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a guest
May 1st, 2016
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  1. // ///Binds///
  3. unbindall
  4. bind "0" "slot10"
  5. bind "1" "slot1"
  6. bind "2" "slot2"
  7. bind "3" "slot3"
  8. bind "4" "slot4"
  9. bind "5" "slot5"
  10. bind "6" "slot6"
  11. bind "7" "slot7"
  12. bind "8" "slot8"
  13. bind "9" "slot9"
  14. bind "a" "+moveleft"
  15. bind "b" "lastdisguise"
  16. bind "c" "voice_menu_3"
  17. bind "d" "+moveright"
  18. bind "e" "voicemenu 0 0"
  19. bind "f" "+inspect"
  20. bind "g" "+taunt"
  21. bind "h" "+use_action_slot_item"
  22. bind "i" "showmapinfo"
  23. bind "j" "cl_trigger_first_notification"
  24. bind "k" "cl_decline_first_notification"
  25. bind "l" "incrementvar r_drawviewmodel 0 1 1"
  26. bind "m" "open_charinfo_direct"
  27. bind "n" "open_charinfo_backpack"
  28. bind "o" "incrementvar voice_enable 0 1 1"
  29. bind "p" "kill"
  30. bind "q" "lastinv"
  31. bind "r" "+reload"
  32. bind "s" "+back"
  33. bind "t" "impulse 201"
  34. bind "u" "say_team"
  35. bind "v" "+voicerecord"
  36. bind "w" "+forward"
  37. bind "x" "voice_menu_2"
  38. bind "y" "say"
  39. bind "z" "voice_menu_1"
  40. bind "[" "vr_reset_home_pos"
  41. bind "'" "+moveup"
  42. bind "`" "toggleconsole"
  43. bind "," "changeclass"
  44. bind "." "changeteam"
  45. bind "/" "+movedown"
  46. bind "-" "disguiseteam"
  47. bind "SPACE" "+jump"
  48. bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
  49. bind "INS" "+klook"
  50. bind "END" "centerview"
  51. bind "PGUP" "+lookup"
  52. bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"
  53. bind "PAUSE" "pause"
  54. bind "ALT" "+strafe"
  55. bind "CTRL" "+duck"
  56. bind "F1" "+showroundinfo"
  57. bind "F2" "show_quest_log"
  58. bind "F3" "askconnect_accept"
  59. bind "F5" "screenshot"
  60. bind "F6" "save_replay"
  61. bind "F7" "abuse_report_queue"
  62. bind "F9" "vr_toggle"
  63. bind "F10" "quit prompt"
  64. bind "F12" "replay_togglereplaytips"
  65. bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
  66. bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
  67. bind "MOUSE3" "+attack3"
  68. bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
  69. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
  70. bind "KP_END" "load_itempreset 0;"
  71. bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "load_itempreset 1;"
  72. bind "KP_PGDN" "load_itempreset 2;"
  74. // ///Misc///
  76. cl_chatfilter_version "1"
  77. crosshair "0"
  78. sensitivity "2.400000"
  79. m_rawinput "1"
  80. viewmodel_fov "90"
  81. mat_software_aa_strength "0.000000"
  82. mat_software_aa_strength_vgui "1.000000"
  83. r_drawviewmodel "0.000000"
  84. hud_fastswitch "1"
  85. cl_showbackpackrarities "1"
  86. tf_explanations_backpackpanel "1"
  87. tf_store_stamp_donation_add_timestamp "1444049750"
  88. hud_classautokill "0"
  89. cl_spec_mode "6"
  90. sixense_sensitivity_level "2"
  91. sixense_aim_freeaim_heading_multiplier "1.750000"
  92. sixense_aim_freeaim_pitch_multiplier "1.750000"
  93. sixense_aim_freeaim_dead_zone_radius "0.000000"
  94. sixense_aim_freeaim_accel_band_size "15"
  95. sixense_aim_freeaim_max_speed "12.000000"
  96. sixense_aim_1to1_pitch_multiplier "3.000000"
  97. sixense_feet_angles_offset_stick_spin_horiz_multiplier "7.500000"
  98. sixense_feet_angles_offset_stick_spin_vert_multiplier "4.500000"
  99. tf_chargedfriends "104793139:91742924:151612703:98760682:95141188"
  100. cl_autorezoom "0"
  101. cl_autoreload "1"
  102. sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning "1"
  103. tf_inspect_hint_count "11"
  104. fov_desired "90"
  105. cl_hud_minmode "1"
  106. cl_ask_favorite_opt_out "1"
  107. tf_coach_request_nevershowagain "1"
  108. hud_combattext "1"
  109. tf_dingalingaling "1"
  110. tf_dingaling_volume "1.000000"
  111. tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg "100.000000"
  112. tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg "100.000000"
  113. cl_crosshair_red "255.000000"
  114. cl_crosshair_green "0.000000"
  115. cl_crosshair_blue "0.000000"
  116. cl_crosshair_scale "16.000000"
  117. tf_recent_achievements "1601,1423,1731,1004,1001,2401"
  118. tf_training_has_prompted_for_training "1"
  119. tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice "1"
  120. tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums "1"
  121. tf_training_has_prompted_for_options "1"
  122. tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout "1"
  123. tf_last_store_pricesheet_version "8604"
  124. tf_simple_disguise_menu "1"
  125. cl_hud_playerclass_playermodel_showed_confirm_dialog "1"
  126. tf_hud_target_id_alpha "100.000000"
  127. tf_quickplay_lastviewedmode "1"
  128. tf_mvm_tabs_discovered "3"
  129. tf_explanations_charinfopanel "1"
  130. tf_show_preset_explanation_in_class_loadout "0"
  131. tf_show_taunt_explanation_in_class_loadout "0"
  132. replay_replaywelcomedlgcount "2"
  133. tf_mvm_classupgradehelpcount "3"
  134. tf_matchmaking_join_in_progress "1"
  135. tf_matchmaking_ticket_help "1"
  136. tf_medigun_autoheal "1"
  137. hud_medicautocallers "1"
  138. hud_medicautocallersthreshold "54.400002"
  139. hud_medichealtargetmarker "1"
  140. tf_explanations_store "1"
  141. sv_skyname "sky_badlands_01"
  142. tf_skillrating_update_interval "120"
  143. windows_speaker_config "1"
  144. volume "0.320000"
  145. snd_musicvolume "0.000000"
  146. dsp_enhance_stereo "1"
  147. voice_enable "0"
  148. sv_unlockedchapters "99"
  149. cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/spray.vtf"
  150. con_enable "1"
  151. mp_decals "200.000000"
  152. r_waterforceexpensive "1"
  153. mat_hdr_level "0"
  154. fog_enable 0
  155. fog_override 1
  157. //scoreboard bind
  159. alias +scoreboard "+showscores; timeleft"
  160. alias -scoreboard "-showscores"
  161. bind tab +scoreboard
  165. // /////comanglias//////
  167. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. // Ragdolls
  169. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. // You will have reduced performance on deaths which produce ragdolls.
  171. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. // Disable ragdolls
  174. cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0
  175. cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1
  176. cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0
  177. g_ragdoll_fadespeed 0
  178. g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 0
  179. ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0
  181. // Enable ragdolls -- lowers by 10ish%
  182. //cl_ragdoll_fade_time 15
  183. //cl_ragdoll_forcefade 0
  184. //cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1
  185. //g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600
  186. //g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100
  187. //ragdoll_sleepaftertime "5.0f"
  189. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. // Gibs
  191. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. // You will have reduced performance on deaths which produce gibs.
  193. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. // Disable gibs
  196. cl_phys_props_enable 0
  197. cl_phys_props_max 0
  198. props_break_max_pieces 0
  199. r_propsmaxdist 1
  200. violence_agibs 0
  201. violence_hgibs 0
  203. // Enable gibs -- 6-7% less framerate
  204. //cl_phys_props_enable 1
  205. //cl_phys_props_max 128
  206. //props_break_max_pieces -1
  207. //r_propsmaxdist 1000
  208. //violence_agibs 1
  209. //violence_hgibs 1
  211. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212. // Graphical
  213. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  214. // Now we come to the main brunt of the config. You probably don't want to mess
  215. // with this.
  216. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217. prop_active_gib_limit 0
  218. props_break_max_pieces_perframe 0
  219. fov_desired 90
  220. cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0 // adds another hud element -3% frames
  221. mat_phong 0 // some people don't like this on I prefer it on for sniper though
  222. cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0
  223. cl_detaildist 0
  224. cl_detailfade 0
  225. cl_drawmonitors 0
  226. cl_ejectbrass 0
  227. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 0 // Turns off jigglebones
  228. cl_new_impact_effects 0
  229. cl_show_splashes 0
  230. cl_rumblescale 0
  231. cl_showhelp 0
  232. cl_showpluginmessages 0
  233. cl_debugrumble 0
  234. func_break_max_pieces 0
  235. glow_outline_effect_enable 0 // Cart glow effect.
  236. lod_transitiondist 0
  237. //mat_antialias 1 // apparently having this in config can break the mumble overlay for some users
  238. mat_bumpmap 0 // Controls bumpmapping. Setting this to 0 on dx9 will cause
  239. // a strange `shine' effect to appear on all players. - Chris
  240. // In the past I wasn't able to prove that disabling this was significant,
  241. // it effects fps by about 1% after several checks - Comanglia
  242. mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
  243. mat_colorcorrection 0
  244. mat_disable_bloom 1
  245. mat_disable_fancy_blending 1
  246. mat_disable_lightwarp 1
  247. mat_envmapsize 8
  248. mat_envmaptgasize 8
  249. mat_filterlightmaps 1
  250. mat_filtertextures 1
  251. mat_forceaniso 1
  252. mat_hdr_level 0
  253. mat_autoexposure_max 0
  254. mat_autoexposure_min 0
  255. mat_bloomscale 0
  256. mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar 0
  257. mat_debug_postprocessing_effects 0
  258. mat_debugdepth 0
  259. mat_disable_bloom 1
  260. mat_postprocessing_combine 0
  261. mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor 0
  262. mat_bufferprimitives 1
  263. mat_compressedtextures 1
  264. mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0
  265. mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize 0
  266. mat_hdr_enabled 0
  267. mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate 0
  268. mat_mipmaptextures 0 // ***
  269. mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor 0
  270. mat_showlightmappage -1
  271. mat_softwarelighting 0
  272. mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines 0
  273. mat_software_aa_edge_threshold 9
  274. mat_software_aa_quality 0// was 9
  275. mat_software_aa_strength 0
  276. mat_software_aa_strength_vgui 0
  277. mat_software_aa_tap_offset 0
  278. mat_software_aa_quality 0
  279. mat_texture_limit -1
  280. mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures 0
  281. mem_max_heapsize 2048
  282. mod_forcedata 1
  283. mod_forcetouchdata 1
  284. mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 512
  285. mat_monitorgamma 2.2 // Controls brightness, try 1.8 to make it brighter or 2.2
  286. // to get it darker. Only works in fullscreen.
  287. mat_parallaxmap 0
  288. mat_picmip 2 // Higher = more mipmapping. Without `sv_cheats 1', you're looking
  289. // at a range from -1 to 2, -1 being the best quality, 2 being the
  290. // worst. - Doesn't really matter much what you set this too if you're cpu bound
  291. mat_reducefillrate 1
  292. mat_reduceparticles 1
  293. mat_specular 1 // Controls specularity. Setting this to 0 will make ubers
  294. // non-shiny, and will remove some specular effects from in-game
  295. // entities which support it. - Setting this to 0 while trilinear is off lowers framerate for reasons I don't understand
  296. mat_trilinear 1
  297. mat_viewportscale 1 // Almost no performance gain from viewport upscaling.
  298. mat_viewportupscale 1
  299. mat_wateroverlaysize 1
  300. mp_decals 9 // - Just keep this below 60ish and you shouldn't notice much different at all maybe .5 average fps for every 30-40 decals
  301. r_3dsky 0
  302. r_ambientboost 0
  303. r_ambientfactor 0
  304. r_ambientmin 0
  305. r_cheapwaterend 1
  306. r_cheapwaterstart 1
  307. r_decals 9
  308. r_maxmodeldecal 9
  309. r_decalstaticprops 0
  310. r_decal_cullsize 15
  311. r_drawdetailprops 0
  312. r_drawmodeldecals 0
  313. r_drawflecks 0
  314. r_dynamic 0
  315. r_flashlightdepthtexture 0
  316. r_forcewaterleaf 1
  317. r_lightaverage 0
  318. r_maxnewsamples 0
  319. r_maxsampledist 1
  320. r_bloomtintb 0
  321. r_bloomtintexponent 0
  322. r_bloomtintg 0
  323. r_bloomtintr 0
  324. r_occlusion 1
  325. r_pixelfog 1
  326. r_propsmaxdist 0
  327. r_renderoverlayfragment 0
  328. r_staticprop_lod 4
  329. r_waterdrawreflection 0
  330. r_waterdrawrefraction 1
  331. r_waterforceexpensive 0
  332. r_waterforcereflectentities 0
  333. r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 // should give a small fps boost in 1st person
  334. r_dopixelvisibility 0
  335. r_drawbatchdecals 0
  336. r_hunkalloclightmaps 0
  337. r_lightcache_zbuffercache 0
  338. r_PhysPropStaticLighting 0
  339. rope_averagelight 0
  340. rope_collide 0
  341. rope_rendersolid 0
  342. rope_shake 0
  343. rope_smooth 0
  344. rope_subdiv 0
  345. rope_wind_dist 0
  346. tf_particles_disable_weather 1 // Disable weather effects on maps supporting
  347. // it, for example, setting this to `1'
  348. // disables rain effects on *_sawmill.
  349. tracer_extra 0
  350. violence_ablood 1 // framerates on -most- pcs are higher with these on
  351. violence_hblood 1
  352. mat_motion_blur_enabled 0 // just incase anyone has this added before loading my cfg
  353. mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 0
  354. mat_motion_blur_strength 0
  355. r_worldlightmin 0.0001
  356. r_worldlights 0
  357. mp_usehwmmodels -1
  358. mp_usehwmvcds -1
  360. //End
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