your warm ups, and afterwards, a game of dodgeball
  584. >Surprisingly, you weren't decked in the face the second the whistle blew
  585. >Apparently Flash was the one who went after you like that
  586. >But as the game progressed and balls flew all around you, something happened
  587. >A ball was about to hit you directly in the face, there was no dodging it, you couldn't even get your arm up to block
  588. >Time seemed to slow, and you saw a purple miasma appear from nowhere, blocking the ball a little over a foot away from your face, letting it drop neatly into your outstretched palm, a second later it was gone, and you were left standing with it in your hand, wondering what just happened as you threw the ball back at the other team.
  589. >Your group won the game, and you attributed that to your void-shield, as you had decided to call it
  590. >Every time you had thought you were about to be hit, which, thankfully, wasn't often, the purple miasma appeared, blocking the shot, sometimes even two, before vanishing.
  591. >No one else seemed to notice this.
  592. >They honestly thought you were using your hands
  593. >Impressive...
  594. >You had finished getting dressed again
  595. >You were worried your hands would glow in the public showers, where you couldn't hide them, but it seems you now had much more control over that
  596. >Only took murdering someone
  597. >The final bell rings and you head out to your car, noting that now that you were in the sunlight, you could still faintly see the miasma around you.
  598. >That reminds you of something
  599. >you're staying after school today idiot
  600. >You turn around, heading back inside and making your way to Luna's office
  601. >You wandered through the empty halls, thinking about what you did, what you COULD do, with these powers
  602. >Your shield especially
  603. >Could you stop bullets? other magic?
  604. >How strong was it? it seemed to flicker away after getting hit once, but while it was up it seemed to block everything...
  605. >You knocked on Luna's door, maybe she could help you figure it out...
  608. CHAPTER 2: Insects of two kinds
  610. >Luna opened the door at your knocking
  611. >"Oh hello, Anonymous! You're here for your training, correct?"
  612. "Yeah, I guess"
  613. >"Come in, the room is connected to this one, there, we can figure out what you're capa- what is that thing around you?"
  614. >She blinked
  615. "Oh, this thing?"
  616. >you put your hand up against the miasma, which had no solidity to it, it felt more like a strange gas that constantly moved
  617. "It's a shield, it popped up during gym class, it seems to work without me having to think about it, and it's almost invisible, and that's good because I don't know how to turn it off"
  618. >She looked for a moment, blinking
  619. >"This is... curious, come come, we'll test it's limits inside"
  620. >You stepped into the dark room, your eyes quickly adjusting to the lack of light as she took you to a side door, and from there down a short hallway to a room that didn't look like it should have been able to fit inside the school, let alone in this tucked away corner!
  621. ", it's uh, it's big"
  622. >She chuckled
  623. "Well, this door /is/ a portal to a piece of the Void, I imagine you will eventually get your own pocket plane from it as well, it seems most Voidborn do"
  624. >now it was your turn to stare at her
  625. "You're serious? I could have a room the size of the school to put stuff in just like that?"
  626. >"perhaps not quite so large as mine, but yes, in time, I imagine the Void will grant you that gift"
  627. >She led you towards one corner in particular, which was loaded with training dummies, targets, weights, and other such things you would typically find in a gym
  628. >"Here we are, please, stand in the center over there"
  629. >She pointed towards an area with a large circle of dummies, several circles actually, ranging from five feet to fifty feet away from the center
  630. >you nodded, and stood where she pointed
  631. >"Now, please, vent your power, I wish to see what you're capable of"
  632. >You nodded again, calling forth the power and making your hands faintly glow
  633. >"Stop"
  634. >why?
  635. >what's her deal here?
  636. >she points at your hands
  637. >"What is that"
  638. >you blink
  639. "Just my power, I guess?"
  640. >"Wrong, it's a Tell"
  641. "A tell?"
  642. >she facepalms, great, now you feel stupid
  643. >"It signals that you are about to do something with your power"
  644. "oooooh, okay... I don't know how to get rid of it though"
  645. >She nodded
  646. >"I imagine you can't, it is simply part of you. however, I can hide it... and your identity as a whole, but we can get to that later, for now, please continue with whatever you were planning to do"
  647. >You turned back to the dummies, throwing a purple bolt out at them
  648. >It melted an arm clean off
  649. >"hmm, single target, not the most effective thing, very basic, do you have anything else?"
  650. >you looked back
  651. "I just melted an arm off and you say it's not very effective?"
  652. >She chuckled
  653. >"You'll understand soon, I imagine, now, is there anything else you can currently do?"
  654. >You sighed, focusing on making the twin orbs from before, your hands thrusting out of their own accord as they appeared, causing a head to implode on itself as the waves collided on it
  655. >"small area of effect, does damage... is this what you used to disable the cameras?"
  656. "Yes"
  657. >She pulled a clipboard from... somewhere, now scribbling on it lightly, muttering to herself
  658. >"silencing... deals damage... how long does it take to recharge it?"
  659. "Uhh, few seconds?"
  660. >"Do it again, and time how long it takes for you to create a second one"
  661. >you nodded, following her instructions
  662. >six seconds to make a new one, that's rather fast in your mind
  663. "Six seconds, wow"
  664. >she scribbled the number down, nodding to herself
  665. >"Is there anything else?"
  666. >You shook your head
  667. >"hmm, no, I do believe there is, you have taken a life, you will have something extra from the Void, and you say you do not focus to create your shield, so I do not believe that is it..."
  668. >you had something else?
  669. >you felt inside yourself, inside the Void... and something felt back
  670. "I think I may have something..."
  671. >She smirked
  672. >"Use it"
  673. >You called to the Void...
  674. >and the Void listened
  675. >next to you, an... insect of some sort appeared
  676. >it was purple, with three glowing yellow eyes, and before you could even react, it started skittering towards the nearest dummy, starting to eat at it.
  677. >The more it destroyed the dummy, the more of it's friends showed up
  678. >you quickly found yourself surrounded in at least ten of the creatures
  679. "JESUS CHRIST!"
  680. >You jumped up into the air... and didn't come back down
  681. >you looked down
  682. >you were kinda just hanging in the air
  683. >you were less worried about that
  684. >more worried about the army you were currently summoning
  685. >...and they were gone
  686. >twelve seconds later every single one of them vanished, presumably back into the Void
  687. >they had decimated the dummies around you, and Luna had been forced to back away, lest they potentially target her
  688. >"Well... that was certainly interesting, it seems you can summon Voidlings!"
  689. >you were curious now
  690. "Voidlings?"
  691. >you turned in mid air, not even realizing it until you remembered your feet weren't touching the ground
  692. "...slightly less important, but is floating normal for Voidborn?"
  693. >Luna giggled
  694. >"Not all of us, but yes, there are many who do not touch the ground, though I suggest you avoid doing that in public"
  695. "That's great, I would if I knew how"
  696. >the giggling turned into full on laughter
  697. >god damn you're a fool
  698. >"Oh Anonymous, that is quite entertaining, it's... quite simple really, just wish to be back on the ground"
  699. >you facepalmed, and then you were set back on your own two feet
  700. "Alright, now that... that's dealt with, mind explaining the Voidlings?"
  701. >"Ah, yes, they're... primitive creatures of the Void, comparable to ants here, of course, they are quite a bit stronger than such insects"
  702. >you nodded, looking at the destruction around you
  703. "So, swarm mentality, I take it? they all kinda went after the same target"
  704. >"Oh, you weren't directing them?"
  705. "Nope, kinda scared me when it popped up"
  706. >"hmm, very interesting..."
  707. >That's one word for it.
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