

May 17th, 2014
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  2. New Shanghai, Western District, 2046
  3. Ambiance:
  5. ">"So this machine does what exactly?"
  6. "Its an Apotheosis Machine. My Deus Ex Machina"
  7. >"I don't understand."
  8. "The world is dying Khazard. Its obvious everywhere. No one cares about anyone else anymore. No one cares about virtue, or rationality. Everything sacred is profaned. Everything good is mocked. Everything true is just someone's opinion. I'm growing sick of it. Its in me too. It rots at me and tears at me. This Machine is my solution. My answer to the question of existence."
  9. >"I still don't understand. What does it DO exactly?"
  10. "The universe is a very complex place. The bottom levels are literally random. Particles that are neither matter not waves interact in ways that should literally be impossible. Illogical cross-sections. Things in two places at once. At the tiniest scales, literally anything can happen. Its all a matter of probability. In addition to this, every particle, I've discovered, is linked by an impossibly thin connection to every other particle at the lowest of scales."
  11. >"But what does it DO?"
  12. "I'm getting to that. The mind you see uses this impossible machinery to create consciuosness. Awareness doesn't make sense. Free will doesn't sense. If something happens by chance, did you really choose it? If something happens because of something else, isn't it just dominos? You still didn't choose it. But we choose things all the time. It doesn't make sense. The reason it can get away with not making sense is because of these quantum interrelations. The physical brain is intimately linked to the tiniest forces."
  13. >"Ok"
  14. "The short version of all this is that I've figured it all out. I've done what everyone said was impossible. I've figured out exactly how the universe works. I've achieved Enlightenment and put an end to Science. Using the Apotheosis Machine, I can use this knowledge to save the world. All the worlds. The Machine is my path to Apotheosis."
  15. >"Apotheosis?"
  16. "Do I have to explain everything? I am going to use this machine to link my mind with the fundamental Forces. Doing so will give my consciousness power over reality at the most fundamental level. I am going to become God."
  17. >"You? God? Thats ridiculous. No one can bear that kind of responsibility. And what makes you think this machine will even work?"
  18. "Oh it will work alright. All it needs is the right power source."
  20. At this an explosion is heard outside along with the sounds of shouting and gunfire. The glass windows on the surface floor shatter, echoing down into the basement of the underground complex. A SWAT team bursts into the room and aims their weapons at the young man in the labcoat, and the slightly mutated man sitting on a nearby table listening to him.
  22. >>"Professor Vigilance, put your hands in the air! You are under arrest for illegal experimentation, violation of Free Speech Limitations, and domestic terrorism."
  24. The man in the labcoat turns to the police officers in their heavy kevlar and automated weapons. Without making a sound he flips a small switch on the massive device behind him, causing the lights to go out. The men move to fire their weapons, only to find them jammed.
  26. >>"Whats going on? Don't let him get away!"
  28. "An electromagentic pulse usually follows the activation of a nuclear device. It serves you right for using chipped guns."
  30. The man in the labcoat and his aquantice get up and begin walking through a passageway behind the Machine and descend deeper in the facility as the SWAT stumbles around in the dark.
  32. >"Where are we going? What about your Machine?"
  34. "The machine has already activated. Soon the entire planet's electrical grid will be under my control. Its online now. When that happens, the entire productive output of the planet Earth and its colonies will flow into me, activating the actual protocols of the Machine."
  36. >"What if they destroy it before that happens?"
  38. "Don't have so little faith in me. The machine up there is only a decoy. An activation relay. The true device is buried, far from civilization. No one will ever find it until its too late."
  40. [End of Scene]
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