

Sep 11th, 2013
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  1. Name: Idir Haida
  2. XP: 0/80
  3. Company XP: 8/28
  6. Body 2
  7. Coordination 2
  8. Sense 3
  9. Knowledge 3
  10. Command 4
  11. Charm 3
  13. Skills
  14. Body-
  15. Parry 3
  16. Coordination-
  17. Sword Skill 4
  18. Dagger Skill 1
  19. Sense-
  20. Sight 1
  21. Empathy 2
  22. Scrutinize 3
  23. Knowledge-
  24. Tactics 1
  25. Strategy 2
  26. Student of Trade 4+ED
  27. Student of Politics 2
  28. Language: Desert Short-Ear 1M+Literacy
  29. Language: Marchtongue 2
  30. Language: Long Ear 2
  31. Language: Mer 2
  32. Command-
  33. Haggle 4+MD
  34. Inspire 3
  35. Charm-
  36. Graces 1
  37. Fascinate 4
  39. Advantage:
  40. Wealth 5
  41. Followers 2 (Threat 3, 2 Caravan Drivers and 8 Caravan Guards)
  42. Status 2 (Head of Floundering Merchant House)
  43. Possession 1 (Jeweled Cape Clasp with House Haida emblem)
  44. Thick-Headed
  45. Beauty 3
  47. Problem:
  48. Hated Rival (Another merchant house)
  50. Passion:
  51. Mission- Expand House Haida's caravans back to old routes (Eight caravans).
  52. Duty- Do nothing that would shame the merchant house of Haida.
  53. Craving- Enjoy the fuck out of your money. That's what it's there for, after all.
  55. Esoteric: Financial Sophistication
  56. 1: Water Seeks The Lowest Point
  57. 2: Calculated Show Of Avarice
  58. 3: Calculated Show of Generosity
  59. 4: Timed Incentive
  60. 5: The Shadow of Giants
  62. Company:
  63. Provides 1 Treasure to Company through trade missions based in the town.
  64. Provides 1 Influence to Company through Patronage.
  66. Backstory:
  68. Once, House Haida was one of the most formidable merchant houses of the desert lands in the south. Once, House Haida's Merchant Prince (or Princess) was the person to fear or love, to imitate and desire, and goods simply bearing the Haida logo were snapped up above all others. Once, House Haida nearly owned the south. Those days are long dead and gone. Over the past several centuries, jealous rivals spearheaded by House Mellouk slowly chipped away at the edges of the merchant empire, waiting for an opportunity to steal the empire out from under a weaker, unworthy Prince of Haida. That prince would turn out to be Idir's father, Azedine. While Azedine was not stupid, nor was he poor with money, he had a gullible streak that would prove to be his undoing. When a deal that seemed too good to be true came in front of him, he pounced, and lost nearly the entirety of his family's fortune on a con set up by Mellouk. With the banked capital gone, every enemy Haida had made roared up to get their own kicks in, attacking caravans, burning trade posts, and assaulting family of caravaneers. Eventually, Azedine was forced to sign a shameful peace agreement with Mellouk, where nearly all of Haida's non-capital assets (trade posts, routes, the majority of their remaining caravans) would sign over to Mellouk, as well as Azedine's two daughters, to be married to Mellouk branch members. In the wake of this peace, Azedine committed suicide, leaving a shattered empire to Idir.
  70. Idir is a very young elf, though he learned through harsh experience the ways of not running a Merchant Empire from his father. He is a polyglot, capable of communicating fluently with nearly any elf on the planet (though some accents still give him fits). Now, alone and yearning for those days where his family was on top, he's moved to Bluebell Town in order to start anew, and eventually bring the Mellouks to heel.
  72. Idir is a young elf of about 80 years of age. He has a slightly tan complexion, and short black hair. He has slight facial stubble.
  74. He is intelligent and capable of speaking many languages, but has poor impulse control and loves to spend his money on vanities.
  76. Family:
  78. House Haida is now a shadow of what it once was, with only three surviving members, only one of which is technically still a part of the house. Idir, and his sisters Zahra and Najia. Zahra and Najia were married to members of House Mellouk in the wake of their father's surrender, though Idir has heard nothing regarding them being treated poorly in any way (on the contrary, it seems their new husbands are quite smitten with them and treat them very well). Idir cannot confirm this, as House Mellouk is not about to let the last scion of the Haida family "conspire" with his siblings.
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