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Sep 8th, 2016
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  1. Rogue Archetype: Alchemist
  2. Note: 'Alchemical weapon' refers to any item created with alchemist's supplies that deals damage, such as acid or alchemist's fire.
  4. Bonus Proficiencies: When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies and the poisoner's kit.
  6. Alchemical Combat: Starting at 3rd level, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to apply poison to a weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition. You add your proficiency bonus to the DC of any poison or alchemical weapon you personally create. Additionally, you are proficient with alchemical weapons.
  8. Alchemical Expertise: At 9th level, choose either your proficiency with alchemist's supplies or your proficiency with the poisoner's kit. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for your chosen tool. If you choose alchemist's supplies, you may add your sneak attack damage to any attack with an alchemical weapon (if the item deals damage on subsequent rounds, only the first instance of damage gains your sneak attack.) If you choose the poisoner's kit, you may add your sneak attack damage to any attack with a poisoned weapon. In either case, the sneak attack damage is the same as the damage of the alchemical weapon or poison, may only be applied once per turn, your target may not be incapacitated, and you may not have disadvantage on the attack roll.
  10. Alchemical Admixture: At 13th level, whenever you craft an alchemical weapon or poison, you may have it deal damage from the following types instead of it's normal damage: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, or radiant.
  12. Supreme Alchemy: At 17th level, as long as you have the proper tools available, you may craft an alchemical weapon or poison as an action. You may use your bonus action granted by Cunning Action to attack with an alchemical weapon. Lastly, when using an alchemical or poisoned weapon, you may apply your sneak attack damage up to twice per round (this allows you to apply it once with a poisoned weapon and once normally, if all other prerequisites are met.)
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