

Feb 2nd, 2014
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  1. [11:28:32] EVE System > Channel MOTD: <br><color=0xff00ffff>Recruitment Status: </color><fontsize=18><color=0xff00ff00>OPEN</fontsize></color><br><br><b><color=0xff00ffff>Welcome!</b> If someone isn't with you shortly please send an eve mail to any Maraque member in channel.</color><br><br><color=0xffffff00>Recruitment - </color><fontsize=18><color=0xff00ff00>OPEN</fontsize></color><br><color=0xffffff00>Mining pilots needed.<br>No trial accounts.<br>Full API required.</color><br><br><color=0xff00ff00>** We are located in the Genesis Region for Highsec operations.<br><br>** We are located in Outer Passage for Nullsec operations.</color>
  2. [11:53:57] ExhaleCIouds > whats the best barge?
  3. [11:54:33] Dainus > <loc><url=showinfo:17480>Procurer</url>
  4. [11:55:09] Dainus > Reason: Suicide gankers cannot kill you
  5. [11:55:24] Dainus > which is not the case for other two
  6. [11:56:08] Dainus > <url=killReport:36223765:cf8badc1b3554ad8c072f789d00aa176d3be6be2>Kill: Xanros ires (Covetor)</url>
  7. [11:56:10] Dainus > <url=killReport:36222353:c74eb57c6960a02b888d3310d2ffa875ed4d28ad>Kill: Callista Darkstar (Retriever)</url>
  8. [11:57:47] Dainus > And here is the fit for a Proc: <url=fitting:17480:28576;1:2048;1:2281;2:17482;1:3831;1:2553;1:2454;4::>Get off my rock</url>
  9. [12:06:31] ExhaleCIouds > what is the best barge to use
  10. [12:06:33] ExhaleCIouds > ?
  11. [12:07:55] Dainus > ummm scroll up
  12. [12:12:45] ExhaleCIouds > I had to log out cause of server maintenece, soz D=
  13. [12:12:57] ExhaleCIouds > I know they are situational, but lets say for High SEC?
  14. [12:13:02] Dainus > <url=showinfo:17480>Procurer</url>
  15. [12:13:11] Dainus > Reason: Suicide gankers cannot kill you
  16. [12:13:18] Dainus > which is not the case for other two
  17. [12:13:22] Dainus > <url=killReport:36223765:cf8badc1b3554ad8c072f789d00aa176d3be6be2>Kill: Xanros ires (Covetor)</url>
  18. [12:13:24] Dainus > <url=killReport:36222353:c74eb57c6960a02b888d3310d2ffa875ed4d28ad>Kill: Callista Darkstar (Retriever)</url>
  19. [12:13:26] ExhaleCIouds > Thanks loads, my friend
  20. [12:13:36] Dainus > And here is the fit for a Proc: <url=fitting:17480:28576;1:2048;1:2281;2:17482;1:3831;1:2553;1:2454;4::>Get off my rock</url>
  21. [12:17:29] Dainus > Have you sent your application with API key?
  22. [12:21:25] ExhaleCIouds > No I'm super drunk at the moment. BUt I will set up AP{I information tomorrow, This is my first account! I dont know too much, but I learn quickly. Some of my friends from RIFT really wanted me to play and gave me isk to play!
  23. [12:22:19] Dainus > Why don't you join them then?
  24. [12:24:21] ExhaleCIouds > They Just resubbed
  25. [12:24:34] ExhaleCIouds > As and dont have a guild to join either.
  26. [12:24:52] Dainus > ah k
  27. [12:25:42] ExhaleCIouds > They told me they have combat frigates, Does this corporation need protections stuff foor miners/haulers.
  28. [12:27:07] Dainus > We are primarily mining corp but we do other things aswell
  29. [12:27:17] ExhaleCIouds > Sorry, one of my friends has a carrier.
  30. [12:27:28] Dainus > so anyone is welcome
  31. [12:27:32] ExhaleCIouds > Don't miner's need protection in low security zones?
  32. [12:28:21] Dainus > Not really. In nullsec when somebody enters the system you dock up and change to a combat ship
  33. [12:28:36] Dainus > we are miners with sharp teeths :)
  34. [12:28:57] ExhaleCIouds > NICE!
  35. [12:29:42] ExhaleCIouds > I'm still in a mining frigate, but in about 3 days I should have my skills for barge.
  36. [12:30:01] ExhaleCIouds > This game is ridiculously, fun.
  37. [12:30:20] Dainus > And very big
  38. [12:32:00] ExhaleCIouds > Yes! its absurd! I couldnt believe neraly 300k USD worth of plex was lost in that battle
  39. [12:32:06] ExhaleCIouds > So I had to sub.
  40. [12:32:52] ExhaleCIouds > And right after that battle, steam made a really good sale for a starter pack+ 1 PLEX for 19$ and I just had to do ett!
  41. [12:33:30] Dainus > Have you redeemed the items you got with starter pack?
  42. [12:35:17] ExhaleCIouds > Yes, sir!
  43. [12:35:20] ExhaleCIouds > and the plex too!
  44. [12:35:27] ExhaleCIouds > So I have loads of isk to work with!
  45. [12:35:31] Dainus > cool
  46. [12:41:06] Dainus > What are your friend names?
  47. [12:41:53] ExhaleCIouds > Uhhh
  48. [12:41:54] ExhaleCIouds > in game
  49. [12:41:57] ExhaleCIouds > Ithink
  50. [12:42:00] ExhaleCIouds > letme check
  51. [12:42:17] ExhaleCIouds > Sarmad
  52. [12:42:28] ExhaleCIouds > hes the one with the carrier
  53. [12:42:35] ExhaleCIouds > and I forgot to add the other one haha
  54. [12:44:04] Dainus > Hello <url=showinfo:1376//94296555>Walter Conte</url>
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