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Sep 27th, 2012
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  1. It was another peaceful morning in the Golden Oaks library. Twilight Sparkle was up bright and early, dusting shelves and reorganizing books. Spike was sleeping in, as usual, which irritated the purple unicorn, but she had no major events planned for the day, so there wasn’t much for him to help her with anyway. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
  2. “Come in!” she called lightly as she used her magic to open the door. Applejack stepped in, or rather, something that resembled Applejack, as it stood on two legs, her face contorted and her lips pursed.
  3. “Twilight,” she said gruffly. “Ah will fuck you in the butt.”
  4. Twilight’s eyes widened as she spun on the spot, facing her friend. “W-What did you just say?” she asked, flabbergasted. Applejack broke her stare at Twilight to reach her mouth into her saddlebag and pull out a strap-on with her mouth.
  5. “Ah shai-, Ah wih vuc ou in zhe buh.” And with a gleeful holler, she charged at Twilight, who leaped over a table and out the open door of the library, galloping through the streets of Ponyville. She dared not turn around, for she could hear her friend’s hooves getting closer and closer, accompanied by the occasional victory holler.
  6. As she passed Sugarcube Corner, she noticed the frequency of hoofsteps had increased. Daring to understand what was going on, she turned around—and gasped. She was no longer being followed by Applejack alone, but hominid forms of Big Macintosh, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, all three also carrying strap-ons in their mouth. Why would Big Mac need a strap-on? She considered briefly in her flight before deciding there were more important issues to deal with, like why she was being chased by her friends, or what she thought were her friends, despite the fact that they ran on two legs, and why there was another bipedal creature in orange clothing trying to fit an enormous sandwich into its mouth while sitting atop a rock. I must be dreaming. She thought again, realizing how ridiculous her situation was.
  7. Still she ran, rousing the attention of many of the ponies in their morning rituals. She passed Octavia, who was napping in the park, and raised her head to see what had woken her. She blinked once at the strange scene, then lowered her head and promptly fell asleep again. Twilight was now focusing on teleporting out of there; though paying more attention to her spell caused her to slow down. They were gaining on her, and would surely catch her in a few seconds. Focusing all her energy into her horn, Twilight thought about a street on the other side of town, and vanished in a flash of purple light just as the humanoid versions of her friends pounced on the spot of ground she occupied less than a second before.
  8. As Twilight rubbed her head, she looked around. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a dream, seeing as she could feel the burning sensation that comes with the teleportation. Gazing at the carnage left by her escape from her friends, she was shocked to see more bipedal creatures, including a young female who had mounted a young colt.
  9. Mounted.
  10. Twilight suppressed a scream, and then cantered away from town. Clearly nowhere was safe. She needed to find help, and fast.
  12. Meanwhile, in Cloudsdale, Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts, had just finished her morning exercises rather early and decided to return home. Soarin’ didn’t join her this morning, and she wondered why. Then again, he wasn’t exactly known for always showing up. He was very laid back, and sometimes she wondered why she ever accepted him onto the Wonderbolts team in the first place.
  13. Opening her door, she was startled to see Soarin’ sitting on her couch with a magazine held in his hooves. Looking over his shoulder, she just managed to make out herself, naked and wet from an after practice shower, before Soarin’ quickly closed it and turned around.
  14. “S-So, Spit-Spitfire! W-What are you doing home so early?” he gulped. Blushing with rage and embarrassment, she grabbed him and the magazine with her hooves and threw him outside, slamming the door behind him. Soarin’ sighed as the magazine fell on his muzzle. “Well, looks like I should get rid of this thing,” he said to no one in particular. “Can’t even look at it without feeling guilty.” And with that, he picked up the magazine in his mouth and flew to the only place he knew where it would be gone for good.
  16. Twilight trotted tearfully out of town, wondering how and why this happened. She would normally try to look at every situation she couldn’t explain and try to find a rational explanation, but no matter how much she racked her brains, nothing made sense.
  17. As if to mock her confusion, the sky split open in a bright violet light. Twilight squinted at its brilliance, and when the light vanished and she opened her eyes, she was shocked to find a humanoid version of herself, as well as humanoid versions of her friends, carrying large weapons while dressed in tightly fitting black clothing. Twilight blinked. “Oh, what now?”
  18. The human Twilight approached her and gasped. “Don’t tell me,” she said, and Twilight noticed she sounded exactly like her. “We arrived at the beginning of the Great Humanification?” She bit her lip and knelt down in front of pony Twilight, looking at her with pity. “Twilight, I know it’s hard to believe this, but I’m you from the future, and something really bad is going to happen to you, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.” Before pony Twilight could open her mouth to ask any questions, the humans took off into town, firing their weapons, though she couldn’t turn to see what they were firing at, as someone had grabbed her from behind.
  20. “So, you say this is a rare issue?” said the fat, balding man behind the counter, looking at the magazine Soarin’ had tossed in front of him. He didn’t even bother asking why the owners of the pawn shop had suddenly become human, he just wanted to get rid of the thing.
  21. “Yeah, and it’s vintage too,” he said stiffly. “Well, last year, but still collectible!” The man turned it over in his hands and frowned. “Let me call up my buddy, he’s an expert in sexy pony magazines.” Within minutes, a second man had walked into this shop, though how he managed to fit his rotund body through the doorway, Soarin’ will never know. He picked up the magazine and began flipping through its pages.
  22. “Hmm… not exactly a collector’s item,” he said in a thick accent. “How much were you looking to sell this for?”
  23. “Ten bits.”
  24. “This shit ain’t worth ten bits. Try one.”
  25. “Eight bits.”
  26. “I’ll meet you halfway. Three bits.”
  27. Soarin’ blinked. “Three bits isn’t halfw-“
  28. “It’s three bits or nothing. Your choice.”
  29. Soarin’ ground his teeth. He was looking to make a little more profit, but if this was the most he could get…
  30. “Alright, I’ll sell.” He extended his hoof over the counter and shook their hands while they tossed three small coins over the counter. Soarin’ picked them up in his mouth and put them away. At least it wasn’t a total waste.
  31. Twilight struggled against whoever was pulling her away. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She didn’t want to die. Not like this. Then she remembered what her human self said, that she would survive, but if she’s human in the future, then is this it? Her transformation? She stopped struggling. Despite her resentment of becoming a different species, she knew that contradicting the future could create a paradox, and she didn’t want to risk that.
  33. Her kidnapper deposited her on a hill overlooking Ponyville. Twilight watched in horror as humanoid ponies ran through the streets, smashing windows and rioting. It was chaos. She turned to see who it was who brought her up here. Rainbow Dash stood over her, her hoof against her waist.
  34. “You’re such a bore Twilight Sparkle. You need to liven up a bit.” Smirking, she grabbed Twilight and pulled her up. “Come on, we’re going hard in ten seconds flat.” Before she had a chance to object, the humanoid bastardization of her friend pulled her down the hill and into the chaos below. Twilight struggled at first, and then remembered her friends. They were all like this now. Some more human than others. There was nothing for her to save. This was her home now. Yeah. Forget what future Twilight said, this wasn’t bad at all. She was going to live it up. As they reached the end of the hill, Rainbow Dash stood up, and so did Twilight, and together, they walked through the chaos and havoc, determined to go hard.
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