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29/10/2016 IRC Recap

a guest
Oct 29th, 2016
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  1. [15:12:52] <Monet> I just had a realisation regarding the Imperial Blood Dragons.
  2. [15:13:15] <Monet> Their method of recruitment could be considered quite controversial.
  3. [15:13:25] <Hachiman> Oh?
  4. [15:14:17] <Monet> Well, the recruits are donated from families as eggs.
  5. [15:14:36] <Monet> Or newborn hatchlings possibly.
  6. [15:15:11] * ImpyDroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  7. [15:15:13] <Monet> Basically they are raised in an environment where the guard's garrison is only world they know.
  8. [15:17:10] <dino82_> auch
  9. [15:18:51] <Monet> Not only that, recruits are conditioned to regress into a violently protective state when their paired battle-partner died.
  10. [15:19:00] <Monet> dies in view*
  11. [15:19:56] <Monet> They are trained to be soldiers from birth and conditioned to kill any threat to the body of a freshly-deceased partner.
  12. [15:21:00] <Monet> Meanwhile Prime dragons are psychologically paired with the paragon so when *they* die, they protect the body at all costs.
  13. [15:21:15] <Monet> Similar to how they'd protect a fallen partner.
  14. [15:24:49] <dino82_> And then they frown upon Rambo policies concerning the gorge? Interessting...........
  15. [15:25:38] <Monet> Well it might be this is an ancient practice.
  16. [15:26:36] <Monet> Bit it has been interesting that in the five years I've had the DI around, hardly anything has been said about the controversiality of this compared to the ocntroversiality of the sub-citizenry system.
  17. [15:28:51] <dino82_> Idd, it is also the first time the Ramob and DI have a differance of opinion
  18. [15:29:37] <Monet> dino82: It might be that Draocnid citizens don't see a hypocrisy. They see the Gorge as a threat to international relations and free trade while the Blood Dragons are mostly an internal matter.
  19. [15:30:27] <dino82_> yeah :D though the free trade is an interessitng concept, there has never been free trade in RAmbo space , they just extend it now over the Unclaimed Territories as well
  20. [15:30:36] <dino82_> to reduce smuggling and slavery amongst other things
  21. [15:30:42] <dino82_> and to keep Heer STekeveel out :D
  22. [15:31:14] <dino82_> I like the tense situtation it created :D Showed some political difference amongst allies
  23. [15:31:24] <dino82_> and fitting of hte Gigaquadrant Conflicts :d
  24. [15:32:47] <Monet> Ideally yes, every nation - just like every real person - has their own dreams and goals.
  25. [15:36:53] <Monet> A universe where all nations have almost identical desires and values is like a world where no one disagrees with each other - peaceful, but ultimately dull.
  26. [15:39:00] <dino82_> yeah, it seems afterthey defeated the Xhodocto and other threats the allies seem to bicker amongst each other
  27. [15:40:08] <Monet> Probably because the Xhodocto were something everyone could agree about.
  28. [15:45:12] <dino82_> haha idd
  29. [15:45:30] <dino82_> It is a bit in the spirit of the Gigaquadrant, after a unifying threat is gone, alliances fracture
  30. [15:47:45] <Monet> Not too surprising. The US and USSR were culturally alien to each other. Roosevelt didn't trust Stalin. But they both saw more danger in Nazi Germany.
  31. [15:48:22] <Monet> Were it not for them, WWII could have potentially been between Russia and the US.
  32. [15:51:32] <Monet> There might be things about the DI that the French disagree with. But don't do it publicly because that would cause a rift neither side wants.
  33. [15:53:00] <dino82_> Understandable, though it did create a rift with the Rambo because of it
  34. [15:55:42] <Xho> what's this about xhodocto now
  35. [15:56:51] * Charles_Bot (uid94017@gateway/web/ has joined
  36. [15:56:56] <Monet> Xho: We believe the Xhodocto were one of the few things that unifi
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