
bath time for goo pone

Jun 16th, 2015
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  1. the high pitched whistle of the kettle alerts you that its task is done and carefully you pour the boiling water into the tub filled with sweet smelling herbs and bubbles.
  2. Tonight was bath night.
  3. You learnt early on that there was no point in keeping your clothes on, no matter how cautious you were, were not going to be staying dry so slipping on a set of trunks you steel your self arms at the ready before bellowing “bath time!” legs spread you are ready for her this tim- * splat * the force of the goo pony slamming into your chest is enough to tip you into the tub in a cacophony of shouts gurgles and bubbles.
  5. slowly your little goo pone reforms from the mess on your chest and stares you in the eye's, before you lean back and laugh happily.
  7. "every god damn time you little squirt, gonna need to work on my legs a bit eh?"
  9. Vital merely smiles and nuzzles your neck, bubbling appreciatively
  11. "oh well at least ill get cleaned up too eh?"
  13. today was bath night...gonna need to get some fresh clothes now though
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