

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. My dad had back surgery last week and he's been in the hospital since then. The surgery went fine but he's pretty beat up so the recovery's been a bit of a struggle. He'll be coming home tomorrow but the whole thing's had me anxious and worried the whole time. I know he was really worried that the surgery wouldn't go well or it would leave him unable to do anything he likes to do for the rest of his life but I guess he's coming home tomorrow so it seems it's all good.
  3. Now the bigger problem is that we're getting MORE SNOW and I'm just beyond exhausted with it. Things were just changed a bit at work to make stuff easier and in comes the weather to destroy all of that. Hopefully it only sticks around for a week and we can get back to the temps we should have (it's supposed to be 50-60F and it's going to be 20-30F this week!!).
  5. Games are great at least. Ni No Kuni 2 is a joy, Atelier Lydie and Kirby are comfy, Alliance Alive seems great, it's all good.
  7. I'm going to start watching 2 anime series each month or really, 1 26 ep series per 2 weeks, 1 13 ep series per week or 1 52 ep series per month. I've got a bunch of bluray sets stacked up and I need to watch them and not waste money.
  9. I don't know how I feel about SGDQ game list. Either game would be fun but I'm also wondering how much time I'll have to dedicate to keeping up on it with taking care of my dad during recovery, work and wanting to keep casual stuff going.
  11. Here's a song:
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