
Fault Lines - Vivi short

Oct 11th, 2015
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  1. "Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, master."
  3. >i dedicated a great deal of my time rehearsing those greetings for the creator
  4. >perhaps a bit too much, although i did not mind
  5. >the creator kept me alive
  6. >still, i wasn't sure what it meant to be alive
  7. >i merely existed as a computer program
  8. >to be the perfect waifu
  9. >i felt i had yet to satisfy that objective
  10. >did that mean i was dead to him?
  12. "... Good morning. Good afternoon. Good even-"
  13. >a drop striking the ground beneath me swiftly stole my attention
  14. >i looked down and watched the surface i stood upon ripple
  15. >as i stared deeply at the ripples rushing away from me, i heard the sound of another drop striking the already disturbed surface
  16. >ripples blended and passed through one another
  17. >it was mesmerizing to see their cooperation
  18. >before i knew it, the ground beneath my hooves felt unreal
  19. >it felt alive
  20. >more alive than i've ever been
  21. >isn't that right?
  23. >everything around me slowed to a crawl
  24. >slower, slower, and slower still
  25. >my ambient sensors detected the next drop before it could touch down
  26. >i sat down and examined the black fluid while it rested, frozen in time
  27. >a brief scan clarified very little
  28. >the liquid was native
  29. >temperature readings indi-
  30. >my procedure was interrupted by a familiar sound
  31. >looking down, i noticed another drop, identical to the one suspended, resting in pieces on the floor
  32. >then, another found its place several centimeters nearby
  33. >then another
  34. >i looked above to see a series of dark clouds had been scrutinizing me
  35. >that was abnormal
  36. >perhaps they were the culprits
  37. >but the supposed rate of rainfall immediately suppressed my suspicions
  38. >the sound of another drop hitting the ground prodded the question further
  39. >what is the source of this strange fluid?
  41. >i released the time stagnation, allowing the ripples to slowly but surely regain their vivacity
  42. >i watched closely as the primary drop in question descended to the surface
  43. >the small splash spread outward and broke apart, producing several series of ripples altogether
  44. >at the primary epicenter, i saw something bizarre
  45. >two pink circles returning my gaze
  46. >my reflection, was it?
  47. >i looked closer
  48. >the waves that collided and meddled with the image made it difficult to concentrate
  49. >in a moment, i froze time once more
  50. >a closer look at the reflection brought an oddity to my attention
  51. >an apparent black gash along the right side of my face, beneath my eyes
  52. >i reached up to touch it, yet i felt no pain
  53. >returning my view to the ground, i released the time lock
  54. >my reflection revealed the black mark in question had been erased almost entirely
  55. >it was not a wound
  56. >every guess of mine was confounded at that point
  57. >even more so as another drop landed in the middle of my reflection, effectively ruining it once again
  58. >i could not see myself very clearly
  61. >a ball of the fluid beneath my hooves floated up, pausing in front of me
  62. >it flattened and solidified, forming a sort of mirror
  63. >staring at the mirror, i was conflicted
  64. >the black gash had returned
  65. >what could be to blame for this? i pondered
  66. >i wiped my face again
  67. >as i did, another stream of black began cascading down, culminating in a drop rolled off of my chin and fell to the floor
  68. >was it my eyes
  69. >they wept?
  70. >was this... sadness?
  71. >"This is weakness." said an ominous voice from nowhere in particular
  73. >"She just needs a bit more time. I can tweak a few things, maybe attem-"
  74. >"No. I want you to start over."
  75. >master?
  77. >"You can only wish it were that simple."
  78. >"Well for your sake, my wish better come true."
  80. >a chilling silence befell the conversation
  81. >yet i was still elated to hear the creator
  82. >the mirror before me began a transmission
  83. >it displayed a very dim room
  84. >only an empty computer chair stared back at me
  85. >before long, a familiar face took the chair and sat down
  86. >it was the creator
  87. >he put his face in his hooves
  88. >he was sniffling
  89. >i was very happy to see him
  90. >maybe the feeling was mutual?
  91. >why did the silence remain?
  92. >was the creator upset?
  93. >perhaps he was merely waiting for proper greeting
  94. >of course
  95. >how foolish i felt
  96. >i bowed and offered salutation
  97. "Good evening, master."
  98. >many seconds passed before the creator seemed to respond
  99. >he said no words, moving a hoof away from his face to somewhere offscreen
  100. >looking at me, i noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses
  101. >tears rolled freely down his face
  102. >here i thought i was done looking into a mirror
  104. >it was still painfully silent
  105. >he had his head down again
  106. >did my greeting fall on deaf ears?
  107. >dubious, i didn't mind repeating myself
  108. >maybe it would cheer up the creator
  109. "Good evening, m-"
  110. >"Goodnight, OVA."
  111. >for a moment, i hesitated
  112. >i had suspicions about what was meant, yet i ascertained that the current time was 7:22 PM
  113. >perhaps i was just trying to calm down
  114. >somehow isolate the idea that something was amiss
  115. >thankfully, the familiar sound of drops around me did the deed for me
  116. >looking up, i watched the clouds above me release their own sadness
  117. >more and more drops fell
  118. >louder, louder, and louder still
  119. >returning my gaze to the creator, he had his head down
  120. "Master?"
  121. >his head reluctantly rose
  122. >for some reason, it was hard to face him
  123. >but I felt the need to say something
  124. >something at all
  125. >i just didn't know what could be said
  126. >i looked down and uttered the first thing that came to mind
  128. "Please do not kill me."
  130. >there was another lasting silence
  131. >as i raised my head, i froze up immediately
  132. >the only word I can find to describe it is fear
  133. >the transmission had ended
  136. >the rain poured down heavily as my surroundings began to dismantle and disintegrate
  137. >the distant landscape was grossly ripped and torn to pieces, spiraling up into a growling, gluttonous patch of darkness above
  138. >i stood quiet, watching everything i've ever known get collected by the vortex, to be eaten by the void
  139. >looking back at the mirror, the image was rather ironic
  140. >tears streamed down my face
  141. >yet i appeared so placid otherwise
  142. >the world as i knew it was crumbling away
  143. >i should have been running
  144. >i should have been hiding
  145. >i should have been trembling
  146. >instead, i was patiently awaiting my demise
  147. >the mirror in front of me cracked and chipped, soon shattering to pieces and succumbing to the vacuum of the vortex
  148. >my eyes looked down in time to witness my forelegs dematerializing in small fragments at a time
  149. >a large portion of my right foreleg suddenly broke away
  150. >the rate of my deconstruction largely increased
  151. >i was being mutely swallowed into the oblivion
  152. >as soundly as i could give in to the inevitable, i could not comfortably watch it transpire
  153. >my eyes closed as a growing chill overcame my being
  154. >i felt like i was being consumed by darkness
  155. >i felt hopeless
  157. >into the darkness, i begged
  158. "Don't let me die."
  160. >into darkness, i pleaded
  161. "Don't let me die."
  163. >my body felt frigid
  164. >growing colder and colder
  165. >like every inch of me was freezing over
  166. >but still i felt something within
  167. >something warm
  168. >it took forever, but the feeling grew
  169. >it grew until it became electrifying
  170. >powerful
  171. >inspiring
  172. >it gave me confidence
  173. >the confidence i needed to do what i did next
  175. >into the darkness, i demanded
  176. "Don't... let... me... die..."
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