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May 29th, 2013
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  1. Yradnegel Mann has been stunned with the the stun baton by Fred McBrick!
  2. Fred McBrick is trying to take off a clown wig and mask from Yradnegel Mann's head!
  3. Fred McBrick is trying to take off the the botanist's leather gloves from Yradnegel Mann's hands!
  4. Fred McBrick is trying to take off the the black shoes from Yradnegel Mann's feet!
  5. Fred McBrick is trying to take off a botanist's jumpsuit from Yradnegel Mann's body!
  6. Fred McBrick is trying to take off a satchel from Yradnegel Mann's back!
  7. Fred McBrick is trying to take off Yradnegel Mann's ID Card (Botanist) from Yradnegel Mann's uniform!
  8. Fred McBrick is trying to empty Yradnegel Mann's pockets.
  9. Fred McBrick is trying to take off an apron from Yradnegel Mann's body!
  10. Yradnegel Mann stammers, "i h-h-h-hav-v-ve b-br-rok-ken-n n-no spac-ce law-w-ws-s s-sir-r"
  11. You are buckled in to the bed by Fred McBrick.
  12. The locker has been unlocked by Fred McBrick.
  13. Yradnegel Mann says, "what did i do"
  14. Fred McBrick is trying to put some orange shoes on Yradnegel Mann
  15. Fred McBrick is trying to put an orange jumpsuit on Yradnegel Mann
  16. Yradnegel Mann has been stunned with the the stun baton by Fred McBrick!
  17. Fred McBrick stuffs the satchel into Cell 1 Locker!
  18. Fred McBrick stuffs the botanist's jumpsuit into Cell 1 Locker!
  19. Fred McBrick stuffs Yradnegel Mann's ID Card (Botanist) into Cell 1 Locker!
  20. Fred McBrick stuffs the apron into Cell 1 Locker!
  21. Yradnegel Mann stammers, "i am g-get-ttin-n-ng-g a l-l-l-law-wy-y-yer, t-this-s is n-not-t good-d"
  22. Fred McBrick has thrown the botanist's leather gloves.
  23. Yradnegel Mann has been stunned with the the stun baton by Fred McBrick!
  24. Yradnegel Mann stammers, "if-f you los-se ye hal-l b-be an-n-n as-ss-s-sis-st-t-t-tant-t-t-t"
  25. The locker has been locked by Fred McBrick.
  26. Fred McBrick puts the stun baton into the security backpack.
  27. Yradnegel Mann says, "hey you ass, unbuckle me"
  28. Damien Hunt puts the energy gun into the medical backpack.
  29. Yradnegel Mann says, "god damn it"
  30. Yradnegel Mann says, "warden unbuckle me"
  31. NB Yeskey says, "SHAAADDUP"
  32. Yradnegel Mann says, "i do not deserve to be bucklecuffed for no reason"
  33. NB Yeskey fires the energy gun!
  34. Damien Hunt is hit by the electrode in the chest!
  35. Damien Hunt blocks the electrode with the riot shield!
  36. Yradnegel Mann says, "i did nothing wrong"
  37. Damien Hunt fires the energy gun!
  38. NB Yeskey is hit by the electrode in the head!
  39. Yradnegel Mann says, "cmo save me"
  40. Damien Hunt puts the energy gun into the medical backpack.
  41. Damien Hunt shakes NB Yeskey trying to get him up!
  42. Yradnegel Mann says, "cmo unbuckle me"
  43. Yradnegel Mann says, "zero you ass, unbuckle me"
  44. Fred McBrick has thrown the radio headset.
  45. Fred McBrick says, "So"
  46. Zero barks, "you hit me."
  47. Fred McBrick asks, "Why did you break into cargo?"
  48. Zero woofs, "and kicked"
  49. Fred McBrick asks, "And, why did you order illegal goods?"
  50. Yradnegel Mann says, "i did not break into cargo you ass, i got access from hop"
  51. Yradnegel Mann says, "and i got permission from hop to order those"
  52. Fred McBrick asks, "So you could get illegal things?"
  53. Yradnegel Mann says, "ya"
  54. Yradnegel Mann says, "but"
  55. Fred McBrick asks, "And why didn't you say you did?"
  56. Yradnegel Mann says, "it's not illegal"
  57. Yradnegel Mann says, "nox spess laws don't say drugs are illegal"
  58. Fred McBrick says, "It is"
  59. Fred McBrick says, "You can groew illegal things"
  60. Fred McBrick says, "Grow, rather"
  61. Yradnegel Mann says, "ik but why am i bucklecuffed"
  62. Yradnegel Mann says, "that's my question"
  63. Fred McBrick asks, "And why did you attack my dog, and run from me?"
  64. Zero Woofs.
  65. Yradnegel Mann says, "i ran from you because i did not want to be arrested for that"
  66. Fred McBrick says, "I'll un-bucklecuff you when I'm done with the questions"
  67. Fred McBrick says, "Answer me"
  68. Yradnegel Mann says, "i just did"
  69. Fred McBrick asks, "Why did you attack my dof and run from me?"
  70. Yradnegel Mann says, "i don't like corgis and nobody likes being arrested"
  71. Fred McBrick says, "Then you should have told me why you were there in the first place"
  72. Fred McBrick says, "And this corgi is a sec officer"
  73. Fred McBrick says, "So you assaulted an officer"
  74. Yradnegel Mann says, "corgi is not sec officer"
  75. Yradnegel Mann says, "he is sec pet"
  76. Fred McBrick says, "Not smart"
  77. Yradnegel Mann says, "why are you twisting spess law to be in your favor"
  78. Fred McBrick says, "Correction, he is a officer"
  79. Fred McBrick says, "I'm not"
  80. That's a floor.
  81. *---------*
  82. This is Fred McBrick!
  83. He is wearing a security officer's jumpsuit with a cargo bay guard armband.
  84. He is wearing a metro cop suit.
  85. He has a security backpack on his back.
  86. He has PDA-Fred McBrick (Security Officer) about his waist.
  87. He is wearing some jackboots on his feet.
  88. He has a metro cop mask on his face.
  89. He has HUDSunglasses covering his eyes.
  90. He has a security radio headset on his ears.
  91. He is wearing Fred McBrick's ID Card (Security Officer).
  92. *---------*
  93. Fred McBrick says, "Stop dancing around my questions"
  94. Fred McBrick says, "Answer me straight"
  95. Yradnegel Mann says, "okay now let me go, bucklecuffing is really gay"
  96. Fred McBrick asks, "So, why shouldn't I space you?"
  97. Yradnegel Mann says, "i don't wnat to answer your questions anymore"
  98. Priority Announcement
  100. The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
  102. Fred McBrick says, "If I let you off the bed, you'll run"
  103. Fred McBrick says, "Then have fun"
  104. Yradnegel Mann has been stunned with the the stun baton by Fred McBrick!
  105. Fred McBrick puts the stun baton into the security backpack.
  106. You were unbuckled from the bed by Fred McBrick.
  107. Thomas O' Malley [145.9] asks, " Chemistry do you have a meteor core?"
  108. Yradnegel Mann stammers, "ht-t-tt-tp-p://w-ww-ww-w.y-yout-tube.c-com-m/w-wat-tc-ch-h?v=T-T7-T-TB-BDek-k-kgug-g"
  109. Yradnegel Mann says, "you gotta be shitting me"
  110. You are buckled in to the chair by Fred McBrick.
  111. Fred McBrick says, "God luck corgi"
  112. Yradnegel Mann says, "okay this is slightly less gay"
  113. Fred McBrick says, "Good, rather"
  114. Yradnegel Mann says, "but still gay"
  115. Zero woofs, "by by"
  116. Fred McBrick says, "I don't care"
  117. Fred McBrick asks, "How 'bout no?"
  118. Yradnegel Mann says, "how about yes"
  119. Fred McBrick says, "Nope"
  120. Yradnegel Mann says, "so why am i being bucklecuffed, essentially permabrigged by a security officer with no permission from the warden for "assualt of a security officer/tresspass""
  121. Fred McBrick asks, "Perma?"
  122. Yradnegel Mann says, "that should be like a total of 7 minutes"
  123. Fred McBrick says, "I'm taking you to Nanotrassen"
  124. Fred McBrick says, "..."
  125. You attempt to unbuckle yourself. (This will take around 2 minutes and you need to stand still)
  126. Yradnegel Mann attempts to unbuckle themself!
  127. Yradnegel Mann has been stunned with the the stun baton by Fred McBrick!
  128. Fred McBrick puts the stun baton into the security backpack.
  129. Yradnegel Mann stammers, "d-do y-you h-hav-v-v-ve an-nyt-th-hin-n-ng-g b-bet-t-t-tt-ter-r to o or-r ar-re y-y-you t-th-his-s sh-hit-t"
  130. Fred McBrick says, "Pretty much"
  131. Yradnegel Mann says, "then why aren't you doing that other thing"
  132. Yradnegel Mann says, "instead of staying here"
  133. Yradnegel Mann says, "with me"
  134. Yradnegel Mann says, "forever"
  135. Fred McBrick says, "Cuz, I like pissing you off"
  136. Fred McBrick says, "Cuz it's easy"
  137. Fred McBrick says, "REEEEAL easy"
  138. Yradnegel Mann says, "of course i'm pissed, this sucks"
  139. Fred McBrick says, "And also, I'm not breaking any rules, so yeah"
  140. Yradnegel Mann says, "lol"
  141. Fred McBrick says, "Either I leave you here."
  142. Fred McBrick says, "Or I space you and leave"
  143. Current Admins:
  145. Fred McBrick says, "You decide"
  146. Bridge announcement: Attention crew, this is your Head of Personnel. Being that the Captain and Head of Security are both dead, anything you would need to ask either of them, you can ask me until such that either of them are cloned. Thank you.
  147. Yradnegel Mann says, "are you sure about this"
  148. Saved screenshot to C:\Users\ted\Documents\BYOND\screenshots\NoX Station 13 2013-05-29 020820.png
  149. Saved screenshot to C:\Users\ted\Documents\BYOND\screenshots\NoX Station 13 2013-05-29 020820 (1).png
  150. Fred McBrick says, "Yes, I am"
  151. Yradnegel Mann says, "and this is the kind of display you would put up when applying for admin"
  152. Fred McBrick asks, "What?"
  153. Yradnegel Mann says, "because you applied for admin and i find it interesting you would still do this as an admin"
  154. Fred McBrick says, "I wouldn't"
  155. Yradnegel Mann says, "so why are you doing it"
  156. Fred McBrick says, "Because your being a complete idiot"
  157. Yradnegel Mann says, "so what you are saying"
  158. Fred McBrick says, "Is that your a idiot"
  159. Yradnegel Mann says, "is that you can bucklecuff people the entire round because you don't like them"
  160. Fred McBrick asks, "?"
  161. Fred McBrick says, "I didn't buckecuff you the whole round"
  162. Fred McBrick says, "Most of it you were running around in circles"
  163. Fred McBrick says, "And I saved you"
  164. Fred McBrick says, "The HOS was gonna kill you"
  165. Yradnegel Mann says, "i'm pretty sure there was only like 6 minutes of me not being arrested"
  166. Fred McBrick says, "Better than dying"
  167. Priority Announcement
  169. The Emergency Shuttle has docked with the station. You have 3 minutes to board the Emergency Shuttle.
  171. Yradnegel Mann says, "is this your idea of proper security play"
  172. Fred McBrick asks, "Is this your idea of RP?"
  173. Yradnegel Mann says, "nox station is not a RP station"
  174. Yradnegel Mann says, "i can ooc all i want"
  175. Fred McBrick says, "I know that..."
  176. Current Admins:
  178. Fred McBrick says, "Your fail RP is running around Cargo"
  179. Yradnegel Mann says, "what"
  180. Fred McBrick says, "Running around in circles"
  181. Alert: 2 authorizations needed until shuttle is launched early
  182. Fred McBrick says, "So yeah, shuddup"
  183. You were unbuckled from the chair by Fred McBrick.
  184. Fred McBrick says, "There"
  185. Fred McBrick asks, "Happy?"
  186. Fred McBrick says, "You can leave if you want now"
  187. Yradnegel Mann says, "no because this is shit"
  188. Fred McBrick says, "In fact"
  189. Fred McBrick says, "Let me help you with that"
  190. Fred McBrick has grabbed Yradnegel Mann passively!
  191. Fred McBrick has grabbed Yradnegel Mann aggressively (now hands)!
  192. Fred McBrick has thrown Yradnegel Mann.
  193. Fred McBrick has grabbed Yradnegel Mann passively!
  194. Fred McBrick has grabbed Yradnegel Mann aggressively (now hands)!
  195. Fred McBrick has thrown Yradnegel Mann.
  196. Alert: Shuttle launch time shortened to 10 seconds!
  197. Fred McBrick says, "Bye"
  198. Priority Announcement
  200. The Emergency Shuttle has left the station. Estimate 2 minutes until the shuttle docks at Central Command.
  202. Fred McBrick says, "Ha"
  203. Fred McBrick buckles in!
  204. Fred McBrick unbuckled !
  205. Fred McBrick says, "OK, bye bye"
  206. Yradnegel Mann has been stunned with the the stun baton by Fred McBrick!
  207. Yradnegel Mann stammers, "i was-s-s h-h-h-hop-pin-n-ng-g t-to o on-ne m-mor-re r-r-roun-nd-d t-th-hen go t-to b-bed-d-d b-but-t i a goin-ng-g to hav-ve t-to d-d-do oh-h-her-r-r-r th-hin-ng-gs-s"
  208. Fred McBrick puts the stun baton into the security backpack.
  209. Yradnegel Mann stammers, "w-w-wow-w-w"
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