
Cabin Feever AnonxDash (NOT MINE)

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. >The fog from your breath lingers after being released.
  2. >The fire is starting to die out.
  3. >It was only a matter of time before you both freeze to death in here.
  4. >You look around the room for something to feed the fire.
  5. >Grabbing the last chair in the room, you break it apart and throw it into the fireplace.
  6. >Looking into the flame, you remember why you're here.
  7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. >"Hey, Anon! Wanna go hiking with me?"
  9. >You turn to Rainbow Dash as she hovers in the air, giving you a cheesy smile.
  10. >Face flat, you reply, "No."
  11. >She groans and crosses her forelegs.
  12. >"Come on! Why not?"
  13. >As you clean the tables, you explain.
  14. "I hate walking. I hate hills and mountains. What makes you think combining the two will be any better?"
  15. >She rolls her eyes and sighs.
  16. >"Listen, I just need somep0ny to go with me and everyp0ny else says they're too busy. If I want to become a Wonderbolt, I have to learn to condition myself better, so this hike is necessary."
  17. >Putting the cloth down on the table, you turn to her and remove your apron.
  18. "What's in it for me?"
  19. >She puts her hoof to her chin and thinks.
  20. >Her eyes widen as an idea prods her head.
  21. >"How about I give you my best bottle of Grey Moose Vodka?"
  22. >Your ears perk at the mention of alcohol.
  23. >Now she's talking your language.
  24. >A bottle of Grey Moose goes for about forty bits a bottle.
  25. >It would take two days of working just to get one.
  26. >"You and I can share the bottle when we get to cabin."
  27. >You haven't exactly had anything to drink recently.
  28. >The Cakes have had you working non-stop this past week and promised you a week's paid vacation after the matter.
  29. >By the time you got home, you were too tired to drink.
  30. >A devilish scheme enters your head.
  31. "What about work? I need the money to keep my home."
  32. >She props her head back.
  33. >She has a look on her face that expresses her deep thought.
  34. >Her eyes shoot open and a smile flashes on her face.
  35. >"I'll cover your pay for the time we're up there! My treat."
  36. >She gives a wink, triumph on her face.
  37. >A week's worth of pay PLUS another week's worth to do nothing but walk up some hills and drink some booze for a day?
  38. >What is there not to love with this plan?
  39. >You let out a fake, annoyed sigh.
  40. "Alright, if you insist."
  41. >Thrusting her hoof in the air, she gives herself a congratulatory pat on the back.
  42. >"Okay, we leave Ponyville at 6am sharp tomorrow. Make sure to pack a sleeping bag and extra clothes."
  43. >She zooms out the front door and slams it shut.
  44. >Mr. Cake comes from behind the counter and heads in your direction.
  45. >"Hey Anonymous, are you done cleaning the table tops?"
  46. >Looking at your reflection in the glossy top, you nod.
  47. "Yeah, I'd say I'm about done."
  48. >You turn to Mr. Cake and hand him your apron.
  49. "Listen, Mr. Cake, would it be okay if I took my vacation starting tomorrow?"
  50. >He raises his brow.
  51. >"So suddenly?"
  52. >Nodding your head again, you explain.
  53. "Rainbow Dash is going hiking for a while, and I promised her I would go."
  54. >His face contains what looks like bewilderment.
  55. >He knows your problems with physical labor.
  56. >And Rainbow Dash.
  57. >You two never really got along together, so it's only natural that he would be confused.
  58. >"I'm guessing there's some kind of deal she struck?"
  59. >Mr. Cake is always on top of things.
  60. >A smirk crawls across your face.
  61. "Do I do anything for free, Mr. Cake?"
  62. >He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
  63. >"Be careful. I'm not in the position to hire a new busboy, mind you."
  64. >That's Mr. Cake, always looking out for you.
  65. >A yawn escapes your lungs as you head home.
  66. >It's already dark out and all the shops are closing.
  67. >Darkness has already engulfed the sun and made way for the moon.
  68. >Cold air strikes against your skin and a chill chatters your teeth.
  69. >The only noise that can be heard is from the DJ's pad.
  70. >Wubs and bass emit from the house as you pass.
  71. >You eventually end up at your humble abode.
  72. >Fifteen straight hours of work leave quite a toll on your body.
  73. >You roll up the sleeping bag with some extra clothes and fill a flask full of Applejack Daniels.
  74. >Lying on the bed, you pass out from exhaustion.
  75. ======================================================================
  77. >One eye opens and your brain tries to take in all the information around you.
  79. >In bed, still dark, tired.
  81. >Someone's knocking on the front door.
  82. >Mindlessly, you walk up to the sleep riddling noise and swing open the door.
  83. >Rainbow Dash hovers before you, a look of disappointment on her face.
  84. >She folds her forelegs and stares you down.
  85. "Would you care to come in?"
  86. >Now she looks pissed.
  87. >"We were supposed to leave twenty minutes ago!"
  88. >You look over to the clock on your wall.
  89. >It's 6:20.
  90. >Letting out a disgruntled sigh, you grab your pack and begin your journey.
  91. >The chilly wind pounds on your face as you walk the path through Whitetail Woods.
  92. >An awkward silence has hung around you two since you started walking.
  93. >Maybe it's best if you try to break the ice?
  94. "So what kind of training do you have planned up here?"
  95. >She hovers next to you, a look of excitement on her face.
  96. >"Well, the Wonderbolts do all kind of shows and jobs across Equestria, so I feel I need to get used to different climates so I'm ready for anything."
  97. >That's possibly the most logical thing that ever came out of her mouth.
  98. >You nod your head in agreement.
  99. "Makes sense, I suppose."
  100. >Her face change to an expression of seriousness.
  101. >"Hey, listen."
  102. >You turn to look her face to face.
  103. >"I really appreciate this. Nop0ny wanted to go or was too busy to go. I know I kind of had to bribe you to go, but it's still the fact that you actually came."
  104. >You feel a tug at your heart.
  105. >Fuck, now you feel bad for making her pay you.
  106. >But what's done is done.
  107. "It's no problem. I would have just been stuck at work all week dealing with annoying customers all day."
  108. >She chuckles and slaps you on the back.
  109. >"Pinkie told me about Mrs. Radish."
  110. >You roll your eyes.
  111. >You couldn't stand Mrs. Radish.
  112. >It wasn't her fault either, she was just too old and slow.
  113. >She held up the line every time she came to Sugarcube corner.
  114. >Even though she was a regular customer, she always got something different.
  115. >A cupcake with blueberry frosting, a chocolate tart with melted marshmallow.
  116. >You were surprised she hadn't been proclaimed dead from diabetes yet.
  117. >So one day, when she came in, she ordered a Raspberry Danish.
  118. >Using only a tiny bit, you used Pinkie's special sugar and sprinkled it on top.
  119. >Mrs. Radish couldn't sit still for less than a second, which wasn't exactly good for her heart.
  120. >She was rushed to Ponyville General and was fine after some rest.
  121. >To this day you're surprised you still have your job.
  122. "I'm sorry, but slow people annoy me sometimes. I just thought she needed a boost."
  123. >Something sparkles in her eyes as she hears this.
  124. >"I know exactly what you mean! Like when somep0ny is flying too slow in front of me, I just want to punch them in the back of head."
  125. >A sharp laugh escapes your mouth.
  126. >She knows exactly where you come from.
  127. >Maybe she isn't so bad after all.
  128. >After about two more hours of walking, you arrive at the cabin.
  129. >You unpack your stuff and go back outside to help Rainbow.
  130. >She's already flying around, dipping through the clouds.
  131. >She gracefully slips past the cliff that once held a waterfall that is now frozen.
  132. >The winter is merciless as is, but the high altitude doesn't help.
  133. >Your teeth begin to chatter and you watch her death-defying spectacle.
  134. >She really is a talented flier.
  135. >She lands hard next to you, kicking up snow into your face.
  136. >As if the cold wind wasn't enough, the snow numbs you completely.
  137. >Dash begins to burst out laughing, holding herself up.
  138. >Two can play this game, Missy.
  139. >You grab a handful and snow and throw it in her face.
  140. >Her laughing is stopped immediately and her face becomes one ready for a challenge.
  141. >You mimic her and bolt off behind a tree.
  142. >Forming a pile of snowballs, you begin to blindly fire them from behind the tree.
  143. >Turning your head around the corner, you see no sign of her.
  144. >As your round back to the pile of snowballs, you look down and see two hooves cocked back.
  145. "Fu--"
  146. >You don't even get to finish the word as snow piles up in your mouth and face.
  147. >Falling back, you land on your ass and hit your head against the tree, hard.
  148. >Rainbow Dash sees her mistake and runs up to you.
  149. >"Are you alright?!"
  150. >You stand up and rub your head.
  151. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little bump."
  152. >It's then you realize two things:
  153. >1. It's beginning to snow. Very heavily.
  154. >2. The sun hasn't been out for a bit now.
  155. >You turn to Dash and shake off the fall.
  156. "We should get inside; the conditions are going to get out of hand."
  157. >She nods her head in agreement.
  158. >Both of you venture into the house and set yourselves up for the night.
  159. >As you light the fire in the pit, you look over at Dash, who's staring out the window.
  160. "Something bothering you?"
  161. >She jerks her head quickly from the window and turns to you.
  162. >"Nah, was just admiring the snow, is all."
  163. >She sets her sleeping bag not too far from yours and opens it up to reveal a smoky, white bottle.
  164. >Grey Moose Vodka.
  165. >You can feel the drunkenness already.
  166. >Dash notices your prying eyes and jerks the bottle from view.
  167. >Sadness flushes your face and she giggles.
  168. >"Jeez, you're like a foal who just got told they can't have candy."
  169. >She hoofs you a glass and fills it up with the sweet nectar.
  170. "For Mother Russia," you mutter under your breathe as you down the glass.
  171. >It was nice and smooth with a beautiful burning after effect that you longed for.
  172. >Dash, not wanting to feel weak compared to you, downs the glass as well.
  173. >A challenge, huh?
  174. >You bring your glass up and shake it, demanding a refill.
  175. >She complies and fills your glass as well as hers.
  176. >You both down the drink and let the juice take its course.
  177. >Her cheeks begin to blush as she fills up another glass.
  178. >Putting your cup up, you retrieve your refill and drink it like water.
  179. >This goes on until the bottle is completely empty.
  180. >You look over at Dash.
  181. >She's completely smashed.
  182. >"Ey! What's a Russia?"
  183. >You look at her, equally smashed.
  184. "What did you just call me?"
  185. >She giggles and releases a large belch.
  186. >"You were saying something about Russia's mother or something earlier."
  187. >'Why is she weaving so much?' you wonder.
  188. >Wait, that's you, not her.
  189. "It's a country in my world. A country that we had fun with. They were on the other side of world, so we made jokes saying they did things opposite to us."
  190. >You squint into the bottle hoping for some magic way of refilling the bottle.
  191. "Like, 'In Soviet Russia, shirt wears you!'"
  192. >You start chuckling to yourself as Dash stares at your strangely.
  193. >Stopping yourself after noticing, you clear your throat.
  194. >An awkward silence fills the room.
  195. >You feel sleepiness beginning to fill you as your head starts to nod off.
  196. >Rainbow's eyes widen and she gets up, but falls right back down.
  197. >She points at the window with a look of horror on her face.
  198. >Turning around you look outside.
  199. >The little bit of snow from earlier is now a raging blizzard.
  200. >Even though you're up against the window, you can't see past an inch because of all the snow.
  201. >There's no way of telling when this will end.
  202. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. >An hour has passed since then.
  204. >The flames have kept you two warm, but how much longer were they going to last?
  205. >You look over to Dash, who's completely out.
  206. >The alcohol finally lulled her to sleep.
  207. >Peeking out the window, you hope to see the storm dying down.
  208. >The storm, however, has other plans.
  209. >It seems as though it has gotten worse.
  210. >The windows are completely covered in white.
  211. >You turn back to Rainbow to see if she's doing alright.
  212. >Your heart drops when you realize she's not there.
  213. >Looking all around the room, you don't see her anywhere.
  214. >You get up and begin to walk around the cabin when you hear a flushing noise.
  215. >She walks out of the bathroom and sits on her sleeping bag.
  216. >Letting out a sigh of relief, you sit by her.
  217. "I thought you went out into this storm."
  218. >She eyes you as if you were a maniac.
  219. >"As if. I may be headstrong, but I'm not stupid."
  220. >Her cheeks still have a red tinge.
  221. >The alcohol is still in her system and she definitely broke her seal with that bathroom break.
  222. >You pull your flask out and drink down the whiskey you brought.
  223. >Rainbow shakes her head in disappointment.
  224. >"You do know that alcohol thins the blood, right? It's not a good idea to drink that with the cold coming in."
  225. >Giving her a look of indifference, you take another swig.
  226. "Look, I've been through worse. And besides, I'm not even buzzed yet. My tolerance is a lot higher than yours."
  227. >Rainbow takes this as a challenge.
  228. >She snatches the flask from your hand and chugs it.
  229. "What the hell?!"
  230. >You grab the now empty flask from her and attempt to down any droplets that might be left over.
  231. >Not single one hits your tongue.
  232. >You double check there's nothing inside the container by peeking inside it.
  233. >As your turn to scold Rainbow, you stand back.
  234. >She's face to face with you, completely flushed.
  235. >"Hey, Anon? I got to confess something to you."
  236. >You begin to lay back as she moves over you.
  237. >"I never asked anyp0ny to come with me up here. I actually set this up so that it was just you and me. I wanted to let you know..."
  238. >She trails her hoof from your chest down to the lower side your belly.
  239. >"...That I've always admired you from afar."
  240. >Sweat begins to bead from your forehead.
  241. >You don't know what to make of this situation.
  242. >It always seemed like she hated you.
  243. >Everyday she would mess with you, pulling pranks and embarrassing you in front of everyone in town.
  244. >It is then you realize it.
  245. >She's been trying to get your attention like a schoolgirl would.
  246. >But you've been playing it off as a schoolyard bully.
  247. >"Anon."
  248. >Her breath is heavy now.
  249. >The alcohol has definitely hit her hard.
  250. >"I want you... to be my first."
  251. >Dear god.
  252. >You aren't surprised by the invitation.
  253. >You're surprised by the now obvious erection in your pants.
  254. >'Damn you, Applejack Daniels. You have fucked me over, yet again!' you curse in your head.
  255. "Listen, Rainbow, you've had too much to drink. You should be telling me something important like this when you'r--"
  256. >She places her hoof over your mouth to silence you.
  257. >Her rosy eyes glisten as she moves closer to your face.
  258. >"I'd rather it be while I'm drunk. They don't call it liquid courage for nothing."
  259. >She pushes you back against the floor and inches closer.
  260. >Her lips are merely millimeters away from yours.
  261. >"You and I are a lot more alike than you think."
  262. >She pins you down to floor by placing her hooves on your shoulders.
  263. >"You might be lazy, but when it comes time to get down and dirty, you leave no corner undone. You have determination for what you want and won't stop until you get it."
  264. >Her heavy breathing leaves the smell of alcohol stuck in your nostrils.
  265. >The blood is rushing through you like a monsoon.
  266. >You can't even think straight.
  267. >This was not planned, not part of the deal.
  268. >It was supposed to be a night at a cabin and then booze for the rest of week.
  269. >How did it get like this?
  270. >She continues to breathe her words onto you.
  271. >"You might not feel the same way. Crap, you might not find me appealing because of our different species. But we should put that aside and let nature take its course."
  272. >She rubs her crotch on your bulging pants.
  273. >A switch flips in your mind.
  274. >You're pretty sure the logic switch has been turned off at this point.
  275. >Grabbing the back of her head, you bring her to your face and lock lips.
  276. >You indulge in a long, wet kiss.
  277. >Releasing the grip, you begin to use your tongue on the outside of her lips, working your way to the inside of her mouth.
  278. >She remains motionless as your tongue presses the front of her teeth, slowly working its way to the back of them.
  279. >Her tongue flails inside, trying to tie with yours as your forcefully push it back.
  280. >Like an obedient dog, her tongue lays restfully as you slowly work your way towards it.
  281. >You take in the taste of whiskey as you tease her tongue.
  282. >Working from the back of her teeth, you tap your tongue against hers occasionally.
  283. >Her tongue lashes each time, hoping it is time for your attention.
  284. >Once her tongue settles down, you quickly wrap yours around it.
  285. >She moans softly, finally freed from your torture.
  286. >Moving its way in, you can feel her tongue grab yours entirely.
  287. >Both of you release your lock, trailing a long sliver of saliva.
  288. >She turns her attention to your fully erect cock and rubs it with her hoof.
  289. >"I like the appetizer, but can I dig into the entree yet?" she whispers into your ears.
  290. >You nod your head as she slowly lowers herself down towards your crotch.
  291. >She pulls down your pants and boxers to reveal the sexy manmeat.
  292. >You feel her warm breath encase it as she begins to lick it at the base.
  293. >Now it was her turn to play with you.
  294. >She trails her tongue down from the bottom of your balls right to baseline for the tip of your dick.
  295. >A small moan emits from your mouth and she giggles.
  296. >"You like it?"
  297. >More than anything at this point.
  298. >But you're not ready to give in this easily.
  299. >Where would be the fun in that?
  300. "I would have stopped you if I didn't."
  301. >A sneer look works it's way upon her face.
  302. >She knows you're playing hard to get, and she intends to win.
  303. >Her tongue slides around the base of your cock, slowly rotating its way up to the tip.
  304. >She twists it around the head and puts her mouth over just enough to cover it.
  305. >She commences to corkscrew the tip, making you grab at the sleeping bag with a tight grip.
  306. >The teasing was one thing, but this was unfair!
  307. >A corrupt thought enters your head as she continues to tease you.
  308. >Without hesitation you sit up and grab her by the shoulders.
  309. >You flip her over onto her back, cock still wedged in her mouth.
  310. >Proceeding with your plan, you thrust your dick down her throat.
  311. >Her eyes widen, not knowing what just happened, but she doesn't fight it.
  312. >You commence to face fuck her, thrusting deeply into her throat.
  313. >At no point does she try to resist you, she just accepts it.
  314. >A total look of ecstasy emits from her as your forcibly pound her face.
  315. >The warm mixture of her tongue and saliva drive you to drill her harder.
  316. >She continues to moan, overpowering the sounds of her gagging.
  317. >Your junk begins to throb.
  318. >Pounding faster and faster, Rainbow knows what's coming next.
  319. >Instead of trying to pull away, she extends her tongue out and rubs the underside of your sack.
  320. >Dear god, you can't take it anymore!
  321. >You release your love juice into her throat. She gags and spurts it everywhere, trying to swallow it.
  322. >After the final drops are released, you pull your dick out of her mouth.
  323. >She throws you onto your back, eyes blazing with passion.
  324. >"Did you think I'd let you get off that easy?"
  325. >Your flaccid dick says otherwise.
  326. >That is, until she gets to it.
  327. >She begins to rub her crotch against your member, leaving her juices flowing across it.
  328. >The feeling instantly re-erects you.
  329. >She continues to rub, teasing you further.
  330. >Her face is completely red and she gives a steady, deep moan as she slides around.
  331. >You reach down with your hands and begin to rub her clitoris.
  332. >She throws back her head, screaming.
  333. >"I can't take it any more! I want you inside me!"
  334. >She then lifts your rod up and slowly descends upon it.
  335. >Grabbing her hips, you force her down, hard.
  336. >Through the tightness of her pussy, you feel the pop inside her.
  337. >Her hymen is broken.
  338. >Tears begin to flow from her eyes as concern over takes you.
  339. "You okay? You want me to stop?"
  340. >She shakes her head, a smile stretched across her face.
  341. >Lowering her head down, she kisses you.
  342. >"I'm just so happy that you were my first."
  344. >Your hormones can't contain it any more.
  345. >You give a small upward thrust and a moan leaves her lips.
  346. >Thrusting deeply, you can feel the wall of her womb.
  347. >She begins to prod back and forth, allowing your penis to rub the inside of her vagina.
  348. >Thrusting up and down, she proceeds to excel her movements.
  349. >Faster and faster, you feel her tighten up.
  350. >She's reaching her peak, and so are you.
  351. >The tightening tension on your cock is too much.
  352. >You cum as she orgasms over you.
  353. >She slides off your dick and lays on top of you.
  354. >Reaching over you, kiss her on the forehead as she nuzzles your chest before falling asleep.
  355. >Tired from all the action today, you fall asleep as well.
  356. >After the storm clears, you both head towards town again.
  357. >Rainbow laid restfully on your back as you carry her home.
  358. >"Oh yeah, I forgot!"
  359. >Dash goes into her pack and pulls out a bag.
  360. >Inside is fifty bits, a week's worth of pay.
  361. >You look inside the bag, guilty for tricking her like you did.
  362. >Handing her back the sack, she looks at you, confused.
  363. >You shake your head and smile.
  364. "Hold onto that. We could use it for dinner one of these nights."
  365. >She smiles and wraps her hooves around your neck in a tight hug.
  366. >This was worth more than a week's pay.
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