
adeva v2.5 bad stuff

Apr 4th, 2013
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  1. Trained for War: should be the breach of any weapon but w/e.
  2. Synch Flux: Clarify when the extra d10, and its choice to add or substract, is made.
  3. Empathic: Might as well remove it because it's a horrible, horrible newbie trap.
  4. Distinguished Donor: Clarify if it allows you to go over the normal limit of 25 depth.
  6. AT Maneuver, Fortification: Fatigue Threshold? should be Feedback Threshold
  7. Interference Pattern, Counter: Spread patterns are not powers.
  8. Quick Spread: Yes.
  10. Common Lore, Soviet: No reference to the "New Soviet Union" anywhere in the document.
  12. Distinguishing Features, Mutation, The Beast: properly clarify that the collat comes from a failed roll to fall dormant after berserking.
  13. Berserk Type, Unyielding: Clarify that it can heal while the pilot is dead/tanged (does the pilot gain insanity in the latter case?)
  15. Biological Upgrade, Reactive: horrible newbie trap
  16. Structural Upgrades: make it clear that bought upgrades cannot be recycled. I've seen too many people buy Improved Entry Plug because they didn't know it was a permanent expenditure that would be replaced later.
  17. - Minor point, but starting with only 1 wing dock is highway fucking robbery.
  19. Ranged Weapon Upgrades, mounted holder: does it even exist?
  21. Angelic Fear: clarify if it triggers on self-inflicted ego damage.
  23. Angels: Constant references to disabled and incapacitated.
  24. Angel power, Cross Blast, Rising Cross: Breach bonus 8? Really? Chat concensus is it must be typo.
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