
Fluffy Wants to Play with Sea Fluffy

Oct 22nd, 2012
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  1. Murphy 10/22/12(Mon)01:17 No.5221723
  2. Replies: >>5221914
  4. Hmh. Game on.
  6. >Seven AM, wakin' up in the morning, gotta be-
  7. "DADDEH!"
  8. >God fucking damnit. As you were thinking, gotta me Mute-Anon, savior of the Pumpkin Patch. Or something. You'd bought a fluffy a couple weeks back, after hearing they were accident prone, and decided to take care of one, to enlongate it's life to as long as possible. You had fun with it for about six minutes, then it shit all over everything.
  10. >Wait, what? This actually caught your attention, you didn't think it even remembered the store. All it did was babble on about sketties and huwties, you figured it'd forgotten ten minutes after arriving home. However, here was proof to the contrary. In response, you shrugged and smiled softly; the tiny fluffy ball of nuisance was incredibly irritating, but it still bored a hole through your heart every time it locked eyes with you.
  12. >The car ride over was uneventful, though, with the luck you'd been having, you were surprised you made it to the store at all. In fact, you had expected to have been disemboweled and decapitated while trying desperately to protect the fluffy. Better than expected.
  13. >Anyhow, you arrived at the store in one piece, and picked up the giggling, burbling flurry of excitement, pushing through the doors and into the familiar environment of Joe's Pet Store/Coffee Shop. Joe himself greeted you with a silent nod and went about his own business, leaving you to wander.
  14. >As you passed the arachnid section, your fluffy screeched in terror.
  16. >The spider had absolutely no interest, and went about spinning the web it was building, leaving the screaming, terrified fluffy alone. However, the fluffy was convinced this thing was trying to get it, and wriggles from your vicegrip, sprinting as fast as it's little legs and underdeveloped wings would carry it to the brightly lit and padded corner of the store.
  17. >Inwardly, you sighed with relief; he'd ran for the fluffy habitat.
  19. >Giving a quick nod (which, for some reason, you were sure it returned) to the spider, you sauntered out towards the heavily padded habitat, confident that your fluffy had not managed to brutally slay itself.
  20. >As luck would have it, you were right! Your fluffy was too busy babbling at a picture on a food bag to have gouged out it's eyes on accident. As if sensing your presence, it spun around, eyes becoming the size of dinner plates at the sight of his owner.
  22. >You scooped him into your arms, hugging him tight and, as you finished, booping him lightly on the nose as punishment for running away. It just giggled a little and rolled to it's stomach, pointing a fuzzy hoof at the water filled tank opposite you.
  23. "Wan see wawta fwuffies. Pwease, daddeh?"
  24. >Jesus, those eyes again. You sighed lightly, then nodded assent, carrying him over in a tight vicegrip to make sure he would not escape this time- it hadn't worked well in the past, but you didn't have anything else to keep him still.
  25. >The two of you proceeded forwards, the fluffy wiggling and writhing in your firm grasp as it tried to get closer. You held firm, though, bringing him up against the glass. You'd never seen sea fluffies before, and you swore Joe didn't have them the last time you came here.
  26. "FWUFFY WAN PWAY WAWTAH FWUFFIES!" your fluffy shrieked, squirming more vigorously.
  27. >Yeah, no. You hadn't done all you'd done for this little bastard to die drowning, and nothing was-
  29. >God fucking damnit, fluffy.
  31. >The thing released a torrent of shit, loosening your grip just enough for it to squeeze out and clamber up the tank's wall into the water. It sat there for a moment before realizing it couldn't swim, then started the process of flailing and screaming for help. You were now covered in shot and thoroughly upset; that little fucking asshat wasn't getting help from you any time soon. It screeched like a monkey being dissected alive, and, as it were, the sea fluffies were drawn out by his ruckus.
  32. >Turned out, they were a bit more intelligent than you thought; broken english ran rampant, but they could grasp concepts a bit easier. And, working your way into your devilish plan, they could read.
  33. >You quickly took a piece of paper out of your pocket, along with your trusty pen, and, as you wrote the word that would seal the little bastard's fate, both parties said something.
  34. "Daddeh... hewp..." came from your fluffy.
  35. "Mistah...? Whaz dis?" came from one of the sea fluffies.
  36. >Grinning evilly, you pushed the now written on paper against the glass, then pointed to your fluffy. The paper, though not signifigcant itself, held a life changing, and ending, message for your fluffy; Nummies. The sea fluffies began to cannibalize the bratty, greedy land fluffy, not realizing the severity of this. Your fluffy, which you thought to be dead, began screaming anew, blood pouring into the tank, dying the once clear water red.
  37. >Eventually, Joe noticed this, then came over casually, inquiring, "Dude, what the hell happened here?"
  38. >You crossed out the "nummies" side of your paper, then wrote "He just jumped in, there was no way I could stop him."
  39. >You feared that Joe would kick you out, or, worse, call the cops. Instead, Joe did something unexpected. He smiled, winked, and returned to his counter.
  41. >The carcass of your late pet dangled limply in the water, like a ragdoll between children. You chuckled lightly, then, as you were turning to leave, something caught your eye.
  42. >A little unicorn fluffy, whom appeared to be sizing you up. Strange, as the rest of them were cowering in a corner from the "scawwy mawnstah." It just looked up at you with it's big, brown eyes, and grimaced.
  43. "Yoo smawt hooman. Wetting fwuffy die was good choice."
  44. >Oh ho, what was that? You cocked your head slightly, betraying your interest.
  45. "Fwuffy was stoopid. Was bad fwuffy. Powo good fwuffy. Yoo take Powo home nahw."
  46. >You liked his spunk. Taking the fluffy to the counter, you payed Joe and drove off, feeling as though you made a good decision. Polo would be a good fluffy, you could feel it. This would be the start of a lasting friendship, even in human terms.
  47. >Polo was not your average fluffy.
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