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May 15th, 2011
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  1. <@Zee> What the fuck is going on?
  2. <BarrettBrown> here's the deal
  3. <BarrettBrown> the person I spoke to yesterday when I turned my cam off is someone who was well-placed in the intel-military complex for a number of years
  4. <BarrettBrown> I spoke to him a couple months ago and he confirmed some things for us
  5. <BarrettBrown> he left a certain major contractor in part because he was unhappy with some of the more bizarre things that are being done
  6. <BarrettBrown> yesterday he directed me to look into a few recent events involving HAARP
  7. <BarrettBrown> which check out
  8. <armthehomeless> HAARP is the government agency researching weather control right?
  9. <BarrettBrown> unfortunately, this is the sort of thing that we can do little about because even brining up HAARP in any capacity at all, even in relation to known facts about what it's capable of doing according to those contractors who were involved in building it, basically gets one branded as crazy
  10. <wk> armthehomeless not just weather control
  11. <BarrettBrown> yes, partly
  12. <~Morpeth> purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes"
  13. <armthehomeless> And HAARP has a connection with whom?
  14. <BarrettBrown> Aarco Power Technologies
  15. <BarrettBrown> contracted to build HAARP
  16. <BarrettBrown> has certain patents
  17. <BarrettBrown> among things, dealing with weather modification
  18. <armthehomeless> How is HBGary or their partners involved with Aarco and HAARP?
  19. <BarrettBrown> they're not directly involved.
  20. <BarrettBrown> But Raytheon is
  21. <armthehomeless> Okay.
  22. <BarrettBrown> google Barr's e-mails for Raytheon
  23. <~Morpeth> okay
  24. <BarrettBrown> which owns E-Systems
  25. <~Morpeth> so what is todays big revelation about this source?
  26. <BarrettBrown> which itself oversees HAARP through APTI
  27. <BarrettBrown> well
  28. <armthehomeless> *on edge of seat
  29. <BarrettBrown>
  30. <armthehomeless> What the fuck is up with the north pole on March 10th?
  31. <wk> north pole?
  32. <wk> nono
  33. <wk> what happen the 11 march ?
  34. <wk> that is HAARP activity meter
  35. <armthehomeless> Oh. I was looking at that line.
  36. <armthehomeless> Wasn't that the Japanese 9.0 earthquake?
  37. <wk> yeah
  38. <wk> you still dont get it ?
  39. <armthehomeless> No I get it.
  40. <armthehomeless> It's just crazy.
  41. <armthehomeless> I kinda don't know what to say.
  42. <wk> there was two afterquakes
  43. <wk> one 07 april and one 11 april
  44. <wk> data are removed for those dates
  45. <wk> (i think data is removed from 06 april to 12 april)
  46. <wk> No data between 7 - 12
  47. <armthehomeless> So what does this all mean? The earthquakes were artificially created?
  48. <wk> and 04-06 april (before afterquakes) plus 13-15++ april shows that HAARP was firing at 2.5hz (ground wave)
  49. <wk> well.. yes
  50. <armthehomeless> Holy shit.
  51. <~Morpeth> and today your source corroborated this?
  52. <wk> no snake told us to look at it yesterday
  53. <wk> he told us to look into HAARP and 2.5hz groundwaves
  54. <Zee> Am I allowed to share any of this information?]
  55. <wk> can we look into this first
  56. <BarrettBrown> go for it
  57. <BarrettBrown> just keep in mind most won't believe you
  58. <armthehomeless> The thing that doesn't make sense is a motive.
  59. <armthehomeless> Money, geopolitical influence, deterence?
  60. <~Morpeth> the analysis shows haarp beaming 2.5 Hz wave into atmosphere. would like to see, how this induces a targeted earthquake somewhere else on the globe
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