
Sigdor the Ogrun

Sep 6th, 2013
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  1. Sigdor
  2. Ogrun Rifleman/Ranger/Alchemist
  3. PHY 6/7 SPD 6/6 STR 6/8 AGL 4/5 PRW 4/5 POI 4/4 INT 5/5 ARC - PER 4/4
  4. MAT 5 RAT 6 DEF 14 ARM x CMD 5 INI 14 WIL 11 EXP 9/49 GLD 110
  6. 3 feat points/session
  8. =Military Skills=
  9. Hand Weapon (PRW) 1
  10. Rifle (POI) 2
  11. Thrown Weapon (PRW) 1
  13. =Occupational Skills=
  14. Survival (Per) 2
  15. Tracking (Per) 2
  16. Climbing (Str) 1
  17. Detection (Per) 3 (Cap +1)
  18. Sneak (Agl) 1
  19. Medicine (Int) 2
  20. Navigation (Per) 2
  21. Craft: Gunsmith (Int) 2
  22. Rope Use (Agi) 2 (Cap +1)
  23. Alchemy (Int) 2
  24. Negotiation (GM) 1
  25. Research (Int) 1
  27. =Connections, Languages=
  28. *Connections
  29. Alchemical Order 1
  30. *Languages
  31. Molgur-Og
  32. Rhulic
  33. Llaelese
  36. =Abilities, Archetype Benefits=
  37. *Archetype [Skilled]
  38. Virtuoso (Rifles): When making non-AOE attack with Rifle, gain +1 die for attack and damage rolls. Discard lowest die from each roll.
  39. Preternatural Awareness: Gain boosted init rolls, additionally enemies do not gain back strike bonuses
  40. *Abilities (Ranger)
  41. Camouflage: Additional +2 Defense when benefiting from Concealment or Cover
  42. Pathfinder: Can move over rough terrain without penalty
  43. Fast Reload: +1 quick action per turn to reload a ranged weapon
  44. Prowl: Gain stealth when in terrain that provides concealment or the AOE of a cloud effect
  45. *Abilities (Rifleman)
  46. Dual Shot: Can Forfeit movement to make an additional ranged attack in the turn
  47. Marksman: Can Use Quick Actions and Aim in the same round, must still forfeit movement.
  48. Crack Shot: Gain +2 on ranged attacks against targets with concealment, Cover, or Elevation
  49. *Abilities(Alchemist)
  50. Fast Cook: He can create alchemical items in half the normal time.
  51. Grenadier: Gain an additional quick action that can only be used to pull the pin on a grenade
  52. *Abilities(Houserules)
  53. Specialization (Rifles): Don't suffer attack roll penalties when using rifles
  54. Binding: When you tie up or use restraints on another, add 3 to the skill roll to escape
  56. =Equipment=
  58. *Melee Weapon:
  59. Hand Axe; 3 Power
  60. *Ranged Weapon:
  61. Heavy Rifle; 14 Range 12 Power (equipped with Scope for increased range)
  62. *Ammo:
  63. 30 Heavy Rifle rounds
  64. *Alchemical Grenades:
  65. Rust Bombs (2)
  67. *Armor:
  68. Chain Mail; -2 DEF, +7 ARM
  69. *Alchemical Ingredients:
  70. 4x Mineral Acid
  71. 4x Mineral Crystals
  72. 5x Alchemical Waste (Crystal)
  73. 5x Alchemical Waste (Liquid)
  75. *Misc:
  76. Ammo Bandolier: Draw and reload a round into a firearm in a single quick action
  77. Grenade Bandolier: Draw Grenades without a quick action
  78. Field Alchemy Kit
  79. Gunsmith's Kit
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