
Subject 23: Chapter 3

Jul 17th, 2012
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  1. >”WHY.”
  2. >Pain.
  3. >”WON'T.”
  4. >Bleeding.
  5. >”YOU.”
  6. >Monotony.
  7. >”BREAK!”
  8. >Pinkie (or, rather, Gray-ie) slams into your chest again, breaking and bruising your poor ribs.
  9. >You grin, showing off the blood and broken teeth you've accrued over the past months.
  10. “Maybe I'm just too much man for ya, darlin'.”
  11. >She cuts your bum eye, causing you to shake and growl in pain.
  12. >They had taken to allowing some scars to remain, with what remains of your left eye being one of the >more prominent ones.
  13. >”You've lost everything. EVERYTHING! Your old life...”
  14. >She punches you across the jaw.
  15. >”GONE! You. Have. NOTHING! WHY do you insist in not giving up!?!”
  16. >She cries in rage, hitting you to accentuate every other word.
  17. “Some things... are more important... than me.”
  18. >Pinkie looks like she's about to start wailing on you again, but she stops herself.
  19. >The rage is gone from her face, replaced by a strange calm.
  20. >”Oh really? THAT'S what this is about...”
  21. >Shit.
  22. >You fucking had to say something, didn't you?
  23. >You stupid fuck.
  24. “No... no not-”
  25. >”Oh yes, Subject 23, oh yes. I don't know why we didn't think of it sooner. No one else grabbed onto them, I suppose.”
  26. >Your mind starts to race.
  27. >You should have never said anything to them
  28. >You shouldn't have ever even looked at those kids.
  29. >”I know how to break you, I know how to break you, I know...”
  30. >She's fucking singing while you're sweating.
  31. >Now they're going to suffer because of you.
  32. “No, please, I'll do anything. I'm Subject 23.”
  33. >”No no no, it's to late for that. Much too late for that...”
  34. >She knocks you over the head with something hard and pan shaped.
  35. >The last thing you see is her smiling face as you begin to pass out.
  36. “No...”
  37. >You wake up with a start.
  38. >The fillies...
  39. >Are gone.
  40. >FUCK.
  41. “Little ones, are you there? Children?!”
  42. >Maybe... they're just hiding.
  43. >Yes.. yes yes yes yes.
  44. >That's got to be it.
  45. >They can't be gone.
  46. “It's alright girls. It''s all going to be okay.”
  47. >You want to rock back in forth in the fetal position.
  48. >You want to scream out in pain.
  49. >You want to do something you had, long before your sojourn to this place, lost the capacity to do.
  50. >But you remain tough.
  51. >They need you tough.
  52. >They are the reason you survived this long.
  53. >You owe them that much.
  54. ”Here, I'll tell you one of my favorite stories. When I was little and scared, I would just read this over again. It's about this big strong guy named Hercules.”
  55. >You've told them this one before, but it seemed to be one of their favorites.
  56. >You still can't see them, but they must be there.
  57. >Listening.
  58. “You see, Herc was the son of Zeus, but he got separated from him at birth. That's a bit sad, right? But it gets better! See, he grew up to be the strongest man in all the land.”
  59. >You tell them the stories of Hercules' journeys, censoring out the violent bits as much as you can.
  60. >You start shaking pretty bad around the end of the story.
  61. >You haven't seen them.
  62. >Maybe... maybe they're asleep!
  63. >But you haven't seen the little orange one...
  64. >She always pops her head out to-
  65. >That's when you hear it.
  66. >Screams.
  67. >Faint screams of small children.
  68. “NO! TAKE ME! TAKE ME!!!”
  69. >You start screaming and shaking your cell door.
  70. “I'M SUBJECT 23!!!! I AM!! PLEASE JUST-”
  71. >The door opens.
  72. >You don't question it.
  73. >The screams are coming from the left.
  74. >You sprint down the hall.
  75. >You see other equines in the cells.
  76. >You don't stop to look.
  77. >You don't care right now.
  78. >You need to save those girls.
  79. >The door at the end of the hall is open.
  80. >The screams are much louder now.
  81. >You burst through the doorjamb to find the room that has taken so much of your blood.
  82. >It's dark, save for one light near Twilight and one on the catwalk above you.
  83. >There's a storm going on outside.
  84. >You can see it raging through one of the windows near the catwalk.
  85. >And you see what you feared the most.
  86. >The three kids are each hanging by their forehooves on hooks.
  87. >They're collars are off, and they all look terrified.
  88. >You charge forward.
  89. >”I wouldn't go any further, Subject 23.”
  90. >Twilight is up at her control panel, looking down on everything.
  91. >”Three little fillies, hanging in a row...”
  92. >Pinkie is up on a catwalk, walking in front of them.
  93. “Stop! Please, I'll do anything! Anything, just leave them alone!”
  94. >”Anything? Really, Subject 23, anything?”
  95. >Pinkie looks down at you, sneering.
  96. “Yes... Yes, please just let them-”
  97. >”Do you know what these little fillies did, Subject 23?”
  98. >The little ones are scared, and they are looking at you.
  99. >Pleading for help with their eyes.
  100. >Twilight continues.
  101. >”They released a great evil upon this land. Great and powerful. For that, I make them watch everything we do here.”
  102. >She told you this already.
  103. >Why is she-
  104. >”And I let them live, out of the memory of my old master. She was always so... merciful. But I have one rule, Subject 23. If they interfere with my tests, there will be punishment.”
  105. >No.
  106. >No no no no no no no
  107. “Please, no. This is my fault. They didn't do this, just let them-
  108. >”They have, multiple times, talked to the subjects. Over time I simply curbed their communication with collars, shock treatment, and other means.
  109. >The three fillies are crying now.
  110. >The orange one looks at you, eyes still pleading.
  111. >Pinkie walks over to her and smiles, holding up her large knife.
  112. >You can't move.
  113. >”And eventually, the ones they tried to befriend – pony or...otherwise, were turned against them.”
  114. >Pinkie leans in with the knife, looking back at you with a devilish grin.
  115. “No... please...”
  116. >”It appears, however, that their presence has had the opposite effect on you. That they have interfered by merely existing. For that, there's only one type of punishment I can think of that suits my needs.”
  117. >Pinkie backs away from the little orange one and looks at you.
  118. >”What's your name?”
  119. “Subject 23!”
  120. >”Good.”
  121. >Pinkie puts her knife away and walks off.
  122. >Twilight begins to lower the hooks.
  123. >Is it over?
  124. >Was this just a test?
  125. >You gave up your name, but they're safe.
  126. >That's all that-
  127. >Twilight then flips another switch.
  128. >A series of sawblades that were obscured by the darkness spring to life underneath the three little
  129. >fillies.
  130. >The blades make up a giant meat grinder.
  131. “NO!”
  132. >You run forward to try and save the little ones.
  133. >They are bound by chains as they drop lower into the hooks.
  134. >”HELP!”
  135. >”HELP US!”
  136. >The little white one and yellow one begin screaming for you to help them.
  137. >This is the first time you've heard their voices.
  138. >The little orange one just stares at you
  139. >You get to the edge of the spinning grinder.
  140. >You can't reach over to their chains...
  141. >Unless you can get up on the catwalk.
  142. >You run over to the wall and try to make it up the stairs only to be met by Pinkie.
  143. >”SURPRISE!”
  144. >She jumps on top of you with that knife, going for the throat.
  145. >She knocks you on your back.
  146. >The fillies are still crying for help...
  147. >You punch her in the nose and kick her off of your chest
  148. >Not today.
  149. >Not now.
  150. >You get up on the cat walk only to be met with a forcefield.
  151. >”I can't let you do that, Subject 23.”
  152. >You bang on it, but it's impervious.
  153. >You madly throw your weight against it, trying to get at those damned chains.
  155. >“Anonymous, it's okay.”
  156. >A little voice rings out from below.
  157. >It's the little orange one.
  158. “No, I'll get you out, don't worry, I'll-
  159. >”Twilight and Pinkie aren't right in the head right now. Don't hate them.”
  160. “I'll...I'll get-”
  161. >The little orange one looks up at you and smiles.
  162. >Tears are running down her cheeks.
  163. >”You need to be strong, like Hercules was. You need to not give up.”
  164. >The blades are inches away.
  165. >”Thanks for being our friend, Anonymous.”
  166. >Then they hit the blades.
  167. >Blood spatters everywhere on the inside of the forcefield as you watch in horror.
  168. >They scream as they are slowly ground from the bottom up.
  169. >The two on the sides flail about, but the little orange one just looks at you with those huge eyes.
  170. >Your strength leaves you as you fall to your knees.
  171. >The blades come to a stop.
  172. >You're on your hands and knees now.
  173. >You close your eyes.
  174. “No...”
  175. >”Oh yes, Subject 23. Now, let's go back to your-”
  176. “No.”
  177. >You clench your fists in rage.
  178. >Twilight's horn glows.
  179. >”Now that the obstructions have been removed, we can begin to-”
  180. “No.”
  181. >You stand up.
  182. >You drown out everything Twilight and Pinkie are saying in your mind.
  183. “No no no no no no no no no no no-”
  184. >You appear in your cell.
  185. >The door's closed.
  186. “No no no no no no no no no no...”
  190. >You weren't strong enough.
  191. “No...”
  192. >You weren't fast enough.
  193. “Why...”
  194. >You weren't smart enough.
  195. >But God damn it.
  196. >You're going to get out of here.
  197. >You're going to bust out of here.
  198. >And whatever fucking three ring circus of pain they have going on here is gonna get torn down.
  199. >You'll see this place burn if it's the last thing you do in your life.
  200. “My name is Anonymous.”
  201. >You punch the bars on the door.
  202. “I do not forgive.”
  203. >Your fists are bleeding.
  204. “I do not forget.”
  205. >You grab the bars and slide down on your knees, putting your head down to the ground.
  206. >And for the first time in longer than you can remember,
  207. >You cry.
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