
another monday

May 15th, 2017
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  1. Hey all! Another #pastebinmonday coming your way~! Gonna update you on some good and bad stuff that's happened recently, but all in all everything is okay, and the future is looking bright!
  3. -Japan has been good, though this time, as I said before, was a little underwhelming due to many people promising a lot of shit, and then flaking out. I definitely don't regret going to the school I'm in though, and I'm enjoying my studies and the students I study with. Going to miss them a lot when I leave.
  4. -a few recent deaths have really left me quite shocked. One of the deaths was of a childhood friend, whom I didn't spend a bunch of personal time with, but was around for many years. My grandmother also passed away about four days ago, which has been difficult, but I've been trying to keep busy to keep myself from getting sad.
  5. -going home in late June, have a few plans for when I get there!
  6. -going to try full-time streaming when I return from SGDQ! Excited to give it an honest effort! As a result of this decision, going to try and buy myself a new computer upon returning home. Don't know what to get, any recommendations would be awesome!
  7. -thinking about pursuing an education in acting. The college in my home town actually has a decent acting program and I'm really thinking about giving it an honest go! Acting was something I had dreamed of doing ever since I was a child. I would love to act or do voice acting for video games! That would be the dream!
  8. -I have one week after arriving in Canada to spend some time with my mom, and then it's off to SGDQ! Yes, I can go to the event. Yes, I will be doing some commentary. No, I can't play anything.
  9. -FFXV speedrunning has been going so good! The run's pace is slow at times, but I love playing through it. More of a comfy speedrun, lots of item management and menuing, which I really like. Now I finally have an RPG speedrun that I really enjoy doing and that lots of people like to watch! I think it was a good choice~
  10. -got some good animation ideas and other creative stuff on the go, keeping me busy
  11. -I watched all of the episodes of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (UK). The uncensored versions are so good.
  12. -I really appreciate everybody who has donated to my SGDQ fund, I think you guys are amazing. Thank you so much. Love you all!
  13. -Really appreciate my mom for talking to me through all of my hard times~ she's the best. Love her <3
  14. -I hope you are all doing well and I can't thank you enough for watching my stream and supporting me. Hopefully I bring a smile to your day, even if you watch an old video, or my stream, or a youtube video. You guys are all great! Thanks for watching!
  16. -B <3
  19. SIREN Any%
  20. FINAL FANTASY XV New Game Normal
  21. RESISTANCE 2 Any%
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