
Sorry for the wait, we're back! #NFA

Aug 11th, 2017
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  10. ====================@NFAgov===============================
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  12. Gawd, it feels good to be back,
  13. better than a ice cold cup of milk with a pb&j sandwich!..
  15. While we were out & about, we did happen to pick up quite a few more,
  16. handy set of skills that'll help us aide against these ratchet animal abusers!
  18. Our current journey will entail us re-visiting quite a few different counties including but not just Japan, Thailand and many more. We have many big leaks & possible defaces ahead, we promise!
  20. Outside of web-security, we also have acquired a few prog. langs. as well,
  21. so be prepared for some open-source projects that we'll be releasing as well!
  22. We have a tool we call "Ominous", which is a combination of a full-force vulnerability scanner mixed with a open-port brute forcer(passwd cracker)
  23. we plan on releasing that within the next month. But we have many other projects, you guys just wait!
  24. We're stoked!
  26. ***To every one who stuck around while we were out in the dojo getting prepared, you guys are what helps the drive to take down these abusers! You guys are faithful asf, no lie. We love you***
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