
Single again

Jul 11th, 2018
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  1. Dear friends of ex-girlfriend,
  2. I will not feel bad.
  3. I refuse to.
  4. It�s stupid to feel ridiculous for something so ... yeah, this is going to be one of those rants, and no, I give no fucks about it, nor of the miniscule effect of ripples this might have, and NO, despite what you think, this isn�t going to be tearing anything out of anyone in particular, I have no clue, I�m random as hell when it comes to these kinds of things. Epecially when it comes to processing and dealing with the weirdly apparent ecosystem of treading carefully around a persons feelings who�s no longer in my life.
  5. And yes, I�ve already gone through the emotions and blah blah blah... Look, final resting point?
  6. I wish her well in all that she does and hopes she finds someone that can make her happierr than I did, and that�s really all that comes down to it.
  7. There�s no love left for her, only well wishing, and a serious need to move the fuck on with my own path. I�m not oging to feel bad, I�m not going to cow down to whatever feeble attempts at basic, entry level, passive agressive insult you try to pass on to me by my writing this note, and I pretty much refuse to even give two shits about whatever the hell is causing you to feel like-
  8. Fuck it, short version, I don�t give a shit. and with THAT being siad, I need to get through this my way. if that means writing about awesome memories we shared whatever those may be, than by fucking god, I�m going to write about them, and you know what? Bully on you for trying to take that one aspect of mine away! Was I going to rant about something? i don�t know anymore, I guess i might�ve been trying to talk about the effect of being single again and what things have transpired in my life for the better, but at the same time, I�ve talked about being single in the past and all that�s done is either depress me or piss me off about whatever was happening at the time.
  9. I mean, let�s be honest here? I veiw Facebook politics with the same amount of mepathy that I do an ant on the sidewalk, I can either ignore, admire, or squish it. I am not one of those people that regularly needs to walk on eggshells because of how a person�s feeling at the moment, and whoopdifriggin do, you�re having a crap day, what do you want me to do about it? Fart in whatever dark cloud�s direction that�s currently making you have a Sad Face emoji kind of day and watch with either glee or contempt as nothing happens?
  10. Cause i will fart.
  11. I mean, just for the hell of it.
  12. It�s like my super power.
  13. I�m a fart based spiderman.
  14. A can of beano failed me after a wrestling match and now I claim it like it�s my power and my curse.
  16. After nearly two years dating a gal who, quite honestly, talked about weirdly nonthreatening instances of percieved slights like they were the absolute worst things in the world, who talked about China ripping off her designs by moving the pattern a single half inch up, who, as much as I loved hearing about this, because it seemed pretty calm in comparison to some of the twitter and YouTube BS I�ve had to deal with, talked about Instagram drama with a nervous laugh...
  17. I can still honestly say I don�t give a crap about it. Look, maybe the reason I haven�t grown much in any of my accounts is because I don�t really pander to my follower/Subscriber/friend/fan base anymore, but that�s only because I just stopped giving a royal flushing fuck about it, it no longer bothers me when someone screams, well... Caps Locks me �LOOK AT YOUR CHANNEL!� Like it�s really supposed to mean something to me.
  18. Like, seriously? What do you want me to look at? I at least post original content to my channel on the regular instead of the same cut and dried COD trippy trick shot which everyone has pretty much seen a dozen times over, and while it may not be the hit getter that I�d wish it were, I�m not so far up my own ass that I need to seek validation from people higher up on the food chain than myself just to feel great about accomplishments.
  19. Asking me if my books are selling is the same concept, i�ll just laugh at you, saying I don�t write books for the money, but rather because i want ot create and share with the world. Publishing just solidifies the fact that I put time, effort, and really polished the utter crap out of the project and made it shine.
  20. And yes, you could also argue that a few of my older projects are still in the writing phase, but you know what? One could argue that every possible thing you�ve done, has been done a thousand times over by millions of other people and the only thing you, yourself, can really do is make sure your shit is either on fleek, on flak, on figuro, or on top of something else that might look like the result of a bad LSD trip in a paint store while some glitter stripper dumbs a shit ton of it on you.
  21. Yes, the sparkly Rainbow fabric is amazing, and i�m sure at one point, someone else will find the supplier and other people can then expand upon the sparkly rainbow clothing line beyond leggings, because god damn it, the people don�t JUST wear stretchy pants, they wear other things as well, and you know what? Someday, being laser focused on leggings is going to dry up that well of buyers pretty fast.
  22. So, if she�s wondering �Why aren�t people buying as much anymore?� Well, if your product line is just many types of one thing, and you�ve been doing it for years, and people have been buying the same thing for years, at some point, you need to up your game and eat the frog and try for the next skill level up. Jackets, hoodies, shirts, and other things as well.
  23. Also, for god sake�s, please for the love of god hire on more people to help sow her stuff, she constantly worries about having time to spend with family when sewing, weird way of spelling that, but whatevs, it is what it is, takes up a huge chunk of her time, HIRE ON MORE PEOPLE, there are seamstresses and and seamsters (male version of seamstress) that have plenty of experience sewing multiple kinds of stitches, and yes, they will work to her satisfaction, and what�s more, yes, you�ll be paying more, but at the same time, you�ll be shipping more, which will in turn, boost your profits, so you can friggin expand the operation.
  25. She talked of eventually moving on to only design? well that�s how you do it you plan, work out the deets, plan, improve, when satisfied, shoot that shit down the pipeline, and let the worker bees handle the rest, then you can design something else! Simple in concept and in practice, easy as baking a fabric based apple pie!
  27. cause the cotton is apple scented.
  29. Not bagging on the product line, just offering some sage advice to expand the amount of products. Yes, she may be good at that one thing, but even a lumberjack needs to change axes every once in a while, lest he be chopping yonder trees down with a blunt wedge.
  31. Now for the slightly less fun part, because none of this was fun to write in the first place.
  32. total change in emotion now, first we got the ranting out of the way, then moved onto a more practical look at business.
  34. Her brother�s fucking awesome, no lie, no playin, no troll, he genuinely is. and yes, family first, regardless. That being said, being a youtuber is hard friggin work and yes, there are times where you just want to say, fuck it, not doing this shit, let someone else be the big shark in the little pool with the psychotic little rubber duckies in it.
  35. But here�s the thing, how are you going to get gud if you don�t practice your art, how do you spot the trouble areas and refine how you handle things, if you don�t upload on a daily basis? not every video has to be this EPIC GOD LIKE WORK OF ART! Nor does every video need to be a stupid meme with
  36. Doritos and mountain dew flaring in the background.
  37. Look, I get it, I truly, really do. Being a YouTuber, a Creator, a Creative in any respect is a lot of trial and error, and yes, your views aren�t just oging to magically spike because of some belated game play of a game that everyone else has already played and memed theh ell out of already. You need to be current, on tope of things, and at the same time, you need to expand upon the variety of content you upload.
  38. Animal videos are always a view getter, cuz animals are the greatest, vlogs are cool too, and game play is amazing as well, however, you sometimes need to dip into other genres that oyu haven�t previously thought about. Cooking, DIY projects, Original songs, skits, cars, politics, religion, theories, science, and more are just a few of the MANY things people search up.
  39. Yes, there is the possiblity of spreading oneself too thin, and i�ve experienced that myself, and there�s also the possibility of uploading way to often, which will tick people off surprisingly, but fuck those people, you�ve got a creative streak going and if you want to upload 14 five second videos of the same gummy bear being demolished in different ways to Metallica�s �Enter the Sandman� Then by fucking god, you do what makes you happy.
  41. Point being, you�ll find a way and a few genres that work for you, and no worries if your channel doesn�t explode within the first month, people who try to go for the gold early on are either A type personalities, or just people with the right kind of idiocy. Usually it�s those kinds of people that light their farts on fire and live to tell the tale to the doctors of how they got those micro-machines where they wound up.
  43. Anyways, I just needed to get this out of the way, take it how thou wilt, because I�m going to now spend two minutes editing this bitch with right clicking and selecting the word I meant. And sometimes? On the rare occasion, even writing the word out multiple times trying to tell the little squiggly red line to fuck right off!
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